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Strategic Petroleum Reserve Cavern Leaching Monitoring CY21

Zeitler, Todd Z.; Ross, Tonya S.; Valdez, Raquel L.; Maurer, Hannah G.; Hart, David B.

Th e U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) is a crude oil storage system administered by the U.S. Department of Energy. The reserve consists of 60 active storage caverns located in underground salt domes spread across four sites in Louisiana and Texas, near the Gulf of Mexico. Beginning in 2016, the SPR started executing C ongressionally mandated oil sales. The configuration of the reserve, with a total capacity of greater than 700 million barrels ( MMB ) , re quires that unsaturated water (referred to herein as ?raw? water) is injected into the storage caverns to displace oil for sales , exchanges, and drawdowns . As such, oil sales will produce cavern growth to the extent that raw water contacts the salt cavern walls and dissolves (leaches) the surrounding salt before reaching brine saturation. SPR injected a total of over 45 MMB of raw water into twenty - six caverns as part of oil sales in CY21 . Leaching effects were monitored in these caverns to understand how the sales operations may impact the long - term integrity of the caverns. While frequent sonars are the most direct means to monitor changes in cavern shape, they can be resource intensive for the number of caverns involved in sales and exchanges. An interm ediate option is to model the leaching effects and see if any concerning features develop. The leaching effects were modeled here using the Sandia Solution Mining Code , SANSMIC . The modeling results indicate that leaching - induced features do not raise co ncern for the majority of the caverns, 15 of 26. Eleven caverns, BH - 107, BH - 110, BH - 112, BH - 113, BM - 109, WH - 11, WH - 112, WH - 114, BC - 17, BC - 18, and BC - 19 have features that may grow with additional leaching and should be monitored as leaching continues in th ose caverns. Additionally, BH - 114, BM - 4, and BM - 106 were identified in previous leaching reports for recommendation of monitoring. Nine caverns had pre - and post - leach sonars that were compared with SANSMIC results. Overall, SANSMIC was able to capture the leaching well. A deviation in the SANSMIC and sonar cavern shapes was observed near the cavern floor in caverns with significant floor rise, a process not captured by SANSMIC. These results validate that SANSMIC continues to serve as a useful tool for mon itoring changes in cavern shape due to leaching effects related to sales and exchanges.

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Available Drawdowns for Each Oil Storage Cavern in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (2022 Annual Report)

Hart, David B.; Zeitler, Todd Z.; Sobolik, Steven R.

The Department of Energy maintains an up-to-date documentation of the number of available full drawdowns of each of the caverns owned by the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). This information is important for assessing the SPR's ability to deliver oil to domestic oil companies expeditiously if national or world events dictate a rapid sale and deployment of the oil reserves. Sandia was directed to develop and implement a process to continuously assess and report the evolution of drawdown capacity, the subject of this report. A cavern has an available drawdown if after that drawdown, the long-term stability of the cavern, the cavern field, or the oil quality are not compromised. Thus, determining the number of a vailable drawdowns requires the consideration of several factors regarding cavern and wellbore integrity and stability, including stress states caused by cavern geometry and operations, salt damage caused by dilatant and tensile stresses, the effect of enhanced creep on wellbore integrity, and the sympathetic stress effect of operations on neighboring caverns. A consensus has now been built regarding the assessment of drawdown capabilities and risks for the SPR caverns (Sobolik et al., 2014; Sobolik 2016). The process involves an initial assessment of the pillar-to-diameter (P/D) ratio for each cavern with respect to neighboring caverns. A large pillar thickness between adjacent caverns should be strong enough to withstand the stresses induced by closure of the caverns due to salt creep. The first evaluation of P/D includes a calculation of the evolution of P/D after a number of full cavern drawdowns. The most common storage industry standard is to keep this value greater than 1.0, which should ensure a pillar thick enough to prevent loss of fluids to the surrounding rock mass. However, many of the SPR caverns currently have a P/D less than 1.0 or will likely have a low P/D after one or two full drawdowns. For these caverns, it is important to examine the s tructural integrity with more detail using geomechanical models. Finite - element geomechanical models have been used to determine the stress states in the pillars following successive drawdowns. By computing the tensile and dilatant stresses in the salt, areas of potential structural instability can be identified that may represent "red flags" for additional drawdowns. These analyses have found that many caverns will maintain structural integrity even when grown via drawdowns to dimensions resulting in a P/D of less than 1.0. The analyses have also confirmed that certain caverns should only be completely drawn down one time. As the SPR caverns are utilized and partial drawdowns are performed to remove oil from the caverns (e.g., for occasional oil sales , purchases, or exchanges authorized by the Congress or the President), the changes to the cavern caused by these procedures must be tracked and accounted for so that an ongoing assessment of the cavern's drawdown capacity may be continued. A proposed methodology for assessing and tracking the available drawdowns for each cavern was presented in Sobolik et al. (2018). This report is the latest in a series of annual reports, and it includes the baseline available drawdowns for each cavern, and the most recent assessment of the evolution of drawdown expenditure for several caverns.

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Parametric Study of SANSMIC Input and Resulting Impact on Predicted Cavern Geometry and Leaching Efficiency

Zeitler, Todd Z.; Ross, Tonya S.

The Sandia Solution Mining Code (SANSMIC) has been used for many years to examine the development of salt cavern geometry, both in a confirmatory manner with comparisons made to real-world sonar data and in a predictive manner when updated sonar data are not available. SANSMIC models require some modeling choices in order to incorporate real-world data. Key modeling choices include the vertical resolution of cavern geometry to implement, as well as how to incorporate daily raw water injection data into the SANSMIC model. This report documents five studies that address the impact of the modeling choices on the predicted cavern geometries and calculated leaching efficiencies. In most cases, hypothetical cylindrical initial cavern geometries are used to provide a common baseline against which to test the systematic variation of input variables including cavern radius, oil-brine-interface (OBI) depth, vertical cell size, raw water injection rate, raw water injection duration, workover time, and number of leaching stages. The use of smaller cell sizes is recommended moving forward to provide a better one-to-one relationship between sonar data and the modeled cavern. A new methodology for incorporating raw water injection data is also recommended, in order to more closely model real-world injection and workover times. Overall, the systematic studies performed here have increased our confidence in previous SANSMIC model results, as well future use of the code for predicting leaching effects on cavern geometries. Some minor changes to modeling choices are recommended, which can easily be applied with the version of SANSMIC currently under development.

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Strategic Petroleum Reserve Cavern Leaching Monitoring CY20

Zeitler, Todd Z.; Valdez, Raquel L.; Hart, David B.

The U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve is a crude oil storage system run by the U.S. Department of Energy. The reserve consists of 60 active storage caverns spread across four sites in Louisiana and Texas, near the Gulf of Mexico. Beginning in 2016, the SPR began executing U.S. congressionally mandated oil sales. The configuration of the reserve, with a total capacity of greater than 700 MMB, requires raw water to be used instead of saturated brine for oil withdrawals such as for sales. All sales will produce leaching within the caverns used for oil delivery. Twenty-five caverns had a combined total of over 39 MMB of water injected in CY 20 as part of the Exchange for Storage program; oil was withdrawn in the same manner as for congressionally mandated sales. Leaching effects were monitored in these caverns to understand how the oil withdrawals may impact the long-term integrity of the caverns. While frequent sonars are the best way to monitor changes in cavern shape, they can be resource intensive for the number of caverns involved in sales and exchanges. An intermediate option is to model the leaching effects and see if any concerning features develop. The leaching effects were modeled here using the Sandia Solution Mining Code (SANSMIC) . The results indicate that leaching induced features are not of concern in the majority of the caverns, 19 of 25. Six caverns, BH-107, BH-113, BH-114, BM-4, BM-106, and WH-114 have features that may grow with additional leaching and should be monitored as leaching continues in those caverns. Ten caverns had post sale sonars that were compared with SANSMIC results. SANSMIC was able to capture the leaching well , particularly the formation of shelves and flares. A deviation in the SANSMIC and sonar cavern shapes was observed near the cavern floor in caverns with significant floor rise, a process not captured by SANSMIC. These results suggest SANSMIC is a useful tool for monitoring changes in cavern shape due to leaching effects related to sales and exchanges.

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Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Resin Adsorption at Kaolinite Edge Sites: Effect of Surface Deprotonation on Interfacial Structure

Journal of Physical Chemistry C

Zeitler, Todd Z.; Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Cygan, R.T.; Fredrich, J.T.; Jerauld, G.R.

Low-salinity water flooding, a method of enhanced oil recovery, consists of injecting low ionic strength fluids into an oil reservoir in order to detach oil from mineral surfaces in the underlying formation. Although highly successful in practice, the approach is not completely understood at the molecular scale. Molecular dynamics simulations have been used to investigate the effect of surface protonation on the adsorption of an anionic crude oil component on clay mineral edge surfaces. A set of interatomic potentials appropriate for edge simulations has been applied to the kaolinite (010) surface in contact with an aqueous nanopore. Decahydro-2-napthoic acid in its deprotonated form (DHNA-) was used as a representative resin component of crude oil, with monovalent and divalent counterions, to test the observed trends in low-salinity water flooding experiments. Surface models include fully protonated (neutral) and deprotonated (negative) edge sites, which require implementation of a new deprotonation scheme. The surface adsorptive properties of the kaolinite edge under neutral and deprotonated conditions have been investigated for low and high DHNA- concentrations with Na+ and Ca2+ as counterions. The tendency of DHNA- ions to coordinate with divalent (Ca2+) rather than monovalent (Na+) ions greatly influences adsorption tendencies of the anion. Additionally, the formation of net positively charged surface sites due to Ca2+ at deprotonated sites results in increased DHNA- adsorption. Divalent cations such as Ca2+ are able to efficiently bridge surface sites and organic anions. Replacing those cations with monovalent cations such as Na+ diminishes the bridging mechanism, resulting in reduced adsorption of the organic species. A clear trend of decreased DHNA- adsorption is observed in the simulations as Ca2+ is replaced by Na+ for deprotonated surfaces, as would be expected for oil detachment from reservoir formations following a low-salinity flooding event.

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Wipp performance assessment: Radionuclide release sensitivity to diminished brine and gas flows to/from transuranic waste disposal areas

PSAM 2016 - 13th International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management

Day, Brad D.; Camphouse, R.C.; Zeitler, Todd Z.

The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) transuranic waste repository located east of Carlsbad, New Mexico, USA, consists of 10 waste panels located in the southern end and operations and experimental areas located in the northern end. Waste panels are to be separated from each other and from the northern areas by panel closure systems that consist of run-of-mine-salt that will compact and reconsolidate over time along with the creep closure of open areas of the repository. To more fully assess the sensitivity of predicted repository releases to currently implemented material parameters, the application of modified parameters in the operations and experimental (non-waste) areas of the repository is undertaken to simulate an accelerated (instantaneous) creep closure, the inclusion of capillary pressure effects on relative permeability, and an increase in initial/residual brine saturation and residual gas saturation in the operations and experimental areas of the repository. The resulting sensitivity analysis (CRA14-SEN2) is then compared to the most recent compliance recertification application results presented for CRA-2014 PA (CRA14). The modifications to the repository model result in increased pressures and decreased brine saturations in waste areas and increased pressures and brine saturations in the operations and experimental areas. The slight pressure increases in repository waste regions yield very slightly decreased brine saturations (on average) in those areas. Brine flows up the borehole during a hypothetical drilling intrusion are nearly identical to those found in the CRA14. Brine flows up the repository shaft are decreased as compared to CRA14 due to restricted flow within the operations and experimental areas. The modified operations and experimental area parameters essentially halt the flow of gas from the southern waste areas of the repository to the northern non-waste areas, except as transported through the marker beds and anhydrite layers. The combination of slightly increased waste region pressure (on average) and very slightly decreased brine saturations result in a modest increase in spallings and no significant effect on direct brine releases due to the pressure/saturation trade-off. Total releases from the Culebra and cuttings and cavings releases are not affected. Overall, the effects on total high-probability (P(R) > 0.1) mean releases from the repository are entirely insignificant, with total low-probability (P(R) > 0.001) mean releases minimally increased (~4%) and the associated 95% confidence level on the mean reduced (~20%). It is concluded that the baseline modeling assumptions associated with the operations and experimental areas of the repository have an insignificant effect on the prediction of total releases from the repository and/or adequacy of the current (CRA14) model to demonstrate compliance with the regulatory limits.

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Modifications implemented for the 2014 wipp compliance recertification application and their impacts on regulatory compliance

PSAM 2016 - 13th International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management

Camphouse, R.C.; Zeitler, Todd Z.; Kim, Sungtae K.; Herrick, Courtney G.; Kicker, Dwayne C.

The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), located in southeastern New Mexico of the United States (U.S.), has been developed by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) for the geologic disposal of transuranic (TRU) waste. The DOE demonstrates compliance with the WIPP containment requirements by means of performance assessment (PA) calculations. WIPP PA calculations estimate the probability and consequence of potential radionuclide releases from the repository to the accessible environment for a regulatory period of 10,000 years after facility closure. WIPP PA models are used (in part) to support the repository recertification process that occurs at five-year intervals following the receipt of the first waste shipment at the site in 1999. The PA executed in support of the 2014 Compliance Recertification Application (CRA-2014) for WIPP includes a number of parameter, implementation, and repository feature changes. Among these changes are the incorporation of a new panel closure system design, additional mined volume in the north end of the repository, a refinement to the PA representation of WIPP waste shear strength, and a gas generation rate refinement. These changes are briefly discussed, as is their cumulative impact on regulatory compliance for the facility. The federal recertification status of the WIPP is also discussed.

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Impact of Corrections to the Spallings Volume Calculation on Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Performance Assessment [Poster]

Kicker, Dwayne C.; Herrick, Courtney G.; Zeitler, Todd Z.

The numerical code DRSPALL (from direct release spallings) is written to calculate the volume of Waste Isolation Pilot Plant solid waste subject to material failure and transport to the surface (i.e., spallings) as a result of a hypothetical future inadvertent drilling intrusion into the repository. An error in the implementation of the DRSPALL finite difference equations was discovered and documented in a software problem report in accordance with the quality assurance procedure for software requirements. This paper describes the corrections to DRSPALL and documents the impact of the new spallings data from the modified DRSPALL on previous performance assessment calculations. Updated performance assessments result in more simulations with spallings, which generally translates to an increase in spallings releases to the accessible environment. Total normalized radionuclide releases using the modified DRSPALL data were determined by forming the summation of releases across each potential release pathway, namely borehole cuttings and cavings releases, spallings releases, direct brine releases, and transport releases. Because spallings releases are not a major contributor to the total releases, the updated performance assessment calculations of overall mean complementary cumulative distribution functions for total releases are virtually unchanged. Therefore, the corrections to the spallings volume calculation did not impact Waste Isolation Pilot Plant performance assessment calculation results.

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DRSPALL: Impact of the Modification of the Numerical Spallings Model on Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Performance Assessment

Kicker, Dwayne C.; Herrick, Courtney G.; Zeitler, Todd Z.; Malama, Bwalya M.; Rudeen, David K.; Gilkey, Amy P.

The numerical code DRSPALL (from direct release spallings) is written to calculate the volume of Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) solid waste subject to material failure and transport to the surface as a result of a hypothetical future inadvertent drilling intrusion. An error in the implementation of the DRSPALL finite difference equations was discovered as documented in Software Problem Report (SPR) 13-001. The modifications to DRSPALL to correct the finite difference equations are detailed, and verification and validation testing has been completed for the modified DRSPALL code. The complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF) of spallings releases obtained using the modified DRSPALL is higher compared to that found in previous WIPP performance assessment (PA) calculations. Compared to previous PAs, there was an increase in the number of vectors that result in a nonzero spallings volume, which generally translates to an increase in spallings releases. The overall mean CCDFs for total releases using the modified DRSPALL are virtually unchanged, thus the modification to DRSPALL did not impact WIPP PA calculation results.

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79 Results
79 Results