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Element Verification and Comparison in Sierra/Solid Mechanics Problems

Ohashi, Yuki O.; roth, william r.

The goal of this project was to study the effects of element selection on the Sierra/SM solutions to five common solid mechanics problems. A total of nine element formulations were used for each problem. The models were run multiple times with varying spatial and temporal discretization in order to ensure convergence. The first four problems have been compared to analytical solutions, and all numerical results were found to be sufficiently accurate. The penetration problem was found to have a high mesh dependence in terms of element type, mesh discretization, and meshing scheme. Also, the time to solution is shown for each problem in order to facilitate element selection when computer resources are limited.

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Modeling interfacial fracture in Sierra

Brown, Arthur B.; Ohashi, Yuki O.; Lu, Wei-Yang L.; Nelson, Stacy M.; Austin, Kevin N.; Margolis, Stephen B.

This report summarizes computational efforts to model interfacial fracture using cohesive zone models in the SIERRA/SolidMechanics (SIERRA/SM) finite element code. Cohesive surface elements were used to model crack initiation and propagation along predefined paths. Mesh convergence was observed with SIERRA/SM for numerous geometries. As the funding for this project came from the Advanced Simulation and Computing Verification and Validation (ASC V&V) focus area, considerable effort was spent performing verification and validation. Code verification was performed to compare code predictions to analytical solutions for simple three-element simulations as well as a higher-fidelity simulation of a double-cantilever beam. Parameter identification was conducted with Dakota using experimental results on asymmetric double-cantilever beam (ADCB) and end-notched-flexure (ENF) experiments conducted under Campaign-6 funding. Discretization convergence studies were also performed with respect to mesh size and time step and an optimization study was completed for mode II delamination using the ENF geometry. Throughout this verification process, numerous SIERRA/SM bugs were found and reported, all of which have been fixed, leading to over a 10-fold increase in convergence rates. Finally, mixed-mode flexure experiments were performed for validation. One of the unexplained issues encountered was material property variability for ostensibly the same composite material. Since the variability is not fully understood, it is difficult to accurately assess uncertainty when performing predictions.

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J-Integral modeling and validation for GTS reservoirs

Nibur, Kevin A.; Somerday, Brian P.; Brown, Arthur B.; Lindblad, Alex L.; Ohashi, Yuki O.; Antoun, Bonnie R.; Connelly, Kevin C.; Zimmerman, Jonathan A.; Margolis, Stephen B.

Non-destructive detection methods can reliably certify that gas transfer system (GTS) reservoirs do not have cracks larger than 5%-10% of the wall thickness. To determine the acceptability of a reservoir design, analysis must show that short cracks will not adversely affect the reservoir behavior. This is commonly done via calculation of the J-Integral, which represents the energetic driving force acting to propagate an existing crack in a continuous medium. J is then compared against a material's fracture toughness (J{sub c}) to determine whether crack propagation will occur. While the quantification of the J-Integral is well established for long cracks, its validity for short cracks is uncertain. This report presents the results from a Sandia National Laboratories project to evaluate a methodology for performing J-Integral evaluations in conjunction with its finite element analysis capabilities. Simulations were performed to verify the operation of a post-processing code (J3D) and to assess the accuracy of this code and our analysis tools against companion fracture experiments for 2- and 3-dimensional geometry specimens. Evaluation is done for specimens composed of 21-6-9 stainless steel, some of which were exposed to a hydrogen environment, for both long and short cracks.

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ASC-AD penetration modeling FY05 status report

Chiesa, Michael L.; Settgast, Randolph R.; Kistler, Bruce L.; Bhutani, Nipun B.; Ohashi, Yuki O.; Ostien, Jakob O.; Antoun, Bonnie R.; Korellis, John S.; Marin, Esteban B.

Sandia currently lacks a high fidelity method for predicting loads on and subsequent structural response of earth penetrating weapons. This project seeks to test, debug, improve and validate methodologies for modeling earth penetration. Results of this project will allow us to optimize and certify designs for the B61-11, Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator (RNEP), PEN-X and future nuclear and conventional penetrator systems. Since this is an ASC Advanced Deployment project the primary goal of the work is to test, debug, verify and validate new Sierra (and Nevada) tools. Also, since this project is part of the V&V program within ASC, uncertainty quantification (UQ), optimization using DAKOTA [1] and sensitivity analysis are an integral part of the work. This project evaluates, verifies and validates new constitutive models, penetration methodologies and Sierra/Nevada codes. In FY05 the project focused mostly on PRESTO [2] using the Spherical Cavity Expansion (SCE) [3,4] and PRESTO Lagrangian analysis with a preformed hole (Pen-X) methodologies. Modeling penetration tests using PRESTO with a pilot hole was also attempted to evaluate constitutive models. Future years work would include the Alegra/SHISM [5] and AlegrdEP (Earth Penetration) methodologies when they are ready for validation testing. Constitutive models such as Soil-and-Foam, the Sandia Geomodel [6], and the K&C Concrete model [7] were also tested and evaluated. This report is submitted to satisfy annual documentation requirements for the ASC Advanced Deployment program. This report summarizes FY05 work performed in the Penetration Mechanical Response (ASC-APPS) and Penetration Mechanics (ASC-V&V) projects. A single report is written to document the two projects because of the significant amount of technical overlap.

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Adhesive joint and composites modeling in SIERRA

Hammerand, Daniel C.; Chambers, Robert S.; Brown, Arthur B.; Foulk, James W.; Adolf, Douglas B.; Ohashi, Yuki O.

Polymers and fiber-reinforced polymer matrix composites play an important role in many Defense Program applications. Recently an advanced nonlinear viscoelastic model for polymers has been developed and incorporated into ADAGIO, Sandia's SIERRA-based quasi-static analysis code. Standard linear elastic shell and continuum models for fiber-reinforced polymer-matrix composites have also been added to ADAGIO. This report details the use of these models for advanced adhesive joint and composites simulations carried out as part of an Advanced Simulation and Computing Advanced Deployment (ASC AD) project. More specifically, the thermo-mechanical response of an adhesive joint when loaded during repeated thermal cycling is simulated, the response of some composite rings under internal pressurization is calculated, and the performance of a composite container subjected to internal pressurization, thermal loading, and distributed mechanical loading is determined. Finally, general comparisons between the continuum and shell element approaches for modeling composites using ADAGIO are given.

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12 Results
12 Results