
Results 101–150 of 176
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Heavy ion radiation effects studies with ion photon emission microscopy

Hattar, Khalid M.; Powell, Cody J.; Doyle, Barney L.

The development of a new radiation effects microscopy (REM) technique is crucial as emerging semiconductor technologies demonstrate smaller feature sizes and thicker back end of line (BEOL) layers. To penetrate these materials and still deposit sufficient energy into the device to induce single event effects, high energy heavy ions are required. Ion photon emission microscopy (IPEM) is a technique that utilizes coincident photons, which are emitted from the location of each ion impact to map out regions of radiation sensitivity in integrated circuits and devices, circumventing the obstacle of focusing high-energy heavy ions. Several versions of the IPEM have been developed and implemented at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL). One such instrument has been utilized on the microbeam line of the 6 MV tandem accelerator at SNL. Another IPEM was designed for ex-vacu use at the 88 cyclotron at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). Extensive engineering is involved in the development of these IPEM systems, including resolving issues with electronics, event timing, optics, phosphor selection, and mechanics. The various versions of the IPEM and the obstacles, as well as benefits associated with each will be presented. In addition, the current stage of IPEM development as a user instrument will be discussed in the context of recent results.

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Imaging penetrating radiation through ion photon emission microscopy

Hattar, Khalid M.; Villone, J.; Powell, Cody J.; Doyle, Barney L.

The ion photon emission microscope (IPEM), a new radiation effects microscope for the imaging of single event effects from penetrating radiation, is being developed at Sandia National Laboratories and implemented on the 88' cyclotron at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories. The microscope is designed to permit the direct correlation between the locations of high-energy heavy-ion strikes and single event effects in microelectronic devices. The development of this microscope has required the production of a robust optical system that is compatible with the ion beam lines, design and assembly of a fast single photon sensitive measurement system to provide the necessary coincidence, and the development and testing of many scintillating films. A wide range of scintillating material for application to the ion photon emission microscope has been tested with few meeting the stringent radiation hardness, intensity, and photon lifetime requirements. The initial results of these luminescence studies and the current operation of the ion photon emission microscope will be presented. Finally, the planned development for future microscopes and ion luminescence testing chambers will be discussed.

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Radiation microscope for SEE testing using GeV ions

Villone, J.; Hattar, Khalid M.; Doyle, Barney L.; Knapp, J.A.

Radiation Effects Microscopy is an extremely useful technique in failure analysis of electronic parts used in radiation environment. It also provides much needed support for development of radiation hard components used in spacecraft and nuclear weapons. As the IC manufacturing technology progresses, more and more overlayers are used; therefore, the sensitive region of the part is getting farther and farther from the surface. The thickness of these overlayers is so large today that the traditional microbeams, which are used for REM are unable to reach the sensitive regions. As a result, higher ion beam energies have to be used (> GeV), which are available only at cyclotrons. Since it is extremely complicated to focus these GeV ion beams, a new method has to be developed to perform REM at cyclotrons. We developed a new technique, Ion Photon Emission Microscopy, where instead of focusing the ion beam we use secondary photons emitted from a fluorescence layer on top of the devices being tested to determine the position of the ion hit. By recording this position information in coincidence with an SEE signal we will be able to indentify radiation sensitive regions of modern electronic parts, which will increase the efficiency of radiation hard circuits.

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Phosphors' lifetime measurement employing the Time Between Photons method

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms

Rossi, P.; Doyle, Barney L.; Brice, D.K.; Vizkelethy, G.; McDaniel, F.D.; Branson, J.V.

The Time Between Photons theory (hereafter TBP) is applied to the evaluation of the lifetime of phosphors employed in the Ion Photon Emission Microscope (IPEM). IPEM allows Radiation Effects Microscopy (REM) without focused ion beams and appears to be the best tool for the radiation hardness assessment of modern integrated circuit at cyclotron energies. IPEM determines the impact point of a single ion onto the sample by measuring the light spot produced on a thin phosphor layer placed on the sample surface. The spot is imaged by an optical microscope and projected at high magnification onto a Position Sensitive Detector (PSD). Phosphors, when excited by an ion, emit photons with a particular lifetime, which is important to evaluate. We measured the statistical distribution of the Time Between consecutive detected Photons (TBP) for several phosphors and have been able to link it to their lifetime employing a theory that is derived in this paper. The single-photon signals are provided by the IPEM-PSD, or faster photomultipliers when high-speed materials had to be assessed. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Ion beam analysis of targets used in controlatron neutron generators

AIP Conference Proceedings

Banks, James C.; Walla, Lisa A.; Walsh, David S.; Doyle, Barney L.

Controlatron neutron generators are used for testing neutron detection systems at Sandia National Laboratories. To provide for increased tube lifetimes for the moderate neutron flux output of these generators, metal hydride (ZrT 2) target fabrication processes have been developed. To provide for manufacturing quality control of these targets, ion beam analysis techniques are used to determine film composition. The load ratios (i.e. T/Zr concentration ratios) of ZrT 2 Controlatron neutron generator targets have been successfully measured by simultaneously acquiring RBS and ERD data using a He ++ beam energy of 10 MeV. Several targets were measured and the film thicknesses obtained from RBS measurements agreed within ±2% with Dektak profilometer measurements. The target fabrication process and ion beam analysis techniques will be presented. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.

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A dual neutron/gamma source for the Fissmat Inspection for Nuclear Detection (FIND) system

Antolak, Arlyn J.; Doyle, Barney L.; King, Michael K.; Provencio, P.N.; Raber, Thomas N.

Shielded special nuclear material (SNM) is very difficult to detect and new technologies are needed to clear alarms and verify the presence of SNM. High-energy photons and neutrons can be used to actively interrogate for heavily shielded SNM, such as highly enriched uranium (HEU), since neutrons can penetrate gamma-ray shielding and gamma-rays can penetrate neutron shielding. Both source particles then induce unique detectable signals from fission. In this LDRD, we explored a new type of interrogation source that uses low-energy proton- or deuteron-induced nuclear reactions to generate high fluxes of mono-energetic gammas or neutrons. Accelerator-based experiments, computational studies, and prototype source tests were performed to obtain a better understanding of (1) the flux requirements, (2) fission-induced signals, background, and interferences, and (3) operational performance of the source. The results of this research led to the development and testing of an axial-type gamma tube source and the design/construction of a high power coaxial-type gamma generator based on the {sup 11}B(p,{gamma}){sup 12}C nuclear reaction.

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Ion-luminescence properties of GaN films being developed for IPEM

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms

Rossi, Paolo R.; Doyle, Barney L.; Vizkelethy, G.; McDaniel, F.D.; Knapp, J.A.; Jauregui, H.; Villone, J.

Radiation effects microscopy (REM) for the next generation integrated circuits (ICs) will require GeV ions both to provide high ionization and to penetrate the thick overlayers in present day ICs. These ion beams can be provided by only a few cyclotrons in the world. Since it is extremely hard to focus these higher-energy ions, we have proposed the ion photon emission microscope (IPEM) that allows the determination of the ion hits by focusing the emitted photons to a position sensitive detector. The IPEM needs a thin luminescent foil that has high brightness, good spatial resolution and does not change the incident ion's energy and direction significantly. Available organic-phosphor foils require a large thickness to produce enough photons, which results in poor spatial resolution. To solve this problem, we have developed thin, lightly doped n-type GaN films that are extremely bright. We have grown high quality GaN films on sapphire using metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), detached the films from the substrate using laser ablation, and made them self-supporting. The smallest foils have 1 mm2 area and 1 μm thickness. The optical properties, such as light yield, spectrum and decay times were measured and compared to those of conventional phosphors, by using both alpha particles from a radioactive source and 250 keV ions from an implanter. We found that the GaN performance strongly depends on composition and doping levels. The conclusion is that 1-2 μm GaN film of a 1 mm2 area may become an ideal ion position detector. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Photofission in uranium by nuclear reaction gamma-rays

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms

Morse, Daniel H.; Antolak, Arlyn J.; Doyle, Barney L.

The ideal photon source for active interrogation of fissile materials would use monoenergetic photons to minimize radiation dose to surroundings. The photon energy would be high enough to produce relatively large photofission signals, but below the photoneutron threshold for common cargo materials in order to reduce background levels. To develop such a source, we are investigating the use of low-energy, proton-induced nuclear reactions to generate monochromatic, MeV-energy gamma-rays. Of particular interest are the nuclear resonances at 163 keV for the 11B(p,γ)12C reaction producing 11.7 MeV gamma-rays, 340 keV for the 19F(p,αγ)16O reaction producing 6.13 MeV photons, and 441 keV for the 7Li(p,γ)8Be reaction producing 14.8 and 17.7 MeV photons. A 700 keV Van de Graaff ion accelerator was used to test several potential (p,γ) materials and the gamma-ray yields from these targets were measured with a 5″ × 5″ NaI detector. A pulsed proton beam from the accelerator was used to induce prompt (neutron) and delayed (neutron and gamma-ray) photofission signals in uranium which were measured with 3He and NaI detectors. We show that the accelerator data is in good agreement with Monte Carlo radiation transport calculations and published results.

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Particulate characterization by PIXE multivariate spectral analysis

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms

Antolak, Arlyn J.; Morse, Daniel H.; Grant, Patrick G.; Kotula, Paul G.; Doyle, Barney L.; Richardson, Charles B.

Obtaining particulate compositional maps from scanned PIXE (proton-induced X-ray emission) measurements is extremely difficult due to the complexity of analyzing spectroscopic data collected with low signal-to-noise at each scan point (pixel). Multivariate spectral analysis has the potential to analyze such data sets by reducing the PIXE data to a limited number of physically realizable and easily interpretable components (that include both spectral and image information). We have adapted the AXSIA (automated expert spectral image analysis) program, originally developed by Sandia National Laboratories to quantify electron-excited X-ray spectroscopy data, for this purpose. Samples consisting of particulates with known compositions and sizes were loaded onto Mylar and paper filter substrates and analyzed by scanned micro-PIXE. The data sets were processed by AXSIA and the associated principal component spectral data were quantified by converting the weighting images into concentration maps. The results indicate automated, nonbiased, multivariate statistical analysis is useful for converting very large amounts of data into a smaller, more manageable number of compositional components needed for locating individual particles-of-interest on large area collection media.

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Damage equivalence of heavy ions in silicon bipolar junction transistors

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science

Bielejec, E.; Vizkelethy, G.; Kolb, N.R.; King, Donald B.; Doyle, Barney L.

Results of displacement damage correlation between neutrons, light ions and heavy ions in bipolar junction transistors are presented. Inverse gain degradation as the function of fluence was measured. The inverse gain degradation due to heavy ion irradiation followed the Messenger-Spratt equation, while some deviation was found for light ions. © 2006 IEEE.

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Simulation of neutron displacement damage in bipolar junction transistors using high-energy heavy ion beams

Bielejec, Edward S.; Doyle, Barney L.; Buller, Daniel L.; Fleming, Robert M.; Hjalmarson, Harold P.

Electronic components such as bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) are damaged when they are exposed to radiation and, as a result, their performance can significantly degrade. In certain environments the radiation consists of short, high flux pulses of neutrons. Electronics components have traditionally been tested against short neutron pulses in pulsed nuclear reactors. These reactors are becoming less and less available; many of them were shut down permanently in the past few years. Therefore, new methods using radiation sources other than pulsed nuclear reactors needed to be developed. Neutrons affect semiconductors such as Si by causing atomic displacements of Si atoms. The recoiled Si atom creates a collision cascade which leads to displacements in Si. Since heavy ions create similar cascades in Si we can use them to create similar damage to what neutrons create. This LDRD successfully developed a new technique using easily available particle accelerators to provide an alternative to pulsed nuclear reactors to study the displacement damage and subsequent transient annealing that occurs in various transistor devices and potentially qualify them against radiation effects caused by pulsed neutrons.

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Strain fields around high-energy ion tracks in α-quartz

Journal of Applied Physics

Follstaedt, D.M.; Norman, A.K.; Doyle, Barney L.; McDaniel, F.D.

Transmission electron microscopy has been used to image the tracks of high-energy 197Au +26 (374 MeV) and 127I +18 (241 MeV) ions incident in a nonchanneling direction through a prethinned specimen of hexagonal α-quartz (SiO 2). These ions have high electronic stopping powers in quartz, 24 and 19 keV/nm, respectively, which are sufficient to produce a disordered latent track. When the tracks are imaged with diffraction contrast using several different reciprocal lattice vectors, they exhibit a radial strain extending outward from their disordered centerline approximately 16 nm into the crystalline surroundings. The images are consistent with a radial strain field with cylindrical symmetry around the amorphous track, like that found in models developed to account for the lateral expansion of amorphous SiO 2 films produced by irradiation with high-energy ions. These findings provide an experimental basis for increased confidence in such modeling. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.

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PIXE-quantified AXSIA: Elemental mapping by multivariate spectral analysis

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms

Doyle, Barney L.; Provencio, P.N.; Kotula, Paul G.; Antolak, Arlyn J.; Ryan, C.G.; Campbell, J.L.; Barrett, K.

Automated, nonbiased, multivariate statistical analysis techniques are useful for converting very large amounts of data into a smaller, more manageable number of chemical components (spectra and images) that are needed to describe the measurement. We report the first use of the multivariate spectral analysis program AXSIA (Automated eXpert Spectral Image Analysis) developed at Sandia National Laboratories to quantitatively analyze micro-PIXE data maps. AXSIA implements a multivariate curve resolution technique that reduces the spectral image data sets into a limited number of physically realizable and easily interpretable components (including both spectra and images). We show that the principal component spectra can be further analyzed using conventional PIXE programs to convert the weighting images into quantitative concentration maps. A common elemental data set has been analyzed using three different PIXE analysis codes and the results compared to the cases when each of these codes is used to separately analyze the associated AXSIA principal component spectral data. We find that these comparisons are in good quantitative agreement with each other. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Heavy ion beam induced current/charge (IBIC) through insulating oxides

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms

Vizkelethy, Gyorgy; Brice, David K.; Doyle, Barney L.

Model experiments were performed on MOS (metal-oxide semiconductor) capacitors to study ion beam induced charge generation in silicon-on-insulator (SOI) devices. Surprisingly large induced charge was found and a lateral non-uniformity of the induced charge was discovered across the top electrode of the capacitor. In this paper we will give a simple model for the charge induction in MOS structures and an explanation of the lateral changes in the amount of induced charge. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Results 101–150 of 176
Results 101–150 of 176