
Results 26–50 of 64
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Modeling and Validation of the Thermal Response of TDI Encapsulating Foam as a function of Initial Density

Dodd, Amanda B.; Larsen, Marvin E.

TDI foams of nominal density from 10 to 45 pound per cubic foot were decomposed within a heated stainless steel container. The pressure in the container and temperatures measured by thermocouples were recorded with each test proceeding to an allowed maximum pressure before venting. Two replicate tests for each of four densities and two orientations in gravity produced very consistent pressure histories. Some thermal responses demonstrate random sudden temperature increases due to decomposition product movement. The pressurization of the container due to the generation of gaseous products is more rapid for denser foams. When heating in the inverted orientation, where gravity is in the opposite direction of the applied heat flux, the liquefied decomposition products move towards the heated plate and the pressure rises more rapidly than in the upright configuration. This effect is present at all the densities tested but becomes more pronounced as density of the foam is decreased. A thermochemical material model implemented in a transient conduction model solved with the finite element method was compared to the test data. The expected uncertainty of the model was estimated using the mean value method and importance factors for the uncertain parameters were estimated. The model that was assessed does not consider the effect of liquefaction or movement of gases. The result of the comparison is that the model uncertainty estimates do not account for the variation in orientation (no gravitational affects are in the model) and therefore the pressure predictions are not distinguishable due to orientation. Temperature predictions were generally in good agreement with the experimental data. Predictions for response locations on the outside of the can benefit from reliable estimates associated with conduction in the metal. For the lighter foams, temperatures measured on the embedded component fall well with the estimated uncertainty intervals indicating the energy transport rate through the decomposed region appears to be accurately estimated. The denser foam tests were terminated at maximum allowed pressure earlier resulting in only small responses at the component. For all densities the following statements are valid: The temperature response of the embedded component in the container depends on the effective conductivity of the foam which attempts to model energy transport through the decomposed foam and on the stainless steel specific heat. The pressure response depends on the activation energy of the reactions and the density of the foam and the foam specific heat and effective conductivity. The temperature responses of other container locations depend heavily on the boundary conditions and the stainless steel conductivity and specific heat.

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Validation of Heat Transfer Thermal Decomposition and Container Pressurization of Polyurethane Foam

Scott, Sarah N.; Dodd, Amanda B.; Larsen, Marvin E.; Suo-Anttila, Jill M.; Erickson, Ken E.

Polymer foam encapsulants provide mechanical, electrical, and thermal isolation in engineered systems. In fire environments, gas pressure from thermal decomposition of polymers can cause mechanical failure of sealed systems. In this work, a detailed uncertainty quantification study of PMDI-based polyurethane foam is presented to assess the validity of the computational model. Both experimental measurement uncertainty and model prediction uncertainty are examined and compared. Both the mean value method and Latin hypercube sampling approach are used to propagate the uncertainty through the model. In addition to comparing computational and experimental results, the importance of each input parameter on the simulation result is also investigated. These results show that further development in the physics model of the foam and appropriate associated material testing are necessary to improve model accuracy.

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The behavior of carbon fiber-epoxy based aircraft composite materials in unmitigated fires

Western States Section of the Combustion Institute Spring Technical Meeting 2012

Brown, Alexander L.; Dodd, Amanda B.; Erickson, Kenneth L.

New aircraft are being designed with increasing quantities of composite materials used in their construction. Different from the more traditional metals, composites have a higher propensity to burn. This presents a challenge to transportation safety analyses, as the aircraft structure now represents an additional fuel source involved in the fire scenario. Performance testing data for composites burning in a fire at the integral scales of an accident event are nearly non-existent. This report describes fire tests for relevant carbon fiber epoxy materials that were designed to explore the bulk decomposition behavior of said material in a severe fire. Together with TGA decomposition data, the material is found to decompose in three mostly distinctive and sequential phases, epoxy pyrolysis, char oxidation, and carbon fiber oxidation. Fires were not severe in their thermal intensity compared to liquid fuel fires. Peak thermal intensities of around 220 kW/m2 or 1100 °C are achieved at very low air flow rates. The burn tests were remarkable in their duration, lasting 4-8 hours for 25-40 kg of combustible material.

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Carbon fiber composite characterization in adverse thermal environments

Dodd, Amanda B.; Gomez-Vasquez, Sylvia G.; Ramirez, Ciro J.; Hubbard, Joshua A.

The behavior of carbon fiber aircraft composites was studied in adverse thermal environments. The effects of resin composition and fiber orientation were measured in two test configurations: 102 by 127 millimeter (mm) test coupons were irradiated at approximately 22.5 kW/m{sup 2} to measure thermal response, and 102 by 254 mm test coupons were irradiated at approximately 30.7 kW/m{sup 2} to characterize piloted flame spread in the vertically upward direction. Carbon-fiber composite materials with epoxy and bismaleimide resins, and uni-directional and woven fiber orientations, were tested. Bismaleimide samples produced less smoke, and were more resistant to flame spread, as expected for high temperature thermoset resins with characteristically lower heat release rates. All materials lost approximately 20-25% of their mass regardless of resin type, fiber orientation, or test configuration. Woven fiber composites displayed localized smoke jetting whereas uni-directional composites developed cracks parallel to the fibers from which smoke and flames emanated. Swelling and delamination were observed with volumetric expansion on the order of 100% to 200%. The purpose of this work was to provide validation data for SNL's foundational thermal and combustion modeling capabilities.

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Results 26–50 of 64
Results 26–50 of 64