
Results 251–275 of 318
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Final LDRD report : science-based solutions to achieve high-performance deep-UV laser diodes

Crawford, Mary H.; Allerman, A.A.; Armstrong, Andrew A.; Cross, Karen C.; Henry, Tania A.; Alessi, Leonard J.

We present the results of a three year LDRD project that has focused on overcoming major materials roadblocks to achieving AlGaN-based deep-UV laser diodes. We describe our growth approach to achieving AlGaN templates with greater than ten times reduction of threading dislocations which resulted in greater than seven times enhancement of AlGaN quantum well photoluminescence and 15 times increase in electroluminescence from LED test structures. We describe the application of deep-level optical spectroscopy to AlGaN epilayers to quantify deep level energies and densities and further correlate defect properties with AlGaN luminescence efficiency. We further review our development of p-type short period superlattice structures as an approach to mitigate the high acceptor activation energies in AlGaN alloys. Finally, we describe our laser diode fabrication process, highlighting the development of highly vertical and smooth etched laser facets, as well as characterization of resulting laser heterostructures.

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Smooth and vertical facet formation for AlGaN-based deep-UV laser diodes

Proposed for publication in Applied Physics Letters.

Crawford, Mary H.; Allerman, A.A.; Cross, Karen C.; Shul, Randy J.; Stevens, Jeffrey S.; Bogart, Katherine B.

Using a two-step method of plasma and wet chemical etching, we demonstrate smooth, vertical facets for use in Al{sub x} Ga{sub 1-x} N-based deep-ultraviolet laser-diode heterostructures where x = 0 to 0.5. Optimization of plasma-etching conditions included increasing both temperature and radiofrequency (RF) power to achieve a facet angle of 5 deg from vertical. Subsequent etching in AZ400K developer was investigated to reduce the facet surface roughness and improve facet verticality. The resulting combined processes produced improved facet sidewalls with an average angle of 0.7 deg from vertical and less than 2-nm root-mean-square (RMS) roughness, yielding an estimated reflectivity greater than 95% of that of a perfectly smooth and vertical facet.

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Final LDRD report : development of advanced UV light emitters and biological agent detection strategies

Crawford, Mary H.; Armstrong, Andrew A.; Allerman, A.A.; Figiel, J.J.; Schmitt, Randal L.; Serkland, Darwin K.

We present the results of a three year LDRD project which has focused on the development of novel, compact, ultraviolet solid-state sources and fluorescence-based sensing platforms that apply such devices to the sensing of biological and nuclear materials. We describe our development of 270-280 nm AlGaN-based semiconductor UV LEDs with performance suitable for evaluation in biosensor platforms as well as our development efforts towards the realization of a 340 nm AlGaN-based laser diode technology. We further review our sensor development efforts, including evaluation of the efficacy of using modulated LED excitation and phase sensitive detection techniques for fluorescence detection of bio molecules and uranyl-containing compounds.

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Materials physics and device development for improved efficiency of GaN HEMT high power amplifiers

Koleske, Daniel K.; Shul, Randy J.; Follstaedt, D.M.; Provencio, P.N.; Allerman, A.A.; Wright, Alan F.; Missert, Nancy A.; Baca, A.G.; Briggs, R.D.; Marsh, Philbert F.; Tigges, Chris P.

GaN-based microwave power amplifiers have been identified as critical components in Sandia's next generation micro-Synthetic-Aperture-Radar (SAR) operating at X-band and Ku-band (10-18 GHz). To miniaturize SAR, GaN-based amplifiers are necessary to replace bulky traveling wave tubes. Specifically, for micro-SAR development, highly reliable GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs), which have delivered a factor of 10 times improvement in power performance compared to GaAs, need to be developed. Despite the great promise of GaN HEMTs, problems associated with nitride materials growth currently limit gain, linearity, power-added-efficiency, reproducibility, and reliability. These material quality issues are primarily due to heteroepitaxial growth of GaN on lattice mismatched substrates. Because SiC provides the best lattice match and thermal conductivity, SiC is currently the substrate of choice for GaN-based microwave amplifiers. Obviously for GaN-based HEMTs to fully realize their tremendous promise, several challenges related to GaN heteroepitaxy on SiC must be solved. For this LDRD, we conducted a concerted effort to resolve materials issues through in-depth research on GaN/AlGaN growth on SiC. Repeatable growth processes were developed which enabled basic studies of these device layers as well as full fabrication of microwave amplifiers. Detailed studies of the GaN and AlGaN growth of SiC were conducted and techniques to measure the structural and electrical properties of the layers were developed. Problems that limit device performance were investigated, including electron traps, dislocations, the quality of semi-insulating GaN, the GaN/AlGaN interface roughness, and surface pinning of the AlGaN gate. Surface charge was reduced by developing silicon nitride passivation. Constant feedback between material properties, physical understanding, and device performance enabled rapid progress which eventually led to the successful fabrication of state of the art HEMT transistors and amplifiers.

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Final LDRD report :ultraviolet water purification systems for rural environments and mobile applications

Crawford, Mary H.; Ross, Michael P.; Ruby, Douglas S.; Allerman, A.A.

We present the results of a one year LDRD program that has focused on evaluating the use of newly developed deep ultraviolet LEDs in water purification. We describe our development efforts that have produced an LED-based water exposure set-up and enumerate the advances that have been made in deep UV LED performance throughout the project. The results of E. coli inactivation with 270-295 nm LEDs are presented along with an assessment of the potential for applying deep ultraviolet LED-based water purification to mobile point-of-use applications as well as to rural and international environments where the benefits of photovoltaic-powered systems can be realized.

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High-field electron transport in AlGaN/GaN heterostructures

Proposed for publication in Physica Status Solidi.

Koleske, Daniel K.; Allerman, A.A.; Shul, Randy J.

Experimental studies have been performed on the velocity-field characteristics of AlGaN/GaN heterostructures. A pulsed voltage input in combination with a four-point measurement was used in a 50 {Omega} environment to determinethe drift velocity of electrons in the two-dimensional electron gas as a function of the applied electric field. These measurements show an apparent saturation velocity near 3.1 x 10{sub 7} cm/s, at a field of 140 kV/cm. A comparison of these studies shows that the experimental velocities are close to previously published simulations based upon Monte Carlo techniques.

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Relaxation of compressively strained AlGaN by inclined threading dislocations

Proposed for publication in Applied Physics Letters.

Follstaedt, D.M.; Provencio, P.N.; Allerman, A.A.; Floro, Jerrold A.; Crawford, Mary H.

Transmission electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction were used to assess the microstructure and strain of Al{sub x}Ga{sub 1?x}N(x = 0.61-0.64) layers grown on AlN. The compressively-strained AlGaN is partially relaxed by inclined threading dislocations, similar to observations on Si-doped AlGaN by P. Cantu, F. Wu, P. Waltereit, S. Keller, A. E. Romanov, U. K. Mishra, S. P. DenBaars, and J. S. Speck [Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, 674 (2003) ]; however, in our material, the dislocations bend before the introduction of any Si. The bending may be initiated by the greater lattice mismatch or the lower dislocation density of our material, but the presence of Si is not necessarily required. The relaxation by inclined dislocations is quantitatively accounted for with the model of A. E. Romanov and J. S. Speck [Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, 2569 (2003)], and we demonstrate the predicted linear dependence of relaxation on layer thickness. Notably, such relaxation was not found in tensile strained AlGaN grown on GaN [J. A. Floro, D. M. Follstaedt, P. Provencio, S. J. Hearne, and S. R. Lee, J. Appl. Phys. 96, 7087 (2004)], even though the same mechanism appears applicable.

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Mid-ultraviolet light-emitting diode detects dipicolinic acid

Proposed for publication in Applied Spectroscopy.

Crawford, Mary H.; Fischer, Arthur J.; Allerman, A.A.; Bogart, Katherine B.

Dipicolinic acid (DPA, 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic acid) is a substance uniquely present in bacterial spores such as that from anthrax (B. anthracis). It is known that DPA can be detected by the long-lived fluorescence of its terbium chelate; the best limit of detection (LOD) reported thus far using a large benchtop gated fluorescence instrument using a pulsed Xe lamp is 2 nM. We use a novel AlGaN light-emitting diode (LED) fabricated on a sapphire substrate that has peak emission at 291 nm. Although the overlap of the emission band of this LED with the absorption band of Tb-DPA ({lambda}{sub max} doublet: 273, 279 nm) is not ideal, we demonstrate that a compact detector based on this LED and an off-the-shelf gated photodetection module can provide an LOD of 0.4 nM, thus providing a basis for convenient early warning detectors.

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Final LDRD report : design and fabrication of advanced device structures for ultra high efficiency solid state lighting

Fischer, Arthur J.; Crawford, Mary H.; Koleske, Daniel K.; Allerman, A.A.; Bogart, Katherine B.; Wendt, J.R.; Shul, Randy J.

The goal of this one year LDRD was to improve the overall efficiency of InGaN LEDs by improving the extraction of light from the semiconductor chip. InGaN LEDs are currently the most promising technology for producing high efficiency blue and green semiconductor light emitters. Improving the efficiency of InGaN LEDs will enable a more rapid adoption of semiconductor based lighting. In this LDRD, we proposed to develop photonic structures to improve light extraction from nitride-based light emitting diodes (LEDs). While many advanced device geometries were considered for this work, we focused on the use of a photonic crystal for improved light extraction. Although resonant cavity LEDs and other advanced structures certainly have the potential to improve light extraction, the photonic crystal approach showed the most promise in the early stages of this short program. The photonic crystal (PX)-LED developed here incorporates a two dimensional photonic crystal, or photonic lattice, into a nitride-based LED. The dimensions of the photonic crystal are selected such that there are very few or no optical modes in the plane of the LED ('lateral' modes). This will reduce or eliminate any radiation in the lateral direction so that the majority of the LED radiation will be in vertical modes that escape the semiconductor, which will improve the light-extraction efficiency. PX-LEDs were fabricated using a range of hole diameters and lattice constants and compared to control LEDs without a photonic crystal. The far field patterns from the PX-LEDs were dramatically modified by the presence of the photonic crystal. An increase in LED brightness of 1.75X was observed for light measured into a 40 degree emission cone with a total increase in power of 1.5X for an unencapsulated LED.

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Advances in AlGaN-based deep UV LEDs

Crawford, Mary H.; Allerman, A.A.; Fischer, Arthur J.; Bogart, Katherine B.; Chow, Weng W.; Wieczorek, Sebastian; Kaplar, Robert K.; Kurtz, S.R.

Materials studies of high Al-content (> 30%) AlGaN epilayers and the performance of AlGaN-based LEDs with emission wavelengths shorter than 300 nm are reported. N-type AlGaN films with Al compositions greater than 30% reveal a reduction in conductivity with increasing Al composition. The reduction of threading dislocation density from the 1-5 x10{sup 10} cm{sup -2} range to the 6-9 x 10{sup 9}cm{sup -2} range results in an improvement of electrical conductivity and Al{sub 0.90}Ga{sub 0.10}N films with n= 1.6e17 cm-3 and f{acute Y}=20 cm2/Vs have been achieved. The design, fabrication and packaging of flip-chip bonded deep UV LEDs is described. Large area (1 mm x 1 mm) LED structures with interdigitated contacts demonstrate output powers of 2.25 mW at 297 nm and 1.3 mW at 276 nm when operated under DC current. 300 f{acute Y}m x 300 f{acute Y}m LEDs emitting at 295 nm and operated at 20 mA DC have demonstrated less than 50% drop in output power after more than 2400 hours of operation. Optimization of the electron block layer in 274 nm LED structures has enabled a significant reduction in deep level emission bands, and a peak quantum well to deep level ratio of 700:1 has been achieved for 300 f{acute Y}m x 300 f{acute Y}m LEDs operated at 100 mA DC. Shorter wavelength LED designs are described, and LEDs emitting at 260 nm, 254nm and 237 nm are reported.

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Final report on LDRD project : outstanding challenges for AlGaInN MOCVD

Creighton, J.R.; Koleske, Daniel K.; Wang, George T.; Coltrin, Michael E.; Allerman, A.A.; Russell, Michael J.; Mitchell, Christine C.; Follstaedt, D.M.

The AlGaInN material system is used for virtually all advanced solid state lighting and short wavelength optoelectronic devices. Although metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) has proven to be the workhorse deposition technique, several outstanding scientific and technical challenges remain, which hinder progress and keep RD&A costs high. The three most significant MOCVD challenges are: (1) Accurate temperature measurement; (2) Reliable and reproducible p-doping (Mg); and (3) Low dislocation density GaN material. To address challenge (1) we designed and tested (on reactor mockup) a multiwafer, dual wavelength, emissivity-correcting pyrometer (ECP) for AlGaInN MOCVD. This system simultaneously measures the reflectance (at 405 and 550 nm) and emissivity-corrected temperature for each individual wafer, with the platen signal entirely rejected. To address challenge (2) we measured the MgCp{sub 2} + NH{sub 3} adduct condensation phase diagram from 65-115 C, at typical MOCVD concentrations. Results indicate that it requires temperatures of 80-100 C in order to prevent MgCp{sub 2} + NH{sub 3} adduct condensation. Modification and testing of our research reactor will not be complete until FY2005. A new commercial Veeco reactor was installed in early FY2004, and after qualification growth experiments were conducted to improve the GaN quality using a delayed recovery technique, which addresses challenge (3). Using a delayed recovery technique, the dislocation densities determined from x-ray diffraction were reduced from 2 x 10{sup 9} cm{sup -2} to 4 x 10{sup 8} cm{sup -2}. We have also developed a model to simulate reflectance waveforms for GaN growth on sapphire.

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Effect of threading dislocations on the Bragg peakwidths of GaN, AIGaN, and AIN heterolayers

Proposed for publication in Applied Physics Letters.

Allerman, A.A.; West, Allen W.; Waldrip, Karen E.; Follstaedt, D.M.; Provencio, P.N.; Koleske, Daniel K.

We develop a reciprocal-space model that describes the (hkl) dependence of the broadened Bragg peakwidths produced by x-ray diffraction from a dislocated epilayer. We compare the model to experiments and find that it accurately describes the peakwidths of 16 different Bragg reflections in the [010] zone of both GaN and AlN heterolayers. Using lattice-distortion parameters determined by fitting the model to selected reflections, we estimate threading-dislocation densities for seven different GaN and AlGaN samples and find improved agreement with transmission electron microscopy measurements.

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Low resistance ohmic contact to p-type GaN using Pd/Ir/Au multilayer scheme

Proposed for publication in J. Vacuum Science and Technology-B.

Bogart, Katherine B.; Koleske, Daniel K.; Allerman, A.A.

Ohmic contacts on p-type GaN utilizing Pd/Ir/Au metallization were fabricated and characterized. Metallized samples that were rapid thermally annealed at 400 C for 1 min exhibited linear current-voltage characteristics. Specific ohmic contact resistivities as low as 2 x 10{sup -5} {Omega} cm{sup 2} were achieved. Auger electron spectroscopy and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy depth profiles of annealed Pd/Ir/Au contact revealed the formation of Pd- and Ir-related alloys at the metal-semiconductor junction with the creation of Ga vacancies below the contact. The excellent contact resistance obtained is attributed to the formation of these Ga vacancies which resulted in the reduction of the depletion region width at the junction.

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Results 251–275 of 318
Results 251–275 of 318