
81 Results
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Direct observation of electrothermal instability structures in the skin layer of an intensely Ohmically heated conductor

Awe, Thomas J.; Yelton, William G.; Yu, Edmund Y.; Rosenthal, Stephen E.; McKenzie, Bonnie B.; Bauer, Bruno S.; Yates, Kevin C.; Hutchinson, Trevor M.; Fuelling, Stephan F.; Lowe, Daniel R.

Magnetically driven implosions (MDIs) on the Z Facility assemble high-energy-density plasmas for radiation effects and ICF experiments. MDIs are hampered by the Magneto-Rayleigh-Taylor (MRT) instability, which can grow to large amplitude from a small seed perturbation, limiting achievable stagnation pressures and temperatures. The metallic liners used in Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF) experiments include astonishingly small (-10 nm RMS) initial surface roughness perturbations; nevertheless, unexpectedly large MRT amplitudes are observed in experiments. An electrothermal instability (ETI) may provide a perturbation which exceeds the initial surface roughness. For a condensed metal resistivity increases with temperature. Locations of higher resistivity undergo increased Ohmic heating, resulting in locally higher temperature, and thus still higher resistivity. Such unstable temperature (and pressure) growth produces density perturbations when the locally overheated metal changes phase, providing the seed perturbation for MRT growth. ETI seeding of MRT on thick conductors carrying current in a skin layer has thus far only been inferred by evaluating MRT amplitude late in the experiment. A direct observation of ETI is vital to ensure our simulation tools are accurately representing the seed of the deleterious MRT instability. In this LDRD project, ETI growth was directly observed on the surface of 1.0-mm-diameter solid Al rods which were pulsed with 1 MA of current in 100 ns. Fine structures resulting from ETI-driven temperature variations were observed directly through high resolution gated optical imaging. Data from two Aluminum alloys (6061 and 5N) and a variety fabrication techniques (conventional machining, single-point diamond turned, electropolished) enable evaluation of which imperfections provide a seed for ETI growth and subsequent plasma initiation. Data is relevant to the early stages of MagLIF liner implosions, when the ETI seed of MRT may be initiated, and provides a fundamentally new dataset with which to test our state-of-the-art simulation tools.

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Development of a downhole tool measuring real-time concentration of ionic tracers and pH in geothermal reservoirs

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Hess, Ryan F.; Boyle, Timothy J.; Limmer, Steven J.; Yelton, William G.; Bingham, Samuel; Stillman, Greg; Lindblom, Scott; Cieslewski, Grzegorz C.

For enhanced or Engineered Geothermal Systems (EGS) geothermal brine is pumped to the surface via the production wells, the heat extracted to turn a turbine to generate electricity, and the spent brine re-injected via injection wells back underground. If designed properly, the subsurface rock formations will lead this water back to the extraction well as heated brine. Proper monitoring of these geothermal reservoirs is essential for developing and maintaining the necessary level of productivity of the field. Chemical tracers are commonly used to characterize the fracture network and determine the connectivity between the injection and production wells. Currently, most tracer experiments involve injecting the tracer at the injection well, manually collecting liquid samples at the wellhead of the production well, and sending the samples off for laboratory analysis. While this method provides accurate tracer concentration data at very low levels of detection, it does not provide information regarding the location of the fractures which were conducting the tracer between wellbores. Sandia is developing a high-temperature electrochemical sensor capable of measuring tracer concentrations and pH downhole on a wireline tool. The goal of this effort is to collect real-time pH and ionic tracer concentration data at temperatures up to 225 °C and pressures up to 3000 psi. In this paper, a prototype electrochemical sensor and the initial data obtained will be presented detailing the measurement of iodide tracer concentrations at high temperature and pressure in a newly developed laboratory scale autoclave. © 2014 SPIE.

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Real-time downhole measurement of ionic tracer concentration and pH in geothermal reservoirs

Transactions - Geothermal Resources Council

Hess, Ryan F.; Boyle, Timothy J.; Limmer, Steven J.; Yelton, William G.; Bingham, Samuel; Stillman, Greg; Cieslewski, Grzegorz C.

Chemical tracers are commonly used to characterize the fracture network and determine the connectivity between the injection and production wells. Currently, most tracer experiments involve injecting the tracer at the injection well, manually collecting liquid samples at the wellhead of the production well, and sending the samples off for laboratory analysis. While this method provides accurate tracer concentration data at very low levels of detection, it does not provide information regarding the depth of the fractures which were conducting the tracer between wellbores. Sandia is developing a high-temperature electrochemical sensor capable of measuring ionic tracer concentration and pH downhole on a wireline tool. The goal of this effort is to collect real-time pH and ionic tracer concentration data at temperatures up to 225 °C and pressures up to 3000 psi. In this paper, a prototype electrochemical sensor and the initial data obtained will be presented detailing the measurement of iodide tracer concentrations at high temperature and pressure in a newly developed laboratory scale autoclave. Efforts to expand this tool to measure lithium, cesium, and fluoride ion tracers will be discussed as well.

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Understanding and predicting metallic whisker growth and its effects on reliability : LDRD final report

Michael, Joseph R.; McKenzie, Bonnie B.; Grant, Richard P.; Yelton, William G.; Pillars, Jamin R.; Rodriguez, Marko A.

Tin (Sn) whiskers are conductive Sn filaments that grow from Sn-plated surfaces, such as surface finishes on electronic packages. The phenomenon of Sn whiskering has become a concern in recent years due to requirements for lead (Pb)-free soldering and surface finishes in commercial electronics. Pure Sn finishes are more prone to whisker growth than their Sn-Pb counterparts and high profile failures due to whisker formation (causing short circuits) in space applications have been documented. At Sandia, Sn whiskers are of interest due to increased use of Pb-free commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) parts and possible future requirements for Pb-free solders and surface finishes in high-reliability microelectronics. Lead-free solders and surface finishes are currently being used or considered for several Sandia applications. Despite the long history of Sn whisker research and the recently renewed interest in this topic, a comprehensive understanding of whisker growth remains elusive. This report describes recent research on characterization of Sn whiskers with the aim of understanding the underlying whisker growth mechanism(s). The report is divided into four sections and an Appendix. In Section 1, the Sn plating process is summarized. Specifically, the Sn plating parameters that were successful in producing samples with whiskers will be reviewed. In Section 2, the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of Sn whiskers and time-lapse SEM studies of whisker growth will be discussed. This discussion includes the characterization of straight as well as kinked whiskers. In Section 3, a detailed discussion is given of SEM/EBSD (electron backscatter diffraction) techniques developed to determine the crystallography of Sn whiskers. In Section 4, these SEM/EBSD methods are employed to determine the crystallography of Sn whiskers, with a statistically significant number of whiskers analyzed. This is the largest study of Sn whisker crystallography ever reported. This section includes a review of previous literature on Sn whisker crystallography. The overall texture of the Sn films was also analyzed by EBSD. Finally, a short Appendix is included at the end of this report, in which the X-Ray diffraction (XRD) results are discussed and compared to the EBSD analyses of the overall textures of the Sn films. Sections 2, 3, and 4 have been or will be submitted as stand-alone papers in peer-reviewed technical journals. A bibliography of recent Sandia Sn whisker publications and presentations is included at the end of the report.

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Nanoporous carbon for electrochemical capacitors

Yelton, William G.; Siegal, Michael P.; Bunker, B.C.; Limmer, Steven J.

Nanoporous carbon (NPC) is a purely graphitic material with highly controlled densities ranging from less than 0.1 to 2.0 g/cm3, grown via pulsed-laser deposition. Decreasing the density of NPC increases the interplanar spacing between graphene-sheet fragments. This ability to tune the interplanar spacing makes NPC an ideal model system to study the behavior of carbon electrodes in electrochemical capacitors and batteries. We examine the capacitance of NPC films in alkaline and acidic electrolytes, and measure specific capacitances as high as 242 F/g.

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Size effects in Ni/Ni(OH)2 nanomaterials for electrochemical capacitors

Limmer, Steven J.; Yelton, William G.; Bunker, B.C.

Electrochemical capacitors based on redox-active metal oxides show great promise for many energy-storage applications. These materials store charge through both electric double-layer charging and faradaic reactions in the oxide. The dimensions of the oxide nanomaterials have a strong influence on the performance of such capacitors. Not just due to surface area effects, which influence the double-layer capacitance, but also through bulk electrical and ionic conductivities. Ni(OH)2 is a prime candidate for such applications, due to low cost and high theoretical capacity. We have examined the relationship between diameter and capacity for Ni/Ni(OH)2 nanorods. Specific capacitances of up to 511 F/g of Ni were recorded in 47 nm diameter Ni(OH)2 nanorods.

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Nanoporous carbon for electrochemical capacitors

Limmer, Steven J.; Yelton, William G.; Siegal, Michael P.; Overmyer, Donald L.; Bunker, B.C.

Nanoporous carbon (NPC) is a purely graphitic material with highly controlled densities ranging from less than 0.1 to 2.0 g/cm3, grown via pulsed-laser deposition. Decreasing the density of NPC increases the interplanar spacing between graphene-sheet fragments. This ability to tune the interplanar spacing makes NPC an ideal model system to study the behavior of carbon electrodes in electrochemical capacitors and batteries. We examine the capacitance of NPC films in alkaline and acidic electrolytes, and measure specific capacitances as high as 242 F/g.

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Electroforming of Bi(1-x)Sb(x) nanowires for high-efficiency micro-thermoelectric cooling devices on a chip

Siegal, Michael P.; Yelton, William G.; Webb, Edmund B.

Active cooling of electronic systems for space-based and terrestrial National Security missions has demanded use of Stirling, reverse-Brayton, closed Joule-Thompson, pulse tube and more elaborate refrigeration cycles. Such cryocoolers are large systems that are expensive, demand large powers, often contain moving parts and are difficult to integrate with electronic systems. On-chip, solid-state, active cooling would greatly enhance the capabilities of future systems by reducing the size, cost and inefficiencies compared to existing solutions. We proposed to develop the technology for a thermoelectric cooler capable of reaching 77K by replacing bulk thermoelectric materials with arrays of Bi{sub 1-x}Sb{sub x} nanowires. Furthermore, the Sandia-developed technique we will use to produce the oriented nanowires occurs at room temperature and can be applied directly to a silicon substrate. Key obstacles include (1) optimizing the Bi{sub 1-x}Sb{sub x} alloy composition for thermoelectric properties; (2) increasing wire aspect ratios to 3000:1; and (3) increasing the array density to {ge} 10{sup 9} wires/cm{sup 2}. The primary objective of this LDRD was to fabricate and test the thermoelectric properties of arrays of Bi{sub 1-x}Sb{sub x} nanowires. With this proof-of-concept data under our belts we are positioned to engage National Security systems customers to invest in the integration of on-chip thermoelectric coolers for future missions.

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A tunable electrochromic fabry-perot filter for adaptive optics applications

Kammler, Daniel K.; Ambrosini, Andrea A.; Yelton, William G.; Verley, Jason V.; Heller, Edwin J.; Sweatt, W.C.

The potential for electrochromic (EC) materials to be incorporated into a Fabry-Perot (FP) filter to allow modest amounts of tuning was evaluated by both experimental methods and modeling. A combination of chemical vapor deposition (CVD), physical vapor deposition (PVD), and electrochemical methods was used to produce an ECFP film stack consisting of an EC WO{sub 3}/Ta{sub 2}O{sub 5}/NiO{sub x}H{sub y} film stack (with indium-tin-oxide electrodes) sandwiched between two Si{sub 3}N{sub 4}/SiO{sub 2} dielectric reflector stacks. A process to produce a NiO{sub x}H{sub y} charge storage layer that freed the EC stack from dependence on atmospheric humidity and allowed construction of this complex EC-FP stack was developed. The refractive index (n) and extinction coefficient (k) for each layer in the EC-FP film stack was measured between 300 and 1700 nm. A prototype EC-FP filter was produced that had a transmission at 500 nm of 36%, and a FWHM of 10 nm. A general modeling approach that takes into account the desired pass band location, pass band width, required transmission and EC optical constants in order to estimate the maximum tuning from an EC-FP filter was developed. Modeling shows that minor thickness changes in the prototype stack developed in this project should yield a filter with a transmission at 600 nm of 33% and a FWHM of 9.6 nm, which could be tuned to 598 nm with a FWHM of 12.1 nm and a transmission of 16%. Additional modeling shows that if the EC WO{sub 3} absorption centers were optimized, then a shift from 600 nm to 598 nm could be made with a FWHM of 11.3 nm and a transmission of 20%. If (at 600 nm) the FWHM is decreased to 1 nm and transmission maintained at a reasonable level (e.g. 30%), only fractions of a nm of tuning would be possible with the film stack considered in this study. These tradeoffs may improve at other wavelengths or with EC materials different than those considered here. Finally, based on our limited investigation and material set, the severe absorption associated with the refractive index change suggests that incorporating EC materials into phase correcting spatial light modulators (SLMS) would allow for only negligible phase correction before transmission losses became too severe. However, we would like to emphasize that other EC materials may allow sufficient phase correction with limited absorption, which could make this approach attractive.

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Sensor for cell signaling proteins

Yelton, William G.; Farrow, Matthew F.

Thiolated cyclodextrins have been shown to be useful as modifiers of electrode surfaces for application in electrochemical sensing. The adsorption of three different thiolated {beta}-cyclodextrin ({beta}-CD) derivatives onto gold (Au) electrodes was studied by monitoring ferricyanide reduction and ferrocene carboxylic acid (FCA) oxidation at the electrode surface using cyclic voltammetry. Electrodes modified with the {beta}-CD MJF-69 derivative bound FCA within the CD cavity. The monolayer acted as a conducting layer with an increase in the oxidation current. On the other hand, the {beta}-CD layer inhibited the reduction of ferricyanide at the electrode surface since ferricyanide is larger than the cavity of the {beta}-CD derivative and thus unable to form an inclusion complex.

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Use of electrochromic materials in adaptive optics

Kammler, Daniel K.; Yelton, William G.; Verley, Jason V.

Electrochromic (EC) materials are used in 'smart' windows that can be darkened by applying a voltage across an EC stack on the window. The associated change in refractive index (n) in the EC materials might allow their use in tunable or temperature-insensitive Fabry-Perot filters and transmissive-spatial-light-modulators (SLMs). The authors are conducting a preliminary evaluation of these materials in many applications, including target-in-the-loop systems. Data on tungsten oxide, WO{sub 3}, the workhorse EC material, indicate that it's possible to achieve modest changes in n with only slight increases in absorption between the visible and {approx}10 {micro}m. This might enable construction of a tunable Fabry-Perot filter consisting of an active EC layer (e.g. WO{sub 3}) and a proton conductor (e.g.Ta{sub 2}O{sub 5}) sandwiched between two gold electrodes. A SLM might be produced by replacing the gold with a transparent conductor (e.g. ITO). This SLM would allow broad-band operation like a micromirror array. Since it's a transmission element, simple optical designs like those in liquid-crystal systems would be possible. Our team has fabricated EC stacks and characterized their switching speed and optical properties (n, k). We plan to study the interplay between process parameters, film properties, and performance characteristics associated with the FP-filter and then extend what we learn to SLMs. Our goals are to understand whether the changes in absorption associated with changes in n are acceptable, and whether it's possible to design an EC-stack that's fast enough to be interesting. We'll present our preliminary findings regarding the potential viability of EC materials for target-in-the-loop applications.

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Nano electrode arrays for in-situ identification and quantification of chemicals in water

Yelton, William G.; Pfeifer, Kent B.

The nano electrode arrays for in-situ identification and quantification of chemicals in water progress in four major directions. (1) We developed and engineering three nanoelectrode array designs which operate in a portable field mode or as distributed sensor network for water systems. (2) To replace the fragile glass electrochemical cells using in the lab, we design and engineered field-ready sampling heads that combine the nanoelectrode arrays with a high-speed potentiostat. (3) To utilize these arrays in a portable system we design and engineered a light weight high-speed potentiostat with pulse widths from 2 psec. to 100 msec. or greater. (4) Finally, we developed the parameters for an analytical method in low-conductivity solutions for Pb(II) detection, with initial studies for the analysis of As(III) and As(V) analysis in natural water sources.

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Self-assembled ordered carbon-nanotube arrays and membranes

Siegal, Michael P.; Overmyer, Donald L.; Yelton, William G.

Imagine free-standing flexible membranes with highly-aligned arrays of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) running through their thickness. Perhaps with both ends of the CNTs open for highly controlled nanofiltration? Or CNTs at heights uniformly above a polymer membrane for a flexible array of nanoelectrodes or field-emitters? How about CNT films with incredible amounts of accessible surface area for analyte adsorption? These self-assembled crystalline nanotubes consist of multiple layers of graphene sheets rolled into concentric cylinders. Tube diameters (3-300 nm), inner-bore diameters (2-15 nm), and lengths (nanometers - microns) are controlled to tailor physical, mechanical, and chemical properties. We proposed to explore growth and characterize nanotube arrays to help determine their exciting functionality for Sandia applications. Thermal chemical vapor deposition growth in a furnace nucleates from a metal catalyst. Ordered arrays grow using templates from self-assembled hexagonal arrays of nanopores in anodized-aluminum oxide. Polymeric-binders can mechanically hold the CNTs in place for polishing, lift-off, and membrane formation. The stiffness, electrical and thermal conductivities of CNTs make them ideally suited for a wide-variety of possible applications. Large-area, highly-accessible gas-adsorbing carbon surfaces, superb cold-cathode field-emission, and unique nanoscale geometries can lead to advanced microsensors using analyte adsorption, arrays of functionalized nanoelectrodes for enhanced electrochemical detection of biological/explosive compounds, or mass-ionizers for gas-phase detection. Materials studies involving membrane formation may lead to exciting breakthroughs in nanofiltration/nanochromatography for the separation of chemical and biological agents. With controlled nanofilter sizes, ultrafiltration will be viable to separate and preconcentrate viruses and many strains of bacteria for 'down-stream' analysis.

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Nanoporous-carbon adsorbers for chemical microsensors

Siegal, Michael P.; Overmyer, Donald L.; Yelton, William G.; Staton, Alan W.; Provencio, P.N.

Chemical microsensors rely on partitioning of airborne chemicals into films to collect and measure trace quantities of hazardous vapors. Polymer sensor coatings used today are typically slow to respond and difficult to apply reproducibly. The objective of this project was to produce a durable sensor coating material based on graphitic nanoporous-carbon (NPC), a new material first studied at Sandia, for collection and detection of volatile organic compounds (VOC), toxic industrial chemicals (TIC), chemical warfare agents (CWA) and nuclear processing precursors (NPP). Preliminary studies using NPC films on exploratory surface-acoustic-wave (SAW) devices and as a {micro}ChemLab membrane preconcentrator suggested that NPC may outperform existing, irreproducible coatings for SAW sensor and {micro}ChemLab preconcentrator applications. Success of this project will provide a strategic advantage to the development of a robust, manufacturable, highly-sensitive chemical microsensor for public health, industrial, and national security needs. We use pulsed-laser deposition to grow NPC films at room-temperature with negligible residual stress, and hence, can be deposited onto nearly any substrate material to any thickness. Controlled deposition yields reproducible NPC density, morphology, and porosity, without any discernable variation in surface chemistry. NPC coatings > 20 {micro}m thick with density < 5% that of graphite have been demonstrated. NPC can be 'doped' with nearly any metal during growth to provide further enhancements in analyte detection and selectivity. Optimized NPC-coated SAW devices were compared directly to commonly-used polymer coated SAWs for sensitivity to a variety of VOC, TIC, CWA and NPP. In every analyte, NPC outperforms each polymer coating by multiple orders-of-magnitude in detection sensitivity, with improvements ranging from 103 to 108 times greater detection sensitivity! NPC-coated SAW sensors appear capable of detecting most analytes tested to concentrations below parts-per-billion. In addition, the graphitic nature of NPC enables thermal stability > 600 C, several hundred degrees higher than the polymers. This superior thermal stability will enable higher-Temperature preconcentrator operation, as well as greatly prolonged device reliability, since polymers tend to degrade with time and repeated thermal cycling.

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Use of Classical Least Squares/Partial Least Squares (CLS/PLS) hybrid algorithm for calibration and calibration maintenance of Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) devices

Proposed for publication in Sensors and Actuators B.

Rivera, Dion A.; Rivera, Dion A.; Alam, Mary K.; Yelton, William G.; Staton, Alan W.; Simonson, Robert J.

Many data analysis algorithms that are currently employed in SAW sensors lack the ability to easily maintain calibration models in the presence of unmodeled interferents or sensor drift. The classical least squares/partial least squares (CLS/PLS) hybrid algorithm is tested in this study for its ability to update calibration models for unmodeled interferents and sensor drift with information from only a single recalibration standard. Use of the CLS/PLS hybrid algorithm for calibration and calibration maintenance of surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices was investigated for synthetic mixtures of iso-octane-methanol-water and with synthetic mixtures of nerve agent analogs, di-iso-propyl methyl phosphonate (DIMP)-kerosene-water along with a true ternary mixture of dimethyl methyl phosphonate (DMMP)-kerosene-water. Calibration statistics using the hybrid algorithm were found to be as good as those obtained from a standard partial least squares (PLS) analysis. In prediction, the hybrid algorithm models were found to perform equivalently to PLS models in the absence of unmodeled interferents or sensor drift, with an accuracy of 5-10% of the reference values and a high degree of precision. In the case of prediction in the presence of unmodeled interferents and/or sensor drift, PLS models and prediction augmented CLS/PLS (PACLS/PLS) hybrid models were compared using a single standard sample to update each model for prediction. For the cases studied, PACLS/PLS hybrid models were comparable to or outperformed updated PLS models that used subset recalibration or piece-wise direct standardization.

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Rapid Ultrasensitive Chemical-Fingerprint Detection of Chemical and Biochemical Warfare Agents

Ashby, Carol I.; Ashby, Carol I.; Shepodd, Timothy J.; Yelton, William G.; Muron, David J.

Vibrational spectra can serve as chemical fingerprints for positive identification of chemical and biological warfare molecules. The required speed and sensitivity might be achieved with surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) using nanotextured metal surfaces. Systematic and reproducible methods for preparing metallic surfaces that maximize sensitivity have not been previously developed. This work sought to develop methods for forming high-efficiency metallic nanostructures that can be integrated with either gas or liquid-phase chem-lab-on-a-chip separation columns to provide a highly sensitive, highly selective microanalytical system for detecting current and future chem/bio agents. In addition, improved protein microchromatographic systems have been made by the creation of acrylate-based porous polymer monoliths that can serve as protein preconcentrators to reduce the optical system sensitivity required to detect and identify a particular protein, such as a bacterial toxin.

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Characteristics and Mechanisms in Ion-Conducting Polymer Films as Chemical Sensors

The Electrochemical Society

Yelton, William G.; Pfeifer, Kent B.

Solid Polymer Electrolytes (SPE) are widely used in batteries and fuel cells because of the high ionic conductivity that can be achieved at room temperature. The ions are usually Li or protons, although other ions can be shown to conduct in these polymer films. There has been very little published work on SPE films used as chemical sensors. The authors have found that thin films of polymers like polyethylene oxide (PEO) are very sensitive to low concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as common solvents. Evidence of a new sensing mechanism involving the percolation of ions through narrow channels of amorphous polymer is presented. They present impedance spectroscopy of PEO films in the frequency range 0.0001 Hz to 1 MHz for different concentrations of VOCs and relative humidity. They find that the measurement frequency is important for distinguishing ionic conductivity from the double layer capacitance and the parasitic capacitance.

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81 Results
81 Results