
Results 51–75 of 154
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Solar power simulations for a renewable integration study in New Mexico using sparse input data

2015 IEEE 42nd Photovoltaic Specialist Conference, PVSC 2015

Lave, Matthew S.; Ellis, Abraham E.; Nail, George

Since solar PV power generation is growing rapidly, it is important to accurately model solar power production in renewable generation integration studies which look at the impact of variable renewable generation on electric grid operations. However, solar irradiance or power measurements are often sparse both spatially and temporally, making it difficult to simulate PV power output. Here, we describe the technique used to simulate generation from up to 40 utility-scale PV plants and 9 areas of distributed PV in the state of New Mexico given only five hourly irradiance measurements plus a sixth irradiance measurement at 1-minute resolution that was used as a lookup library. Spatial smoothing based on the plant size was applied, then this area-average irradiance was converted to PV power output using irradiance to power models. In this way, PV power output profiles for each location, and for the aggregate of all locations, were produced and supplied to the integration study. Also for use in the study, day-ahead solar power output forecasts were created by adding errors representative of the current state of solar forecasting to the actual power output values.

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Sandia and NJ TRANSIT Authority Developing Resilient Power Grid

Hanley, Charles J.; Ellis, Abraham E.

Through the memorandum of understanding between the Depratment of Energy (DOE), the New Jersey Transit Authority (NJ Transit), and the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities, Sandia National Labs is assisting NJ Transit in developing NJ TransitGrid: an electric microgrid that will include a large-scale gas-fired generation facility and distributed energy resources (photovoltaics [PV], energy storage, electric vehicles, combined heat and power [CHP]) to supply reliable power during storms or other times of significant power failure. The NJ TransitGrid was awarded $410M from the Department of Transportation to develop a first-of-its-kind electric microgrid capable of supplying highly-reliable power.

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Generic solar photovoltaic system dynamic simulation model specification

Ellis, Abraham E.; Elliott, Ryan T.

This document is intended to serve as a specification for generic solar photovoltaic (PV) system positive-sequence dynamic models to be implemented by software developers and approved by the WECC MVWG for use in bulk system dynamic simulations in accordance with NERC MOD standards. Two specific dynamic models are included in the scope of this document. The first, a Central Station PV System model, is intended to capture the most important dynamic characteristics of large scale (> 10 MW) PV systems with a central Point of Interconnection (POI) at the transmission level. The second, a Distributed PV System model, is intended to represent an aggregation of smaller, distribution-connected systems that comprise a portion of a composite load that might be modeled at a transmission load bus.

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Results 51–75 of 154
Results 51–75 of 154