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Annual Status Update for OWL

Weck, Philippe F.; Fluke, Nichole L.; Padilla, Mekalah P.; Price, Laura L.; Prouty, Jeralyn L.; Rogers, Ralph D.; Sassani, David C.; Walkow, Walter M.

This report represents completion of milestone deliverable M2SF-22SN010309082 Annual Status Update for OWL, which is due on November 30, 2021 as part of the fiscal year 2022 (FY2022) work package SF-22SN01030908. This report provides an annual update on status of FY2021 activities for the work package “OWL - Inventory – SNL”. The Online Waste Library (OWL) has been designed to contain information regarding United States (U.S.) Department of Energy (DOE)-managed (as) high-level waste (DHLW), DOE-managed spent nuclear fuel (DSNF), and other wastes that are likely candidates for deep geologic disposal. Links to the current supporting documents for the data are provided when possible; however, no classified or official-use-only (OUO) data are planned to be included in OWL. There may be up to several hundred different DOE-managed wastes that are likely to require deep geologic disposal. This report contains new information on sodium-bonded spent fuel waste types and wastes forms, which are included in the next release of OWL, Version 3.0, on the Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) External Collaboration Network (ECN). The report also provides an update on the effort to include information regarding the types of vessels capable of disposing of DOE-managed waste.

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OWL and Waste Form Characteristics (Annual Status Update)

Weck, Philippe F.; Brady, Patrick V.; Criscenti, Louise C.; Fluke, Nichole L.; Gelbard, Fred G.; Padilla, Mekalah P.; Price, Laura L.; Prouty, Jeralyn L.; Rechard, Robert P.; Rigali, Mark J.; Rogers, Ralph D.; Sanchez, Amanda C.; Sassani, David C.; Tillman, Jackie B.; Walkow, Walter M.

This report represents completion of milestone deliverable M2SF-21SN010309012 “Annual Status Update for OWL and Waste Form Characteristics” that provides an annual update on status of fiscal year (FY 2020) activities for the work package SF-20SN01030901 and is due on January 29, 2021. The Online Waste Library (OWL) has been designed to contain information regarding United States (U.S.) Department of Energy (DOE)-managed (as) high-level waste (DHLW), spent nuclear fuel (SNF), and other wastes that are likely candidates for deep geologic disposal, with links to the current supporting documents for the data (when possible; note that no classified or official-use-only (OUO) data are planned to be included in OWL). There may be up to several hundred different DOE-managed wastes that are likely to require deep geologic disposal. This draft report contains versions of the OWL model architecture for vessel information (Appendix A) and an excerpt from the OWL User’s Guide (Appendix B and SNL 2020), which are for the current OWL Version 2.0 on the Sandia External Collaboration Network (ECN).

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OWL Change Control Process

Weck, Philippe F.; Fluke, Nichole L.; Price, Laura L.; Prouty, Jeralyn L.; Rogers, Ralph D.; Sassani, David C.; Walkow, Walter M.

The Online Waste Library (OWL) provides a consolidated source of information on Department of Energy-managed radioactive waste likely to require deep geologic disposal. With the release of OWL Version 1.0 in fiscal year 2019 (FY2019), much of the FY2020 work involved developing the OWL change control process and the OWL release process. These two processes (in draft form) were put into use for OWL Version 2.0, which was released in early FY2021. With the knowledge gained, the OWL team refined and documented the two processes in two separate reports. This report focuses on the change control process and discusses the following: (1) definitions and system components; (2) roles and responsibilities; (3) origin of changes; (4) the change control process including the Change List, Task List, activity categories, implementation examples, and checking and review; and (5) the role of the re lease process in ensuring changes in the Change List are incorporated into a public release.

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OWL Release Process

Weck, Philippe F.; Fluke, Nichole L.; Price, Laura L.; Prouty, Jeralyn L.; Rogers, Ralph D.; Sassani, David C.; Tillman, Jackie B.; Walkow, Walter M.

The Online Waste Library (OWL) provides one consolidated source of information on Department of Energy-managed wastes likely to require deep geologic disposal. With the release of OWL Version 1.0 in fiscal year (FY) 2019, much of the FY2020 work involved developing the OWL change control process and the OWL release process. These two processes (in draft form) were put into use for OWL Version 2.0, which was released in early FY2021. With the knowledge gained, the OWL team refined and documented the two processes in two separate reports. This report addresses the release process starting with a definition of release management in Section 2. Section 3 describes the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) framework, part of which includes the three different environments used for release management. Section 4 presents the OWL components existing in the different environments and provides details on the release schedule and procedures.

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Online Waste Library (OWL) and Waste Forms Characteristics Annual Report

Sassani, David C.; Brady, Patrick V.; Criscenti, Louise C.; Fluke, Nichole L.; Gelbard, Fred G.; Padilla, Mekalah P.; Price, Laura L.; Prouty, Jeralyn L.; Rechard, Robert P.; Rigali, Mark J.; Rogers, Ralph D.; Hernandez-Sanchez, Bernadette A.; Tillman, Jackie B.; Walkow, Walter M.; Weck, Philippe F.

This report represents completion of milestone deliverable M2SF-19SNO10309013 "Online Waste Library (OWL) and Waste Forms Characteristics Annual Report" that reports annual status on fiscal year (FY) 2019 activities for the work package SF-19SN01030901 and is due on August 2, 2019. The online waste library (OWL) has been designed to contain information regarding United States (U.S.) Department of Energy (DOE)-managed (as) high-level waste (DHLW), spent nuclear fuel (SNF), and other wastes that are likely candidates for deep geologic disposal, with links to the current supporting documents for the data (when possible; note that no classified or official-use-only (OUO) data are planned to be included in OWL). There may be up to several hundred different DOE-managed wastes that are likely to require deep geologic disposal. This annual report on FY2019 activities includes evaluations of waste form characteristics and waste form performance models, updates to the OWL development, and descriptions of the management processes for the OWL. Updates to the OWL include an updated user's guide, additions to the OWL database content for wastes and waste forms, results of the beta testing and changes implemented from it. Also added are descriptions of the management/control processes for the OWL development, version control, and archiving. These processes have been implemented as part of the full production release of OWL (i.e., OWL Version 1.0), which has been developed on, and will be hosted and managed on, Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) systems. The version control/update processes will be implemented for updates to the OWL in the future. Additionally, another process covering methods for interfacing with the DOE SNF Database (DOE 2007) at Idaho National Laboratory on the numerous entries for DOE-managed SNF (DSNF) has been pushed forward by defining data exchanges and is planned to be implemented sometime in FY2020. The INL database is also sometimes referred to as the Spent Fuel Database or the SFDB, which is the acronym that will be used in this report. Once fully implemented, this integration effort will serve as a template for interfacing with additional databases throughout the DOE complex.

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Inventory and Waste Characterization Status Report and OWL Update

Sassani, David C.; Brady, Patrick V.; Gelbard, Fred G.; Price, Laura L.; Prouty, Jeralyn L.; Rechard, Robert P.; Rigali, Mark J.; Rogers, Ralph D.; Sanchez, Amanda C.; Walkow, Walter M.; Weck, Philippe F.

This report represents completion of milestone deliverable M2SF-18SNO10309013 "Inventory and Waste Characterization Status Report and OWL Update that reports on FY2018 activities for the work package (WP) SF-18SNO1030901. This report provides the detailed final information for completed FY2018 work activities for WP SF-18SN01030901, and a summary of priorities for FY2019. This status report on FY2018 activities includes evaluations of waste form characteristics and waste form performance models, updates to the OWL development, and descriptions of the two planned management processes for the OWL. Updates to the OWL include an updated user's guide, additions to the OWL database content for wastes and waste forms, results of the Beta testing and changes implemented from it. There are two processes being planned in FY2018, which will be implemented in FY2019. One process covers methods for interfacing with the DOE SNF DB (DOE 2007) at INL on the numerous entries for DOE managed SNF, and the other process covers the management of updates to, and version control/archiving of, the OWL database. In FY2018, we have pursued three studies to evaluate/redefine waste form characteristics and/or performance models. First characteristic isotopic ratios for various waste forms included in postclosure performance studies are being evaluated to delineate isotope ratio tags that quantitatively identify each particular waste form. This evaluation arose due to questions regarding the relative contributions of radionuclides from disparate waste forms in GDSA results, particularly, radionuclide contributions of DOE-managed SNF vs HLW glass. In our second study we are evaluating the bases of glass waste degradation rate models to the HIP calcine waste form. The HIP calcine may likely be a ceramic matrix material, with multiple ceramic phases with/without a glass phase. The ceramic phases are likely to have different degradation performance from the glass portion. The distribution of radionuclides among those various phases may also be a factor in the radionuclide release rates. Additionally, we have an ongoing investigation of the performance behavior of TRISO particle fuels and are developing a stochastic model for the degradation of those fuels that accounts for simultaneous corrosion of the silicon carbide (SiC) layer and radionuclide diffusion through it. The detailed model of the TRISO particles themselves, will be merged with models of the degradation behavior(s) of the graphite matrix (either prismatic compacts or spherical "pebbles") containing the particles and the hexagonal graphite elements holding the compacts.

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Inventory and Waste Characterization Status Report

Sassani, David C.; Price, Laura L.; Rechard, Robert P.; Rogers, Ralph D.; Walkow, Walter M.; Johnson, Ava J.; Sanchez, Amanda C.; Mariner, Paul M.; Rigali, Mark J.; Stein, Emily S.; Weck, Philippe F.

This report provides an update to Sassani et al. (2016) and includes: (1) an updated set of inputs (Sections 2.3) on various additional waste forms (WF) covering both DOE-managed spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and DOE-managed (as) high-level waste (HLW) for use in the inventory represented in the geologic disposal safety analyses (GDSA); (2) summaries of evaluations initiated to refine specific characteristics of particular WF for future use (Section 2.4); (3) updated development status of the Online Waste Library (OWL) database (Section 3.1.2) and an updated user guide to OWL (Section 3.1.3); and (4) status updates (Section 3.2) for the OWL inventory content, data entry checking process, and external OWL BETA testing initiated in fiscal year 2017.

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The On-line Waste Library (OWL): Usage and Inventory Status Report

Sassani, David C.; Jang, Jay J.; Mariner, Paul M.; Price, Laura L.; Rechard, Robert P.; Rigali, Mark J.; Rogers, Ralph R.; Stein, Emily S.; Walkow, Walter M.; Weck, Philippe F.

The Waste Form Disposal Options Evaluation Report (SNL 2014) evaluated disposal of both Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuel (CSNF) and DOE-managed HLW and Spent Nuclear Fuel (DHLW and DSNF) in the variety of disposal concepts being evaluated within the Used Fuel Disposition Campaign. That work covered a comprehensive inventory and a wide range of disposal concepts. The primary goal of this work is to evaluate the information needs for analyzing disposal solely of a subset of those wastes in a Defense Repository (DRep; i.e., those wastes that are either defense related, or managed by DOE but are not commercial in origin). A potential DRep also appears to be safe in the range of geologic mined repository concepts, but may have different concepts and features because of the very different inventory of waste that would be included. The focus of this status report is to cover the progress made in FY16 toward: (1) developing a preliminary DRep included inventory for engineering/design analyses; (2) assessing the major differences of this included inventory relative to that in other analyzed repository systems and the potential impacts to disposal concepts; (3) designing and developing an on-line waste library (OWL) to manage the information of all those wastes and their waste forms (including CSNF if needed); and (4) constraining post-closure waste form degradation performance for safety assessments of a DRep. In addition, some continuing work is reported on identifying potential candidate waste types/forms to be added to the full list from SNL (2014 – see Table C-1) which also may be added to the OWL in the future. The status for each of these aspects is reported herein.

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Nuclear Fuel Cycle Options Catalog: FY16 Improvements and Additions

Price, Laura L.; Barela, Amanda C.; Schetnan, Richard R.; Walkow, Walter M.

The United States Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy, Fuel Cycle Technology Program sponsors nuclear fuel cycle research and development. As part of its Fuel Cycle Options campaign, the DOE has established the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Options Catalog. The catalog is intended for use by the Fuel Cycle Technologies Program in planning its research and development activities and disseminating information regarding nuclear energy to interested parties. The purpose of this report is to document the improvements and additions that have been made to the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Options Catalog in the 2016 fiscal year.

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Completion of Population of and Quality Assurance on the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Options Catalog

Price, Laura L.; Barela, Amanda C.; Walkow, Walter M.; Schetnan, Richard R.; Arnold, Matthew B.

An Evaluation and Screening team supporting the Fuel Cycle Technologies Program Office of the United States Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy is conducting an evaluation and screening of a comprehensive set of fuel cycle options. These options have been assigned to one of 40 evaluation groups, each of which has a representative fuel cycle option [Todosow 2013]. A Fuel Cycle Data Package System Datasheet has been prepared for each representative fuel cycle option to ensure that the technical information used in the evaluation is high-quality and traceable [Kim, et al., 2013]. The information contained in the Fuel Cycle Data Packages has been entered into the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Options Catalog at Sandia National Laboratories so that it is accessible by the evaluation and screening team and other interested parties. In addition, an independent team at Savannah River National Laboratory has verified that the information has been entered into the catalog correctly. This report documents that the 40 representative fuel cycle options have been entered into the Catalog, and that the data entered into the catalog for the 40 representative options has been entered correctly.

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Nuclear Fuel Cycle Options Catalog FY15 Improvements and Additions

Price, Laura L.; Barela, Amanda C.; Schetnan, Richard R.; Walkow, Walter M.

The United States Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy, Fuel Cycle Technology Program sponsors nuclear fuel cycle research and development. As part of its Fuel Cycle Options campaign, the DOE has established the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Options Catalog. The catalog is intended for use by the Fuel Cycle Technologies Program in planning its research and development activities and disseminating information regarding nuclear energy to interested parties. The purpose of this report is to document the improvements and additions that have been made to the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Options Catalog in the 2015 fiscal year.

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18 Results
18 Results