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Experiments and computations of roll torque induced by vortex-fin interaction

AIAA Paper

Peterson, C.W.; Wolfe, Walter P.; Payne, Jeffrey L.

An experiment was conducted in Arnold Engineering Development Center's 16-ft transonic wind tunnel to measure the dependency of vortex-induced counter torque upon J (the ratio of spin motor jet dynamic pressure to freestream dynamic pressure), Mach number, Reynolds number, angle of attack and roll orientation, spin motor nozzle configuration, and fin cant angle. Counter torque data and Laser Vapor Screen images confirm that J is the dominant parameter for correlating counter torque produced by a given vehicle configuration, flight condition, angle of attack and roll orientation. At M = 0.8 (with no shock waves in the flow), we observed a monotonie variation of the counter torque coefficient CCT with J that is independent of Reynolds number but dependent on angle of attack and the orientation of the fins with respect to the spin motor nozzle azimuthal location. At M = 0.95 and 1.1, measured values of CCT were strongly influenced by changes in Reynolds number, suggesting that shock-boundary layer interaction may be present.

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Ribbon Surface Pressure and Wake Velocity Data for the Experimental Validation of a Vortex-Based Parachute Inflation Code

McBride, Donald D.; Clark, Edward L.; Henfling, John F.; Wolfe, Walter P.

An experiment to measure surface pressure data on a series of three stainless steel simulated parachute ribbons was conducted. During the first phase of the test, unsteady pressure measurements were made on the windward and leeward sides of the ribbons to determine the statistical properties of the surface pressures. Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) measurements were simultaneously made to establish the velocity field in the wake of the ribbons and its correlation with the pressure measurements. In the second phase of the test, steady-state pressure measurements were made to establish the pressure distributions. In the third phase, the stainless steel ribbons were replaced with nylon ribbons and PIV measurements were made in the wake. A detailed error analysis indicates that the accuracy of the pressure measurements was very good. However, an anomaly in the flow field caused the wake behind the stainless steel ribbons to establish itself in a stable manner on one side of the model. This same stability was not present for the nylon ribbon model although an average of the wake velocity data indicated an apparent 2{degree} upwash in the wind tunnel flow field. Since flow angularity upstream of the model was not measured, the use of the data for code validation is not recommended without a second experiment to establish that upstream boundary condition.

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VFLOW2D - A Vorte-Based Code for Computing Flow Over Elastically Supported Tubes and Tube Arrays

Wolfe, Walter P.; Strickland, James H.; Homicz, Gregory F.; Gossler, A.A.

A numerical flow model is developed to simulate two-dimensional fluid flow past immersed, elastically supported tube arrays. This work is motivated by the objective of predicting forces and motion associated with both deep-water drilling and production risers in the oil industry. This work has other engineering applications including simulation of flow past tubular heat exchangers or submarine-towed sensor arrays and the flow about parachute ribbons. In the present work, a vortex method is used for solving the unsteady flow field. This method demonstrates inherent advantages over more conventional grid-based computational fluid dynamics. The vortex method is non-iterative, does not require artificial viscosity for stability, displays minimal numerical diffusion, can easily treat moving boundaries, and allows a greatly reduced computational domain since vorticity occupies only a small fraction of the fluid volume. A gridless approach is used in the flow sufficiently distant from surfaces. A Lagrangian remap scheme is used near surfaces to calculate diffusion and convection of vorticity. A fast multipole technique is utilized for efficient calculation of velocity from the vorticity field. The ability of the method to correctly predict lift and drag forces on simple stationary geometries over a broad range of Reynolds numbers is presented.

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5 Results