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Low-dimensional physics of clay particle size distribution and layer ordering

Scientific Reports

Wang, Yifeng; Wang, Michael

Clays are known for their small particle sizes and complex layer stacking. We show here that the limited dimension of clay particles arises from the lack of long-range order in low-dimensional systems. Because of its weak interlayer interaction, a clay mineral can be treated as two separate low-dimensional systems: a 2D system for individual phyllosilicate layers and a quasi-1D system for layer stacking. The layer stacking or ordering in an interstratified clay can be described by a 1D Ising model while the limited extension of individual phyllosilicate layers can be related to a 2D Berezinskii–Kosterlitz–Thouless transition. This treatment allows for a systematic prediction of clay particle size distributions and layer stacking as controlled by the physical and chemical conditions for mineral growth and transformation. Clay minerals provide a useful model system for studying a transition from a 1D to 3D system in crystal growth and for a nanoscale structural manipulation of a general type of layered materials.

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Carbon dioxide-enhanced metal release from kerogen

Scientific Reports

Ho, Tuan A.; Wang, Yifeng

Heavy metals released from kerogen to produced water during oil/gas extraction have caused major environmental concerns. To curtail water usage and production in an operation and to use the same process for carbon sequestration, supercritical CO2 (scCO2) has been suggested as a fracking fluid or an oil/gas recovery agent. It has been shown previously that injection of scCO2 into a reservoir may cause several chemical and physical changes to the reservoir properties including pore surface wettability, gas sorption capacity, and transport properties. Using molecular dynamics simulations, we here demonstrate that injection of scCO2 might lead to desorption of physically adsorbed metals from kerogen structures. This process on one hand may impact the quality of produced water. On the other hand, it may enhance metal recovery if this process is used for in-situ extraction of critical metals from shale or other organic carbon-rich formations such as coal.

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Development of self-sensing materials for extreme environments based on metamaterial concept and additive manufacturing

Wang, Yifeng

Structural health monitoring of an engineered component in a harsh environment is critical for multiple DOE missions including nuclear fuel cycle, subsurface energy production/storage, and energy conversion. Supported by a seeding Laboratory Directed Research & Development (LDRD) project, we have explored a new concept for structural health monitoring by introducing a self-sensing capability into structural components. The concept is based on two recent technological advances: metamaterials and additive manufacturing. A self-sensing capability can be engineered by embedding a metastructure, for example, a sheet of electromagnetic resonators, either metallic or dielectric, into a material component. This embedment can now be realized using 3-D printing. The precise geometry of the embedded metastructure determines how the material interacts with an incident electromagnetic wave. Any change in the structure of the material (e.g., straining, degradation, etc.) would inevitably perturbate the embedded metastructures or metasurface array and therefore alter the electromagnetic response of the material, thus resulting in a frequency shift of a reflection spectrum that can be detected passively and remotely. This new sensing approach eliminates complicated environmental shielding, in-situ power supply, and wire routing that are generally required by the existing active-circuit-based sensors. The work documented in this report has preliminarily demonstrated the feasibility of the proposed concept. The work has established the needed simulation tools and experimental capabilities for future studies.

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Study of alkaline carbonate cooling to mitigate Ex-Vessel molten corium accidents

Nuclear Engineering and Design

Louie, David L.; Wang, Yifeng; Rao, Rekha R.; Kucala, Alec K.; Kruichak, Jessica N.

To mitigate adverse effects from molten corium following a reactor pressure vessel failure (RPVF), some new reactor designs employ a core catcher and a sacrificial material (SM), such as ceramic or concrete, to stabilize the molten corium and avoid containment breach. Existing reactors cannot easily be modified to include these SMs but could be modified to allow injectable cooling materials. Current reactor designs are limited to using water to stabilize the corium, but this can create other issues such as reaction of water with the concrete forming hydrogen gas. The novel SM proposed here is a granular carbonate mineral that can be used in existing light water reactor plants. The granular carbonate will decompose when exposed to heat, inducing an endothermic reaction to quickly solidify the corium in place and producing a mineral oxide and carbon dioxide. Corium spreading is a complex process strongly influenced by coupled chemical reactions, including decay heat from the corium, phase change, and reactions between the concrete containment and available water. A recently completed Sandia National Laboratories laboratory directed research and development (LDRD) project focused on two research areas: experiments to demonstrate the feasibility of the novel SM concept, and modeling activities to determine the potential applications of the concept to actual nuclear plants. Small-scale experiments using lead oxide (PbO) as a surrogate for molten corium demonstrate that the reaction of the SM with molten PbO results in a fast solidification of the melt due to the endothermic carbonate decomposition reaction and the formation of open pore structures in the solidified PbO from CO2 released during the decomposition. A simplified carbonate decomposition model was developed to predict thermal decomposition of carbonate mineral in contact with corium. This model was incorporated into MELCOR, a severe accident nuclear reactor code. A full-plant MELCOR simulation suggests that by the introduction of SM to the reactor cavity prior to RPVF ex-vessel accident progression, e.g., core-concrete interaction and core spreading on the containment floor, could be delayed by at least 15 h; this may be enough for additional accident management to be implemented to alleviate the situation.

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Control of Structural Hydrophobicity and Cation Solvation on Interlayer Water Transport during Clay Dehydration

Nano Letters

Ho, Tuan A.; Coker, Eric N.; Jove Colon, Carlos F.; Wang, Yifeng

Swelling clay hydration/dehydration is important to many environmental and industrial processes. Experimental studies usually probe equilibrium hydration states in an averaged manner and thus cannot capture the fast water transport and structural change in interlayers during hydration/dehydration. Using molecular simulations and thermogravimetric analyses, we observe a two-stage dehydration process. The first stage is controlled by evaporation at the edges: water molecules near hydrophobic sites and the first few water molecules of the hydration shell of cations move fast to particle edges for evaporation. The second stage is controlled by slow desorption of the last 1-2 water molecules from the cations and slow transport through the interlayers. The two-stage dehydration is strongly coupled with interlayer collapse and the coordination number changes of cations, all of which depend on layer charge distribution. This mechanistic interpretation of clay dehydration can be key to the coupled chemomechanical behavior in natural/engineered barriers.

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Molecular Origin of Wettability Alteration of Subsurface Porous Media upon Gas Pressure Variations

ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces

Ho, Tuan A.; Wang, Yifeng

Upon extraction/injection of a large quantity of gas from/into a subsurface system in shale gas production or carbon sequestration, the gas pressure varies remarkably, which may significantly change the wettability of porous media involved. Mechanistic understanding of such changes is critical for designing and optimizing a related subsurface engineering process. Using molecular dynamics simulations, we have calculated the contact angle of a water droplet on various solid surfaces (kerogen, pyrophyllite, calcite, gibbsite, and montmorillonite) as a function of CO2 or CH4 gas pressure up to 200 atm at a temperature of 300 K. The calculation reveals a complex behavior of surface wettability alteration by gas pressure variation depending on surface chemistry and structure, and molecular interactions of fluid molecules with surfaces. As the CO2 gas pressure increases, a partially hydrophilic kerogen surface becomes highly hydrophobic, while a calcite surface becomes more hydrophilic. Considering kerogen and calcite being the major components of a shale formation, we postulate that the wettability alteration of a solid surface induced by a gas pressure change may play an important role in fluid flows in shale gas production and geological carbon sequestration.

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Experimental and modeling studies of PR and ND oxalate solubility to high ionic strengths: Insight into actinide(III) oxalates

Chemical Geology

Xiong, Yongliang X.; Wang, Yifeng

Actinide oxalates are chemical compounds important to nuclear industry, ranging from actinide separation in waste reprocessing, to production of specialty actinides, and to disposal of high level nuclear waste (HLW) and spent nuclear fuel (SNF). In this study, the solubility constants for Pr2(C2O4)3·10H2O and Nd2(C2O4)3·10H2O by performing solubility experiments in HNO3 and mixtures of HNO3 and H2C2O4 at 23.0 ± 0.2 °C have been determined. The targeted starting materials, Pr2(C2O4)3·10H2O and Nd2(C2O4)3·10H2O, were successfully synthesized at room temperature using PrCl3, NdCl3 and oxalic acid as the source metrials. Then, we utilized the targeted solubility-controlling phases to conduct solubility measurements. There was no phase change over the entire periods of experiments, demonstrating that Pr2(C2O4)3·10H2O and Nd2(C2O4)3·10H2O were the solubility-controlling phases in our respective experiments. Based on our experimental data, we have developed a thermodynamic model for Pr2(C2O4)3·10H2O and Nd2(C2O4)3·10H2O in the mixtures of HNO3 and H2C2O4 to high ionic strengths. The model for Pr2(C2O4)3·10H2O reproduces well the reported experimental data for Pu2(C2O4)3·10H2O, which are not utilized for the model development, demonstrating that Pr(III) is an excellent analog for Pu(III). Similarly, the model for Nd2(C2O4)3·10H2O reproduces the solubility of Am2(C2O4)3·10H2O and Cm2(C2O4)3·10H2O. The Pitzer model was used for the calculation of activity coefficients. Based on the published, well established model for dissociation constants for oxalic acid and stability constants for actinide-oxalate complexes [i.e., AmC2O4+, and Am(C2O4)2−] to high ionic strengths, we have obtained the solubility constants (log10K0) for the following reactions at 25 °C,Pr2(C2O4)3·10H2O ⇌ 2Pr3+ + 3C2O42− + 10H2O(l)Nd2(C2O4)3·10H2O ⇌ 2Nd3+ + 3C2O42− + 10H2O(l) to be −30.82 ± 0.30 (2σ), and −31.14 ± 0.35 (2σ), respectively. These values can be directly applied to Pu2(C2O4)3·10H2O, Am2(C2O4)3·10H2O and Cm2(C2O4)3·10H2O. The model established for actinide oxalates by this study provides the needed knowledge with regard to solubilities of actinide/REE oxalates at various ionic strengths, and is expected to find applications in many fields, including the geological disposal of nuclear waste and the mobility of REE under the surface conditions, as Pr2(C2O4)3·10H2O and Nd2(C2O4)3·10H2O can be regarded as the pure Pr and Nd end-members of deveroite, a recently discovered natural REE oxalate with the following stoichiometry, (Ce1.01Nd0.33La0.32Pr0.11Y0.11Sm0.01Pb0.04U0.03Th0.01Ca0.04)2.01(C2O4)2.99·9.99H2O. Regarding its importance in the geological disposal of nuclear waste, Am2(C2O4)3·10H2O/Pu2(C2O4)3·10H2O/Cm2(C2O4)3·10H2O can be the source-term phase for actinides, as demonstrated by the instance in the disposal in clay/shale formations. This is exemplified by the stability of Am2(C2O4)3·10H2O in comparison with Am(OH)3(am), Am(OH)3(s) and AmCO3(OH)(s) under the relevant geological repository conditions.

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Swelling pressure of montmorillonite with multiple water layers at elevated temperatures and water pressures: A molecular dynamics study

Applied Clay Science

Yang, Yafan; Qiao, Rui; Wang, Yifeng; Sun, Shuyu

The swelling of clay at high temperature and pressure is important for applications including nuclear waste storage but is not well understood. A molecular dynamics study of the swelling of Na montmorillonite in water at several temperatures (T = 298, 400, and 500 K) and water environment pressures (Pe = 5 and 100 MPa) is reported here. Adopting a rarely used setup that enables swelling pressure to be resolved with an accuracy of ~1 MPa, the swelling pressure was computed at basal spacings 1.6–2.6 nm (or 2–5 water layers between neighboring clay sheets), which has not been widely studied before. At T = 298 K and Pe = 5 MPa, swelling pressure Ps oscillates at d-spacing d smaller than 2.2 nm and decays monotonically as d increases. Increasing T to 500 K but keeping Pe at 5 MPa, Ps remains oscillatory at small d, but its repulsive peak at d = 2.2 nm shifts to ~2.0 nm and Ps at different d-spacings can grow more attractive or repulsive. At d > 2.0 nm, Ps is weakened greatly. Keeping T at 500 K and increasing Pe to 100 MPa, Ps recovers toward that at T = 298 K and Pe = 5 MPa, however, the repulsive peak at d = 2.0 nm remains the same. The opposite effects of increasing temperature and pressure on the density and dielectric screening of water, which control ion correlations and thus double layer repulsion, are essential for understanding the observed swelling pressure at elevated temperatures and its response to environment pressures.

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Fast Advective Water Flow through Nanochannels in Clay Interlayers: Implications for Moisture Transport in Soils and Unconventional Oil/Gas Production

ACS Applied Nano Materials

Ho, Tuan A.; Wang, Yifeng; Jove Colon, Carlos F.; Coker, Eric N.

Water flow in nanometer or sub-nanometer hydrophilic channels bears special importance in diverse fields of science and engineering. However, the nature of such water flow remains elusive. Here, we report our molecular-modeling results on water flow in a sub-nanometer clay interlayer between two montmorillonite layers. We show that a fast advective flow can be induced by evaporation at one end of the interlayer channel, that is, a large suction pressure created by evaporation (∼818 MPa) is able to drive the fast water flow through the channel (∼0.88 m/s for a 46 Å-long channel). Scaled up for the pressure gradient to a 2 μm particle, the velocity of water is estimated to be about 95 μm/s, indicating that water can quickly flow through a μm-sized clay particle within seconds. The prediction seems to be confirmed by our thermogravimetric analysis of bentonite hydration and dehydration processes, which indicates that water transport at the early stage of the dehydration is a fast advective process, followed by a slow diffusion process. The possible occurrence of a fast advective water flow in clay interlayers prompts us to reassess water transport in a broad set of natural and engineered systems such as clay swelling/shrinking, moisture transport in soils, water uptake by plants, water imbibition/release in unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs, and cap rock integrity of supercritical CO2 storage.

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Determination of permeability for hydrocarbon release due to excavation-induced stress redistribution in rock salt

International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences

Shao, Hua; Wang, Yifeng; Nagel, Thomas; Kolditz, Olaf; Yoshioka, Keita

Due to a stress redistribution after the excavation of an underground tunnel for radioactive waste disposal, an Ed/DZ (excavation disturbed/damaged zone) will be generated in the near field of the opening, resulting in significant changes in the hydraulic and mechanical properties of the rock mass in the zone. Initially more or less randomly distributed hydrocarbons at grain boundaries in rock salt, which sometimes can only be observed with ultraviolet light, can then be mobilised and migrate at a potentially significant rate towards the excavation. Within the international cooperative project DECOVALEX 2019, the migration mechanism of such fluid inclusions in rock salt is being studied intensively. A multi-scale modelling strategy has been developed. A macroscale coupled hydro-mechanical modelling of an underground excavation was performed to determine hydraulic and time-dependent deviatoric stress conditions, by taking into account the rock salt creep behaviour. Under the obtained macro-scale constraints, micro-scale modelling of a pathway dilation along halite grain boundaries was performed using different model strategies: a) coupled hydromechanical modelling with a consideration of hydraulic pressure-induced dilatant deformation, b) nonlinear dynamic model taking account of fluid migration, stress-dependent grain boundary wetting and shear-induced dilatancy of salt, and c) phase-field modelling of flow pathway propagation. The permeability increase resulting from the pathway dilation is estimated to be as high as two orders of magnitude. Based on the permeability determined, a series of pressure build-ups measured from a borehole with a high hydrocarbon release rate, a total of 430 build-ups within a monitoring time of 938 days, can be simulated with a macro-scale compressible flow model accounting for different zones around the opening.

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Disposal Concepts for a High-Temperature Repository in Shale

Stein, Emily S.; Bryan, Charles R.; Dobson, David C.; Hardin, Ernest H.; Jove Colon, Carlos F.; Lopez, Carlos M.; Matteo, Edward N.; Mohanty, Sitakanta N.; Pendleton, Martha W.; Perry, Frank V.; Prouty, Jeralyn L.; Sassani, David C.; Wang, Yifeng; Rutqvist, Jonny R.; Zheng, Liange Z.; Sauer, Kirsten B.; Caporuscio, Florie C.; Howard, Robert H.; Adeniyi, Abiodun A.; Joseph, Robby J.

Disposal of large, heat-generating waste packages containing the equivalent of 21 pressurized water reactor (PWR) assemblies or more is among the disposal concepts under investigation for a future repository for spent nuclear fuel (SNF) in the United States. Without a long (>200 years) surface storage period, disposal of 21-PWR or larger waste packages (especially if they contain high-burnup fuel) would result in in-drift and near-field temperatures considerably higher than considered in previous generic reference cases that assume either 4-PWR or 12-PWR waste packages (Jové Colón et al. 2014; Mariner et al. 2015; 2017). Sevougian et al. (2019c) identified high-temperature process understanding as a key research and development (R&D) area for the Spent Fuel and Waste Science and Technology (SFWST) Campaign. A two-day workshop in February 2020 brought together campaign scientists with expertise in geology, geochemistry, geomechanics, engineered barriers, waste forms, and corrosion processes to begin integrated development of a high-temperature reference case for disposal of SNF in a mined repository in a shale host rock. Building on the progress made in the workshop, the study team further explored the concepts and processes needed to form the basis for a high-temperature shale repository reference case. The results are described in this report and summarized..

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Pore size effect on selective gas transport in shale nanopores

Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering

Ho, Tuan A.; Wang, Yifeng

In shale gas production, gas composition may vary over time. To understand this phenomenon, we use molecular dynamics simulations to study the permeation of CH4, C2H6 and their mixture from a source container through a pyrophyllite nanopore driven by a pressure gradient. For a pure gas, the flow rate of CH4 is always higher than that of C2H6, regardless of pore size. For a 1:1 C2H6: CH4 mixture, however, C2H6:CH4 flow rate ratio is higher than the compositional ratio in the container (i.e., 1:1) when the pore size is smaller than ~1.8 nm. The selective transport is caused by the competitive adsorption of C2H6 over CH4 in the nanopore. The selectivity is also determined by the interplay between the surface diffusion of the adsorbed molecules and the viscous flow in the center of the pore, and it diminishes as the viscous flow becomes to dominate the surface diffusion when the pore size becomes larger than 1.8 nm. Our work shows that compositional differentiation of shale gas in production is a consequence of nanopore confinement and therefore a key characteristic of an unconventional reservoir. The related compositional information can potentially be used for monitoring the status of a production well such as its recovery rate.

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Enhancement of Thermal Conductivity of Bentonite Buffer Materials with Copper Wires/Meshes for High-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal

Nuclear Technology

Wang, Yifeng; Hadgu, Teklu

In high-level radioactive waste disposal, a heat-generating waste canister is generally encased with a layer of bentonite-based buffer material acting as an engineered barrier to limit water percolation and radionuclide release. The low thermal conductivity of bentonite (~0.5 W/m∙K) combined with a high thermal loading waste package may result in a high surface temperature on the package that can potentially impact the structural integrity of the package itself as well as the surrounding buffer material. We show here that the thermal conductivity of bentonite can be effectively enhanced by embedding copper wires/meshes across the buffer layer to form fully connected high heat conduction pathways. A simple calculation based on Rayleigh’s model shows that a required thermal conductivity of 5 W/m∙K for effective heat dissipation can be achieved simply by adding ~1 vol % of copper wires/meshes into bentonite. As a result, the peak surface temperature on a large waste package such as a dual-purpose canister can be reduced by up to 300°C, leading to a significant reduction in the surface storage time for waste cooling and therefore the overall cost for direct disposal of such waste packages. Because of the ensured full thermal percolation across the buffer layer, copper wires/meshes turn out to be much more effective than any other materials currently suggested (such as graphene or graphite) in enhancing the thermal conductivity of buffer material. Furthermore, the embedded copper wires/meshes can help reinforce the mechanical strength of the buffer material, thus preventing the material from a potential erosion by a possible intrusion of dilute groundwater.

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Process Model Development and Experimental Investigation for Spent Fuel Disposal in Crystalline Rocks: FY20 Report

Wang, Yifeng

The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Spent Fuel Waste Disposition (SFWD) established in fiscal year 2010 (FY10) the Spent Fuel Waste Science & Technology (SFWST) Program (formerly the Used Fuel Disposition Campaign - UFDC) program to conduct the research and development (R&D) activities related to storage, transportation and disposal of used nuclear fuel and high level nuclear waste. The Mission of the SFWST is: To identify alternatives and conduct scientific research and technology development to enable storage, transportation and disposal of used nuclear fuel and wastes generated by existing and future nuclear fuel cycles. Significant progress has been made in FY20 in both experimental and modeling arenas in evaluation of used fuel disposal in crystalline rocks, especially in model demonstration using field data. The work covers a wide range of research topics identified in the R&D plan.

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Validation and Recalibration of the Solubility Models in Support of the Heater Test in Salt Formations

MRS Advances

Xiong, Yongliang X.; Kuhlman, Kristopher L.; Mills, Melissa M.; Wang, Yifeng

The US Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy is conducting a brine availability heater test to characterize the thermal, mechanical, hydrological and chemical response of salt at elevated temperatures. In the heater test, brines will be collected and analyzed for chemical compositions. In order to support the geochemical modeling of chemical evolutions of the brines during the heater test, we are recalibrating and validating the solubility models for the mineral constituents in salt formations up to 100°C, based on the solubility data in multiple component systems as well as simple systems from literature. In this work, we systematically compare the model-predicted values based on the various solubility models related to the constituents of salt formations, with the experimental data. As halite is the dominant constituent in salt formations, we first test the halite solubility model in the Na-Mg-Cl dominated brines. We find the existing halite solubility model systematically over-predict the solubility of halite. We recalibrate the halite model, which can reproduce halite solubilities in Na-Mg-Cl dominated brines well. As gypsum/anhydrite in salt formations controls the sulfate concentrations in associated brines, we test the gypsum solubility model in NaCl solutions up to 5.87 mol•kg-1 from 25°C to 50°C. The testing shows that the current gypsum solubility model reproduces the experimental data well when NaCl concentrations are less than 1 mol•kg-1. However, at NaCl concentrations higher than 1, the model systematically overpredicts the solubility of gypsum. In the Na - Cl - SO4 - CO3 system, the validation tests up to 100°C demonstrate that the model excellently reproduces the experimental data for the solution compositions equilibrated with one single phase such as halite (NaCl) or thenardite (Na2SO4), with deviations equal to, or less than, 1.5 %. The model is much less ideal in reproducing the compositions in equilibrium with the assemblages of halite + thenardite, and of halite + thermonatrite (Na2CO3•H2O), with deviations up to 31 %. The high deviations from the experimental data for the multiple assemblages in this system at elevated temperatures may be attributed to the facts that the database has the Pitzer interaction parameters for Cl - CO3 and SO4 - CO3 only at 25°C. In the Na - Ca - SO4 - HCO3 system, the validation tests also demonstrate that the model reproduces the equilibrium compositions for one single phase such as gypsum better than the assemblages of more than one phase.

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Approaches to multi-scale analyses of mechanically and thermally-driven migration of fluid inclusions in salt rocks

Physics and Chemistry of the Earth

Shao, Hua; Wang, Yifeng; Kolditz, Olaf; Nagel, Thomas; Brüning, Torben

Fluid inclusions are found within mineral crystals or along grain boundaries in many sedimentary rocks, notably in evaporite formations, and can migrate along a thermal or hydro-mechanical gradient. Shale and salt rocks have been considered potential host rocks for radioactive waste disposal, due to their low permeability. Previously stagnant inclusions may become mobilised by a perturbation of the in situ state by a geotechnical installation or the emplacement of heat-generating waste. The migration of fluid inclusions can thus have important impacts on the long-term performance of a geologic repository for high-level radioactive waste disposal. As a part of the international research project DECOVALEX-2019, two aspects of fluid inclusion migration in rock salt are currently investigated under different boundary conditions: a) altered hydro-mechanical conditions as a consequence of tunnel excavation or borehole drilling and b) coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical conditions during the heating period of the post-closure phase of a repository. To obtain a mechanistic understanding of underlying physical processes for fluid inclusion migration, a multi-scale modelling strategy has been developed. Microscale hydraulic and time-dependent mechanical conditions related to the creep behaviour of rock salt are constrained by considering the macroscale stress evolution of an underground excavation. An analysis using a coupled two-phase flow and elasto-plastic model with a consideration of permeability variation indicates that a pathway dilation along the halite grain boundary may increase the permeability by two orders of magnitude. The calculated high flow velocity may explain the fast pressure build-up observed in the field. In addition, a mathematical model for the migration and morphological evolution of a single fluid inclusion under a thermal gradient has been formulated. A first-order analysis of the model leads to a simple mathematical expression that is able to explain the key observations of thermally driven inclusion migration in salt. Finally, numerical methods such as a phase field method for solving a moving boundary problem of fluid inclusion migration have also been explored.

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A New Method to Contain Molten Corium in Catastrophic Nuclear Reactor Accidents

Louie, David L.; Wang, Yifeng; Rao, Rekha R.; Kucala, Alec K.; Ross, Kyle R.; Kruichak, Jessica N.; Chavez, William R.

The catastrophic nuclear reactor accident at Fukushima damaged public confidence in nuclear energy and a demand for new engineered safety features that could mitigate or prevent radiation releases to the environment in the future. We have developed a novel use of sacrificial material (SM) to prevent the molten corium from breaching containment during accidents as well as a validated, novel, high-fidelity modeling capability to design and optimize the proposed concept. Some new reactor designs employ a core catcher and a SM, such as ceramic or concrete, to slow the molten corium and avoid the breach of the containment. However, existing reactors cannot easily be modified to include these SMs but could be modified to allow injectable cooling materials (current designs are limited to water). The SM proposed in this Laboratory Development Research and Development (LDRD) project is based on granular carbonate minerals that can be used in existing light water reactor plants. This new SM will induce an endothermic reaction to quickly freeze the corium in place, with minimal hydrogen explosion and maximum radionuclide retention. Because corium spreading is a complex process strongly influenced by coupled chemical reactions (with underlying containment material and especially with the proposed SM), decay heat and phase change. No existing tool is available for modeling such a complex process. This LDRD project focused on two research areas: experiments to demonstrate the feasibility of the novel SM concept, and modeling activities to determine the potential applications of the concept to actual nuclear plants. We have demonstrated small-scale to large-scaled experiments using lead oxide (Pb0) as surrogate for molten corium, which showed that the reaction of the SM with molten Pb0 results in a fast solidification of the melt and the formation of open pore structures in the solidified Pb0 because of CO 2 released from the carbonate decomposition. Our modeling simulations show that Sierra Mechanics/Aria code can be used to model a molten corium spreading experiment and the PbO/carbonate experiment. A simplified carbonate decomposition model has been developed to predict thermal decomposition of carbonate mineral in contact with corium. This model has been incorporated into an input model for MELCOR, a severe accident nuclear reactor code developed by Sandia National Laboratories for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. A full-plant MELCOR simulation suggests that the ex-vessel accident progression, e.g., core-concrete interaction and core spreading on the containment floor, could be significantly delayed by the introduction of SM to the reactor cavity prior to the reactor pressure vessel failure. Delays of one and half day are suggested with limited SM. Filling the cavity with SM might delay progression by days. Additionally, the modeling suggests that the relative concentration (molar fraction) of hydrogen in containment could be substantially reduced by the non-condensable gas (CO 2 ) generation associated with the SM reaction effectively making the hydrogen concentration below its flammable limit. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was supported by the Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program of Sandia National Laboratories (Sandia). The authors would like to express thanks to all Sandia staff who helped with this research, including Ms. Denise Bencoe for assisting with the performance of the small-scaled experiments at Advanced Material Laboratories, Ms. Amanda Sanchez and Ms. Lydia Boisvert for grinding all natural carbonate materials and sieving, Dr. Anne Grillet for measuring the microstructure of the samples using X-ray micro CT Scan (SKYSCAN 1272), Dr. Clay Payne for the XRD measurement, Dr. Eric Lindgren for assisting the selection of crucible materials, Dr. Larry Humphries for review this report and Dr. Randall O. Gauntt for reviewing this research, who has retired from Sandia at the time of this publication. The authors like to thank Ms. Laura Sowko for editing this report. Additionally, the authors appreciated the use of the FARO L-26S data information described in Section of this report downloaded from STRESA, Joint Research Centre, European Commission (c) Euratom, 2019.

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Nonlinear dynamics of aqueous dissolution of silicate materials

International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management 2019, IHLRWM 2019

Wang, Yifeng

Aqueous dissolution of silicate materials exhibits complex temporal evolution and rich pattern formations. Mechanistic understanding of this process is critical for the development of a predictive model for a long-term performance assessment of silicate glass as a waste form for high-level radioactive waste disposal. Here we provide a summary of a recently developed nonlinear dynamic model for silicate material degradation in an aqueous environment. This model is based on a simple self-organizational mechanism: dissolution of silica framework of a material is catalyzed by cations released from material degradation, which in turn accelerate the release of cations. This model provides a systematical prediction of the key features observed in silicate glass dissolution, including the occurrence of a sharp corrosion front, oscillatory dissolution, multiple stages of the alteration process, wavy dissolution fronts, growth rings, incoherent bandings of alteration products, and corrosion pitting. This work provides a new perspective for understanding silicate material degradation and evaluating the long-term performance of these materials as a waste form for radioactive waste disposal.

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Saponites as new generation engineered buffer materials for harsh environments

International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management 2019, IHLRWM 2019

Xiong, Yongliang X.; Wang, Yifeng

Montmorillonite with an empirical formula of Na0.2Ca0.1Al2Si4O10(OH)2(H2O)10 is a di-octahedral smectite. Montmorillonite-rich bentonite is a primary buffer candidate for high level nuclear waste (HLW) and used nuclear fuel to be disposed in mild environments. In such environments, temperatures are expected to be ≤ 90oC, the solutions are of low ionic strengths, and pH is close to neutral. Under the conditions outside the above parameters, the performance of montmorillonite-rich bentonite is deteriorated because of collapse of swelling particles as a result of illitization, and dissolution of the swelling clay minerals followed by precipitation of non-swelling minerals. It has been well known that tri-octahedral smectites such as saponite, with an ideal formula of Mg3(Si, Al)4O10(OH)2•4H2O for an Mg-end member (saponite-15A), are less susceptible to alteration under harsh conditions. Recently, Mg-bearing saponite has been favorably considered as a preferable engineered buffer material for the Swedish very deep holes (VDH) disposal concept in crystalline rock formations. In the VDH, HLW is disposed in deep holes at depth between 2,000 m and 4,000 m. At such deployment depths, the temperatures are expected to be between 100oC and 150oC, and the groundwater is of high ionic strength. The harsh chemical conditions of high pH are also introduced by the repository designs in which concretes and cements are used as plugs and buffers. In addition, harsh chemical conditions introduced by high ionic strength solutions are also present in repository designs in salt formations and sedimentary basins. For instance, the two brines associated with the salt formations for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in USA have ionic strengths of 5.82 mol•kg-1 (ERDA-6) and 8.26 mol•kg-1 (GWB). In the Asse site proposed for a geological repository in salt formations in Germany, the Q-brine has an ionic strength of ~13 mol•kg-1. In this work, we present our investigations regarding the stability of saponite under hydrothermal conditions in harsh environments.

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Determination of factors influencing radionuclide transport in fractured crystalline rock

International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management 2019, IHLRWM 2019

Hadgu, Teklu H.; Kalinina, Elena A.; Wang, Yifeng

Numerical modeling of flow and transport through fractured crystalline rock was conducted to identify major factors that affect migration of radionuclides from a high-level nuclear waste repository. The study was based on data collected at the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (URL) in Japan. Distributions of fracture parameters were used to generate a selected number of DFN realizations. For each realization the DFN was upscaled to a continuum mesh to provide permeability and porosity fields. The upscaled permeability and porosity fields were then used to study flow and transport through the fractured rock in a site-scale domain. For the present study the focus is on the effect of domain size and on upscaling of DFN to a continuum system. Simulation results and analysis on various upscaling and boundary condition assumptions are presented.

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From Nanofluidics to Basin‐Scale Flow in Shale: Tracer Investigations

Geophysical Monograph Series

Wang, Yifeng

Understanding fluid flow and transport in shale is of great importance to the development of unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs and nuclear waste repositories. Tracer techniques have proven to be a useful tool for gaining such understanding. Shale is characterized by the presence of nanometer‐sized pores and the resulting extremely low permeability. Chemical species confined in nanopores could behave drastically differently from those in a bulk system and the interaction of these species with pore surfaces is much enhanced due to a high surface/fluid volume ratio, both of which could potentially affect tracer migration and chromatographic differentiation in shale. Nanoconfinement manifests the discrete nature of fluid molecules in transport, therefore enhancing mass‐dependent isotope fractionations. All these effects combined lead to a distinct set of tracer signatures that may not be observed in a conventional hydrocarbon reservoir or highly permeable groundwater aquifer system. These signatures can be used to delineate flow regimes, trace fluid sources, and quantify the rate and extent of a physical/chemical process. Such signatures can be used for the evaluation of cap rock structural integrity, the postclosure monitoring of a geologic repository, or the detection of a possible contamination in a water aquifer by a shale oil/gas extraction.

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Enhancement of oil flow in shale nanopores by manipulating friction and viscosity

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Ho, Tuan A.; Wang, Yifeng

Understanding the viscosity and friction of a fluid under nanoconfinement is the key to nanofluidics research. Existing work on nanochannel flow enhancement has been focused on simple systems with only one to two fluids considered such as water flow in carbon nanotubes, and large slip lengths have been found to be the main factor for the massive flow enhancement. In this study, we use molecular dynamics simulations to study the fluid flow of a ternary mixture of octane-carbon dioxide-water confined within two muscovite and kerogen surfaces. The results indicate that, in a muscovite slit, supercritical CO2 (scCO2) and H2O both enhance the flow of octane due to (i) a decrease in the friction of octane with the muscovite wall because of the formation of thin layers of H2O and scCO2 near the surfaces; and (ii) a reduction in the viscosity of octane in nanoconfinement. Water reduces octane viscosity by weakening the interaction of octane with the muscovite surface, while scCO2 reduces octane viscosity by weakening both octane-octane and octane-surface interactions. In a kerogen slit, water does not play any significant role in changing the friction or viscosity of octane. In contrast, scCO2 reduces both the friction and the viscosity of octane, and the enhancement of octane flow is mainly caused by the reduction of viscosity. Our results highlight the importance of multicomponent interactions in nanoscale fluid transport. The results presented here also have a direct implication in enhanced oil recovery in unconventional reservoirs.

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A low-cost, high-performance anionic getter material with applications for engineered barrier systems

International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management 2019, IHLRWM 2019

Kruichak, Jessica N.; Bell, Nelson S.; Matteo, Edward N.; Wang, Yifeng

Our results show that a pseudo-boehmite precursor material can be chemically modified with divalent cationic species, for example, Nickel, to create an effective getter for anionic species. The viability of this novel class of materials is established by a variety of characterization methods, including surface area measurements, scanning electron microscopy, elemental analysis, and sorption capacity measurements. We will present the results of sorption capacity and surface area measurements that show the high sorption capacity of this novel class of getter materials. Our study shows that the divalent cation modification can increase the sorption capacity by as much as a factor of two.

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Rock-welding materials development for deep borehole nuclear waste disposal

Materials Chemistry and Physics

Yang, Pin Y.; Wang, Yifeng; Rodriguez, Mark A.; Brady, Patrick V.

Various versions of deep borehole nuclear waste disposal have been proposed in the past in which effective sealing of a borehole after waste emplacement is generally required. In a high temperature disposal mode, the sealing function will be fulfilled by melting the ambient granitic rock with waste decay heat or an external heating source, creating a melt that will encapsulate waste containers or plug a portion of the borehole above a stack of the containers. However, there are certain drawbacks associated with natural materials, such as high melting temperatures, inefficient consolidation, slow crystallization kinetics, the resulting sealing materials generally being porous with low mechanical strength, insufficient adhesion to waste container surface, and lack of flexibility for engineering controls. In this study, we showed that natural granitic materials can be purposefully engineered through chemical modifications to enhance the sealing capability of the materials for deep borehole disposal. The present work systematically explores the effect of chemical modification and crystallinity (amorphous vs. crystalline) on the melting and crystallization processes of a granitic rock system. The approach can be applied to modify granites excavated from different geological sites. Several engineered granitic materials have been explored which possess significantly lower processing and densification temperatures than natural granites. Those new materials consolidate more efficiently by viscous flow and accelerated recrystallization without compromising their mechanical integrity and properties.

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Supercritical CO2-induced atomistic lubrication for water flow in a rough hydrophilic nanochannel


Ho, Tuan A.; Wang, Yifeng; Ilgen, Anastasia G.; Criscenti, Louise C.; Tenney, Craig M.

A fluid flow in a nanochannel highly depends on the wettability of the channel surface to the fluid. The permeability of the nanochannel is usually very low, largely due to the adhesion of fluid at the solid interfaces. Using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, we demonstrate that the flow of water in a nanochannel with rough hydrophilic surfaces can be significantly enhanced by the presence of a thin layer of supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) at the water-solid interfaces. The thin scCO2 layer acts like an atomistic lubricant that transforms a hydrophilic interface into a super-hydrophobic one and triggers a transition from a stick- to- a slip boundary condition for a nanoscale flow. This work provides an atomistic insight into multicomponent interactions in nanochannels and illustrates that such interactions can be manipulated, if needed, to increase the throughput and energy efficiency of nanofluidic systems.

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Morphological instability of aqueous dissolution of silicate glasses and minerals [Nonlinear dynamics of aqueous dissolution of silicate glasses and minerals: Morphological instability]

npj Materials Degradation

Wang, Yifeng

Understanding of aqueous dissolution of silicate glasses and minerals is of great importance to both Earth science and materials science. Silicate dissolution exhibits complex temporal evolution and spatial pattern formations. Recently, we showed how observed complexity could emerge from a simple self-organizational mechanism: dissolution of the silica framework in a material could be catalyzed by the cations released from the reaction itself. This mechanism enables us to systematically predict many key features of a silicate dissolution process including the occurrence of a sharp corrosion front (vs. a leached surface layer), oscillatory dissolution and multiple stages of the alteration process (e.g., an alteration rate resumption at a late stage of glass dissolution). Here, through a linear stability analysis, we show that this same mechanism can also lead to morphological instability of an alteration front, which, in combination with oscillatory dissolution, can potentially lead to a whole suite of patterning phenomena, as observed on archaeological glass samples, including wavy dissolution fronts, growth rings, incoherent bandings of alteration products, and corrosion pitting. Here, the result thus further demonstrates the importance of the proposed self-accelerating mechanism in silicate material degradation.

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Differential retention and release of CO2 and CH4 in kerogen nanopores: Implications for gas extraction and carbon sequestration


Ho, Tuan A.; Wang, Yifeng; Xiong, Yongliang X.; Criscenti, Louise C.

Methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2), the two major components generated from kerogen maturation, are stored dominantly in nanometer-sized pores in shale matrix as (1) a compressed gas, (2) an adsorbed surface species and/or (3) a species dissolved in pore water (H2O). In addition, supercritical CO2 has been proposed as a fracturing fluid for simultaneous enhanced oil/gas recovery (EOR) and carbon sequestration. A mechanistic understanding of CH4-CO2-H2O interactions in shale nanopores is critical for designing effective operational processes. Using molecular simulations, we show that kerogen preferentially retains CO2 over CH4 and that the majority of CO2 either generated during kerogen maturation or injected in EOR will remain trapped in the kerogen matrix. The trapped CO2 may be released only if the reservoir pressure drops below the supercritical CO2 pressure. When water is present in the kerogen matrix, it may block CH4 release. However, the addition of CO2 may enhance CH4 release because CO2 can diffuse through water and exchange for adsorbed methane in the kerogen nanopores.

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Fundamental Understanding of Methane-Carbon Dioxide-Water (CH4-CO2-H2O) Interactions in Shale Nanopores under Reservoir Conditions

Wang, Yifeng

Shale is characterized by the predominant presence of nanometer-scale (1-100 nm) pores. The behavior of fluids in those pores directly controls shale gas storage and release in shale matrix and ultimately the wellbore production in unconventional reservoirs. Recently, it has been recognized that a fluid confined in nanopores can behave dramatically differently from the corresponding bulk phase due to nanopore confinement (Wang, 2014). CO2 and H2O, either preexisting or introduced, are two major components that coexist with shale gas (predominately CH4) during hydrofracturing and gas extraction. Note that liquid or supercritical CO2 has been suggested as an alternative fluid for subsurface fracturing such that CO2 enhanced gas recovery can also serve as a CO2 sequestration process. Limited data indicate that CO2 may preferentially adsorb in nanopores (particularly those in kerogen) and therefore displace CH4 in shale. Similarly, the presence of water moisture seems able to displace or trap CH4 in shale matrix. Therefore, fundamental understanding of CH4-CO2-H2O behavior and their interactions in shale nanopores is of great importance for gas production and the related CO2 sequestration. This project focuses on the systematic study of CH4-CO2-H2O interactions in shale nanopores under high-pressure and high temperature reservoir conditions. The proposed work will help to develop new stimulation strategies to enable efficient resource recovery from fewer and less environmentally impactful wells.

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Chemo-mechanical coupling in kerogen gas adsorption/desorption

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Ho, Tuan A.; Wang, Yifeng; Criscenti, Louise C.

Kerogen plays a central role in hydrocarbon generation in an oil/gas reservoir. In a subsurface environment, kerogen is constantly subjected to stress confinement or relaxation. The interplay between mechanical deformation and gas adsorption of the materials could be an important process for shale gas production but unfortunately is poorly understood. Using a hybrid Monte Carlo/molecular dynamics simulation, we show here that a strong chemo-mechanical coupling may exist between gas adsorption and mechanical strain of a kerogen matrix. The results indicate that the kerogen volume can expand by up to 5.4% and 11% upon CH4 and CO2 adsorption at 192 atm, respectively. The kerogen volume increases with gas pressure and eventually approaches a plateau as the kerogen becomes saturated. The volume expansion appears to quadratically increase with the amount of gas adsorbed, indicating a critical role of the surface layer of gas adsorbed in the bulk strain of the material. Furthermore, gas uptake is greatly enhanced by kerogen swelling. Swelling also increases the surface area, porosity, and pore size of kerogen. Our results illustrate the dynamic nature of kerogen, thus questioning the validity of the current assumption of a rigid kerogen molecular structure in the estimation of gas-in-place for a shale gas reservoir or gas storage capacity for subsurface carbon sequestration. The coupling between gas adsorption and kerogen matrix deformation should be taken into consideration.

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Investigations of fluid flow in fractured crystalline rocks at the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory

2nd International Discrete Fracture Network Engineering Conference, DFNE 2018

Hadgu, Teklu H.; Kalinina, E.; Wang, Yifeng; Ozaki, Y.; Iwatsuki, T.

Experimental hydrology data from the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory in Central Japan have been used to develop a site-scale fracture model and a flow model for the study area. The discrete fracture network model was upscaled to a continuum model to be used in flow simulations. A flow model was developed centered on the research tunnel, and using a highly refined regular mesh. In this study development and utilization of the model is presented. The modeling analysis used permeability and porosity fields from the discrete fracture network model as well as a homogenous model using fixed values of permeability and porosity. The simulations were designed to reproduce hydrology of the modeling area and to predict inflow of water into the research tunnel during excavation. Modeling results were compared with the project hydrology data. Successful matching of the experimental data was obtained for simulations based on the discrete fracture network model.

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Development and validation of a fracture model for the granite rocks at Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory, Japan

2nd International Discrete Fracture Network Engineering Conference, DFNE 2018

Kalinina, E.A.; Hadgu, Teklu H.; Wang, Yifeng; Ozaki, Y.; Iwatsuki, T.

The Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory is located in the Tono area (Central Japan). Its main purpose is providing a scientific basis for the research and development of technologies needed for deep geological disposal of radioactive waste in fractured crystalline rocks. The current work is focused on the experiments in the research tunnel (500 m depth). The collected tunnel and borehole data were shared with the participants of DEvelopment of COupled models and their VALidation against EXperiments (DECOVALEX) project. This study describes how these data were used to (1) develop the fracture model of the granite rocks around the research tunnel and (2) validate the model.

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Injectable sacrificial material system to contain ex-vessel molten corium in nuclear accidents

International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Proceedings, ICONE

Louie, David L.; Wang, Yifeng; Rao, Rekha R.; Kucala, Alec K.; Kruichak, Jessica N.

An ongoing Sandia National Laboratories’ (SNL) research study is evaluating a potential design of an injectable sacrificial material (SM) system that could contain and cool corium ejected from a reactor vessel lower head failure during a potential severe accident involving melting fuel at a commercial light water nuclear reactor (LWR). An injectable system could be installed at any existing LWR, without significant modification to the cavity or to the drywell pedestal region of the plant. The conceptual design under consideration is a passive system. The SM is being optimized to quickly cool the corium mixture while creating gas to form porosity in the solid, such that subsequent water flooding can penetrate the structure and provide additional cooling. The SM would form a barrier and limit corium-concrete interactions. This three-year project takes a joint experimental and computational approach. In this paper, we will first discuss the success of our small-scale experiments conducted on the interactions between the surrogate corium material (SCM) and SM, used to evaluate the injectable concept. A larger experimental study, currently underway, will further validate the injectable concept, with a focus on accurately measuring interactions. This paper details the modeling study and its progress, including modeling the experiments on a surrogate system and extending the model to bench-scale corium flow from validation experiments. The project’s modeling studies will use the SNL engineering code suite SIERRA Mechanics to understand the interaction of injectable SM and molten corium and predict corium spreading. Spreading is modeled using a level set method to track the front in conjunction with a pressure-stabilized finite element method on the fully three-dimensional mass, momentum, and energy conservation equations. Using this diffuse-interface method, the corium spreading front can be tracked and an appropriate pseudo-solidification viscosity models can be implemented to accurately model the corium spreading physics. Finally, an injectable SM delivery system is discussed along with its deployment to the six-common commercial LWR designs currently operating in the United States. At the end of this project, a simplified model based on SIERRA simulations will be developed for implementation into MELCOR, a severe reactor analysis code, developed at SNL for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This will allow us to demonstrate the ability of the injectable SM system to mitigate the ex-vessel corium spreading, provide containment and negate the release of radionuclides.

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Atomistic Structure of Mineral Nano-aggregates from Simulated Compaction and Dewatering

Scientific Reports

Ho, Tuan A.; Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Wang, Yifeng; Criscenti, Louise C.

The porosity of clay aggregates is an important property governing chemical reactions and fluid flow in low-permeability geologic formations and clay-based engineered barrier systems. Pore spaces in clays include interlayer and interparticle pores. Under compaction and dewatering, the size and geometry of such pore spaces may vary significantly (sub-nanometer to microns) depending on ambient physical and chemical conditions. Here we report a molecular dynamics simulation method to construct a complex and realistic clay-like nanoparticle aggregate with interparticle pores and grain boundaries. The model structure is then used to investigate the effect of dewatering and water content on micro-porosity of the aggregates. The results suggest that slow dewatering would create more compact aggregates compared to fast dewatering. Furthermore, the amount of water present in the aggregates strongly affects the particle-particle interactions and hence the aggregate structure. Detailed analyses of particle-particle and water-particle interactions provide a molecular-scale view of porosity and texture development of the aggregates. The simulation method developed here may also aid in modeling the synthesis of nanostructured materials through self-assembly of nanoparticles.

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Roadmap for disposal of Electrorefiner Salt as Transuranic Waste

Rechard, Robert P.; Trone, Janis R.; Kalinina, Elena A.; Wang, Yifeng; Hadgu, Teklu H.; Sanchez, Lawrence C.

The experimental breeder reactor (EBR-II) used fuel with a layer of sodium surrounding the uranium-zirconium fuel to improve heat transfer. Disposing of EBR-II fuel in a geologic repository without treatment is not prudent because of the potentially energetic reaction of the sodium with water. In 2000, the US Department of Energy (DOE) decided to treat the sodium-bonded fuel with an electrorefiner (ER), which produces metallic uranium product, a metallic waste, mostly from the cladding, and the salt waste in the ER, which contains most of the actinides and fission products. Two waste forms were proposed for disposal in a mined repository; the metallic waste, which was to be cast into ingots, and the ER salt waste, which was to be further treated to produce a ceramic waste form. However, alternative disposal pathways for metallic and salt waste streams may reduce the complexity. For example, performance assessments show that geologic repositories can easily accommodate the ER salt waste without treating it to form a ceramic waste form. Because EBR-II was used for atomic energy defense activities, the treated waste likely meets the definition of transuranic waste. Hence, disposal at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in southern New Mexico, may be feasible. This report reviews the direct disposal pathway for ER salt waste and describes eleven tasks necessary for implementing disposal at WIPP, provided space is available, DOE decides to use this alternative disposal pathway in an updated environmental impact statement, and the State of New Mexico grants permission.

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Model representations of kerogen structures: An insight from density functional theory calculations and spectroscopic measurements

Scientific Reports

Weck, Philippe F.; Kim, Eunja; Wang, Yifeng; Kruichak, Jessica N.; Mills, Melissa M.; Matteo, Edward N.; Pellenq, Roland J.M.

Molecular structures of kerogen control hydrocarbon production in unconventional reservoirs. Significant progress has been made in developing model representations of various kerogen structures. These models have been widely used for the prediction of gas adsorption and migration in shale matrix. However, using density functional perturbation theory (DFPT) calculations and vibrational spectroscopic measurements, we here show that a large gap may still remain between the existing model representations and actual kerogen structures, therefore calling for new model development. Using DFPT, we calculated Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra for six most widely used kerogen structure models. The computed spectra were then systematically compared to the FTIR absorption spectra collected for kerogen samples isolated from Mancos, Woodford and Marcellus formations representing a wide range of kerogen origin and maturation conditions. Limited agreement between the model predictions and the measurements highlights that the existing kerogen models may still miss some key features in structural representation. A combination of DFPT calculations with spectroscopic measurements may provide a useful diagnostic tool for assessing the adequacy of a proposed structural model as well as for future model development. This approach may eventually help develop comprehensive infrared (IR)-fingerprints for tracing kerogen evolution.

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Fundamental Understanding of Methane-Carbon Dioxide-Water (CH4-CO2-H2O) Interactions in Shale Nanopores under Reservoir Conditions: Quarterly Report

Wang, Yifeng

Shale is characterized by the predominant presence of nanometer-scale (1-100 nm) pores. The behavior of fluids in those pores directly controls shale gas storage and release in shale matrix and ultimately the wellbore production in unconventional reservoirs. Recently, it has been recognized that a fluid confined in nanopores can behave dramatically differently from the corresponding bulk phase due to nanopore confinement (Wang, 2014). CO2 and H2O, either preexisting or introduced, are two major components that coexist with shale gas (predominately CH4) during hydrofracturing and gas extraction. Note that liquid or supercritical CO2 has been suggested as an alternative fluid for subsurface fracturing such that CO2 enhanced gas recovery can also serve as a CO2 sequestration process. Limited data indicate that CO2 may preferentially adsorb in nanopores (particularly those in kerogen) and therefore displace CH4 in shale. Similarly, the presence of water moisture seems able to displace or trap CH4 in shale matrix. Therefore, fundamental understanding of CH4-CO2-H2O behavior and their interactions in shale nanopores is of great importance for gas production and the related CO2 sequestration. This project focuses on the systematic study of CH4-CO2-H2O interactions in shale nanopores under high-pressure and high temperature reservoir conditions. The proposed work will help to develop new stimulation strategies to enable efficient resource recovery from fewer and less environmentally impactful wells.

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Natural indices for the chemical hardness/softness of metal cations and ligands

ACS Omega

Xu, Huifang; Xu, David C.; Wang, Yifeng

Quantitative understanding of reactivity and stability for a chemical species is fundamental to chemistry. The concept has undergone many changes and additions throughout the history of chemistry, stemming from the ideas such as Lewis acids and bases. For a given complexing ligand (Lewis base) and a group of isovalent metal cations (Lewis acids), the stability constants of metal-ligand (ML) complexes can simply correlate to the known properties of metal ions [ionic radii (rMn+), Gibbs free energy of formation (ΔG°f, Mn+), and solvation energy (ΔG°s, Mn+)] by 2.303RT log KML = (α∗MLΔG°f, Mn+ - β∗MLrMn+ + γ∗MLΔG°s, Mn+ - ∗ML), where the coefficients (α∗ML, β∗ML, γ∗ML, and intercept δ∗ML) are determined by fitting the equation to the existing experimental data. Coefficients β∗ML and γ∗ML have the same sign and are in a linear relationship through the origin. Gibbs free energies of formation of cations (ΔG°f, Mn+) are found to be natural indices for the softness or hardness of metal cations, with positive values corresponding to soft acids and negative values to hard acids. The coefficient α∗ML is an index for the softness or hardness of a complexing ligand. Proton (H+) with the softness index of zero is a unique acid that has strong interactions with both soft and hard bases. The stability energy resulting from the acid-base interactions is determined by the term α∗MLΔG°f, Mn+; a positive product of α∗ML and ΔG°f, Mn+ indicates that the acid-base interaction between the metal cation and the complexing ligand stabilizes the complex. The terms β∗MLrMn+ and γ∗MLΔG°s, Mn+, which are related to ionic radii of metal cations, represent the steric and solvation effects of the cations. The new softness indices proposed here will help to understand the interactions of ligands (Lewis bases) with metal cations (Lewis acids) and provide guidelines for engineering materials with desired chemical reactivity and selectivity. The new correlation can also enhance our ability for predicting the speciation, mobility, and toxicity of heavy metals in the earth environments and biological systems.

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International Collaboration on Spent Fuel Disposition in Crystalline Media: FY17 Progress Report

Wang, Yifeng; Wang, Yifeng

Active participation in international R&D is crucial for achieving the Spent Fuel Waste Science & Technology (SFWST) long-term goals of conducting “experiments to fill data needs and confirm advanced modeling approaches” and of having a “robust modeling and experimental basis for evaluation of multiple disposal system options” (by 2020). DOE’s Office of Nuclear Energy (NE) has developed a strategic plan to advance cooperation with international partners. The international collaboration on the evaluation of crystalline disposal media at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) in FY17 focused on the collaboration through the Development of Coupled Models and their Validation against Experiments (DECOVALEX-2019) project. The DECOVALEX project is an international research and model comparison collaboration, initiated in 1992, for advancing the understanding and modeling of coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical (THMC) processes in geological systems. SNL has been participating in three tasks of the DECOVALEX project: Task A. Modeling gas injection experiments (ENGINEER), Task C. Modeling groundwater recovery experiment in tunnel (GREET), and Task F. Fluid inclusion and movement in the tight rock (FINITO).

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The influence of interfacial slip on two-phase flow in rough pores

Water Resources Research

Kucala, Alec K.; Martinez, Mario J.; Wang, Yifeng; Noble, David R.

The migration and trapping of supercritical CO2 (scCO2) in geologic carbon storage is strongly dependent on the geometry and wettability of the pore network in the reservoir rock. During displacement, resident fluids may become trapped in the pits of a rough pore surface forming an immiscible two-phase fluid interface with the invading fluid, allowing apparent slip flow at this interface. We present a two-phase fluid dynamics model, including interfacial tension, to characterize the impact of mineral surface roughness on this slip flow. We show that the slip flow can be cast in more familiar terms as a contact-angle (wettability)-dependent effective permeability to the invading fluid, a nondimensional measurement which relates the interfacial slip to the pore geometry. The analysis shows the surface roughness-induced slip flow can effectively increase or decrease this effective permeability, depending on the wettability and roughness of the mineral surfaces. Configurations of the pore geometry where interfacial slip has a tangible influence on permeability have been identified. The results suggest that for large roughness features, permeability to CO2 may be enhanced by approximately 30% during drainage, while the permeability to brine during reimbibition may be enhanced or diminished by 60%, depending on the contact angle with the mineral surfaces and degrees of roughness. For smaller roughness features, the changes in permeability through interfacial slip are small. A much larger range of effective permeabilities are suggested for general fluid pairs and contact angles, including occlusion of the pore by the trapped phase.

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Numeruical modeling of flow and transport in fractured crystalline rock

ANS IHLRWM 2017 - 16th International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference: Creating a Safe and Secure Energy Future for Generations to Come - Driving Toward Long-Term Storage and Disposal

Hadgu, Teklu H.; Kalinina, Elena A.; Klise, Katherine A.; Wang, Yifeng

Disposal of high-level radioactive waste in a deep geological repository in crystalline host rock is one of the potential options for long term isolation. Characterization of the natural barrier system is an important component of the disposal option. In this study we present numerical modeling of flow and transport in fractured crystalline rock using an updated fracture continuum model (FCM). The FCM is a stochastic method that maps the permeability of discrete fractures onto a regular grid. The original method [1] has been updated to provide capabilities that enhance representation of fractured rock. A companion paper [2] provides details of the methods for generating fracture network. In this paper use of the fracture model for the simulation of flow and transport is presented. Simulations were conducted to estimate flow and transport using an enhanced FCM method. Distributions of fracture parameters were used to generate a selected number of realizations. For each realization FCM produced permeability and porosity fields. The PFLOTRAN code [3] was used to simulate flow and transport. Simulation results and analysis are presented. The results indicate that the FCM approach is a viable method to model fractured crystalline rocks. The FCM is a computationally efficient way to generate realistic representation of complex fracture systems. This approach is of interest to nuclear waste disposal modeling applied over large domains.

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On subsurface fracture opening and closure

Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering

Wang, Yifeng

Understanding of subsurface fracture opening and closure is of great importance to oil/gas production, geothermal energy extraction, radioactive waste disposal, and carbon sequestration and storage. Fracture opening and closure involve a complex set of thermal, hydrologic, mechanical and chemical (THMC) processes. In this paper, a fully coupled THMC model for fracture opening and closure is formulated by explicitly accounting for the stress concentration on aperture surface, stress-activated mineral dissolution, pressure solution at contacting asperities, and channel flow dynamics. A model analysis, together with reported laboratory observations, shows that a tangential surface stress created by a far-field compressive normal stress may play an important role in controlling fracture aperture evolution in a stressed geologic medium, a mechanism that has not been considered in any existing models. Based on the model analysis, a necessary condition for aperture opening has been derived. The model provides a reasonable explanation for many salient features of fracture evolution in laboratory experiments, including a spontaneous switch from a permeability reduction to a permeability increase in a static limestone experiment. The work may also help develop a new method for estimating in-situ stress in a reservoir.

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Conceptual representations of fracture networks and their effects on predicting groundwater transport in crystalline rocks

ANS IHLRWM 2017 - 16th International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference: Creating a Safe and Secure Energy Future for Generations to Come - Driving Toward Long-Term Storage and Disposal

Kalinina, Elena A.; Hadgu, Teklu H.; Wang, Yifeng

Understanding subsurface fracture network properties at the field scale is important for a number of environmental and economic problems, including siting of spent nuclear fuel repositories, geothermal exploration, and many others. This typically encompasses large volumes of fractured rocks with the properties inferred from the observations at rock outcrops and, if available, from the measurements in exploratory boreholes, quarries, and tunnels. These data are inherently spatially limited and a stochastic model is required to extrapolate the fracture properties over the large volumes of rocks. This study (1) describes three different methods of generating fracture networks developed for use in the fractured continuum model (FCM) and (2) provides a few examples of how these methods impact the predictions of simulated groundwater transport. A detailed analysis of the transport simulations using FCM is provided in the separate paper by the same authors (to be presented at IHLRWM 2017 conference). FCM is based on the effective continuum approaches modified to represent fractures. The permeability of discrete fractures is mapped onto a regular three-dimensional grid. The x-, y-, and z effective permeability values of a grid block are calculated from the tensor. The tensor parameters are fracture aperture, dip, strike, and number of fractures in the grid block (spacing). All three methods use the fracture properties listed above to generate corresponding permeability fields. However, the assumptions and conceptual representation of fracture network from which these properties are derived are very different. The Sequential Gaussian Simulation (SGSim) method does not require an assumption regarding the fracture shape. Fracture aperture, spacing, and orientation are defined based on the field observations. Spatially correlated features (continuation of fracture in the direction of the orientation) are created using spatially correlated random numbers generated with SGSIM code. With this method an exact number of fractures cannot be generated. The Ellipsim method assumes that the fractures are two-dimensional elliptical shapes that can be described with radius and aspect ratio. The knowledge of the fracture (ellipse) radius probability distribution is required. The fracture aperture is calculated from the ellipse radius. For this option an exact number of fractures can be generated. The fracture networks generated with SGSim and Ellipsim are not necessarily connected. The connectivity is achieved indirectly via matrix permeability that can be viewed as the permeability of much smaller fractions. The discrete fracture network (DFN) generator assumes elliptical fracture shapes and requires the same parameters as Ellipsim. The principal difference is in connectivity. The DFN method creates the fracture network connectivity via an iterative process in which not connected clusters of fractures are removed. The permeability fields were generated with FCM using three different methods and the same fracture data set loosely based on the data from an existing site in granite rocks. A few examples of transport simulations are provided to demonstrate the major findings of the comparison.

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Investigating the age distribution of fracture discharge using multiple environmental tracers, Bedrichov Tunnel, Czech Republic

Environmental Earth Sciences

Gardner, W.P.; Hokr, Milan; Shao, Hua; Balvin, Ales; Kunz, Herbert; Wang, Yifeng

The transit time distribution (TTD) of discharge collected from fractures in the Bedrichov Tunnel, Czech Republic, is investigated using lumped parameter models and multiple environmental tracers. We utilize time series of δ18O, δ2H and 3H along with CFC measurements from individual fractures in the Bedrichov Tunnel of the Czech Republic to investigate the TTD, and the uncertainty in estimated mean travel time in several fracture networks of varying length and discharge. We compare several TTDs, including the dispersion distribution, the exponential distribution, and a developed TTD which includes the effects of matrix diffusion. The effect of seasonal recharge is explored by comparing several seasonal weighting functions to derive the historical recharge concentration. We identify best fit mean ages for each TTD by minimizing the error-weighted, multi-tracer χ2 residual for each seasonal weighting function. We use this methodology to test the ability of each TTD and seasonal input function to fit the observed tracer concentrations, and the effect of choosing different TTD and seasonal recharge functions on the mean age estimation. We find that the estimated mean transit time is a function of both the assumed TTD and seasonal weighting function. Best fits as measured by the χ2 value were achieved for the dispersion model using the seasonal input function developed here for two of the three modeled sites, while at the third site, equally good fits were achieved with the exponential model and the dispersion model and our seasonal input function. The average mean transit time for all TTDs and seasonal input functions converged to similar values at each location. The sensitivity of the estimated mean transit time to the seasonal weighting function was equal to that of the TTD. These results indicated that understanding seasonality of recharge is at least as important as the uncertainty in the flow path distribution in fracture networks and that unique identification of the TTD and mean transit time is difficult given the uncertainty in the recharge function. However, the mean transit time appears to be relatively robust to the structural model uncertainty. The results presented here should be applicable to other studies using environmental tracers to constrain flow and transport properties in fractured rock systems.

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Used Fuel Disposition in Crystalline Rocks: FY16 Progress Report

Wang, Yifeng

The objective of the Crystalline Disposal R&D Work Package is to advance our understanding of long-term disposal of used fuel in crystalline rocks and to develop necessary experimental and computational capabilities to evaluate various disposal concepts in such media. FY16 continued to be a successful year in both experimental and modeling arenas in evaluation of used fuel disposal in crystalline rocks. The work covers a wide range of research topics identified in the R&D plan.

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Real-case benchmark for flow and tracer transport in the fractured rock

Environmental Earth Sciences

Hokr, M.; Shao, H.; Gardner, W.P.; Balvín, A.; Kunz, H.; Wang, Yifeng; Vencl, M.

The paper is intended to define a benchmark problem related to groundwater flow and natural tracer transport using observations of discharge and isotopic tracers in fractured, crystalline rock. Three numerical simulators: Flow123d, OpenGeoSys, and PFLOTRAN are compared. The data utilized in the project were collected in a water-supply tunnel in granite of the Jizera Mountains, Bedřichov, Czech Republic. The problem configuration combines subdomains of different dimensions, 3D continuum for hard-rock blocks or matrix and 2D features for fractures or fault zones, together with realistic boundary conditions for tunnel-controlled drainage. Steady-state and transient flow and a pulse injection tracer transport problem are solved. The results confirm mostly consistent behavior of the codes. Both the codes Flow123d and OpenGeoSys with 3D–2D coupling implemented differ by several percent in most cases, which is appropriate to, e.g., effects of discrete unknown placing in the mesh. Some of the PFLOTRAN results differ more, which can be explained by effects of the dispersion tensor evaluation scheme and of the numerical diffusion. The phenomenon can get stronger with fracture/matrix coupling and with parameter magnitude contrasts. Although the study was not aimed on inverse solution, the models were fit to the measured data approximately, demonstrating the intended real-case relevance of the benchmark.

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Argillite And Crystalline Disposal Research: Accomplishments And Path-Forward

McMahon, Kevin A.; Jove Colon, Carlos F.; Wang, Yifeng

The intention of this document is to provide a path-forward for research and development (R&D) for two host rock media-specific (argillite and crystalline) disposal research work packages within the Used Fuel Disposition Campaign (UFDC). The two work packages, Argillite Disposal R&D and Crystalline Disposal R&D, support the achievement of the overarching mission and objectives of the Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy Fuel Cycle Technologies Program. These two work packages cover many of the fundamental technical issues that will have multiple implications to other disposal research work packages by bridging knowledge gaps to support the development of the safety case. The path-forward begins with the assumption of target dates that are set out in the January 2013 DOE Strategy for the Management and Disposal of Used Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste ( waste). The path-forward will be maintained as a living document and will be updated as needed in response to available funding and the progress of multiple R&D tasks in the Used Fuel Disposition Campaign and the Fuel Cycle Technologies Program. This path forward is developed based on the report of “Used Fuel Disposition Campaign Disposal Research and Development Roadmap (FCR&D-USED- 2011-000065 REV0)” (DOE, 2011). This document delineates the goals and objectives of the UFDC R&D program, needs for generic disposal concept design, and summarizes the prioritization of R&D issues.

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Fundamental Study of Disposition and Release of Methane in a Shale Gas Reservoir

Wang, Yifeng

The recent boom in shale gas production through hydrofracturing has reshaped the energy production landscape in the United States. Wellbore production rates vary greatly among the wells within a single field and decline rapidly with time, thus bring up a serious concern with the sustainability of shale gas production. Shale gas production starts with creating a fracture network by injecting a pressurized fluid in a wellbore. The induced fractures are then held open by proppant particles. During production, gas releases from the mudstone matrix, migrates to nearby fractures, and ultimately reaches a production wellbore. Given the relatively high permeability of the induced fractures, gas release and migration in low-permeability shale matrix is likely to be a limiting step for long-term wellbore production. Therefore, a clear understanding of the underlying mechanisms of methane disposition and release in shale matrix is crucial for the development of new technologies to maximize gas production and recovery. Shale is a natural nanocomposite material with distinct characteristics of nanometer-scale pore sizes, extremely low permeability, high clay contents, significant amounts of organic carbon, and large spatial heterogeneities. Our work has shown that nanopore confinement plays an important role in methane disposition and release in shale matrix. Using molecular simulations, we show that methane release in nanoporous kerogen matrix is characterized by fast release of pressurized free gas (accounting for ~ 30 - 47% recovery) followed by slow release of adsorbed gas as the gas pressure decreases. The first stage is driven by the gas pressure gradient while the second stage is controlled by gas desorption and diffusion. The long-term production decline appears controlled by the second stage of gas release. We further show that diffusion of all methane in nanoporous kerogen behaves differently from the bulk phase, with much smaller diffusion coefficients. The MD simulations also indicate that a significant fraction (3 - 35%) of methane deposited in kerogen can potentially become trapped in isolated nanopores and thus not recoverable. We have successfully established experimental capabilities for measuring gas sorption and desorption on shale and model materials under a wide range of physical and chemical conditions. Both low and high pressure measurements show significant sorption of CH4 and CO2 onto clays, implying that methane adsorbed on clay minerals could contribute a significant portion of gas-in-place in an unconventional reservoir. We have also studied the potential impact of the interaction of shale with hydrofracking fluid on gas sorption. We have found that the CH4-CO2 sorption capacity for the reacted sample is systematically lower (by a factor of ~2) than that for the unreacted (raw) sample. This difference in sorption capacity may result from a mineralogical or surface chemistry change of the shale sample induced by fluid-rock interaction. Our results shed a new light on mechanistic understanding gas release and production decline in unconventional reservoirs.

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International collaboration on used fuel disposition crystalline rocks

Wang, Yifeng

Active participation in international R&D is crucial for achieving the UFD long-term goals of conducting “experiments to fill data needs and confirm advanced modeling approaches” (by 2015) and of having a “robust modeling and experimental basis for evaluation of multiple disposal system options” (by 2020). DOE’s Office of Nuclear Energy (NE) and its Office of Used Fuel Disposition Research and Development (UFD) have developed a strategic plan to advance cooperation with international partners. The international collaboration on the evaluation of crystalline disposal media at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) in FY16 focused on the following four activities: (1) thermal-hydrologic-mechanical-chemical modeling single fracture evolution; (2) simulations of flow and transport in Bedrichov Tunnel, Czech Republic, (3) completion of streaming potential testing at Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), and (4) technical data exchange with KAERI on thermal-hydrologic-mechanical (THM) properties and specifications of bentonite buffer materials. The first two activities are part of the Development of Coupled Models and their Validation against Experiments (DECOVALEX-2015) project.

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Nonlinear dynamics and instability of aqueous dissolution of silicate glasses and minerals

Scientific Reports

Wang, Yifeng; Jove-Colon, Carlos F.; Kuhlman, Kristopher L.

Aqueous dissolution of silicate glasses and minerals plays a critical role in global biogeochemical cycles and climate evolution. The reactivity of these materials is also important to numerous engineering applications including nuclear waste disposal. The dissolution process has long been considered to be controlled by a leached surface layer in which cations in the silicate framework are gradually leached out and replaced by protons from the solution. This view has recently been challenged by observations of extremely sharp corrosion fronts and oscillatory zonings in altered rims of the materials, suggesting that corrosion of these materials may proceed directly through congruent dissolution followed by secondary mineral precipitation. Here we show that complex silicate material dissolution behaviors can emerge from a simple positive feedback between dissolution-induced cation release and cation-enhanced dissolution kinetics. This self-accelerating mechanism enables a systematic prediction of the occurrence of sharp dissolution fronts (vs. leached surface layers), oscillatory dissolution behaviors and multiple stages of glass dissolution (in particular the alteration resumption at a late stage of a corrosion process). Our work provides a new perspective for predicting long-term silicate weathering rates in actual geochemical systems and developing durable silicate materials for various engineering applications.

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Fundamental Understanding of Methane-Carbon Dioxide-Water (CH4-CO2-H2O) Interactions in Shale Nanopores under Reservoir Conditions

Wang, Yifeng

Shale is characterized by the predominant presence of nanometer-scale (1-100 nm) pores. The behavior of fluids in those pores directly controls shale gas storage and release in shale matrix and ultimately the wellbore production in unconventional reservoirs. Recently, it has been recognized that a fluid confined in nanopores can behave dramatically differently from the corresponding bulk phase due to nanopore confinement (Wang, 2014). CO2 and H2O, either preexisting or introduced, are two major components that coexist with shale gas (predominately CH4) during hydrofracturing and gas extraction. Note that liquid or supercritical CO2 has been suggested as an alternative fluid for subsurface fracturing such that CO2 enhanced gas recovery can also serve as a CO2 sequestration process. Limited data indicate that CO2 may preferentially adsorb in nanopores (particularly those in kerogen) and therefore displace CH4 in shale. Similarly, the presence of water moisture seems able to displace or trap CH4 in shale matrix. Therefore, fundamental understanding of CH4-CO2-H2O behavior and their interactions in shale nanopores is of great importance for gas production and the related CO2 sequestration. This project focuses on the systematic study of CH4-CO2-H2O interactions in shale nanopores under high-pressure and high temperature reservoir conditions. The proposed work will help to develop new stimulation strategies to enable efficient resource recovery from fewer and less environmentally impactful wells.

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Fundamental Understanding of Methane-Carbon Dioxide-Water (CH4-CO2-H2O) Interactions in Shale Nanopores under Reservoir Conditions. Quarterly Report

Wang, Yifeng

This project focuses on the systematic study of CH4-CO2-H2O interactions in shale nanopores under high-pressure and high temperature reservoir conditions. The proposed work will help to develop new stimulation strategies to enable efficient resource recovery from fewer and less environmentally impactful wells.

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Used Fuel Disposal in Crystalline Rocks. FY15 Progress Report

Wang, Yifeng

The objective of the Crystalline Disposal R&D Work Package is to advance our understanding of long-term disposal of used fuel in crystalline rocks and to develop necessary experimental and computational capabilities to evaluate various disposal concepts in such media. Chapter headings are as follows: Fuel matrix degradation model and its integration with performance assessments, Investigation of thermal effects on the chemical behavior of clays, Investigation of uranium diffusion and retardation in bentonite, Long-term diffusion of U(VI) in bentonite: dependence on density, Sorption and desorption of plutonium by bentonite, Dissolution of plutonium intrinsic colloids in the presence of clay and as a function of temperature, Laboratory investigation of colloid-facilitated transport of cesium by bentonite colloids in a crystalline rock system, Development and demonstration of discrete fracture network model, Fracture continuum model and its comparison with discrete fracture network model.

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Results 1–200 of 311
Results 1–200 of 311