
76 Results
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Gradient Field Detection Using Interference of Stimulated Microwave Optical Sidebands

Physical Review Letters

Campbell, Kaleb L.; Wang, Ying J.; Savukov, Igor; Schwindt, Peter S.; Jau, Yuan-Yu J.; Shah, Vishal

We demonstrate that stimulated microwave optical sideband generation using parametric frequency conversion can be utilized as a powerful technique for coherent state detection in atomic physics experiments. The technique has advantages over traditional absorption or polarization rotation-based measurements and enables the isolation of signal photons from probe photons. We outline a theoretical framework that accurately models sideband generation using a density matrix formalism. Using this technique, we demonstrate a novel intrinsic magnetic gradiometer that detects magnetic gradient fields between two spatially separated vapor cells by measuring the frequency of the beat note between sidebands generated within each cell. The sidebands are produced with high efficiency using parametric frequency conversion of a probe beam interacting with Rb87 atoms in a coherent superposition of magnetically sensitive hyperfine ground states. Interference between the sidebands generates a low-frequency beat note whose frequency is determined by the magnetic field gradient between the two vapor cells. In contrast to traditional gradiometers the intermediate step of measuring the magnetic field experienced by the two vapor cells is unnecessary. We show that this technique can be readily implemented in a practical device by demonstrating a compact magnetic gradiometer sensor head with a sensitivity of 25 fT/cm/Hz with a 4.4 cm baseline, while operating in a noisy laboratory environment unshielded from Earth's field.

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Demonstration of a MOT in a sub-millimeter membrane hole

Scientific Reports

Lee, Jongmin L.; Biedermann, Grant; Mudrick, John M.; Douglas, Erica A.; Jau, Yuan-Yu J.

We demonstrate the generation of a cold-atom ensemble within a sub-millimeter diameter hole in a transparent membrane, a so-called “membrane MOT”. With a sub-Doppler cooling process, the atoms trapped by the membrane MOT are cooled down to 10 μ K. The atom number inside the unbridged/bridged membrane hole is about 10 4 to 10 5, and the 1 / e2-diameter of the MOT cloud is about 180 μ m for a 400 μ m-diameter membrane hole. Such a membrane device can, in principle, efficiently load cold atoms into the evanescent-field optical trap generated by the suspended membrane waveguide for strong atom-light interaction and provide the capability of sufficient heat dissipation at the waveguide. This represents a key step toward the photonic atom trap integrated platform (ATIP).

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Pulsed Magnetic Gradiometry in Earth's Field [Poster]

Campbell, Kaleb L.; Wang, Ying-Ju W.; Schwindt, Peter S.; Jau, Yuan-Yu J.; Shah, Vishal S.

We describe a novel pulsed magnetic gradiometer based on the optical interference of sidebands generated using two spatially separated alkali vapor cells. In contrast to traditional magnetic gradiometers, our approach provides a direct readout of the gradient field without the intermediate step of subtracting the outputs of two spatially separated magnetometers. Operation of the gradiometer in multiple field orientations is discussed. The noise floor is measured as low as 25$\frac{fT}{\sqrt{Hz-cm}}$ in a room without magnetic shielding.

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Imaging electric field with electrically neutral particles

Jau, Yuan-Yu J.

It used to think that is impossible to determine/measure electric field inside a physically isolated volume, especially inside an electrically shielded space, because a conventional electric-field sensor can only measure electric field at the location of the sensor, and when an electric-field source is screened by conductive materials, no leakage electric field can be detected. For first time, we experimentally demonstrated that electrically neutral particles, neutrons, can be used to measure/image electric field behind a physical barrier. This work enables a new measurement capability that can visualize electric-relevant properties inside a studied sample or detection target for scientific research and engineering applications.

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Characterization of suspended membrane waveguides towards a photonic atom trap integrated platform

Optics Express

Gehl, M.; Kindel, William K.; Karl, Nicholas J.; Orozco, Adrian S.; Musick, Katherine M.; Trotter, Douglas C.; Dallo, Christina M.; Starbuck, Andrew L.; Leenheer, Andrew J.; DeRose, Christopher T.; Biedermann, Grant; Jau, Yuan-Yu J.; Lee, Jongmin L.

We demonstrate an optical waveguide device, capable of supporting the high, invacuum, optical power necessary for trapping a single atom or a cold atom ensemble with evanescent fields. Our photonic integrated platform, with suspended membrane waveguides, successfully manages optical powers of 6 mW (500 μm span) to nearly 30 mW (125 μm span) over an un-tethered waveguide span. This platform is compatible with laser cooling and magnetooptical traps (MOTs) in the vicinity of the suspended waveguide, called the membrane MOT and the needle MOT, a key ingredient for efficient trap loading. We evaluate two novel designs that explore critical thermal management features that enable this large power handling. This work represents a significant step toward an integrated platform for coupling neutral atom quantum systems to photonic and electronic integrated circuits on silicon.

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Membrane MOT: Trapping Dense Cold Atoms in a Sub-Millimeter Diameter Hole of a Microfabricated Membrane Device

Optics Letter

Lee, Jongmin L.; Biedermann, Grant B.; Mudrick, John M.; Douglas, Erica A.; Jau, Yuan-Yu J.

We present an implementation that can keep a coldatom ensemble within a sub-millimeter diameter hole in a transparent membrane. Based on the effective beam diameter of the magneto-optical trap (MOT), d = 400 mm-hole diameter, we measure the atom number that is 105 times higher than the predicted value using the conventional d6 scaling rule. Atoms trapped by the membrane MOT are cooled down to 10 mK with sub- Doppler cooling process and can be potentially coupled to the photonic/electronic integrated circuits that can be fabricated in the membrane device by taking a step toward the atom trap integrated platform.

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Electric Field Imaging Using Polarized Neutrons

Physical Review Letters

Jau, Yuan-Yu J.; Hussey, Daniel S.; Gentile, Thomas R.; Chen, Wangchun

We experimentally demonstrate that electrically neutral particles, neutrons, can be used to directly visualize the electrostatic field inside a target volume that can be physically isolated or occupied. Electric field images are obtained using a spin-polarized neutron beam with a recently developed polarimetry method for polychromatic beams that permits detection of a small angular change in spin orientation. This Letter may enable a new diagnostic technique sensitive to the structure of electric potential, electric polarization, charge distribution, and dielectric constant by imaging spatially dependent electric fields in objects that cannot be accessed by other probes.

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Sensitive neutron transverse polarization analysis using a 3He spin filter

Review of Scientific Instruments

Jau, Yuan-Yu J.; Chen, W.C.; Gentile, T.R.; Hussey, D.S.

We report an experimental implementation for neutron transverse polarization analysis that is capable of detecting a small angular change (≪10-3 rad) in neutron spin orientation. This approach is demonstrated for monochromatic beams, and we show that it could be extended to polychromatic neutron beams. Our approach employs a 3He spin filter inside a solenoid with an analyzing direction perpendicular to the incident neutron polarization direction. The method was tested with polarized neutron beams and a spin rotator placed inside a μ-metal shield just upstream of the analyzer. No cryogenic superconducting shields or additional neutron spin manipulations are needed. With a counting detector, we experimentally show that the angular resolution δθ=1/(PnA√N) rad is only determined by the counting statistics for the total counts N and the product of the neutron polarization Pn and the analyzing power A. With a high-flux neutron beam, 10-6 rad angular sensitivity is feasible within a day. This simple, classical-quantum-limited transverse polarization analysis scheme may reduce the overall complexity of experimental implementation for applications requiring sensitive neutron polarimetry and improve the precision in fundamental science studies and polarized neutron imaging.

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YbH+ formation in an ytterbium ion trap

Physical Review A

Hoang, Thai M.; Jau, Yuan-Yu J.; Overstreet, Richard; Schwindt, Peter S.

The trapped Yb+171 ion is a promising candidate for portable atomic clock applications. However, with buffer-gas cooled ytterbium ions, the ions can be pumped into a low-lying F7/22 state or form YbH+ molecules. These dark states reduce the fluorescence signal from the ions and can degrade the clock stability. In this work, we study the dynamics of the populations of the F7/22 state and YbH+ molecules under different operating conditions of our Yb+171 ion system. Our study indicates that F7/22-state ions can form YbH+ molecules through interactions with hydrogen gas. As observed previously, dissociation of YbH+ is observed at wavelengths around 369 nm. We also demonstrate YbH+ dissociation using 405 nm light. Moreover, we show that the population in the dark states can be limited by using a single repump laser at 935 nm. Our study provides insights into the molecular formation in a trapped ion system.

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Thermal atom-ion collisions in a K- Yb+ hybrid system

Physical Review A

Hoang, Thai M.; Schwindt, Peter D.D.; Jau, Yuan-Yu J.

We present experimental studies of atom-ion collisions using buffer-gas cooled, trapped ytterbium (Yb+) ions immersed in potassium (K) vapor. The range of the collisional temperature is on the order of several hundred kelvin (thermal regime). We have determined various collisional rate coefficients of the Yb+ ion per K-atom number density. We find the upper bounds of charge-exchange rate coefficients κce to be (12.7±1.6)×10-14cm3s-1 for K-Yb+171 and (5.3±0.7)×10-14cm3s-1 for K-Yb+172. For both isotopes, the spin-destruction rate coefficient κsd has an upper bound at (1.46±0.77)×10-9cm3s-1. The spin-exchange rate coefficient κse is measured to be (1.64±0.51)×10-9cm3s-1. The relatively low charge-exchange rate reported here demonstrates the advantage of using K atoms to sympathetically cool Yb+ ions and the relatively high spin-exchange rate may benefit research work in quantum metrology and quantum information processing on an atom-ion platform using K atoms and Yb+ ions.

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Enhanced cooperativity for quantum-nondemolition-measurement-induced spin squeezing of atoms coupled to a nanophotonic waveguide

Physical Review A

Qi, Xiaodong; Jau, Yuan-Yu J.; Deutsch, Ivan H.

We study the enhancement of cooperativity in the atom-light interface near a nanophotonic waveguide for application to quantum nondemolition (QND) measurement of atomic spins. Here the cooperativity per atom is determined by the ratio between the measurement strength and the decoherence rate. Counterintuitively, we find that by placing the atoms at an azimuthal position where the guided probe mode has the lowest intensity, we increase the cooperativity. This arises because the QND measurement strength depends on the interference between the probe and scattered light guided into an orthogonal polarization mode, while the decoherence rate depends on the local intensity of the probe. Thus, by proper choice of geometry, the ratio of good-to-bad scattering can be strongly enhanced for highly anisotropic modes. We apply this to study spin squeezing resulting from QND measurement of spin projection noise via the Faraday effect in two nanophotonic geometries, a cylindrical nanofiber and a square waveguide. We find that, with about 2500 atoms and using realistic experimental parameters, ∼6.3 and ∼13 dB of squeezing can be achieved on the nanofiber and square waveguide, respectively.

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A 20-channel magnetoencephalography system based on optically pumped magnetometers

Physics in Medicine and Biology

Borna, Amir B.; Carter, T.R.; Goldberg, Josh D.; Colombo, Anthony P.; Jau, Yuan-Yu J.; Berry, Christopher; McKay, Jim; Stephen, Julia; Weisend, Michael; Schwindt, Peter S.

We describe a multichannel magnetoencephalography (MEG) system that uses optically pumped magnetometers (OPMs) to sense the magnetic fields of the human brain. The system consists of an array of 20 OPM channels conforming to the human subject's head, a person-sized magnetic shield containing the array and the human subject, a laser system to drive the OPM array, and various control and data acquisition systems. We conducted two MEG experiments: auditory evoked magnetic field and somatosensory evoked magnetic field, on three healthy male subjects, using both our OPM array and a 306-channel Elekta-Neuromag superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) MEG system. The described OPM array measures the tangential components of the magnetic field as opposed to the radial component measured by most SQUID-based MEG systems. Herein, we compare the results of the OPM- and SQUID-based MEG systems on the auditory and somatosensory data recorded in the same individuals on both systems.

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Microfabricated Waveguide Atom Traps

Jau, Yuan-Yu J.

A nanoscale , microfabricated waveguide structure can in - principle be used to trap atoms in well - defined locations and enable strong photon-atom interactions . A neutral - atom platform based on this microfabrication technology will be prealigned , which is especially important for quantum - control applications. At present, there is still no reported demonstration of evanescent - field atom trapping using a microfabricated waveguide structure. We described the capabilities established by our team for future development of the waveguide atom - trapping technology at SNL and report our studies to overcome the technical challenges of loading cold atoms into the waveguide atom traps, efficient and broadband optical coupling to a waveguide, and the waveguide material for high - power optical transmission. From the atomic - physics and the waveguide modeling, w e have shown that a square nano-waveguide can be utilized t o achieve better atomic spin squeezing than using a nanofiber for first time.

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Atom Interferometry in a Warm Vapor

Physical Review Letters

Biedermann, Grant B.; McGuinness, Hayden J.; Rakholia, A.V.; Jau, Yuan-Yu J.; Wheeler, David R.; Sterk, J.D.; Burns, George B.

We demonstrate matter-wave interference in a warm vapor of rubidium atoms. Established approaches to light-pulse atom interferometry rely on laser cooling to concentrate a large ensemble of atoms into a velocity class resonant with the atom optical light pulse. In our experiment, we show that clear interference signals may be obtained without laser cooling. This effect relies on the Doppler selectivity of the atom interferometer resonance. This interferometer may be configured to measure accelerations, and we demonstrate that multiple interferometers may be operated simultaneously by addressing multiple velocity classes.

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Demonstration of the Jaynes-Cummings ladder with Rydberg-dressed atoms

Physical Review A

Lee, Jongmin L.; Martin, Michael J.; Jau, Yuan-Yu J.; Keating, Tyler; Deutsch, Ivan H.; Biedermann, Grant B.

We observe the nonlinearity of the Jaynes-Cummings (JC) ladder in the Autler-Townes spectroscopy of the hyperfine ground states for a Rydberg-dressed two-atom system. Here, the role of the two-level system in the JC model is played by the presence or absence of a collective Rydberg excitation, and the bosonic mode manifests as the number n of single-atom spin flips, symmetrically distributed between the atoms. We measure the normal-mode splitting and n nonlinearity as a function of detuning and Rabi frequency, thereby experimentally establishing the isomorphism with the JC model.

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Four-channel optically pumped atomic magnetometer for magnetoencephalography

Optics Express

Colombo, Anthony P.; Carter, T.R.; Borna, Amir B.; Jau, Yuan-Yu J.; Johnson, Cort N.; Dagel, Amber L.; Schwindt, Peter S.

We have developed a four-channel optically pumped atomic magnetometer for magnetoencephalography (MEG) that incorporates a passive diffractive optical element (DOE). The DOE allows us to achieve a long, 18-mm gradiometer baseline in a compact footprint on the head. Using gradiometry, the sensitivities of the channels are < 5 fT/Hz1/2, and the 3-dB bandwidths are approximately 90 Hz, which are both sufficient to perform MEG. Additionally, the channels are highly uniform, which offers the possibility of employing standard MEG post-processing techniques. This module will serve as a building block of an array for magnetic source localization.

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A highly miniaturized vacuum package for a trapped ion atomic clock

Review of Scientific Instruments

Schwindt, Peter S.; Jau, Yuan-Yu J.; Partner, Heather; Casias, Adrian L.; Wagner, Adrian R.; Moorman, Matthew W.; Manginell, Ronald P.; Kellogg, James R.; Prestage, John D.

We report on the development of a highly miniaturized vacuum package for use in an atomic clock utilizing trapped ytterbium-171 ions. The vacuum package is approximately 1 cm3 in size and contains a linear quadrupole RF Paul ion trap, miniature neutral Yb sources, and a non-evaporable getter pump. We describe the fabrication process for making the Yb sources and assembling the vacuum package. To prepare the vacuum package for ion trapping, it was evacuated, baked at a high temperature, and then back filled with a helium buffer gas. Once appropriate vacuum conditions were achieved in the package, it was sealed with a copper pinch-off and was subsequently pumped only by the non-evaporable getter. We demonstrated ion trapping in this vacuum package and the operation of an atomic clock, stabilizing a local oscillator to the 12.6 GHz hyperfine transition of 171Y b+. The fractional frequency stability of the clock was measured to be 2 × 10-11/τ1/2.

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Entangling atomic spins with a Rydberg-dressed spin-flip blockade

Nature Physics

Jau, Yuan-Yu J.; Hankin, A.M.; Keating, T.; Deutsch, I.H.; Biedermann, Grant B.

Controlling the quantum entanglement between parts of a many-body system is key to unlocking the power of quantum technologies such as quantum computation, high-precision sensing, and the simulation of many-body physics. The spin degrees of freedom of ultracold neutral atoms in their ground electronic state provide a natural platform for such applications thanks to their long coherence times and the ability to control them with magneto-optical fields. However, the creation of strong coherent coupling between spins has been challenging. Here we demonstrate a strong and tunable Rydberg-dressed interaction between spins of individually trapped caesium atoms with energy shifts of order 1 MHz in units of Planck's constant. This interaction leads to a ground-state spin-flip blockade, whereby simultaneous hyperfine spin flips of two atoms are inhibited owing to their mutual interaction. We employ this spin-flip blockade to rapidly produce single-step Bell-state entanglement between two atoms with a fidelity 81(2)%.

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F -state quenching with CH 4 for buffer-gas cooled 171 Y b + frequency standard [Methane (CH4) for quenching the F-state in trapped Yb+ ions]

AIP Advances

Jau, Yuan-Yu J.; Hunker, Jeffrey D.; Schwindt, Peter S.

We report that methane, CH4, can be used as an efficient F-state quenching gas for trapped ytterbium ions. The quenching rate coefficient is measured to be (2.8 ± 0.3) × 106 s-1 Torr-1. For applications that use microwave hyperfine transitions of the ground-state 171Y b ions, the CH4 induced frequency shift coefficient and the decoherence rate coefficient are measured as δν/ν = (-3.6 ± 0.1) × 10-6 Torr-1 and 1/T2 = (1.5 ± 0.2) × 105 s-1 Torr-1. In our buffer-gas cooled 171Y b+ microwave clock system, we find that only ≤10-8 Torr of CH4 is required under normal operating conditions to efficiently clear the F-state and maintain ≥85% of trapped ions in the ground state with insignificant pressure shift and collisional decoherence of the clock resonance.

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Robust quantum logic in neutral atoms via adiabatic Rydberg dressing

Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics

Keating, Tyler; Cook, Robert L.; Hankin, Aaron M.; Jau, Yuan-Yu J.; Biedermann, Grant B.; Deutsch, Ivan H.

We study a scheme for implementing a controlled-Z (cz) gate between two neutral-atom qubits based on the Rydberg blockade mechanism in a manner that is robust to errors caused by atomic motion. By employing adiabatic dressing of the ground electronic state, we can protect the gate from decoherence due to random phase errors that typically arise because of atomic thermal motion. In addition, the adiabatic protocol allows for a Doppler-free configuration that involves counterpropagating lasers in a σ+/σ- orthogonal polarization geometry that further reduces motional errors due to Doppler shifts. The residual motional error is dominated by dipole-dipole forces acting on doubly excited Rydberg atoms when the blockade is imperfect. For reasonable parameters, with qubits encoded into the clock states of Cs133, we predict that our protocol could produce a cz gate in <10 μs with error probability on the order of 10-3.

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Robust quantum logic in neutral atoms via adiabatic Rydberg dressing

Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics

Biedermann, Grant B.; Jau, Yuan-Yu J.; Deutsch, Ivan D.; Keating, Tyler K.; Cook, Rob C.; Hankin, Aaron H.

We study a scheme for implementing a controlled-Z (CZ) gate between two neutral-atom qubits based on the Rydberg blockade mechanism in a manner that is robust to errors caused by atomic motion. By employing adiabatic dressing of the ground electronic state, we can protect the gate from decoherence due to random phase errors that typically arise because of atomic thermal motion. In addition, the adiabatic protocol allows for a Doppler-free configuration that involves counterpropagating lasers in a σ+- orthogonal polarization geometry that further reduces motional errors due to Doppler shifts. The residual motional error is dominated by dipole-dipole forces acting on doubly-excited Rydberg atoms when the blockade is imperfect. As a result, for reasonable parameters, with qubits encoded into the clock states of 133Cs, we predict that our protocol could produce a CZ gate in < 10 μs with error probability on the order of 10-3.

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76 Results
76 Results