
Results 51–75 of 318
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Investigation of dry-etch-induced defects in >600 v regrown, vertical, GaN, p-n diodes using deep-level optical spectroscopy

Journal of Applied Physics

Pickrell, Gregory P.; Armstrong, Andrew A.; Allerman, A.A.; Crawford, Mary H.; Glaser, Caleb E.; Kempisty, J.; Abate, Vincent M.

The impact of dry-etch-induced defects on the electrical performance of regrown, c-plane, GaN p-n diodes where the p-GaN layer is formed by epitaxial regrowth using metal-organic, chemical-vapor deposition was investigated. Diode leakage increased significantly for etched-and-regrown diodes compared to continuously grown diodes, suggesting a defect-mediated leakage mechanism. Deep level optical spectroscopy (DLOS) techniques were used to identify energy levels and densities of defect states to understand etch-induced damage in regrown devices. DLOS results showed the creation of an emergent, mid-gap defect state at 1.90 eV below the conduction band edge for etched-and-regrown diodes. Reduction in both the reverse leakage and the concentration of the 1.90 eV mid-gap state was achieved using a wet chemical treatment on the etched surface before regrowth, suggesting that the 1.90 eV deep level contributes to increased leakage and premature breakdown but can be mitigated with proper post-etch treatments to achieve >600 V reverse breakdown operation.

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Bevel edge termination for vertical GaN power diodes

2019 IEEE 7th Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications, WiPDA 2019

Binder, Andrew B.; Dickerson, Jeramy R.; Crawford, Mary H.; Pickrell, Gregory P.; Allerman, A.A.; Sharps, Paul; Kaplar, Robert K.

Edge termination for vertical power devices presents a significant challenge, as improper termination can result in devices with a breakdown voltage significantly less than the ideal infinite-planar case. Edge termination for vertical GaN devices is particularly challenging due to limitations in ion implantation for GaN, and as such this work investigates a bevel edge termination technique that does not require implantation and has proven to be effective for Si and SiC power devices. However, due to key differences between GaN versus Si and SiC p-n junctions (specifically, a grown versus an implanted junction), this technology needs to be reevaluated for GaN. Simulation results suggest that by leveraging the effective bevel angle relationship, a 10-15° physical bevel angle can yield devices with 85-90% of the ideal breakdown voltage. Results are presented for a negative bevel edge termination on an ideally 2 kV vertical GaN p-n diode.

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Saturation Velocity Measurement of Al0.7Ga0.3N-Channel High Electron Mobility Transistors

Journal of Electronic Materials

Klein, Brianna A.; Baca, A.G.; Lepkowski, Stefan M.; Nordquist, Christopher N.; Wendt, J.R.; Allerman, A.A.; Armstrong, Andrew A.; Douglas, Erica A.; Abate, Vincent M.; Kaplar, Robert K.

Gate length dependent (80 nm–5000 mm) radio frequency measurements to extract saturation velocity are reported for Al0.85Ga0.15N/Al0.7Ga0.3N high electron mobility transistors fabricated into radio frequency devices using electron beam lithography. Direct current characterization revealed the threshold voltage shifting positively with increasing gate length, with devices changing from depletion mode to enhancement mode when the gate length was greater than or equal to 450 nm. Transconductance varied from 10 mS/mm to 25 mS/mm, with the 450 nm device having the highest values. Maximum drain current density was 268 mA/mm at 10 V gate bias. Scattering-parameter characterization revealed a maximum unity gain bandwidth (fT) of 28 GHz, achieved by the 80 nm gate length device. A saturation velocity value of 3.8 × 106 cm/s, or 35% of the maximum saturation velocity reported for GaN, was extracted from the fT measurements.

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Visible- and solar-blind photodetectors using AlGaN high electron mobility transistors with a nanodot-based floating gate

Photonics Research

Armstrong, Andrew A.; Klein, Brianna A.; Allerman, A.A.; Baca, A.G.; Crawford, Mary H.; Podkaminer, Jacob; Perez, Carlos P.; Siegal, Michael P.; Douglas, Erica A.; Abate, Vincent M.; Leonard, Francois L.

AlGaN-channel high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) were operated as visible- and solar-blind photodetectors by using GaN nanodots as an optically active floating gate. The effect of the floating gate was large enough to switch an HEMT from the off-state in the dark to an on-state under illumination. This opto-electronic response achieved responsivity > 108 A/W at room temperature while allowing HEMTs to be electrically biased in the offstate for low dark current and low DC power dissipation. The influence of GaN nanodot distance from the HEMT channel on the dynamic range of the photodetector was investigated, along with the responsivity and temporal response of the floating gate HEMT as a function of optical intensity. The absorption threshold was shown to be controlled by the AlN mole fraction of the HEMT channel layer, thus enabling the same device design to be tuned for either visible- or solar-blind detection.

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Stability in Fluorine-Treated Al-Rich High Electron Mobility Transistors with 85% Al-Barrier Composition

IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings

Baca, A.G.; Klein, B.A.; Armstrong, Andrew A.; Allerman, A.A.; Douglas, Erica A.; Fortune, Torben R.; Kaplar, Robert K.

Combined with recess etching, Al-rich III-N high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) can be treated with a reactive ion etch plasma to implant F- ions into the HEMT's near surface region for a positive threshold voltage $(V-{TH})$ shift to achieve enhancement-mode (e-mode) operation. These HEMTs, along with depletion-mode (d-mode) controls that lack fluorine treatment, were evaluated for F- ion stability using step-stress and fixed-bias stress experiments. Step-stress experiments identified parametric shifts as a function of the drain-voltage $(V-{DS})$ stress prior to catastrophic failure that occurred at ${\it V-{DS}}$ ranging between 70-75 V. Fixed bias stressing at $V-{DS}=50\mathrm{V}$ was conducted at $190\ ^{\circ}\mathrm{C}$ Both e- and d- mode HEMTs exhibited a negative $V-{TH}$ shift of $0.6-1.0 \mathrm{V}$ during early time stressing at 190°C, with minor on-resistance effects, but both HEMT types were thereafter stable up to 4 hours. The early time changes are common to both e-mode and d-mode HEMTs and the F-induced ${\it V-{TH}}$ delta between e- and d-mode HEMTs remains intact within the bias-temperature stressing conditions of this work.

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Enhancement-mode Al0.85Ga0.15N/Al0.7Ga0.3N high electron mobility transistor with fluorine treatment

Applied Physics Letters

Klein, Brianna A.; Douglas, Erica A.; Armstrong, Andrew A.; Allerman, A.A.; Abate, Vincent M.; Fortune, Torben R.; Baca, A.G.

Enhancement-mode Al0.7Ga0.3N-channel high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) were achieved through a combination of recessed etching and fluorine ion deposition to shift the threshold voltage (VTH) relative to depletion-mode devices by +5.6 V to VTH = +0.5 V. Accounting for the threshold voltage shift (ΔVTH), current densities of approximately 30 to 35 mA/mm and transconductance values of 13 mS/mm were achieved for both the control and enhancement mode devices at gate biases of 1 V and 6.6 V, respectively. Little hysteresis was observed for all devices, with voltage offsets of 20 mV at drain currents of 1.0 × 10-3mA/mm. Enhancement-mode devices exhibited slightly higher turn-on voltages (+0.38 V) for forward bias gate currents. Piecewise evaluation of a threshold voltage model indicated a ΔVTH of +3.3 V due to a gate recess etching of 12 nm and an additional +2.3 V shift due to fluorine ions near the AlGaN surface.

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Enhancement-mode AlGaN channel high electron mobility transistor enabled by p-AlGaN gate

Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Nanotechnology and Microelectronics

Douglas, Erica A.; Klein, Brianna A.; Allerman, A.A.; Baca, A.G.; Fortune, Torben R.; Armstrong, Andrew A.

This work exhibits the ability to shift the threshold voltage of an Al0.45Ga0.55N/Al0.3Ga0.7N high electron mobility transistor through the implementation of a 100 nm thick p-Al0.3Ga0.7N gate. A maximum threshold voltage of +0.3 V was achieved with a 3 μm gate length. In addition to achieving enhancement-mode operation, this work also shows the capability to obtain high saturated drain current (>50 mA/mm), no gate hysteresis, high ION,MAX/IOFF,MIN ratio of >109, and exceptionally low gate leakage current of 10-6 mA/mm even under high forward bias of Vgs = 8 V.

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Results 51–75 of 318
Results 51–75 of 318