This report examines the problem of magnetic penetration of a conductive layer, including nonlinear ferromagnetic layers, excited by an electric current filament. The electric current filament is, for example, a nearby wire excited by a lightning strike. The internal electric field and external magnetic field are determined. Numerical results are compared to various analytical approximations to help understand the physics involved in the penetration.
Capacitance/inductance corrections for grid induced errors for a thin slot models are given for both one and four point testing on a rectangular grid for surface currents surrounding the slot. In addition a formula for translating from one equivalent radius to another is given for the thin-slot transmission line model. Additional formulas useful for this slot modeling are also given.
A method used to solve the problem of water waves on a sloping beach is applied to a thin conducting half plane described by a thin layer impedance boundary condition. The solution for the electric field behavior near the edge is obtained and a simple fit for this behavior is given. This field is used to determine the correction to the impedance per unit length of a conductor due to a sharp edge. The results are applied to the strip conductor. The final appendix also discusses the solution to the dual-sided (impedance surface & perfect conductor surface) half plane problem.
We provide corrections to the slot capacitance and inverse inductance per unit length for slot gasket groove geometries using an approximate conformal mapping approach. We also provide corrections for abrupt step changes in slot width along with boundary discontinuity conditions for implementation in the various slot models.
Though the method-of-moments implementation of the electric-field integral equation plays an important role in computational electromagnetics, it provides many code-verification challenges due to the different sources of numerical error. In this paper, we provide an approach through which we can apply the method of manufactured solutions to isolate and verify the solution-discretization error. We accomplish this by manufacturing both the surface current and the Green's function. Because the arising equations are poorly conditioned, we reformulate them as a set of constraints for an optimization problem that selects the solution closest to the manufactured solution. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach for cases with and without coding errors.
Though the method-of-moments implementation of the electric-field integral equation plays an important role in computational electromagnetics, it provides many code-verification challenges due to the different sources of numerical error and their possible interactions. Matters are further complicated by singular integrals, which arise from the presence of a Green's function. In this report, we document our research to address these issues, as well as its implementation and testing in Gemma.
In this paper, we characterize the logarithmic singularities arising in the method of moments from the Green's function in integrals over the test domain, and we use two approaches for designing geometrically symmetric quadrature rules to integrate these singular integrands. These rules exhibit better convergence properties than quadrature rules for polynomials and, in general, lead to better accuracy with a lower number of quadrature points. We demonstrate their effectiveness for several examples encountered in both the scalar and vector potentials of the electric-field integral equation (singular, near-singular, and far interactions) as compared to the commonly employed polynomial scheme and the double Ma–Rokhlin–Wandzura (DMRW) rules, whose sample points are located asymmetrically within triangles.
We summarize the narrow slot algorithms, including the thick electrically small depth case, conductive gaskets, the deep general depth case, multiple fasteners along the length, and finally varying slot width.