
Results 176–200 of 318
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High voltage and high current density vertical GaN power diodes

Electronics Letters

Armstrong, Andrew A.; Allerman, A.A.; Fischer, Arthur J.; King, M.P.; Van Heukelom, Michael V.; Moseley, M.W.; Kaplar, Robert K.; Wierer, J.J.; Crawford, Mary H.; Dickerson, Jeramy R.

The realisation of a GaN high voltage vertical p-n diode operating at >3.9 kV breakdown with a specific on-resistance <0.9 mΩ cm2 is reported. Diodes achieved a forward current of 1 A for on-wafer, DC measurements, corresponding to a current density >1.4 kA/cm2. An effective critical electric field of 3.9 MV/cm was estimated for the devices from analysis of the forward and reverse current-voltage characteristics. This suggests that the fundamental limit to the GaN critical electric field is significantly greater than previously believed.

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In-Operando Spatial Imaging of Edge Termination Electric Fields in GaN Vertical p-n Junction Diodes

IEEE Electron Device Letters

Leonard, Francois L.; Dickerson, Jeramy R.; King, M.P.; Armstrong, Andrew A.; Fischer, Arthur J.; Allerman, A.A.; Kaplar, R.J.; Talin, A.A.

Control of electric fields with edge terminations is critical to maximize the performance of high-power electronic devices. While a variety of edge termination designs have been proposed, the optimization of such designs is challenging due to many parameters that impact their effectiveness. While modeling has recently allowed new insight into the detailed workings of edge terminations, the experimental verification of the design effectiveness is usually done through indirect means, such as the impact on breakdown voltages. In this letter, we use scanning photocurrent microscopy to spatially map the electric fields in vertical GaN p-n junction diodes in operando. We reveal the complex behavior of seemingly simple edge termination designs, and show how the device breakdown voltage correlates with the electric field behavior. Modeling suggests that an incomplete compensation of the p-type layer in the edge termination creates a bilayer structure that leads to these effects, with variations that significantly impact the breakdown voltage.

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Enhanced light extraction in tunnel junction-enabled top emitting UV LEDs

Applied Physics Express

Zhang, Yuewei; Allerman, A.A.; Krishnamoorthy, Sriram; Akyol, Fatih; Moseley, Michael; Armstrong, Andrew A.; Rajan, Siddharth

The efficiency of ultraviolet (UV) light-emitting diodes (LEDs) is critically limited by absorption losses in p-type and metal layers. In this work, surface-roughening-based light extraction structures were combined with tunneling-based top-layer contacts to achieve highly efficient top-side light extraction in UV LEDs. By using self-assembled Ni nanoclusters as an etch mask, the top surface-roughened LEDs were found to enhance the external quantum efficiency by over 40% for UV LEDs with a peak emission wavelength of 326 nm. The method described here can be used for fabricating highly efficient UV LEDs without the need for complex manufacturing techniques such as flip chip bonding.

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Cubic Gallium Nitride on Micropatterned Si (001) for Longer Wavelength LEDs

Durniak, Mark T.; Chaudhuri, Anabil C.; Smith, Michael; Allerman, A.A.; Lee, S.C.; Brueck, S.R.; Wetzel, Christian W.

GaInN/GaN heterostructures of cubic phase have the potential to overcome the limitations of wurtzite structures commonly used for light emitting and laser diodes. Wurtzite GaInN suffers from large internal polarization fields, which force design compromises ( 0001 ) towards ultra-narrow quantum wells and reduce recombination volume and efficiency. Cubic GaInN microstripes grown at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute by metal organic vapor phase epitaxy on micropatterned Si , with {111} v-grooves oriented along Si ( 001 ) , offer a system free of internal polarization fields, wider quantum wells, and smaller <00$\bar1$> bandgap energy. We prepared 6 and 9 nm Ga x In 1-x N/GaN single quantum well structures with peak wavelength ranges from 520 to 570 nm with photons predominately polarized perpendicular to the grooves. We estimate a cubic InN composition range of 0 < x < 0.5 and an upper limit of the internal quantum efficiency of 50%. Stripe geometry and polarization may be suitable for mode confinement and reduced threshold stimulated emission.

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Ultra-Wide-Bandgap Semiconductors for Generation-After-Next Power Electronics

Kaplar, Robert K.; Allerman, A.A.; Armstrong, Andrew A.; Crawford, Mary H.; Fischer, Arthur J.; Dickerson, Jeramy R.; King, Michael P.; Baca, A.G.; Douglas, Erica A.; Sanchez, Carlos A.; Neely, Jason C.; Flicker, Jack D.; Zutavern, Fred J.; Mauch, Daniel L.; Brocato, Robert W.; Rashkin, Lee; Delhotal, Jarod J.; Fang, Lu F.; Kizilyalli, Isik C.; Aktas, Ozgur A.

Abstract not provided.

Vertical GaN power diodes with a bilayer edge termination

IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices

Dickerson, Jeramy R.; Allerman, A.A.; Bryant, Benjamin N.; Fischer, Arthur J.; King, Michael P.; Moseley, Michael; Armstrong, Andrew A.; Kaplar, Robert K.; Kizilyalli, Isik C.; Aktas, Ozgur; Wierer, Jonathan J.

Vertical GaN power diodes with a bilayer edge termination (ET) are demonstrated. The GaN p-n junction is formed on a low threading dislocation defect density (104 - 105 cm-2) GaN substrate, and has a 15-μm-thick n-type drift layer with a free carrier concentration of 5 × 1015 cm-3. The ET structure is formed by N implantation into the p+-GaN epilayer just outside the p-type contact to create compensating defects. The implant defect profile may be approximated by a bilayer structure consisting of a fully compensated layer near the surface, followed by a 90% compensated (p) layer near the n-type drift region. These devices exhibit avalanche breakdown as high as 2.6 kV at room temperature. Simulations show that the ET created by implantation is an effective way to laterally distribute the electric field over a large area. This increases the voltage at which impact ionization occurs and leads to the observed higher breakdown voltages.

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Performance and Breakdown Characteristics of Irradiated Vertical Power GaN P-i-N Diodes

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science

King, M.P.; Armstrong, Andrew A.; Dickerson, Jeramy R.; Vizkelethy, Gyorgy V.; Fleming, Robert M.; Campbell, Jonathan C.; Wampler, W.R.; Kizilyalli, I.C.; Bour, D.P.; Aktas, O.; Nie, H.; DIsney, D.; Wierer, J.; Allerman, A.A.; Moseley, M.W.; Leonard, F.; Talin, A.A.; Kaplar, Robert K.

Electrical performance and defect characterization of vertical GaN P-i-N diodes before and after irradiation with 2.5 MeV protons and neutrons is investigated. Devices exhibit increase in specific on-resistance following irradiation with protons and neutrons, indicating displacement damage introduces defects into the p-GaN and n- drift regions of the device that impact on-state device performance. The breakdown voltage of these devices, initially above 1700 V, is observed to decrease only slightly for particle fluence < {10{13}} hbox{cm}-2. The unipolar figure of merit for power devices indicates that while the on-resistance and breakdown voltage degrade with irradiation, vertical GaN P-i-Ns remain superior to the performance of the best available, unirradiated silicon devices and on-par with unirradiated modern SiC-based power devices.

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Laser diodes with 353nm wavelength enabled by reduced-dislocation-density AlGaN templates

Applied Physics Express

Crawford, Mary H.; Allerman, A.A.; Armstrong, Andrew A.; Smith, Michael; Cross, Karen C.

We fabricated optically pumped and electrically injected ultraviolet (UV) lasers on reduced-threading-dislocation-density (reduced-TDD) AlGaN templates. The overgrowth of sub-micron-wide mesas in the Al0.32Ga0.68N templates enabled a tenfold reduction in TDD, to (2-3) × 108cm%2. Optical pumping of AlGaN hetero-structures grown on the reduced-TDD templates yielded a low lasing threshold of 34kW/cm2 at 346 nm. Roomtemperature pulsed operation of laser diodes at 353nm was demonstrated, with a threshold of 22.5 kA/cm2. Reduced-TDD templates have been developed across the entire range of AlGaN compositions, presenting a promising approach for extending laser diodes into the deep UV.

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Enhanced optical nonlinearities in the near-infrared using III-nitride heterostructures coupled to metamaterials

Applied Physics Letters

Wolf, Omri W.; Allerman, A.A.; Ma, Xuedan M.; Wendt, J.R.; Song, Alex Y.; Shaner, Eric A.; Brener, Igal B.

We use planar metamaterial resonators to enhance by more than two orders of magnitude the near infrared second harmonic generation obtained from intersubband transitions in III-Nitride heterostructures. The improvement arises from two factors: employing an asymmetric double quantum well design and aligning the resonators' cross-polarized resonances with the intersubband transition energies. The resulting nonlinear metamaterial operates at wavelengths where single photon detection is available, and represents a different class of sources for quantum photonics related phenomena.

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Results 176–200 of 318
Results 176–200 of 318