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Fire-Induced Pressure Response and Failure Characterization of PCV/SCV/3013 Containers - Phase 3

Mendoza, Hector M.; Baird, Austin R.; Gill, Walt; Figueroa Faria, Victor G.; McClard, James M.; Sprankle, Ray S.; Hensel, Steve H.; Michel, Danielle M.; Adee, Shane M.

Several Department of Energy (DOE) facilities have materials stored in robust, welded, stainless - steel containers with presumed fire - induced pressure response behaviors. Lack of test data related to fire exposure requires conservative safety analysis assumptions for container response at these facilities. This conservatism can in turn result in the implementation of challenging operational restrictions with costly nuclear safety controls. To help address this issue for sites that store DOE 3013 stainless - steel containers, a series of ten tests were undertaken at Sandia National Laboratories. The goal of this test series was to obtain the response behavior for various configurations of DOE 3013 containers with various payload compositions when exposed to one of two ASTM fire conditions. Key parameters measured in the test series included identification of failure - specific characteristics such as pressure, temperature, and whether or not a vessel was breached during a test . Numerous failure - specific characteristics were identified from the ten tests. This report describes the implementation and execution of the test series performed to identify these failure - specific characteristics. Discussions on the test configurations, payload compositions, thermal insults, and experimental setups are presented. Test results in terms of pressurization and vessel breach (or no - breach) are presented along with corresponding discussions for each test.

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Fire-induced pressure response and failure of 3013 containers

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP

Mendoza, Hector M.; Gill, Walt; Baird, Austin R.; Figueroa Faria, Victor G.; Hensel, Steve; Sanborn, Scott E.

Several Department of Energy (DOE) facilities have nuclear or hazardous materials stored in robust, welded, stainless-steel containers with undetermined fire-induced pressure response behaviors. Lack of test data related to fire exposure requires conservative safety analysis assumptions for container response at these facilities. This conservatism can in turn result in the implementation of challenging operational restrictions with costly nuclear safety controls. To help address this issue for sites that store DOE 3013 stainless-steel containers, a series of five tests were undertaken at Sandia National Laboratories. The goal of this test series was to obtain the response behavior for various configurations of the DOE 3013 containers when exposed to various fire conditions. Key parameters measured in the test series included identification of failure-specific characteristics such as pressure, temperature, and leak/burst failure type. This paper describes the development and execution of the test series performed to identify these failure-specific characteristics. Work completed to define the test configurations, payload compositions, thermal insults, and experimental setups are discussed. Test results are presented along with corresponding discussions for each test.

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Development and validation of radiant heat systems to test ram packages under non-uniform thermal environments

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP

Mendoza, Hector M.; Gill, Walt; Figueroa Faria, Victor G.; Sanborn, Scott E.

Certification of radioactive material (RAM) packages for storage and transportation requires multiple tiers of testing that simulate accident conditions in order to assure safety. One of these key testing aspects focuses on container response to thermal insults when a package includes materials that decompose, combust, or change phase between-40 °C and 800 °C. Thermal insult for RAM packages during testing can be imposed from a direct pool fire, but it can also be imposed using a furnace or a radiant heat system. Depending on variables such as scale, heating rates, desired environment, intended diagnostics, cost, etc., each of the different methods possess their advantages and disadvantages. While a direct fire can be the closest method to represent a plausible insult, incorporating comprehensive diagnostics in a controlled fire test can pose various challenges due to the nature of a fire. Radiant heat setups can instead be used to impose a comparable heat flux on a test specimen in a controlled manner that allows more comprehensive diagnostics. With radiant heat setups, however, challenges can arise when attempting to impose desired nonuniform heat fluxes that would account for specimen orientation and position in a simulated accident scenario. This work describes the development, implementation, and validation of a series of techniques used by Sandia National Laboratories to create prescribed non-uniform thermal environments using radiant heat sources for RAM packages as large as a 55-gallon drum.

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Correlating incident heat flux and source temperature to meet astm e1529 requirements for ram packaging components thermal testing

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP

Baird, Austin R.; Gill, Walt; Mendoza, Hector M.; Figueroa Faria, Victor G.

Often in fire resistance testing of packaging vessels and other components, both the heat source temperature and the incident heat flux on a test specimen need to be measured and correlated. Standards such as ASTM E1529 require a specified temperature range from the heat source and a specified heat flux on the surface of the test specimen. There are other standards that have similar requirements. The geometry of the test environment and specimen may make heat flux measurements using traditional instruments (directional flame thermometers (DFTs) and water-cooled radiometers) difficult to implement. Orientation of the test specimen with respect to the thermal environment is also important to ensure that the heat flux on the surface of the test specimen is properly measured. Other important factors in the flux measurement include the thermal mass and surface emissivity of the test specimen. This paper describes the development of a cylindrical calorimeter using water-cooled wide-angle Schmidt-Bolter gauges to measure the incident heat flux for a vessel exposed to a radiant heat source. The calorimeter is designed to be modular to be modular with multiple configurations while meeting emissivity and thermal mass requirements via a variable thermal mass. The results of the incident heat flux and source temperature along with effective/apparent emissivity calculations are discussed.

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Determining airborne release fraction from dot 7A drums exposed to a thermal insult

International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Proceedings, ICONE

Mendoza, Hector M.; Figueroa Faria, Victor G.; Gill, Walt; Sanborn, Scott E.

Fire suppression systems for transuranic (TRU) waste facilities are designed to minimize radioactive material release to the public and to facility employees in the event of a fire. Currently, facilities with Department of Transportation (DOT) 7A drums filled with TRU waste follow guidelines that assume a fraction of the drums experience lid ejection in case of a fire. This lid loss is assumed to result in significant TRU waste material from the drum experiencing an unconfined burn during the fire, and fire suppression systems are thus designed to respond and mitigate potential radioactive material release. However, recent preliminary tests where the standard lid filters of 7A drums were replaced with a UT-9424S filter suggest that the drums could retain their lid if equipped with this filter. The retention of the drum lid could thus result in a very different airborne release fraction (ARF) of a 7A drum's contents when exposed to a pool fire than what is assumed in current safety basis documents. This potentially different ARF is currently unknown because, while studies have been performed in the past to quantify ARF for 7A drums in a fire, no comprehensive measurements have been performed for drums equipped with a UT-9424S filter. If the ARF is lower than what is currently assumed, it could change the way TRU waste facilities operate. Sandia National Laboratories has thus developed a set of tests and techniques to help determine an ARF value for 7A drums filled with TRU waste and equipped with a UT-9424S filter when exposed to the hypothetical accident conditions (HAC) of a 30-minute hydrocarbon pool fire. In this multi-phase test series, SNL has accomplished the following: (1) performed a thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) on various combustible materials typically found in 7A drums in order to identify a conservative load for 7A drums in a pool fire; (2) performed a 30-minute pool fire test to (a) determine if lid ejection is possible under extreme conditions despite the UT-9424S filter, and (b) to measure key parameters in order to replicate the fire environment using a radiant heat setup; and (3) designed a radiant heat setup to demonstrate capability of reproducing the fire environment with a system that would facilitate measurements of ARF. This manuscript thus discusses the techniques, approach, and unique capabilities SNL has developed to help determine an ARF value for DOT 7A drums exposed to a 30-minute fully engulfing pool fire while equipped with a UT-9424S filter on the drum lid.

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Rocket motor exhaust thermal environment characterization

Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation

Yilmaz, Nadir; Vigil, Francisco; Height, Jonathan L.; Donaldson, Arlie B.; Gill, Walt

This study experimentally examines the heat flux to objects outside of a firing solid propellant rocket motor plume by measuring the heat flux to gages located at various locations with respect to the rocket nozzle. Because the application of interest may involve multiple motors firing simultaneously, the heat flux from multiple motors is projected based on data collected for a single motor test, and compared to the data from two, three-motor configuration test. Data showing the enhancement from three motors firing can be substantially higher than a single motor firing when the three motors are arranged in a triangular bundle, but this was not found to be the case when the three motors were arranged in a linear bundle (linear to the instrumentation). Based on results of this study, it was concluded that a material of concern which is exposed to as many as 14 motors firing simultaneously, should survive.

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Pipe Overpack Container Fire Testing: Phase II-A

Mendoza, Hector M.; Figueroa Faria, Victor G.; Gill, Walt; Ammerman, Douglas J.; Sanborn, Scott E.

The Pipe Overpack Container (POC) was developed at Rocky Flats to transport plutonium residues with higher levels of plutonium than standard transuranic (TRU) waste to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) for disposal. In 1996 Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) conducted a series of tests to determine the degree of protection POCs provided during storage accident events. One of these tests exposed four of the POCs to a 30-minute engulfing pool fire, resulting in one of the 7A drum overpacks generating sufficient internal pressure to pop off its lid and expose the top of the pipe container (PC) to the fire environment. The initial contents of the POCs were inert materials, which would not generate large internal pressure within the PC if heated. However, POCs are now being used to store combustible Transuranic (TRU) waste at Department of Energy (DOE) sites. At the request of DOE's Office of Environmental Management (EM) and National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), SNL started conducting a new series of fire tests in 2015 to examine whether PCs with combustibles would reach a temperature that would result in (1) decomposition of inner contents and (2) subsequent generation of sufficient gas to cause the PC to overpressurize and release its inner content. In 2016, Phase II tests showed that POCs tested in a pool fire failed within 3 minutes of ignition with the POC lid ejecting. These POC lids were fitted with an all-metal (NUCFIL019DS) filter and revealed that this specific filter did not relieve sufficient pressure to prevent lid ejection. For the test phase discussed in this report, Phase II-A, the POCs are exposed to a 30-minute pool fire, with similar configurations to those tested in Phase II, except that the POC lids are fitted with a hybrid metal-polyethylene (UT9424S) filter instead. This report will: describe the various tests conducted in Phase II-A, present results from these tests, and discuss implications for the POCs based on the test results.

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Pipe Overpack Container Fire Testing: Phase I II & III

Figueroa Faria, Victor G.; Ammerman, Douglas J.; Lopez Mestre, Carlos L.; Gill, Walt

The Pipe Overpack Container (POC) was developed at Rocky Flats to transport plutonium residues with higher levels of plutonium than standard transuranic (TRU) waste to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) for disposal. In 1996 Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) conducted a series of tests to determine the degree of protection POCs provided during storage accident events. One of these tests exposed four of the POCs to a 30-minute engulfing pool fire, resulting in one of the 7A drum overpacks generating sufficient internal pressure to pop off its lid and expose the top of the pipe container (PC) to the fire environment. The initial contents of the POCs were inert materials, which would not generate large internal pressure within the PC if heated. POCs are now being used to store combustible TRU waste at Department of Energy (DOE) sites. At the request of DOE’s Office of Environmental Management (EM) and National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), starting in 2015 SNL conducted a series of fire tests to examine whether PCs with combustibles would reach a temperature that would result in (1) decomposition of inner contents and (2) subsequent generation of sufficient gas to cause the PC to over-pressurize and release its inner content. Tests conducted during 2015 and 2016 were done in three phases. The goal of the first phase was to see if the PC would reach high enough temperatures to decompose typical combustible materials inside the PC. The goal of the second test phase was to determine under what heating loads (i.e., incident heat fluxes) the 7A drum lid pops off from the POC drum. The goal of the third phase was to see if surrogate aerosol gets released from the PC when the drum lid is off. This report will describe the various tests conducted in phase I, II, and III, present preliminary results from these tests, and discuss implications for the POCs.

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Pipe Overpack Container Fire Testing: Phase I & II

Figueroa Faria, Victor G.; Ammerman, Douglas J.; Lopez Mestre, Carlos L.; Gill, Walt

The Pipe Overpack Container (POC) was developed at Rocky Flats to transport plutonium residues with higher levels of plutonium than standard transuranic (TRU) waste to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) for disposal. In 1996 Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) conducted a series of tests to determine the degree of protection POCs provided during storage accident events. One of these tests exposed four of the POCs to a 30-minute engulfing pool fire, resulting in one of the 7A drum overpacks generating sufficient internal pressure to pop off its lid and expose the top of the pipe container (PC) to the fire environment. The initial contents of the POCs were inert materials, which would not generate large internal pressure within the PC if heated. However, POCs are now being used to store combustible TRU waste at Department of Energy (DOE) sites. At the request of DOE’s Office of Environmental Management (EM) and National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), starting in 2015 SNL conducted a new series of fire tests to examine whether PCs with combustibles would reach a temperature that would result in (1) decomposition of inner contents and (2) subsequent generation of sufficient gas to cause the PC to over-pressurize and release its inner content. Tests conducted during 2015 and 2016, and described herein, were done in two phases. The goal of the first phase was to see if the PC would reach high enough temperatures to decompose typical combustible materials inside the PC. The goal of the second test phase was to determine under what heating loads (i.e., incident heat fluxes) the 7A drum lid pops off from the POC drum. This report will describe the various tests conducted in phase I and II, present preliminary results from these tests, and discuss implications for the POCs.

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Effect of oxide layer formation on deformation of aluminum alloys under fire conditions

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications

Yilmaz, Nadir; Vigil, Francisco M.; Tolendino, Greg; Gill, Walt; Donaldson, Arlie B.

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the structural behavior of aluminum alloys used in the aerospace industry when exposed to conditions similar to those of an accident scenario, such as a fuel fire. This study focuses on the role that the aluminum oxide layer plays in the deformation and the strength of the alloy above melting temperature. To replicate some of the thermal and atmospheric conditions that the alloys might experience in an accident scenario, aluminum rod specimens were subjected to temperatures near to or above their melting temperature in air, nitrogen, and vacuum environments. The characteristics of their deformation, such as geometry and rate of deformation, were observed. Tests were conducted by suspending aluminum rods vertically from an enclosure. This type of experiment was performed in two different environments: air and nitrogen. The change in environments allowed the effects of the oxide layer on the material strength to be analyzed by inhibiting the growth of the oxide layer. Observations were reported from imaging taken during the experiment showing creep behavior of aluminum alloys at elevated temperatures and time to failure. In addition, an example of tensile load-displacement data obtained in air and vacuum was reported to understand the effect of oxide layer on aluminum deformation and strength.

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Effect of grain orientation on aluminum relocation at incipient melt conditions

Mechanics of Materials

Yilmaz, Nadir; Vigil, Francisco M.; Vigil, Miquela S.; Branam, Robert; Tolendino, Greg; Gill, Walt; Donaldson, Arlie B.

Aluminum is commonly used for structural applications in the aerospace industry because of its high strength in relation to its weight. It is necessary to understand the mechanical response of aluminum structures at elevated temperatures such as those experienced in a fire. Aluminum alloys exhibit many complicated behaviors that require further research and understanding, such as aluminum combustion, oxide skin formation and creep behavior. This paper discusses the effect of grain orientation on aluminum deformation subjected to heating at incipient melt conditions. Experiments were conducted by applying a vertical compressive force to aluminum alloy 7075 block test specimens. Compression testing was done on test specimens with the applied load on the long transverse and short transverse orientations. Results showed that the grain orientation significantly influences aluminum's strength and mode of failure.

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Combustion diagnosis for analysis of solid propellant rocket abort hazards: Role of spectroscopy

Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Gill, Walt; Cruz-Cabrera, A.A.; Donaldson, Arlie B.; Lim, J.; Sivathanu, Y.; Bystrom, Edward B.; Haug, A.; Sharp, L.; Surmick, D.M.

Solid rocket propellant plume temperatures have been measured using spectroscopic methods as part of an ongoing effort to specify the thermal-chemical-physical environment in and around a burning fragment of an exploded solid rocket at atmospheric pressures. Such specification is needed for launch safety studies where hazardous payloads become involved with large fragments of burning propellant. The propellant burns in an off-design condition producing a hot gas flame loaded with burning metal droplets. Each component of the flame (soot, droplets and gas) has a characteristic temperature, and it is only through the use of spectroscopy that their temperature can be independently identified.

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Investigation of molten/oxidized aluminum powder deposition on stainless steel 304

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FEDSM

Sanchez, Tomas M.; Donaldson, Arlie B.; Gill, Walt

Accidents involving solid propellants containing aluminum can be difficult to model due to the additional heat transfer from molten aluminum or aluminum combustion and impingement/deposition of oxide on target objects. A series of tests has been carried out using a commercially available oxy-acetylene torch and powder feeder to investigate the effects of molten/oxidized aluminum on stainless steel 304 substrates. SEM and EDS have been used to determine diffusion/interaction of aluminum with the stainless steel and characterize the constituents of the resulting interfacial layers. These techniques indicated that at the test conditions, aluminum was undetectably oxidized before it deposited on the substrate surface. However, temperature data from thermocouples attached to backside of each substrate detected an increased heat flux to the substrate when aluminum is introduced into the flame spray. Results also indicate that the boundary layers of the aluminum and stainless steel were well defined implying that little diffusion or solution of the aluminum with the stainless steel occurred. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.

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Aluminum behavior during fire heating: Focus on deformation

Fire Safety Science

Bowyer, Justin; Luketa, Anay L.; Gill, Walt; Donaldson, Burl

This paper discusses testing and modeling efforts to experimentally determine, and numerically model the behavior of aluminum at incipient melt conditions. More particularly, the role of the oxide layer which develops on the surface of aluminum which is heating in an oxidizing environment has been found to influence deformation. Several configurations where tested composed of aluminum rods at different orientations with regard to standard gravity, and video images were taken to record movement. Modeling with comparable materials shows similar behavior and encourages additional work where some numerical comparisons could be researched further. © 2011 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR FIRE SAFETY SCIENCE.

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Advances in process intensification through multifunctional reactor engineering

Gill, Walt; O'Hern, Timothy J.; Cooper, Marcia A.

A multifunctional reactor is a chemical engineering device that exploits enhanced heat and mass transfer to promote production of a desired chemical, combining more than one unit operation in a single system. The main component of the reactor system under study here is a vertical column containing packing material through which liquid(s) and gas flow cocurrently downward. Under certain conditions, a range of hydrodynamic regimes can be achieved within the column that can either enhance or inhibit a desired chemical reaction. To study such reactors in a controlled laboratory environment, two experimental facilities were constructed at Sandia National Laboratories. One experiment, referred to as the Two-Phase Experiment, operates with two phases (air and water). The second experiment, referred to as the Three-Phase Experiment, operates with three phases (immiscible organic liquid and aqueous liquid, and nitrogen). This report describes the motivation, design, construction, operational hazards, and operation of the both of these experiments. Data and conclusions are included.

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Prescriptive vs. performance based cook-off fire testing

Tieszen, Sheldon R.; Erikson, William W.; Gill, Walt; Blanchat, Tom; Nakos, James T.

In the fire safety community, the trend is toward implementing performance-based standards in place of existing prescriptive ones. Prescriptive standards can be difficult to adapt to changing design methods, materials, and application situations of systems that ultimately must perform well in unwanted fire situations. In general, this trend has produced positive results and is embraced by the fire protection community. The question arises as to whether this approach could be used to advantage in cook-off testing. Prescribed fuel fire cook-off tests have been instigated because of historical incidents that led to extensive damage to structures and loss of life. They are designed to evaluate the propensity for a violent response. The prescribed protocol has several advantages: it can be defined in terms of controllable parameters (wind speed, fuel type, pool size, etc.); and it may be conservative for a particular scenario. However, fires are inherently variable and prescribed tests are not necessarily representative of a particular accident scenario. Moreover, prescribed protocols are not necessarily adaptable and may not be conservative. We also consider performance-based testing. This requires more knowledge and thought regarding not only the fire environment, but the behavior of the munitions themselves. Sandia uses a performance based approach in assuring the safe behavior of systems of interest that contain energetic materials. Sandia also conducts prescriptive fire testing for the IAEA, NRC and the DOT. Here we comment on the strengths and weakness of both approaches and suggest a path forward should it be desirable to pursue a performance based cook-off standard.

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Flow characterization of diffusion flame oscillations using particle image velocimetry

Experiments in Fluids

Yilmaz, Nadir; Lucero, Ralph E.; Donaldson, A.B.; Gill, Walt

Particle image velocimetry (PIV) was used to measure velocity fields inside and around oscillating methane-air diffusion flames with a slot fuel orifice. PIV provided velocity and directional information of the flow field comprised of both the flame and air. From this, information on flow paths of entrained air into the flame were obtained and visualized. These show that at low fuel flow rates for which the oscillations were strongest, the responsible mechanism for the oscillating flow appeared to be the repetitive occurrence of flame quenching. PIV findings indicated that quenching appears to be associated primarily with air entrainment. Velocity was found to be considerably larger in regions where quenching occurred. The shedding of vortices in the shear layer occurs immediately outside the boundary of the flame envelope and was speculated to be the primary driving force for air entrainment. © 2008 Springer-Verlag.

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Imaging of flame behavior in flickering methane/air diffusion flames

Journal of Visualization

Yilmaz, N.; Donaldson, A.B.; Gill, Walt; Lucero, R.E.

During this study, flow visualization through the use of imaging provided visual data of the events that occurred as the flame oscillated. Imaging was performed in two different ways: 1) the first method was phase-locked imaging to capture a detailed history by simply advancing the phase angle during each image capture, 2) the second method involved high-speed imaging to gather visual image data of a natural or forced oscillating flame. For visualization, two items were considered. The first one was the shape of the flame envelope as it evolved during one oscillation cycle. From the data gathered, it was confirmed that the flame stretched in the vertical direction before quenching in the region near its center. The second consideration was imaging of the oxidizer (air) in the region immediately outside the flame. This was done by imaging the laser light reflected from particles seeded into the flow, which revealed formation of vortical structures in those regions where quenching had occurred. It was noted that quenching took place primarily by the entrainment of fresh non-reacting air into the flame. The quenching process was in turn responsible for the oscillatory behavior. © 2009 The Visualization Society of Japan.

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Problems encountered in fluctuating flame temperature measurements by thermocouple

Proposed for publication in Sensors.

Gill, Walt; Donaldson, Arlie B.

Some thermocouple experiments were carried out in order to obtain sensitivity of thermocouple readings to fluctuations in flames and to determine if the average thermocouple reading was representative of the local volume temperature for fluctuating flames. The thermocouples considered were an exposed junction thermocouple and a fully sheathed thermocouple with comparable time constants. Either the voltage signal or indicated temperature for each test was recorded at sampling rates between 300-4,096 Hz. The trace was then plotted with respect to time or sample number so that time variation in voltage or temperature could be visualized and the average indicated temperature could be determined. For experiments where high sampling rates were used, the signal was analyzed using Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) to determine the frequencies present in the thermocouple signal. This provided a basic observable as to whether or not the probe was able to follow flame oscillations. To enhance oscillations, for some experiments, the flame was forced. An analysis based on thermocouple time constant, coupled with the transfer function for a sinusoidal input was tested against the experimental results.

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Validation predictions of a 13 m/s cross-wind fire for Fuego and the University of Waterloo dataset

Gill, Walt; Evans, Gregory H.

Detailed herein are the results of a validation comparison. The experiment involved a 2 meter diameter liquid pool of Jet-A fuel in a 13 m/s crosswind. The scenario included a large cylindrical blocking object just down-stream of the fire. It also included seven smaller calorimeters and extensive instrumentation. The experiments were simulated with Fuego. The model included several conduction regions to model the response of the calorimeters, the floor, and the large cylindrical blocking object. A blind comparison was used to compare the simulation predictions with the experimental data. The more upstream data compared very well with the simulation predictions. The more downstream data did not compare very well with the simulation predictions. Further investigation suggests that features omitted from the original model contributed to the discrepancies. Observations are made with respect to the scenario that are aimed at helping an analyst approach a comparable problem in a way that may help improve the potential for quantitative accuracy.

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An evaluation of actual and simulated smoke properties

Fire and Materials

Suo-Anttila, Jill M.; Gill, Walt; Gritzo, Louis A.; Blake, David

Federal regulations require that aircraft cargo compartment smoke detection systems be certified by testing their operation in flight. For safety reasons, only simulated smoke sources are permitted in these certification tests. To provide insight into smoke detection certification in cargo compartments, this research investigates the morphology, transport and optical properties of actual and simulated smoke sources. Experimental data show the morphology of the particulate in smoke from flaming fires is considerably different from simulated smoke. Although the detection of smoldering fires is important as well, only a qualitative assessment and comparison of smoldering sources was possible; therefore, efforts were concentrated on the quantitative comparison of smoke from flaming fires and smoke generators. The particulate for all three different flaming fires was solid with similar morphological properties. Simulated smoke was composed of relatively large liquid droplets, and considerably different size droplets can be produced using a single machine. Transport behavior modeling showed that both the actual and simulated smoke particulates are sufficiently small to follow the overall gas flow. However, actual smoke transport will be buoyancy driven due to the increased temperature, while the simulated smoke temperature is typically low and the release may be momentum driven. The morphology of the actual and simulated smoke were then used to calculate their optical properties. In contrast to the actual smoke from a flaming fire, which is dominated by absorption, all of the extinction for the simulated smoke is due to scattering. This difference could have an impact on detection criteria and hence the alarm time for photoelectic smoke detectors since they alarm based on the scattering properties of the smoke. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Shroud boundary condition characterization experiments at the Radiant Heat Facility

Nakos, James T.; Suo-Anttila, Jill M.; Gill, Walt

A series of experiments was performed to better characterize the boundary conditions from an inconel heat source ('shroud') painted with Pyromark black paint. Quantifying uncertainties in this type of experimental setup is crucial to providing information for comparisons with code predictions. The characterization of this boundary condition has applications in many scenarios related to fire simulation experiments performed at Sandia National Laboratories Radiant Heat Facility (RHF). Four phases of experiments were performed. Phase 1 results showed that a nominal 1000 C shroud temperature is repeatable to about 2 C. Repeatability of temperatures at individual points on the shroud show that temperatures do not vary more than 10 C from experiment to experiment. This variation results in a 6% difference in heat flux to a target 4 inches away. IR camera images showed the shroud was not at a uniform temperature, although the control temperature was constant to about {+-}2 C during a test. These images showed that a circular shaped, flat shroud with its edges supported by an insulated plate has a temperature distribution with higher temperatures at the edges and lower temperatures in the center. Differences between the center and edge temperatures were up to 75 C. Phase 3 results showed that thermocouple (TC) bias errors are affected by coupling with the surrounding environment. The magnitude of TC error depends on the environment facing the TC. Phase 4 results were used to estimate correction factors for specific applications (40 and 63-mil diameter, ungrounded junction, mineral insulated, metal-sheathed TCs facing a cold surface). Correction factors of about 3.0-4.5% are recommended for 40 mil diameter TCs and 5.5-7.0% for 63 mil diameter TCs. When mounted on the cold side of the shroud, TCs read lower than the 'true' shroud temperature, and the TC reads high when on the hot side. An alternate method uses the average of a cold side and hot side TC of the same size to estimate the true shroud temperature. Phase 2 results compared IR camera measurements with TC measurements and measured values of Pyromark emissivity. Agreement was within measured uncertainties of the Pyromark paint emissivity and IR camera temperatures.

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Numerical predictions and experimental results of a dry bay fire environment

Black, Amalia R.; Black, Amalia R.; Gill, Walt; Suo-Anttila, Jill M.

The primary objective of the Safety and Survivability of Aircraft Initiative is to improve the safety and survivability of systems by using validated computational models to predict the hazard posed by a fire. To meet this need, computational model predictions and experimental data have been obtained to provide insight into the thermal environment inside an aircraft dry bay. The calculations were performed using the Vulcan fire code, and the experiments were completed using a specially designed full-scale fixture. The focus of this report is to present comparisons of the Vulcan results with experimental data for a selected test scenario and to assess the capability of the Vulcan fire field model to accurately predict dry bay fire scenarios. Also included is an assessment of the sensitivity of the fire model predictions to boundary condition distribution and grid resolution. To facilitate the comparison with experimental results, a brief description of the dry bay fire test fixture and a detailed specification of the geometry and boundary conditions are included. Overall, the Vulcan fire field model has shown the capability to predict the thermal hazard posed by a sustained pool fire within a dry bay compartment of an aircraft; although, more extensive experimental data and rigorous comparison are required for model validation.

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Sandia heat flux gauge thermal response and uncertainty models

ASTM Special Technical Publication

Blanchat, Tom; Humphries, Larry; Gill, Walt

A study was performed on the Sandia Heat Flux Gauge (HFG) developed as a rugged, cost effective technique for performing steady state heat flux measurements in the pool fire environment. The technique involved reducing the time-temperature history of a thin metal plate to an incident heat flux via a dynamic thermal model, even though the gauge was intended for use at steady state. A validation experiment was presented where the gauge was exposed to a step input of radiant heat flux.

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77 Results
77 Results