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Adapting Secure MultiParty Computation to Support Machine Learning in Radio Frequency Sensor Networks

Berry, Jonathan W.; Ganti, Anand G.; Goss, Kenneth G.; Mayer, Carolyn D.; Onunkwo, Uzoma O.; Phillips, Cynthia A.; Saia, Jared S.; Shead, Timothy M.

In this project we developed and validated algorithms for privacy-preserving linear regression using a new variant of Secure Multiparty Computation (MPC) we call "Hybrid MPC" (hMPC). Our variant is intended to support low-power, unreliable networks of sensors with low-communication, fault-tolerant algorithms. In hMPC we do not share training data, even via secret sharing. Thus, agents are responsible for protecting their own local data. Only the machine learning (ML) model is protected with information-theoretic security guarantees against honest-but-curious agents. There are three primary advantages to this approach: (1) after setup, hMPC supports a communication-efficient matrix multiplication primitive, (2) organizations prevented by policy or technology from sharing any of their data can participate as agents in hMPC, and (3) large numbers of low-power agents can participate in hMPC. We have also created an open-source software library named "Cicada" to support hMPC applications with fault-tolerance. The fault-tolerance is important in our applications because the agents are vulnerable to failure or capture. We have demonstrated this capability at Sandia's Autonomy New Mexico laboratory through a simple machine-learning exercise with Raspberry Pi devices capturing and classifying images while flying on four drones.

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A Novel Approach to Exponential Speedup of Simulation Events in Wireless Networks

2018 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, ICNC 2018

Ganti, Anand G.; Onunkwo, Uzoma O.; Van Leeuwen, Brian P.; Scoggin, Michael P.; Schroeppel, Richard C.

We demonstrate a new approach that yields exponential speedup of communication events in discrete event simulations (DES) of mobile wireless networks. With the trending explosive growth of wireless devices including Internet of things devices, it is important to have the capability to simulate wireless networks at large scale accurately. Unfortunately, current simulation techniques are inadequate for large-scale network simulation especially at high rate of total transmission events due to poor performance scaling. This has limited many studies to much smaller sizes than desired. We propose a method for attaining high fidelity DES of mobile wireless networks that leverages (i) path loss of transmissions and (ii) the relatively slower topology changes in a high transmission rate environment. Our approach averages a runtime of k(r)O(log N) per event, where N is the number of simulated wireless nodes, r is a factor of maximum transmission range, and k(r) is typically constant obeying k(r)≪ N.

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High Fidelity Simulations of Large-scale Wireless Networks (Part II - FY2017)

Onunkwo, Uzoma O.; Ganti, Anand G.; Mitchell, John A.; Scoggin, Michael P.; Schroeppel, Richard C.; Van Leeuwen, Brian P.; Wolf, Michael W.

The ability to simulate wireless networks at large-scale for meaningful amount of time is considerably lacking in today's network simulators. For this reason, many published work in this area often limit their simulation studies to less than a 1,000 nodes and either over-simplify channel characteristics or perform studies over time scales much less than a day. In this report, we show that one can overcome these limitations and study problems of high practical consequence. This work presents two key contributions to high fidelity simulation of large-scale wireless networks: (a) wireless simulations can be sped up by more than 100X in runtime using ideas from spatial indexing algorithms and clipping of negligible signals and (b) clustering and task-oriented programming paradigm can be used to reduce inter- process communication in a parallel discrete event simulation resulting in a better scaling efficiency.

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High Fidelity Simulations of Large-Scale Wireless Networks (Part I)

Onunkwo, Uzoma O.; Cole, Robert G.; Ganti, Anand G.; Schroeppel, Richard C.; Scoggin, Michael P.; Van Leeuwen, Brian P.

Wireless systems and networks have experienced rapid growth over the last decade with the advent of smart devices for everyday use. These systems, which include smartphones, vehicular gadgets, and internet-of-things devices, are becoming ubiquitous and ever-more important. They pose interesting research challenges for design and analysis of new network protocols due to their large scale and complexity. In this work, we focus on the challenging aspect of simulating the inter-connectivity of many of these devices in wireless networks. The quantitative study of large scale wireless networks, with counts of wireless devices in the thousands, is a very difficult problem with no known acceptable solution. By necessity, simulations of this scale have to approximate reality, but the algorithms employed in most modern-day network simulators can be improved for wireless network simulations. In this report, we present advances that we have made and propositions for continuation of progress towards a framework for high fidelity simulations of wireless networks. This work is not complete in that a final simulation framework tool is yet to be produced. However, we highlight the major bottlenecks and address them individually with initial results showing enough promise.

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High Fidelity Simulations of Large-Scale Wireless Networks

Onunkwo, Uzoma O.

The worldwide proliferation of wireless connected devices continues to accelerate. There are 10s of billions of wireless links across the planet with an additional explosion of new wireless usage anticipated as the Internet of Things develops. Wireless technologies do not only provide convenience for mobile applications, but are also extremely cost-effective to deploy. Thus, this trend towards wireless connectivity will only continue and Sandia must develop the necessary simulation technology to proactively analyze the associated emerging vulnerabilities. Wireless networks are marked by mobility and proximity-based connectivity. The de facto standard for exploratory studies of wireless networks is discrete event simulations (DES). However, the simulation of large-scale wireless networks is extremely difficult due to prohibitively large turnaround time. A path forward is to expedite simulations with parallel discrete event simulation (PDES) techniques. The mobility and distance-based connectivity associated with wireless simulations, however, typically doom PDES and fail to scale (e.g., OPNET and ns-3 simulators). We propose a PDES-based tool aimed at reducing the communication overhead between processors. The proposed solution will use light-weight processes to dynamically distribute computation workload while mitigating communication overhead associated with synchronizations. This work is vital to the analytics and validation capabilities of simulation and emulation at Sandia. We have years of experience in Sandia’s simulation and emulation projects (e.g., MINIMEGA and FIREWHEEL). Sandia’s current highly-regarded capabilities in large-scale emulations have focused on wired networks, where two assumptions prevent scalable wireless studies: (a) the connections between objects are mostly static and (b) the nodes have fixed locations.

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High Fidelity Simulations of Large-Scale Wireless Networks (Plus-Up)

Onunkwo, Uzoma O.

Sandia has built a strong reputation in scalable network simulation and emulation for cyber security studies to protect our nation’s critical information infrastructures. Georgia Tech has preeminent reputation in academia for excellence in scalable discrete event simulations, with strong emphasis on simulating cyber networks. Many of the experts in this field, such as Dr. Richard Fujimoto, Dr. George Riley, and Dr. Chris Carothers, have strong affiliations with Georgia Tech. The collaborative relationship that we intend to immediately pursue is in high fidelity simulations of practical large-scale wireless networks using ns-3 simulator via Dr. George Riley. This project will have mutual benefits in bolstering both institutions’ expertise and reputation in the field of scalable simulation for cyber-security studies. This project promises to address high fidelity simulations of large-scale wireless networks. This proposed collaboration is directly in line with Georgia Tech’s goals for developing and expanding the Communications Systems Center, the Georgia Tech Broadband Institute, and Georgia Tech Information Security Center along with its yearly Emerging Cyber Threats Report. At Sandia, this work benefits the defense systems and assessment area with promise for large-scale assessment of cyber security needs and vulnerabilities of our nation’s critical cyber infrastructures exposed to wireless communications.

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Investigating the effectiveness of many-core network processors for high performance cyber protection systems. Part I, FY2011

Onunkwo, Uzoma O.; Johnson, Joshua A.; Naegle, John H.; Patel, Jay D.; Pearson, David B.; Shelburg, Jeffery S.; Wheeler, Kyle B.; Wright, Brian J.; Zage, David J.

This report documents our first year efforts to address the use of many-core processors for high performance cyber protection. As the demands grow for higher bandwidth (beyond 1 Gbits/sec) on network connections, the need to provide faster and more efficient solution to cyber security grows. Fortunately, in recent years, the development of many-core network processors have seen increased interest. Prior working experiences with many-core processors have led us to investigate its effectiveness for cyber protection tools, with particular emphasis on high performance firewalls. Although advanced algorithms for smarter cyber protection of high-speed network traffic are being developed, these advanced analysis techniques require significantly more computational capabilities than static techniques. Moreover, many locations where cyber protections are deployed have limited power, space and cooling resources. This makes the use of traditionally large computing systems impractical for the front-end systems that process large network streams; hence, the drive for this study which could potentially yield a highly reconfigurable and rapidly scalable solution.

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Simulated, Emulated, and Physical Investigative Analysis (SEPIA) of networked systems

Proceedings - IEEE Military Communications Conference MILCOM

Van Leeuwen, Brian P.; Burton, David; Onunkwo, Uzoma O.; McDonald, Michael J.

Tools are necessary for the DoD to analyze their information system's security, reliability, and resilience against cyber attack. Today's security analysis utilize real systems such as computers, network routers and other network equipment, computer emulations (e.g., virtual machines) and simulation models separately to analyze interplay between threats and safeguards. In contrast, we are developing new methods to combine these three approaches to provide hybrid Simulated, Emulated, and Physical Investigative Analysis (SEPIA) environments. Sandia Labs' current SEPIA environment enables simulated networks to pass network traffic and perform, from the outside, like real networks. We connect both emulated and physical routers and computers to the simulated networks. This provides higher fidelity representations of key network nodes while still leveraging the scalability and cost advantages of simulation tools. SEPIA includes tools that facilitate rapid configuration and deployment of experiments. The result is to rapidly produce large yet relatively low-cost multi-fidelity SEPIA networks of computers and routers that let analysts quickly investigate threats and test protection approaches. © 2009 IEEE.

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Simulated, Emulated, and Physical Investigative Analysis (SEPIA) of networked systems

Burton, David; Tarman, Thomas D.; Van Leeuwen, Brian P.; Onunkwo, Uzoma O.; Urias, Vincent U.; McDonald, Michael J.

This report describes recent progress made in developing and utilizing hybrid Simulated, Emulated, and Physical Investigative Analysis (SEPIA) environments. Many organizations require advanced tools to analyze their information system's security, reliability, and resilience against cyber attack. Today's security analysis utilize real systems such as computers, network routers and other network equipment, computer emulations (e.g., virtual machines) and simulation models separately to analyze interplay between threats and safeguards. In contrast, this work developed new methods to combine these three approaches to provide integrated hybrid SEPIA environments. Our SEPIA environments enable an analyst to rapidly configure hybrid environments to pass network traffic and perform, from the outside, like real networks. This provides higher fidelity representations of key network nodes while still leveraging the scalability and cost advantages of simulation tools. The result is to rapidly produce large yet relatively low-cost multi-fidelity SEPIA networks of computers and routers that let analysts quickly investigate threats and test protection approaches.

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25 Results
25 Results