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Carrier capture and emission by substitutional carbon impurities in GaN vertical diodes

Journal of Applied Physics

Wampler, William R.; Armstrong, Andrew A.; Vizkelethy, Gyorgy V.

A model was developed for the operation of a GaN pn junction vertical diode which includes rate equations for carrier capture and thermally activated emission by substitutional carbon impurities and carrier generation by ionizing radiation. The model was used to simulate the effect of ionizing radiation on the charge state of carbon. These simulations predict that with no applied bias, carbon is negatively charged in the n-doped layer, thereby compensating n-doping as experimentally observed in diodes grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. With reverse bias, carbon remains negative in the depletion region, i.e., compensation persists in the absence of ionization but is neutralized by exposure to ionizing radiation. This increases charge density in the depletion region, decreases the depletion width, and increases the capacitance. The predicted increase in capacitance was experimentally observed using a pulsed 70 keV electron beam as the source of ionization. In additional confirming experiments, the carbon charge-state conversion was accomplished by photoionization using sub-bandgap light or by the capture of holes under forward bias.

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Photocurrent from single collision 14-MeV neutrons in GaN and GaAs

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science

Jasica, Matthew J.; Wampler, William R.; Vizkelethy, Gyorgy V.; Hehr, Brian D.; Bielejec, Edward S.

Accurate predictions of device performance in 14-MeV neutron environments rely upon understanding the recoil cascades that may be produced. Recoils from 14-MeV neutrons impinging on both gallium nitride (GaN) and gallium arsenide (GaAs) devices were modeled and compared to the recoil spectra of devices exposed to 14-MeV neutrons. Recoil spectra were generated using nuclear reaction modeling programs and converted into an ionizing energy loss (IEL) spectrum. We measured the recoil IEL spectra by capturing the photocurrent pulses produced by single neutron interactions with the device. Good agreement, with a factor of two, was found between the model and the experiment under strongly depleted conditions. However, this range of agreement between the model and the experiment decreased significantly when the bias was removed, indicating partial energy deposition due to cascades that escape the active volume of the device not captured by the model. Consistent event rates across multiple detectors confirm the reliability of our neutron recoil detection method.

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14 MeV DT Neutron Test Facility at the Sandia Ion Beam Laboratory

Wampler, William R.; Doyle, Barney L.; Vizkelethy, Gyorgy V.; Bielejec, Edward S.; Snow, Clark S.; Styron, Jedediah D.; Jasica, Matthew J.

This report documents work done at the Sandia Ion Beam Laboratory to develop a capability to produce 14 Me neutrons at levels sufficient for testing radiation effects on electronic materials and components. The work was primarily enabled by a laboratory directed research and development (LDRD) project. The main elements of the work were to optimize target lifetime, test a new thin- film target design concept to reduce tritium usage, design and construct a new target chamber and beamline optimized for high-flux tests, and conduct tests of effects on electronic devices and components. These tasks were all successfully completed. The improvements in target performance and target chamber design have increased the flux and fluence of 14 MV neutrons available at the test location by several orders of magnitude. The outcome of the project is that a new capability for testing radiation-effects on electronic components from 14 MeV neutrons is now available at Sandia National Laboratories. This capability has already been extensively used for many qualification and component evaluation and development tests.

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Ding, R.D.; Xie, H.X.; Ding, F.D.; Wampler, William R.; Wang, L.W.; Chen, J.L.C.; Komm, M.K.; Dejarnac, R.D.; Rudakov, D.L.R.; Bykov, I.B.; Abrams, T.x.; Chan, V.S.C.; Guo, H.Y.G.; Snyder, P.B.S.; Elder, J.D.x.; Stangeby, P.C.S.; Wang, H.Q.W.; Watkins, Jonathan G.; Unterberg, E.A.x.; Brezinsek, S.B.; Kirschner, A.K.

Abstract not provided.

Measurements of tungsten migration in the DIII-D divertor

Physica Scripta

Wampler, William R.; Watkins, Jonathan G.; Rudakov, Dmitry R.; McLean, Adam M.; Unterberg, Ezekial U.; Stangeby, Peter S.

An experimental study of migration of tungsten in the DIII-D divertor is described, in which the outer strike point of L-mode plasmas was positioned on a toroidal ring of tungsten-coated metal inserts. Net deposition of tungsten on the divertor just outside the strike point was measured on graphite samples exposed to various plasma durations using the divertor materials evaluation system. Tungsten coverage, measured by Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS), was found to be low and nearly independent of both radius and exposure time closer to the strike point, whereas farther from the strike point the W coverage was much larger and increased with exposure time. Depth profiles from RBS show this was due to accumulation of thicker mixed-material deposits farther from the strike point where the plasma temperature is lower. These results are consistent with a low near-surface steady-state coverage on graphite undergoing net erosion, and continuing accumulation in regions of net deposition. This experiment provides data needed to validate, and further improve computational simulations of erosion and deposition of material on plasma-facing components and transport of impurities in magnetic fusion devices. Such simulations are underway and will be reported later.

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Tunneling-assisted transport of carriers through heterojunctions

Wampler, William R.; Myers, Samuel M.; Modine, N.A.; Wampler, William R.

The formulation of carrier transport through heterojunctions by tunneling and thermionic emission is derived from first principles. The treatment of tunneling is discussed at three levels of approximation: numerical solution of the one-band envelope equation for an arbitrarily specified potential profile; the WKB approximation for an arbitrary potential; and, an analytic formulation assuming constant internal field. The effects of spatially varying carrier chemical potentials over tunneling distances are included. Illustrative computational results are presented. The described approach is used in exploratory physics models of irradiated heterojunction bipolar transistors within Sandia's QASPR program.

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Probability density of tunneled carrier states near heterojunctions calculated numerically by the scattering method

Wampler, William R.; Myers, Samuel M.; Modine, N.A.

The energy-dependent probability density of tunneled carrier states for arbitrarily specified longitudinal potential-energy profiles in planar bipolar devices is numerically computed using the scattering method. Results agree accurately with a previous treatment based on solution of the localized eigenvalue problem, where computation times are much greater. These developments enable quantitative treatment of tunneling-assisted recombination in irradiated heterojunction bipolar transistors, where band offsets may enhance the tunneling effect by orders of magnitude. The calculations also reveal the density of non-tunneled carrier states in spatially varying potentials, and thereby test the common approximation of uniform- bulk values for such densities.

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Recombination by band-to-defect tunneling near semiconductor heterojunctions: A theoretical model

Journal of Applied Physics

Myers, S.M.; Wampler, William R.; Modine, N.A.

Carrier transport and recombination are modeled for a heterojunction diode containing irradiation defects. Detailed attention is given to the role of band-to-trap tunneling and how it is affected by band offsets at the junction. Tunneled states are characterized by numerical solution of the one-band effective-mass envelope equation. The interaction with traps is treated assuming capture by the multi-phonon-emission mechanism. It is shown that tunneling can increase carrier recombination at defects by orders of magnitude in the presence of large band offsets. This explains why Npn InGaP/GaAs/GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistors with displacement damage from energetic-particle irradiation are observed to have high carrier recombination in the emitter-base depletion region.

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Fabrication and Characterization of Samples for a Material Migration Experiment on the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST)

Wampler, William R.; Van Deusen, Stuart B.

This report documents work done for the ITER International Fusion Energy Organization (Sponsor) under a Funds-In Agreement FI 011140916 with Sandia National Laboratories. The work consists of preparing and analyzing samples for an experiment to measure material erosion and deposition in the EAST Tokamak. Sample preparation consisted of depositing thin films of carbon and aluminum onto molybdenum tiles. Analysis consists of measuring the thickness of films before and after exposure to helium plasma in EAST. From these measurements the net erosion and deposition of material will be quantified. Film thickness measurements are made at the Sandia Ion Beam Laboratory using Rutherford backscattering spectrometry and nuclear reaction analysis, as described in this report. This report describes the film deposition and pre-exposure analysis. Results from analysis after plasma exposure will be given in a subsequent report.

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Temperature dependence of carrier capture by defects in gallium arsenide

Wampler, William R.; Modine, N.A.

This report examines the temperature dependence of the capture rate of carriers by defects in gallium arsenide and compares two previously published theoretical treatments of this based on multi phonon emission (MPE). The objective is to reduce uncertainty in atomistic simulations of gain degradation in III-V HBTs from neutron irradiation. A major source of uncertainty in those simulations is poor knowledge of carrier capture rates, whose values can differ by several orders of magnitude between various defect types. Most of this variation is due to different dependence on temperature, which is closely related to the relaxation of the defect structure that occurs as a result of the change in charge state of the defect. The uncertainty in capture rate can therefore be greatly reduced by better knowledge of the defect relaxation.

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Model for transport and reaction of defects and carriers within displacement cascades in gallium arsenide

Journal of Applied Physics

Wampler, William R.; Myers, S.M.

A model is presented for recombination of charge carriers at evolving displacement damage in gallium arsenide, which includes clustering of the defects in atomic displacement cascades produced by neutron or ion irradiation. The carrier recombination model is based on an atomistic description of capture and emission of carriers by the defects with time evolution resulting from the migration and reaction of the defects. The physics and equations on which the model is based are presented, along with the details of the numerical methods used for their solution. The model uses a continuum description of diffusion, field-drift and reaction of carriers, and defects within a representative spherically symmetric cluster of defects. The initial radial defect profiles within the cluster were determined through pair-correlation-function analysis of the spatial distribution of defects obtained from the binary-collision code MARLOWE, using recoil energies for fission neutrons. Properties of the defects are discussed and values for their parameters are given, many of which were obtained from density functional theory. The model provides a basis for predicting the transient response of III-V heterojunction bipolar transistors to displacement damage from energetic particle irradiation.

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Deuterium retention and out-gassing from beryllium oxide on beryllium

Journal of Nuclear Materials

Wampler, William R.; Van Deusen, Stuart B.

We studied the desorption of D implanted into Be with a superficial oxide layer. We found that the different oxide thicknesses and implantation at different energies resulted in a strong variation of the fraction stopped within the oxide layer. Thermal desorption of D was subsequently performed, intermitted by nuclear reaction analysis for assessment of the D depth distributions and total retained amounts. Moreover, for the conditions, where part of the D was deposited in the Be substrate, a sharp decrease of the retained amount of D occurs around 200 °C. This is attributed to the release from metallic Be. Correspondingly, the D and O depth profiles show that above 200 °C the remaining D is only retained in the BeO layer. Apparently, the superficial BeO layer does not act as a diffusion barrier for D that is released from the metallic substrate. The retained amount of D deposited within the BeO layer decreases steadily and is not completely released at 350 °C, the foreseen bake-out temperature in ITER.

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Transport-reaction model for defect and carrier behavior within displacement cascades in gallium arsenide

Wampler, William R.

A model is presented for recombination of charge carriers at displacement damage in gallium arsenide, which includes clustering of the defects in atomic displacement cascades produced by neutron or ion irradiation. The carrier recombination model is based on an atomistic description of capture and emission of carriers by the defects with time evolution resulting from the migration and reaction of the defects. The physics and equations on which the model is based are presented, along with details of the numerical methods used for their solution. The model uses a continuum description of diffusion, field-drift and reaction of carriers and defects within a representative spherically symmetric cluster. The initial radial defect profiles within the cluster were chosen through pair-correlation-function analysis of the spatial distribution of defects obtained from the binary-collision code MARLOWE, using recoil energies for fission neutrons. Charging of the defects can produce high electric fields within the cluster which may influence transport and reaction of carriers and defects, and which may enhance carrier recombination through band-to-trap tunneling. Properties of the defects are discussed and values for their parameters are given, many of which were obtained from density functional theory. The model provides a basis for predicting the transient response of III-V heterojunction bipolar transistors to pulsed neutron irradiation.

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Fundamental hydrogen interactions with beryllium : a magnetic fusion perspective

Kolasinski, Robert K.; Bartelt, Norman C.; Whaley, Josh A.; Felter, Thomas E.; Wampler, William R.

Increasingly, basic models such as density functional theory and molecular dynamics are being used to simulate different aspects of hydrogen recycling from plasma facing materials. These models provide valuable insight into hydrogen diffusion, trapping, and recombination from surfaces, but their validation relies on knowledge of the detailed behavior of hydrogen at an atomic scale. Despite being the first wall material for ITER, basic single crystal beryllium surfaces have been studied only sparsely from an experimental standpoint. In prior cases researchers used electron spectroscopy to examine surface reconstruction or adsorption kinetics during exposure to a hydrogen atmosphere. While valuable, these approaches lack the ability to directly detect the positioning of hydrogen on the surface. Ion beam techniques, such as low energy ion scattering (LEIS) and direct recoil spectroscopy (DRS), are two of the only experimental approaches capable of providing this information. In this study, we applied both LEIS and DRS to examine how hydrogen binds to the Be(0001) surface. Our measurements were performed using an angle-resolved ion energy spectrometer (ARIES) to probe the surface with low energy ions (500 eV - 3 keV He{sup +} and Ne{sup +}). We were able to obtain a 'scattering maps' of the crystal surface, providing insight on how low energy ions are focused along open surface channels. Once we completed a characterization of the clean surface, we dosed the sample with atomic hydrogen using a heated tungsten capillary. A distinct signal associated with adsorbed hydrogen emerged that was consistent with hydrogen residing between atom rows. To aid in the interpretation of the experimental results, we developed a computational model to simulate ion scattering at grazing incidence. For this purpose, we incorporated a simplified surface model into the Kalypso molecular dynamics code. This approach allowed us to understand how the incident ions interacted with the surface hydrogen, providing confirmation of the preferred binding site.

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Deuterium retention in tungsten at elevated temperatures

Journal of Nuclear Materials

Causey, Rion A.; Cowgill, D.F.; Doerner, R.; Kolasinski, Robert K.; Mills, B.; Morse, D.; Smugeresky, J.E.; Wampler, W.R.; Wampler, William R.; Huber, D.

The tungsten ITER divertor will be operated at temperatures above 1000 K. Most of the laboratory experiments on hydrogen isotope retention in tungsten have been performed at lower temperatures where the hydrogen is retained as both atoms and molecules. At higher temperatures, atomic trapping plays a smaller role. The purpose of this paper is to see if hydrogen is trapped at internal voids at elevated temperatures, and to see if gas-filled cavities can be formed at high fluences. Additionally, this paper examines the effect of helium bubbles and radiation damage on trapping. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Plasma-materials interaction results at Sandia National Laboratories

Kolasinski, Robert K.; Buchenauer, D.A.; Cowgill, D.F.; Karnesky, Richard A.; Whaley, Josh A.; Wampler, William R.

Overview of Plasma Materials Interaction (PMI) activities are: (1) Hydrogen diffusion and trapping in metals - (a) Growth of hydrogen precipitates in tungsten PFCs, (b) Temperature dependence of deuterium retention at displacement damage, (c) D retention in W at elevated temperatures; (2) Permeation - (a) Gas driven permeation results for W/Mo/SiC, (b) Plasma-driven permeation test stand for TPE; and (3) Surface studies - (a) H-sensor development, (b) Adsorption of oxygen and hydrogen on beryllium surfaces.

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OEDGE modeling of the DIII-D double null 13CH4 puffing experiment

Wampler, William R.; Watkins, Jonathan G.

Unbalanced double null ELMy H-mode configurations in DIII-D are used to simulate the situation in ITER high triangularity, burning plasma magnetic equilibria, where the second X-point lies close to the top of the vacuum vessel, creating a secondary divertor region at the upper blanket modules. The measured plasma conditions in the outer secondary divertor closely duplicated those projected for ITER. {sup 13}CH{sub 4} was injected into the secondary outer divertor to simulate sputtering there. The majority of the {sup 13}C found was in the secondary outer divertor. This material migration pattern is radically different than that observed for main wall {sup 13}CH{sub 4} injections into single null configurations where the deposition is primarily at the inner divertor. The implications for tritium codeposition resulting from sputtering at the secondary divertor in ITER are significant since release of tritium from Be co-deposits at the main wall bake temperature for ITER, 240 C, is incomplete. The principal features of the measured {sup 13}C deposition pattern have been replicated by the OEDGE interpretive code.

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D loss as a function of temperature in ERD2 films on kovar with and without an intermediate Mo diffusion barrier

Proceedings of the 2008 International Hydrogen Conference - Effects of Hydrogen on Materials

Kammler, Daniel K.; Wampler, William R.; Van Deusen, Stuart B.; King, Saskia H.; Tissot, Ralph G.; Brewer, Luke N.; Espada Castillo, Loren I.; Goeke, Ronald S.

The mechanisms governing D loss in ErD2 films with and without a Mo diffusion barrier on kovar substrates were studied between 200 and 600 °C via in-situ Ion Beam Analysis (IBA). Significant intermixing between kovar and Er was observed above 450°C and between kovar and ErD2 above 500 °C. The D loss mechanism in ErD2 films was found to change from intermixing between kovar and ErD2 at low temperatures (< 500 °C) to thermal decomposition at higher temperatures (> 500 °C). Diffusion between kovar and ErD2 was measured isothermally at 500 and 550 °C. An activation energy of 2.1 eV and a pre-exponential factor of 0.071 cm2/s were determined. Diffusion between the kovar components and ErD2 film was inhibited by depositing a 200 nm Mo diffusion barrier between the kovar substrate and the ErD2 film. The processing of the Mo diffusion barrier was shown to impact its performance. Intermixing between the kovar / Mo / ErD2 stack becomes significant between 500 and 550 °C with a sputter deposited Mo diffusion barrier and between 550 and 600 °C for an electron-beam evaporated Mo diffusion barrier. Copyright © 2009 ASM International® All rights reserved.

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D loss as a function of temperature in ErD2 films on kovar with and without an intermediate Mo diffusion barrier

Kammler, Daniel K.; Wampler, William R.; Van Deusen, Stuart B.; King, Saskia H.; Tissot, Ralph G.; Brewer, Luke N.; Espada Castillo, Loren I.; Goeke, Ronald S.

{sm_bullet}Mixing from some thermal process steps thought to drive H,D,T loss - This does not appear to be a problem with the Mo/Er occluder stacks {sm_bullet}Diffusion barriers investigated to prevent mixing

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Deposition diagnostics for next-step devices

Proposed for publication as an invited article in Review of Scientific Instruments.

Wampler, William R.

Deposition in next-step devices such as ITER will pose diagnostic challenges. Codeposition of hydrogen with carbon needs to be characterized and understood in the initial hydrogen phase in order to mitigate tritium retention and qualify carbon plasma facing components for DT operations. Plasma facing diagnostic mirrors will experience deposition that is expected to rapidly degrade their reflectivity, posing a challenge to diagnostic design. Some eroded particles will collect as dust on interior surfaces and the quantity of dust will be strictly regulated for safety reasons however, diagnostics of in-vessel dust are lacking. We report results from two diagnostics that relate to these issues. Measurements of deposition on NSTX with 4 Hz time resolution have been made using a quartz microbalance in a configuration that mimics that of a typical diagnostic mirror. Often deposition was observed immediately following the discharge suggesting that diagnostic shutters should be closed as soon as possible after the time period of interest. Material loss was observed following a few discharges. A novel diagnostic to detect dust particles on remote surfaces was commissioned on NSTX.

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The National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) research programme and progress towards high beta, long pulse operating scenarios

Proposed for publication in Nuclear Fusion.

Wampler, William R.

A major research goal of the national spherical torus experiment is establishing long-pulse, high beta, high confinement operation and its physics basis. This research has been enabled by facility capabilities developed during 2001 and 2002, including neutral beam (up to 7 MW) and high harmonic fast wave (HHFW) heating (up to 6 MW), toroidal fields up to 6 kG, plasma currents up to 1.5 MA, flexible shape control, and wall preparation techniques. These capabilities have enabled the generation of plasmas with {beta}{sub T} {triple_bond} <p>/(B{sub T0}{sup 2}/2{mu}{sub 0}) of up to 35%. Normalized beta values often exceed the no-wall limit, and studies suggest that passive wall mode stabilization enables this for H mode plasmas with broad pressure profiles. The viability of long, high bootstrap current fraction operations has been established for ELMing H mode plasmas with toroidal beta values in excess of 15% and sustained for several current relaxation times. Improvements in wall conditioning and fueling are likely contributing to a reduction in H mode power thresholds. Electron thermal conduction is the dominant thermal loss channel in auxiliary heated plasmas examined thus far. HHFW effectively heats electrons, and its acceleration of fast beam ions has been observed. Evidence for HHFW current drive is obtained by comparison of the loop voltage evolution in plasmas with matched density and temperature profiles but varying phases of launched HHFW waves. Studies of emissions from electron Bernstein waves indicate a density scale length dependence of their transmission across the upper hybrid resonance near the plasma edge that is consistent with theoretical predictions. A peak heat flux to the divertor targets of 10 MW m{sup -2} has been measured in the H mode, with large asymmetries being observed in the power deposition between the inner and outer strike points. Non-inductive plasma startup studies have focused on coaxial helicity injection. With this technique, toroidal currents up to 400 kA have been driven, and studies to assess flux closure and coupling to other current drive techniques have begun.

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Progress towards high-performance, steady-state spherical torus

Proposed for publication in Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion.

Wampler, William R.

Research on the spherical torus (or spherical tokamak) (ST) is being pursued to explore the scientific benefits of modifying the field line structure from that in more moderate aspect ratio devices, such as the conventional tokamak. The ST experiments are being conducted in various US research facilities including the MA-class National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) at Princeton, and three medium sized ST research facilities: PEGASUS at University of Wisconsin, HIT-II at University of Washington, and CDX-U at Princeton. In the context of the fusion energy development path being formulated in the US, an ST-based Component Test Facility (CTF) and, ultimately a Demo device, are being discussed. For these, it is essential to develop high performance, steady-state operational scenarios. The relevant scientific issues are energy confinement, MHD stability at high beta ({beta}), non-inductive sustainment, Ohmic-solenoid-free start-up, and power and particle handling. In the confinement area, the NSTX experiments have shown that the confinement can be up to 50% better than the ITER-98-pby2 H-mode scaling, consistent with the requirements for an ST-based CTF and Demo. In NSTX, CTF-relevant average toroidal beta values {beta}{sub T} of up to 35% with a near unity central {beta}{sub T} have been obtained. NSTX will be exploring advanced regimes where {beta}{sub T} up to 40% can be sustained through active stabilization of resistive wall modes. To date, the most successful technique for non-inductive sustainment in NSTX is the high beta poloidal regime, where discharges with a high non-inductive fraction ({approx}60% bootstrap current+NBI current drive) were sustained over the resistive skin time. Research on radio-frequency (RF) based heating and current drive utilizing high harmonic fast wave and electron Bernstein wave is also pursued on NSTX, PEGASUS, and CDX-U. For non-inductive start-up, the coaxial helicity injection, developed in HIT/HIT-II, has been adopted on NSTX to test the method up to I{sub p} {approx} 500 kA. In parallel, start-up using a RF current drive and only external poloidal field coils are being developed on NSTX. The area of power and particle handling is expected to be challenging because of the higher power density expected in the ST relative to that in conventional aspect-ratio tokamaks. Due to its promise for power and particle handling, liquid lithium is being studied in CDX-U as a potential plasma-facing surface for a fusion reactor.

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C transport studies in L-mode divertor plasmas on DIII-D

Wampler, William R.

{sup 13}CH{sub 4} was injected with a toroidally-symmetric gas system into 22 identical lower-single-null L-mode discharges on DIII-D. The injection level was adjusted so that it did not significantly perturb the core or divertor plasmas, with a duration of {approx}3 s on each shot, for a total of {approx}300 T L of injected particles. The plasma shape remained very constant; the divertor strike points were controlled to {approx}1 cm at the divertor plate. At the beginning of the subsequent machine vent, 29 carbon tiles were removed for nuclear reaction analysis of {sup 13}C content to determine regions of carbon deposition. It was found that only the tiles inboard of the inner strike point had appreciable {sup 13}C above background. Visible spectroscopy measurements of the carbon injection and comparisons with modeling are consistent with carbon transport by means of scrape-off layer flow.

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DIVIMP modeling of the toroidally-symmetrical injection of 13 CH4 into the upper SOL of DIII-D

Wampler, William R.; Watkins, Jonathan G.

As part of a study of carbon-tritium co-deposition, we carried out an experiment on DIII-D involving a toroidally symmetric injection of {sup 13}CH{sub 4} at the top of a LSN discharge. A Monte Carlo code, DIVIMP-HC, which includes molecular breakup of hydrocarbons, was used to model the region near the puff. The interpretive analysis indicates a parallel flow in the SOL of M {parallel} {approx} 0.4 directed toward the inner divertor. The CH{sub 4} is ionized in the periphery of the SOL and so the particle confinement time, T{sub C}, is not high, only {approx} 5 ms, and about 4X lower than if the CH{sub 4} were ionized at the separatrix. For such a wall injection location, however, approximately 60-75% of the CH{sub 4} gets ionized to C{sup +}, C{sup 2+}, etc., and is efficiently transported along the SOL to the inner divertor, trapping hydrogen by co-deposition there.

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Overview of recent experimental results from the DIII-D advanced tokamak program

Proposed for publication in Nuclear Fusion.

Wampler, William R.

The DIII-D research program is developing the scientific basis for advanced tokamak (AT) modes of operation in order to enhance the attractiveness of the tokamak as an energy producing system. Since the last international atomic energy agency (IAEA) meeting, we have made significant progress in developing the building blocks needed for AT operation: (1) we have doubled the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) stable tokamak operating space through rotational stabilization of the resistive wall mode; (2) using this rotational stabilization, we have achieved {beta}{sub N}H{sub 89} {ge} 10 for 4{tau}{sub E} limited by the neoclassical tearing mode (NTM); (3) using real-time feedback of the electron cyclotron current drive (ECCD) location, we have stabilized the (m, n) = (3, 2) NTM and then increased {beta}{sub T} by 60%; (4) we have produced ECCD stabilization of the (2, 1) NTM in initial experiments; (5) we have made the first integrated AT demonstration discharges with current profile control using ECCD; (6) ECCD and electron cyclotron heating (ECH) have been used to control the pressure profile in high performance plasmas; and (7) we have demonstrated stationary tokamak operation for 6.5 s (36{tau}{sub E}) at the same fusion gain parameter of {beta}{sub N}H{sub 89}/q{sub 95}{sup 2} {approx_equal} as ITER but at much higher q{sub 95} = 4.2. We have developed general improvements applicable to conventional and AT operating modes: (1) we have an existence proof of a mode of tokamak operation, quiescent H-mode, which has no pulsed, edge localized modes (ELM) heat load to the divertor and which can run for long periods of time (3.8 s or 25{tau}{sub E}) with constant density and constant radiated power; (2) we have demonstrated real-time disruption detection and mitigation for vertical disruption events using high pressure gas jet injection of noble gases; (3) we have found that the heat and particle fluxes to the inner strike points of balanced, double-null divertors are much smaller than to the outer strike points. We have made detailed investigations of the edge pedestal and scrape-off layer (SOL): (1) atomic physics and plasma physics both play significant roles in setting the width of the edge density barrier in H-mode; (2) ELM heat flux conducted to the divertor decreases as density increases; (3) intermittent, bursty transport contributes to cross field particle transport in the SOL of H-mode and, especially, L-mode plasmas.

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Elastic recoil detection analysis of 3He

Knapp, J.A.; Knapp, J.A.; Wampler, William R.; Banks, J.C.; Doyle, Barney L.

We give the results of a study using Monte Carlo ion interaction codes to simulate and optimize elastic recoil detection analysis for {sup 3}He buildup in tritide films. Two different codes were used. The primary tool was MCERD, written especially for simulating ion beam analysis using optimizations and enhancements for greatly increasing the probabilities for the creation and the detection of recoil atoms. MPTRIM, an implementation of the TRIMRC code for a massively parallel computer, was also used for comparison and for determination of absolute yield. This study was undertaken because of a need for high-resolution depth profiling of 3He and near-surface light impurities (e.g. oxygen) in metal hydride films containing tritium.

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Influence of ambient on hydrogen release from p-type gallium nitride

Proposed for publication in Journal of Applied Physics.

Myers, S.M.; Myers, S.M.; Vaandrager, Bastiaan L.; Wampler, William R.; Seager, Carleton H.

Mechanisms of H release from Mg-doped, p-type GaN were investigated in vacuum, in N{sub 2} and O{sub 2} gases, and in electron-cyclotron-resonance N{sub 2} plasmas. Replacing grown-in protium with deuterium (D) and employing sensitive nuclear-reaction analysis allowed the retained concentration to be followed quantitatively over two decades during isothermal heating, illuminating the kinetics of controlling processes. Oxidation attending the O{sub 2} exposures was monitored through nuclear-reaction analysis of {sup 18}O. N{sub 2} gas at atmospheric pressure increases the rate of D release appreciably relative to vacuum. The acceleration produced by O{sub 2} gas is much greater, but is diminished in later stages of the release by oxidation. The N{sub 2} plasma employed in these studies had no resolvable effect. We argue that surface desorption is rate controlling in the D release, and that it occurs by D-D recombination and the formation of N-D and O-D species. Our results are quantitatively consistent with a theoretical model wherein the bulk solution is in equilibrium with surface states from which desorption occurs by processes that are both first and second order in surface coverage.

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Ion beam analysis for fusion energy research

Wampler, William R.; Wampler, William R.

Proposed next-step devices for development of fusion energy present a major increase in the energy content and duration of plasmas far beyond those encountered in existing machines. This increases the importance of controlling interactions between the fusion plasma and first-wall materials. These interactions change the wall materials and strongly affect the core plasma conditions. Two critical processes are the erosion of materials by the plasma, and the redeposition of eroded material along with hydrogen isotopes from the plasma. These impact reactor design through the lifetime of plasma-facing components and the inventory of tritium retained inside the vessel. Ion beam analysis has been widely used to investigate these complex plasma-material interactions in most of the large fusion plasma experiments. The design and choice of plasma-facing materials for next-step machines rely on knowledge obtained from these studies. This paper reviews the use of ion beam analysis for fusion energy research, and shows how these studies have helped to guide the design and selection of materials for a next-step machine.

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Verification and Validation Plan for the Codes LSP and ICARUS (PEGASUS)

Riley, Merle E.; Buss, Richard J.; Hopkins, Matthew M.; Miller, Paul A.; Moats, Anne R.; Wampler, William R.; Buss, Richard J.

This report documents the strategies for verification and validation of the codes LSP and ICARUS used for simulating the operation of the neutron tubes used in all modern nuclear weapons. The codes will be used to assist in the design of next generation neutron generators and help resolve manufacturing issues for current and future production of neutron devices. Customers for the software are identified, tube phenomena are identified and ranked, software quality strategies are given, and the validation plan is set forth.

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AlGaN Materials Engineering for Integrated Multi-Function Systems

Casalnuovo, Stephen A.; Mani, Seethambal S.; Mitchell, Christine C.; Mitchell, Christine C.; Waldrip, Karen E.; Guilinger, Terry R.; Kelley, Michael J.; Fleming, J.G.; Follstaedt, D.M.; Wampler, William R.

This LDRD is aimed to place Sandia at the forefront of GaN-based technologies. Two important themes of this LDRD are: (1) The demonstration of novel GaN-based devices which have not yet been much explored and yet are coherent with Sandia's and DOE's mission objectives. UV optoelectronic and piezoelectric devices are just two examples. (2) To demonstrate front-end monolithic integration of GaN with Si-based microelectronics. Key issues pertinent to the successful completion of this LDRD have been identified to be (1) The growth and defect control of AlGaN and GaN, and (2) strain relief during/after the heteroepitaxy of GaN on Si and the separation/transfer of GaN layers to different wafer templates.

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Diffusion, Uptake and Release of Hydrogen in p-type Gallium Nitride: Theory and Experiment

Journal of Applied Physics

Myers, S.M.; Wright, Alan F.; Peterscn, G.A.; Wampler, William R.; Seager, Carleton H.; Crawford, Mary H.; Han, J.

The diffusion, uptake, and release of H in p-type GaN are modeled employing state energies from density-function theory and compared with measurements of deuterium uptake and release using nuclear-reaction analysis. Good semiquantitative agreement is found when account is taken of a surface permeation barrier.

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The equilibrium state of hydrogen in gallium nitride: Theory and experiment

Journal of Applied Physics

Myers, S.M.; Wright, Alan F.; Peterscn, G.A.; Seager, Carleton H.; Wampler, William R.; Crawford, Mary H.; Han, J.

Formation energies and vibrational frequencies for H in wurtzite GaN were calculated from density functional theory and used to predict equilibrium state occupancies and solid solubilities for p-type, intrinsic, and n-type material. The solubility of deuterium (D) was measured at 600--800 C as a function of D{sub 2} pressure and doping and compared with theory. Agreement was obtained by reducing the H formation energies 0.2 eV from ab-initio theoretical values. The predicted stretch-mode frequency for H bound to the Mg acceptor lies 5% above an observed infrared absorption attributed to this complex. It is concluded that currently recognized H states and physical processes account for the equilibrium behavior of H examined in this work.

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108 Results
108 Results