This report examines the problem of magnetic penetration of a conductive layer, including nonlinear ferromagnetic layers, excited by an electric current filament. The electric current filament is, for example, a nearby wire excited by a lightning strike. The internal electric field and external magnetic field are determined. Numerical results are compared to various analytical approximations to help understand the physics involved in the penetration.
Capacitance/inductance corrections for grid induced errors for a thin slot models are given for both one and four point testing on a rectangular grid for surface currents surrounding the slot. In addition a formula for translating from one equivalent radius to another is given for the thin-slot transmission line model. Additional formulas useful for this slot modeling are also given.
A method used to solve the problem of water waves on a sloping beach is applied to a thin conducting half plane described by a thin layer impedance boundary condition. The solution for the electric field behavior near the edge is obtained and a simple fit for this behavior is given. This field is used to determine the correction to the impedance per unit length of a conductor due to a sharp edge. The results are applied to the strip conductor. The final appendix also discusses the solution to the dual-sided (impedance surface & perfect conductor surface) half plane problem.
We provide corrections to the slot capacitance and inverse inductance per unit length for slot gasket groove geometries using an approximate conformal mapping approach. We also provide corrections for abrupt step changes in slot width along with boundary discontinuity conditions for implementation in the various slot models.
Though the method-of-moments implementation of the electric-field integral equation plays an important role in computational electromagnetics, it provides many code-verification challenges due to the different sources of numerical error. In this paper, we provide an approach through which we can apply the method of manufactured solutions to isolate and verify the solution-discretization error. We accomplish this by manufacturing both the surface current and the Green's function. Because the arising equations are poorly conditioned, we reformulate them as a set of constraints for an optimization problem that selects the solution closest to the manufactured solution. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach for cases with and without coding errors.
Though the method-of-moments implementation of the electric-field integral equation plays an important role in computational electromagnetics, it provides many code-verification challenges due to the different sources of numerical error and their possible interactions. Matters are further complicated by singular integrals, which arise from the presence of a Green's function. In this report, we document our research to address these issues, as well as its implementation and testing in Gemma.
In this paper, we characterize the logarithmic singularities arising in the method of moments from the Green's function in integrals over the test domain, and we use two approaches for designing geometrically symmetric quadrature rules to integrate these singular integrands. These rules exhibit better convergence properties than quadrature rules for polynomials and, in general, lead to better accuracy with a lower number of quadrature points. We demonstrate their effectiveness for several examples encountered in both the scalar and vector potentials of the electric-field integral equation (singular, near-singular, and far interactions) as compared to the commonly employed polynomial scheme and the double Ma–Rokhlin–Wandzura (DMRW) rules, whose sample points are located asymmetrically within triangles.
We summarize the narrow slot algorithms, including the thick electrically small depth case, conductive gaskets, the deep general depth case, multiple fasteners along the length, and finally varying slot width.
In this paper an approach is described for the efficient computation of the mixed-potential scalar and dyadic Green's functions for a one-dimensional periodic (periodic along x direction) array of point sources embedded in a planar stratified structure. Suitable asymptotic extractions are performed on the slowly converging spectral series. The extracted terms are summed back through the Ewald method, modified and optimized to efficiently deal with all the different terms. The accelerated Green's functions allow for complex wavenumbers, and are thus suitable for application to leaky-wave antennas analysis. Suitable choices of the spectral integration paths are made in order to account for leakage effects and the proper/improper nature of the various space harmonics that form the 1-D periodic Green's function.
This paper introduces an effective-media toolset that can be used for the design of metamaterial structures based on metallic components such as split-ring resonators and dipoles, as well as dielectric spherical resonators. For demonstration purposes the toolset will be used to generate infrared metamaterial designs, and the predicted performances will be verified with full-wave numerical simulations.
Plasmonic structures open up new opportunities in photonic devices, sometimes offering an alternate method to perform a function and sometimes offering capabilities not possible with standard optics. In this LDRD we successfully demonstrated metal coatings on optical surfaces that do not adversely affect the transmission of those surfaces at the design frequency. This technology could be applied as an RF noise blocking layer across an optical aperture or as a method to apply an electric field to an active electro-optic device without affecting optical performance. We also demonstrated thin optical absorbers using similar patterned surfaces. These infrared optical antennas show promise as a method to improve performance in mercury cadmium telluride detectors. Furthermore, these structures could be coupled with other components to lead to direct rectification of infrared radiation. This possibility leads to a new method for infrared detection and energy harvesting of infrared radiation.
This report constructs simple circuit models for a hairpin shaped resonant plasma probe. Effects of the plasma sheath region surrounding the wires making up the probe are determined. Electromagnetic simulations of the probe are compared to the circuit model results. The perturbing effects of the disc cavity in which the probe operates are also found.
Simple formulas are given for the interior voltages appearing across bolted joints from exterior lightning currents. External slot and bolt inductances as well as internal slot and bolt diffusion effects are included. Both linear and ferromagnetic wall materials are considered. A useful simplification of the slot current distribution into linear stripline and cylindrical parts (near the bolts) allows the nonlinear voltages to be estimated in closed form.
In this LDRD we examine techniques to analyze the electromagnetic scattering from structures that are nearly periodic. Nearly periodic could mean that one of the structure's unit cells is different from all the others--a defect. It could also mean that the structure is truncated, or butted up against another periodic structure to form a seam. Straightforward electromagnetic analysis of these nearly periodic structures requires us to grid the entire structure, which would overwhelm today's computers and the computers in the foreseeable future. In this report we will examine various approximations that allow us to continue to exploit some aspects of the structure's periodicity and thereby reduce the number of unknowns required for analysis. We will use the Green's Function Interpolation with a Fast Fourier Transform (GIFFT) to examine isolated defects both in the form of a source dipole over a meta-material slab and as a rotated dipole in a finite array of dipoles. We will look at the numerically exact solution of a one-dimensional seam. In order to solve a two-dimensional seam, we formulate an efficient way to calculate the Green's function of a 1d array of point sources. We next formulate ways of calculating the far-field due to a seam and due to array truncation based on both array theory and high-frequency asymptotic methods. We compare the high-frequency and GIFFT results. Finally, we use GIFFT to solve a simple, two-dimensional seam problem.
We have developed a diagnostic system that measures the spectrally integrated (i.e. the total) energy and power radiated by a pulsed blackbody x-ray source. The total-energy-and-power (TEP) diagnostic system is optimized for blackbody temperatures between 50 and 350 eV. The system can view apertured sources that radiate energies and powers as high as 2 MJ and 200 TW, respectively, and has been successfully tested at 0.84 MJ and 73 TW on the Z pulsed-power accelerator. The TEP system consists of two pinhole arrays, two silicon-diode detectors, and two thin-film nickel bolometers. Each of the two pinhole arrays is paired with a single silicon diode. Each array consists of a 38 x 38 square array of 10-{micro}m-diameter pinholes in a 50-{micro}m-thick tantalum plate. The arrays achromatically attenuate the x-ray flux by a factor of {approx}1800. The use of such arrays for the attenuation of soft x rays was first proposed by Turner and co-workers [Rev. Sci. Instrum. 70, 656 (1999)RSINAK0034-674810.1063/1.1149385]. The attenuated flux from each array illuminates its associated diode; the diode's output current is recorded by a data-acquisition system with 0.6-ns time resolution. The arrays and diodes are located 19 and 24 m from the source, respectively. Because the diodes are designed to have an approximately flat spectral sensitivity, the output current from each diode is proportional to the x-ray power. The nickel bolometers are fielded at a slightly different angle from the array-diode combinations, and view (without pinhole attenuation) the same x-ray source. The bolometers measure the total x-ray energy radiated by the source and--on every shot--provide an in situ calibration of the array-diode combinations. Two array-diode pairs and two bolometers are fielded to reduce random uncertainties. An analytic model (which accounts for pinhole-diffraction effects) of the sensitivity of an array-diode combination is presented.
ICEAA 2005 - 9th International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications and EESC 2005 - 11th European Electromagnetic Structures Conference
Simulation results demonstrating transmission enhancement through a sub-wavelength aperature in an infinite plasmon array are presented. The results are obtained using EIGER and are considered preliminary before proceeding to the simulation of finite-plasmon arrays.
This report examines the problem of an antenna radiating from a cylindrical hole in the earth and the subsequent far-zone field produced in the upper air half space. The approach used for this analysis was to first examine propagation characteristics along the hole for surrounding geologic material properties. Three cases of sand with various levels of moisture content were considered as the surrounding material to the hole. For the hole diameters and sand cases examined, the radiation through the earth medium was found to be the dominant contribution to the radiation transmitted through to the upper half-space. In the analysis presented, the radiation from a vertical and a horizontal dipole source within the hole is used to determine a closed-form expression for the radiation in the earth medium which represents a modified element factor for the source and hole combination. As the final step, the well-known results for a dipole below a half space, in conjunction with the use of Snell's law to transform the modified element factor to the upper half space, determine closed-form expressions for the far-zone radiated fields in the air region above the earth.
In order to develop the next generation of high peak intensity lasers, new grating technology providing higher damage thresholds and large apertures is required. The current assumption is that this technical innovation will be multilayer dielectric gratings, wherein the uppermost layer of a thin film mirror is etched to create the desired binary phase grating. A variant of this is explored with the upper grating layer being a lower density gelatin-based volume phase grating in either sol-gel or dichromated gelatin. One key benefit is the elimination of the etching step.
This report presents a modification of a previous model for the statistical distribution of linear antenna impedance. With this modification a simple formula is determined which yields accurate results for all ratios of modal spectral width to spacing. It is shown that the reactance formula approaches the known unit Lorentzian in the lossless limit.
The authors explore various possible approaches for generating lowest order and higher order bases for modeling surface currents and their divergence for moment method application to integral equations. The bases developed are defined on curved triangular and quadrilateral elements. All the bases are conveniently defined in parent element coordinates, and each expansion function spans one or two patches.
Approximate formulas are constructed and numerical simulations are carried out for electric field derivative probes that have the form of flush mounted monopoles. Effects such as rounded edges are included. A method is introduced to make results from two-dimensional conformal mapping analyses accurately apply to the three-dimensional axisymmetric probe geometry
By using a multipole-conformal mapping expansion for the wire currents we examine the accuracy of approximations for the transfer inductance of a one dimensional array of wires (wire grid). A simple uniform fit is constructed by introduction of the decay factor from bipolar coordinates into existing formulas for this inductance.
Transverse electromagnetic (TEM) wave analysis is used to estimate the efficiencies of the coax to triplate transition in Sandia's Z-20 test module. The structure of both the TEM mode and higher order TE modes in the triplate transmission line are characterized. In addition, three dimensional time domain simulations are carried out and used in conjunction with the modal analysis to provide insight into the wave structure excited in the triplate transmission line.
The goal of this project was to develop a device that uses electric fields to grasp and possibly levitate LIGA parts. This non-contact form of grasping would solve many of the problems associated with grasping parts that are only a few microns in dimensions. Scaling laws show that for parts this size, electrostatic and electromagnetic forces are dominant over gravitational forces. This is why micro-parts often stick to mechanical tweezers. If these forces can be controlled under feedback control, the parts could be levitated, possibly even rotated in air. In this project, we designed, fabricated, and tested several grippers that use electrostatic and electromagnetic fields to grasp and release metal LIGA parts. The eventual use of this tool will be to assemble metal and non-metal LIGA parts into small electromechanical systems.
This paper presents models and measurements of antenna input impedance in resonant cavities at high frequencies.The behavior of input impedance is useful in determining the transmission and reception characteristics of an antenna (as well as the transmission characteristics of certain apertures). Results are presented for both the case where the cavity is undermoded (modes with separate and discrete spectra) as well as the over moded case (modes with overlapping spectra). A modal series is constructed and analyzed to determine the impedance statistical distribution. Both electrically small as well as electrically longer resonant and wall mounted antennas are analyzed. Measurements in a large mode stirred chamber cavity are compared with calculations. Finally a method based on power arguments is given, yielding simple formulas for the impedance distribution.