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Support Vector Machines for Estimating Decision Boundaries with Numerical Simulations

Walsh, Timothy W.; Aquino, Wilkins A.; Kurzawski, Andrew K.; McCormick, Cameron M.; Sanders, Clay M.; Smith, Chandler B.; Treweek, Benjamin T.

Many engineering design problems can be formulated as decisions between two possible options. This is the case, for example, when a quantity of interest must be maintained below or above some threshold. The threshold thereby determines which input parameters lead to which option, and creates a boundary between the two options known as the decision boundary. This report details a machine learning approach for estimating decision boundaries, based on support vector machines (SVMs), that is amenable to large scale computational simulations. Because it is computationally expensive to evaluate each training sample, the approach iteratively estimates the decision boundary in a manner that requires relatively few training samples to glean useful estimates. The approach is then demonstrated on three example problems from structural mechanics and heat transport.

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Inverse Methods - Users Manual 5.6

Walsh, Timothy W.; Akcelik, Volkan A.; Aquino, Wilkins A.; McCormick, Cameron M.; Sanders, Clay M.; Treweek, Benjamin T.; Kurzawski, Andrew K.; Smith, Chandler B.

The inverse methods team provides a set of tools for solving inverse problems in structural dynamics and thermal physics, and also sensor placement optimization via Optimal Experimental Design (OED). These methods are used for designing experiments, model calibration, and verfication/validation analysis of weapons systems. This document provides a user's guide to the input for the three apps that are supported for these methods. Details of input specifications, output options, and optimization parameters are included.

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An error-in-constitutive equations strategy for topology optimization for frequency-domain dynamics

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

Sanders, Clay M.; Norato, Julián; Walsh, Timothy W.; Aquino, Wilkins A.

This paper presents a topology optimization formulation for frequency-domain dynamics to reduce solution dependence upon initial guess and considered loading conditions. Due to resonance phenomena in undamped steady-state dynamics, objectives measuring dynamic response possess many local minima that may represent poor solutions to a design problem, an issue exacerbated for design with respect to multiple frequencies. We propose an extension of the modified error-in-constitutive-equations (MECE) method, used previously in material identification inverse problems, as a new approach for frequency-domain dynamics topology optimization to mitigate these issues. The main idea of the proposed framework is to incorporate an additional penalty-like term in the objective function that measures the discrepancy in the constitutive relations between stresses and strains and between inertial forces and displacements. Then, the design problem is cast within a PDE-constrained optimization formulation in which we seek displacements, stresses, inertial forces, and a density-field solution that minimize our new objective subject to conservation of linear momentum plus some additional constraints. We show that this approach yields superior designs to conventional gradient-based optimization approaches that solely use a functional of displacements as the objective, while strictly enforcing the constitutive equations. The MECE strategy integrates into a density-based topology optimization scheme for void–solid or two-phase material structural design. We highlight the merits of our approach in a variety of scenarios for direct frequency response design, considering multiple frequency load cases and structural objectives.

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A Generalized Stress Inversion Approach with Application to Residual Stress Estimation

Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME

Chen, Mark J.; Aquino, Wilkins A.; Walsh, Timothy W.; Reu, Phillip L.; Johnson, Kyle J.; Rouse, Jerry W.; Jared, Bradley H.; Bishop, Joseph E.

We develop a generalized stress inversion technique (or the generalized inversion method) capable of recovering stresses in linear elastic bodies subjected to arbitrary cuts. Specifically, given a set of displacement measurements found experimentally from digital image correlation (DIC), we formulate a stress estimation inverse problem as a partial differential equation-constrained optimization problem. We use gradient-based optimization methods, and we accordingly derive the necessary gradient and Hessian information in a matrix-free form to allow for parallel, large-scale operations. By using a combination of finite elements, DIC, and a matrix-free optimization framework, the generalized inversion method can be used on any arbitrary geometry, provided that the DIC camera can view a sufficient part of the surface. We present numerical simulations and experiments, and we demonstrate that the generalized inversion method can be applied to estimate residual stress.

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Transient and Steady-State Inverse Problems in Sierra/Aria

Wagman, Ellen B.; Kurzawski, Andrew K.; Bunting, Gregory B.; Walsh, Timothy W.; Aquino, Wilkins A.; Brunini, Victor B.

Inverse problems arise in a wide range of applications, whenever unknown model parameters cannot be measured directly. Instead, the unknown parameters are estimated using experimental data and forward simulations. Thermal inverse problems, such as material characterization problems, are often large-scale and transient. Therefore, they require intrusive adjoint-based gradient implementations in order to be solved efficiently. The capability to solve large-scale transient thermal inverse problems using an adjoint-based approach was recently implemented in SNL Sierra Mechanics, a massively parallel capable multiphysics code suite. This report outlines the theory, optimization formulation, and path taken to implement thermal inverse capabilities in Sierra within a unit test framework. The capability utilizes Sierra/Aria and Sierra/Fuego data structures, the Rapid Optimization Library, and an interface to the Sierra/InverseOpt library. The existing Sierra/Aria time integrator is leveraged to implement a time-dependent adjoint solver.

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Development of a Generalized Residual Stress Inversion Technique

Johnson, Kyle J.; Bishop, Joseph E.; Reu, Phillip L.; Walsh, Timothy W.; Farias, Paul A.; Jared, Bradley H.; Susan, D.F.; Rouse, Jerry W.; Whetten, Shaun R.; Chen, Mark J.; Aquino, Wilkins A.; Bellotti, Aurelio B.; Jacobs, Laurence J.

Residual stress is a common result of manufacturing processes, but it is one that is often overlooked in design and qualification activities. There are many reasons for this oversight, such as lack of observable indicators and difficulty in measurement. Traditional relaxation-based measurement methods use some type of material removal to cause surface displacements, which can then be used to solve for the residual stresses relieved by the removal. While widely used, these methods may offer only individual stress components or may be limited by part or cut geometry requirements. Diffraction-based methods, such as X-ray or neutron, offer non-destructive results but require access to a radiation source. With the goal of producing a more flexible solution, this LDRD developed a generalized residual stress inversion technique that can recover residual stresses released by all traction components on a cut surface, with much greater freedom in part geometry and cut location. The developed method has been successfully demonstrated on both synthetic and experimental data. The project also investigated dislocation density quantification using nonlinear ultrasound, residual stress measurement using Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry Hole Drilling, and validation of residual stress predictions in Additive Manufacturing process models.

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A gradient-based optimization approach for the detection of partially connected surfaces using vibration tests

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

Aquino, Wilkins A.; Bunting, Gregory B.; Miller, Scott T.; Walsh, Timothy W.

The integrity of engineering structures is often compromised by embedded surfaces that result from incomplete bonding during the manufacturing process, or initiation of damage from fatigue or impact processes. Examples include delaminations in composite materials, incomplete weld bonds when joining two components, and internal crack planes that may form when a structure is damaged. In many cases the areas of the structure in question may not be easily accessible, thus precluding the direct assessment of structural integrity. In this paper, we present a gradient-based, partial differential equation (PDE)-constrained optimization approach for solving the inverse problem of interface detection in the context of steady-state dynamics. An objective function is defined that represents the difference between the model predictions of structural response at a set of spatial locations, and the experimentally measured responses. One of the contributions of our work is a novel representation of the design variables using a density field that takes values in the range [0,1]andraised and raised to an integer exponent that promotes solutions to be near the extrema of the range. The density field is combined with the penalty method for enforcing a zero gap condition and realizing partially bonded surfaces. The use of the penalty method with a density field representation leads to objective functions that are continuously differentiable with respect to the unknown parameters, enabling the use of efficient gradient-based optimization algorithms. Numerical examples of delaminated plates are presented to demonstrate the feasibility of the approach.

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An adaptive local reduced basis method for solving PDEs with uncertain inputs and evaluating risk

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

Zou, Zilong; Kouri, Drew P.; Aquino, Wilkins A.

Many physical systems are modeled using partial differential equations (PDEs) with uncertain or random inputs. For such systems, naively propagating a fixed number of samples of the input probability law (or an approximation thereof) through the PDE is often inadequate to accurately quantify the “risk” associated with critical system responses. In this paper, we develop a goal-oriented, adaptive sampling and local reduced basis approximation for PDEs with random inputs. Our method determines a set of samples and an associated (implicit) Voronoi partition of the parameter domain on which we build local reduced basis approximations of the PDE solution. The samples are selected in an adaptive manner using an a posteriori error indicator. A notable advantage of the proposed approach is that the computational cost of the approximation during the adaptive process remains constant. We provide theoretical error bounds for our approximation and numerically demonstrate the performance of our method when compared to widely used adaptive sparse grid techniques. In addition, we tailor our approach to accurately quantify the risk of quantities of interest that depend on the PDE solution. We demonstrate our method on an advection–diffusion example and a Helmholtz example.

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Inverse methods for characterization of contact areas in mechanical systems

Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series

Fronk, Matthew; Eschen, Kevin; Starkey, Kyle; Kuether, Robert J.; Brink, Adam R.; Walsh, Timothy W.; Aquino, Wilkins A.; Brake, Matthew

In computational structural dynamics problems, the ability to calibrate numerical models to physical test data often depends on determining the correct constraints within a structure with mechanical interfaces. These interfaces are defined as the locations within a built-up assembly where two or more disjointed structures are connected. In reality, the normal and tangential forces arising from friction and contact, respectively, are the only means of transferring loads between structures. In linear structural dynamics, a typical modeling approach is to linearize the interface using springs and dampers to connect the disjoint structures, then tune the coefficients to obtain sufficient accuracy between numerically predicted and experimentally measured results. This work explores the use of a numerical inverse method to predict the area of the contact patch located within a bolted interface by defining multi-point constraints. The presented model updating procedure assigns contact definitions (fully stuck, slipping, or no contact) in a finite element model of a jointed structure as a function of contact pressure computed from a nonlinear static analysis. The contact definitions are adjusted until the computed modes agree with experimental test data. The methodology is demonstrated on a C-shape beam system with two bolted interfaces, and the calibrated model predicts modal frequencies with <3% total error summed across the first six elastic modes.

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Design of continuously graded elastic acoustic cloaks

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America

Sanders, Clay M.; Aquino, Wilkins A.; Walsh, Timothy W.

This letter demonstrates the design of continuously graded elastic cylinders to achieve passive cloaking from harmonic acoustic excitation, both at single frequencies and over extended bandwidths. The constitutive parameters in a multilayered, constant-density cylinder are selected in a partial differential equation-constrained optimization problem, such that the residual between the pressure field from an unobstructed spreading wave in a fluid and the pressure field produced by the cylindrical inclusion is minimized. The radial variation in bulk modulus appears fundamental to the cloaking behavior, while the shear modulus distribution plays a secondary role. Such structures could be realized with functionally-graded elastic materials.

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Inversion for Eigenvalues and Modes Using Sierra-SD and ROL

Walsh, Timothy W.; Aquino, Wilkins A.; Ridzal, Denis R.; Kouri, Drew P.

In this report we formulate eigenvalue-based methods for model calibration using a PDE-constrained optimization framework. We derive the abstract optimization operators from first principles and implement these methods using Sierra-SD and the Rapid Optimization Library (ROL). To demon- strate this approach, we use experimental measurements and an inverse solution to compute the joint and elastic foam properties of a low-fidelity unit (LFU) model.

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Viscoelastic material inversion using Sierra-SD and ROL

Walsh, Timothy W.; Aquino, Wilkins A.; Ridzal, Denis R.; Kouri, Drew P.; van Bloemen Waanders, Bart G.; Urbina, Angel U.

In this report we derive frequency-domain methods for inverse characterization of the constitutive parameters of viscoelastic materials. The inverse problem is cast in a PDE-constrained optimization framework with efficient computation of gradients and Hessian vector products through matrix free operations. The abstract optimization operators for first and second derivatives are derived from first principles. Various methods from the Rapid Optimization Library (ROL) are tested on the viscoelastic inversion problem. The methods described herein are applied to compute the viscoelastic bulk and shear moduli of a foam block model, which was recently used in experimental testing for viscoelastic property characterization.

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34 Results
34 Results