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Barriers to microalgal mass cultivation

Current Opinion in Biotechnology

Lane, Todd L.

Economically successful microalgal mass cultivation is dependent on overcoming several barriers that contribute to the cost of production. The severity of these barriers is dependent on the market value of the final product. These barriers prevent the commercially viable production of algal biofuels but are also faced by any producers of any algal product. General barriers include the cost of water and limits on recycling, costs and recycling of nutrients, CO2 utilization, energy costs associated with harvesting and biomass loss due to biocontamination and pond crashes. In this paper, recent advances in overcoming these barriers are discussed.

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Facile processing of Microchloropsis salina biomass for phosphate recycle

Algal Research

Huysman, Nathan D.; Lane, Pamela L.; Liu, Fang; Siccardi, Anthony J.; Beal, Colin M.; Davis, Ryan D.; Lane, Todd L.

Algal biomass is a proposed feedstock for sustainable production of petroleum displacing commodities. However, production of 10% of US demand for liquid transportation fuel from algae would require a 60–150% increase over current agricultural demand for phosphorus fertilizers. Without efforts to recycle major nutrients, algal biomass production can be expected to catalyze a food versus fuel crisis. We have developed a novel and simple process for efficient liberation of phosphate from algal biomass and have demonstrated recycling at both laboratory and pilot scale, of up to 70% of total cellular phosphate from osmotically-shocked but non-denatured Microchloropsis salina biomass using a range of mild incubation conditions. The phosphate released in this process is bioavailable, can support the same level of algal growth as standard nutrients, and does not contain any growth inhibitory compounds as evidenced by its ability to support multiple sequential cycles of growth and remineralization.

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Crop protection in open ponds

Microalgal Production for Biomass and High-Value Products

McBride, Robert C.; Smith, Val H.; Carney, Laura T.; Lane, Todd L.

Algae can be cultivated in open or closed bioreactors. Open bioreactors are defined as any reactor that is exposed to the environment. These reactors can take many different forms, but most conform to one of the following broad categories: shallow lagoons and ponds, inclined cascade systems, circular central pivot ponds, mixed ponds, and raceway ponds (Borowitzka and Moheimani 2013). While these ponds are configured differently in terms of their construction, lining, means of propulsion/ mixing, and intensity of management, they all share the common element of being fully exposed to the external environment. Research on how to successfully cultivate microalgae using open systems was initiated in the late 1940s and early 1950s in the United States, Germany, and Japan (Cook 1950; Gummert et al. 1953; Mituya et al. 1953). While significant progress has been made over the intervening decades, the open pond systems still face serious challenges that stem from being exposed to unpredictable and uncontrollable meteorological conditions, suboptimal mixing within the culture, and exposure to many forms of contamination. These problems limit productivity, nutrient utilization efficiency, and performance stability. Despite these challenges, open ponds continue to be used and developed primarily because they are cheaper and easier to scale, build, and operate when compared to closed photobioreactors (Sheehan et al. 1998; Waltz 2009).

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Molecular diagnostic solutions in algal cultivation systems

Microalgal Production for Biomass and High-Value Products

Carney, Laura T.; McBride, Robert C.; Smith, Val H.; Lane, Todd L.

One of the major challenges to achieving high rates of long-term production in microalgal mass cultures is the elimination or reduction of the impact of biocontamination and culture losses (i.e., crashes) in production systems. Although there are both biotic and abiotic root causes of mass culture crashes, infection by deleterious organisms is the most important and least understood. In general, the diversity of pathogens, parasites, predators, and competing algal species (or weed species) has not been well characterized. Lost production days due to pond crashes can significantly lower annual production yields. In addition, depending on the 184scale and type of system, days to weeks of production can be lost while the system is disinfected and new inoculum and the growth medium is prepared. Depending on the design and operation of the production facility, there is a risk of spread or persistence of contamination and successive crashes. Despite a paucity of publically available data on the economic impact of biocontaminants on the nascent algae biomass industry, the consensus is that they constitute an economic barrier to commercialization (Davis et al. 2012; Gao et al. 2012). Some insight into the potential magnitude of the financial impact may be gained from the aquaculture-for-food industry, which loses several billion U.S. dollars annually (Subasinghe et al. 2001; FAO 2010) due to bacterial and fungal infections (Defoirdt et al. 2004; Ding and Ma 2005; Ramaiah 2006).

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Pond Crash Forensics: Presumptive identification of pond crash agents by next generation sequencing in replicate raceway mass cultures of Nannochloropsis salina

Algal Research

Carney, Laura T.; Wilkenfeld, Joshua S.; Lane, Pamela L.; Solberg, Owen D.; Fuqua, Zachary B.; Cornelius, Nina G.; Gillespie, Shaunette; Williams, Kelly P.; Samocha, Tzachi M.; Lane, Todd L.

Productivity of algal mass culture can be severely reduced by contaminating organisms. It is, therefore, important to identify contaminants, determine their effect on productivity and, ultimately, develop countermeasures against such contamination. In the present study we utilized microbiome analysis by second-generation sequencing of small subunit rRNA genes to characterize the predator and pathogen burden of open raceway cultures of Nannochloropsis salina. Samples were analyzed from replicate raceways before and after crashes. In one culture cycle, we identified two algivorous species, the rotifer Brachionus and gastrotrich Chaetonotus, the presence of which may have contributed to the loss of algal biomass. In the second culture cycle, the raceways were treated with hypochlorite in an unsuccessful attempt to interdict the crash. Our analyses were shown to be an effective strategy for the identification of the biological contaminants and the characterization of intervention strategies.

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Longitudinal Analysis of Microbiota in Microalga Nannochloropsis salina Cultures

Microbial Ecology

Geng, Haifeng G.; Sale, Kenneth L.; Tran-Gyamfi, Mary B.; Lane, Todd L.; Yu, Eizadora T.

Large-scale open microalgae cultivation has tremendous potential to make a significant contribution to replacing petroleum-based fuels with biofuels. Open algal cultures are unavoidably inhabited with a diversity of microbes that live on, influence, and shape the fate of these ecosystems. However, there is little understanding of the resilience and stability of the microbial communities in engineered semicontinuous algal systems. To evaluate the dynamics and resilience of the microbial communities in microalgae biofuel cultures, we conducted a longitudinal study on open systems to compare the temporal profiles of the microbiota from two multigenerational algal cohorts, which include one seeded with the microbiota from an in-house culture and the other exogenously seeded with a natural-occurring consortia of bacterial species harvested from the Pacific Ocean. From these month-long, semicontinuous open microalga Nannochloropsis salina cultures, we sequenced a time-series of 46 samples, yielding 8804 operational taxonomic units derived from 9,160,076 high-quality partial 16S rRNA sequences. We provide quantitative evidence that clearly illustrates the development of microbial community is associated with microbiota ancestry. In addition, N. salina growth phases were linked with distinct changes in microbial phylotypes. Alteromonadeles dominated the community in the N. salina exponential phase whereas Alphaproteobacteria and Flavobacteriia were more prevalent in the stationary phase. We also demonstrate that the N. salina-associated microbial community in open cultures is diverse, resilient, and dynamic in response to environmental perturbations. This knowledge has general implications for developing and testing design principles of cultivated algal systems.

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Growth of mono- and mixed cultures of Nannochloropsis salina and Phaeodactylum tricornutum on struvite as a nutrient source

Bioresource Technology

Davis, Ryan W.; Siccardi, Anthony J.; Huysman, Nathan D.; Wyatt, Nicholas B.; Hewson, John C.; Lane, Todd L.

The suitability of crude and purified struvite (MgNH4PO4), a major precipitate in wastewater streams, was investigated for renewable replacement of conventional nitrogen and phosphate resources for cultivation of microalgae. Bovine effluent wastewater stone, the source of crude struvite, was characterized for soluble N/P, trace metals, and biochemical components and compared to the purified mineral. Cultivation trials using struvite as a major nutrient source were conducted using two microalgae production strains, Nannochloropsis salina and Phaeodactylum tricornutum, in both lab and outdoor pilot-scale raceways in a variety of seasonal conditions. Both crude and purified struvite-based media were found to result in biomass productivities at least as high as established media formulations (maximum outdoor co-culture yield ~20±4gAFDW/m2/day). Analysis of nutrient uptake by the alga suggest that struvite provides increased nutrient utilization efficiency, and that crude struvite satisfies the trace metals requirement and results in increased pigment productivity for both microalgae strains.

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Enhanced vector borne disease surveillance of California Culex mosquito populations reveals spatial and species-specific barriers of infection

VanderNoot, Victoria A.; Curtis, Deanna J.; Koh, Chung-Yan K.; Brodsky, Benjamin H.; Lane, Todd L.

Monitor i ng in f ectio n s in v ect o rs su c h as m osquit o es, s a nd fl i es, tsetse fl i es, a nd ticks to i denti f y hu m a n path o gens m a y s e r v e as a n ear l y w arn i ng det e ction system t o dir e ct loc a l g o v er n ment dise a se pr e v en t i v e m easu r e s . One major hurdle i n de t ection is the abi l i t y to scre e n l arge n u mbers of v e c t ors for h uman patho g ens w i thout t h e u s e of ge n o t y pe - s p ecific m o lecu l ar tec h nique s . N e x t genera t ion s equ e nc i ng (NG S ) pr o v i des a n unbi a sed p latfo r m capab l e of identi f y i ng k n o w n a n d unk n o w n p ath o ge n s circula t ing w i thin a v e ctor p opul a tion, but utili z ing t h is te c h nolo g y i s tim e - con s u ming a n d cos t l y for v ecto r -b o rne disease su r v e illan c e pr o gra m s. T o addr e s s this w e d e v e lop e d cos t -eff e ct i v e Ilumina(r) R NA- S eq l i bra r y p r epara t ion m e thodol o gies i n con j u n ction w i t h an automa t ed c ompu t at i onal a n a l y sis pipel i n e to ch a racter i ze t h e microbial popula t ions c ircula t i n g in Cu l e x m o squit o e s (Cul e x qui n quef a s c iatu s , C ul e x quinq u efasc i atus / pip i ens co m pl e x h y bri d s, and C u l e x ta r salis ) t hroug h out Californ i a. W e assembled 2 0 n o vel a n d w e l l -do c ume n ted a r b o v i ruses repres e nting mem b e rs of B u n y a v ir i da e , F l a v i virid a e, If a virida e , Meson i v i rida e , Nid o v iri d ae, O rtho m y x o virid a e, Pa r v o v iri d ae, Re o virid a e, R h a b d o v i rid a e, T y m o v iri d ae, a s w ell as s e v e r al u n assi g n e d v irus e s . In addit i o n, w e m app e d mRNA s pecies to d i vergent s peci e s of t r y panos o ma a nd pl a s modium eu k a r yotic parasit e s and cha r a c terized t he p r oka r yot i c microb i al c o mposit i on to i d enti f y bacteri a l tran s c r ipts der i v ed from wolba c hia, clo s tridi u m, m y c oplas m a, fusoba c terium and c am p y l o bacter bac t er i al spec i e s . W e utilized the s e mic r obial transcri p tomes pre s e nt in g e ogra p hical l y defined Cul e x po p ul a tions to defi n e spatial and m osqui t o specie s -spec i fic ba r r iers of i n fecti o n. T he v i r ome and microbi o me c o mpos i tion id e ntified in e ach mosqui t o p o ol pr o v i ded suf f icient resolut i on to dete r m i ne both the mosq u ito species and the g e o graphic regi o n in Californ i a w h e re t h e mosqui t o po o l orig i n ated. T his d a ta pr o v i des ins i ght in t o the compl e x i t y of microb i al spec i es cir c ulati n g in med i cal l y i mport a nt Culex mosqui t oes a nd t h eir potent i al im p act o n t he tran s missi o n of v ector-b o rne human / veter i na r y p a t hogens in C a liforn i a.

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A Microfluidic DNA Library Preparation Platform for Next-Generation Sequencing


Kim, Hanyoup; Jebrail, Mais J.; Sinha, Anupama S.; Bent, Zachary B.; Solberg, Owen D.; Williams, Kelly P.; Langevin, Stanley A.; Renzi, Ronald F.; Van De Vreugde, James L.; Meagher, Robert M.; Schoeniger, Joseph S.; Lane, Todd L.; Branda, Steven B.; Bartsch, Michael B.; Patel, Kamlesh D.

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is emerging as a powerful tool for elucidating genetic information for a wide range of applications. Unfortunately, the surging popularity of NGS has not yet been accompanied by an improvement in automated techniques for preparing formatted sequencing libraries. To address this challenge, we have developed a prototype microfluidic system for preparing sequencer-ready DNA libraries for analysis by Illumina sequencing. Our system combines droplet-based digital microfluidic (DMF) sample handling with peripheral modules to create a fully-integrated, sample-in library-out platform. In this report, we use our automated system to prepare NGS libraries from samples of human and bacterial genomic DNA. E. coli libraries prepared on-device from 5 ng of total DNA yielded excellent sequence coverage over the entire bacterial genome, with >99% alignment to the reference genome, even genome coverage, and good quality scores. Furthermore, we produced a de novo assembly on a previously unsequenced multi-drug resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae strain BAA-2146 (KpnNDM). The new method described here is fast, robust, scalable, and automated. Our device for library preparation will assist in the integration of NGS technology into a wide variety of laboratories, including small research laboratories and clinical laboratories. © 2013 Kim et al.

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Characterization of Pathogens in Clinical Specimens via Suppression of Host Background for Efficient Second Generation Sequencing Analyses

Branda, Steven B.; Jebrail, Mais J.; Van De Vreugde, James L.; Langevin, Stanley A.; Bent, Zachary B.; Curtis, Deanna J.; Lane, Pamela L.; Carson, Bryan C.; La Bauve, Elisa L.; Patel, Kamlesh P.; Ricken, James B.; Schoeniger, Joseph S.; Solberg, Owen D.; Williams, Kelly P.; Misra, Milind; Powell, Amy J.; Pattengale, Nicholas D.; May, Elebeoba E.; Lane, Todd L.; Lindner, Duane L.; Young, Malin M.; VanderNoot, Victoria A.; Thaitrong, Numrin T.; Bartsch, Michael B.; Renzi, Ronald F.; Tran-Gyamfi, Mary B.; Meagher, Robert M.

Abstract not provided.

Copy of Automated Molecular Biology Platform Enabling Rapid & Efficient SGS Analysis of Pathogens in Clinical Samples

Branda, Steven B.; Jebrail, Mais J.; Van De Vreugde, James L.; Langevin, Stanley A.; Bent, Zachary B.; Curtis, Deanna J.; Lane, Pamela L.; Carson, Bryan C.; La Bauve, Elisa L.; Patel, Kamlesh P.; Ricken, James B.; Schoeniger, Joseph S.; Solberg, Owen D.; Williams, Kelly P.; Misra, Milind; Powell, Amy J.; Pattengale, Nicholas D.; May, Elebeoba E.; Lane, Todd L.; Lindner, Duane L.; Young, Malin M.; VanderNoot, Victoria A.; Thaitrong, Numrin T.; Bartsch, Michael B.; Renzi, Ronald F.; Tran-Gyamfi, Mary B.; Meagher, Robert M.

Abstract not provided.

Automated Molecular Biology Platform Enabling Rapid & Efficient SGS Analysis of Pathogens in Clinical Samples

Branda, Steven B.; Jebrail, Mais J.; Van De Vreugde, James L.; Langevin, Stanley A.; Bent, Zachary B.; Curtis, Deanna J.; Lane, Pamela L.; Carson, Bryan C.; La Bauve, Elisa L.; Patel, Kamlesh P.; Ricken, James B.; Schoeniger, Joseph S.; Solberg, Owen D.; Williams, Kelly P.; Misra, Milind; Powell, Amy J.; Pattengale, Nicholas D.; May, Elebeoba E.; Lane, Todd L.; Lindner, Duane L.; Young, Malin M.; VanderNoot, Victoria A.; Thaitrong, Numrin T.; Bartsch, Michael B.; Renzi, Ronald F.; Tran-Gyamfi, Mary B.; Meagher, Robert M.

Abstract not provided.

Quantitative laboratory measurements of biogeochemical processes controlling biogenic calcite carbon sequestration

Lane, Pamela L.; Lane, Todd L.; Zendejas, Frank Z.

The purpose of this LDRD was to generate data that could be used to populate and thereby reduce the uncertainty in global carbon cycle models. These efforts were focused on developing a system for determining the dissolution rate of biogenic calcite under oceanic pressure and temperature conditions and on carrying out a digital transcriptomic analysis of gene expression in response to changes in pCO2, and the consequent acidification of the growth medium.

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Accurate measurement of cellular autofluorescence is critical for imaging of host-pathogen interactions

Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE

Timlin, Jerilyn A.; Noek, Rachel M.; Kaiser, Julia N.; Sinclair, Michael B.; Jones, Howland D.; Davis, Ryan W.; Lane, Todd L.

Cellular autofluorescence, though ubiquitous when imaging cells and tissues, is often assumed to be small in comparison to the signal of interest. Uniform estimates of autofluorescence intensity obtained from separate control specimens are commonly employed to correct for autofluorescence. While these may be sufficient for high signal-to-background applications, improvements in detector and probe technologies and introduction of spectral imaging microscopes have increased the sensitivity of fluorescence imaging methods, exposing the possibility of effectively probing the low signal-to-background regime. With spectral imaging, reliable monitoring of signals near or even below the noise levels of the microscope is possible if autofluorescence and background signals can be accurately compensated for. We demonstrate the importance of accurate autofluorescence determination and utility of spectral imaging and multivariate analysis methods using a case study focusing on fluorescence confocal spectral imaging of host-pathogen interactions. In this application fluorescent proteins are produced when bacteria invade host cells. Unfortunately the analyte signal is spectrally overlapped and typically weaker than the cellular autofluorescence. In addition to discussing the advantages of spectral imaging for following pathogen invasion, we present the spectral properties of mouse macrophage autofluorescence. The imaging and analysis methods developed are widely applicable to cell and tissue imaging. © 2008 Copyright SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering.

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Identification of viruses using microfluidic protein profiling and bayesian classification

Analytical Chemistry

Fruetel, Julia A.; West, Jason A.A.; Debusschere, Bert D.; Hukari, Kyle; Lane, Todd L.; Najm, H.N.; Ortega, Jose; Renzi, Ronald F.; Shokair, Isaac R.; VanderNoot, Victoria A.

We present a rapid method for the identification of viruses using microfluidic chip gel electrophoresis (CGE) of high-copy number proteins to generate unique protein profiles. Viral proteins are solubilized by heating at 95°C in borate buffer containing detergent (5 min), then labeled with fluorescamine dye (10 s), and analyzed using the μChemLab CGE system (5 min). Analyses of closely related T2 and T4 bacteriophage demonstrate sufficient assay sensitivity and peak resolution to distinguish the two phage. CGE analyses of four additional viruses - MS2 bacteriophage, Epstein - Barr, respiratory syncytial, and vaccinia viruses - demonstrate reproducible and visually distinct protein profiles. To evaluate the suitability of the method for unique identification of viruses, we employed a Bayesian classification approach. Using a subset of 126 replicate electropherograms of the six viruses and phage for training purposes, successful classification with non-training data was 66/69 or 95% with no false positives. The classification method is based on a single attribute (elution time), although other attributes such as peak width, peak amplitude, or peak shape could be incorporated and may improve performance further. The encouraging results suggest a rapid and simple way to identify viruses without requiring specialty reagents such as PCR probes and antibodies. © 2008 American Chemical Society.

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Hyperspectral imaging of oil producing microalgae under thermal and nutritional stress

Powell, Amy J.; Davis, Ryan W.; Lane, Todd L.; Lane, Pamela L.; Keenan, Michael R.; Van Benthem, Mark V.

This short-term, late-start LDRD examined the effects of nutritional deprivation on the energy harvesting complex in microalgae. While the original experimental plan involved a much more detailed study of temperature and nutrition on the antenna system of a variety of TAG producing algae and their concomitant effects on oil production, time and fiscal constraints limited the scope of the study. This work was a joint effort between research teams at Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico and California. Preliminary results indicate there is a photosystem response to silica starvation in diatoms that could impact the mechanisms for lipid accumulation.

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Microfluidic-based cell sorting of Francisella tularensis infected macrophages using optical forces

Analytical Chemistry

Perroud, Thomas D.; Kaiser, Julia N.; Sy, Jay C.; Lane, Todd L.; Branda, Catherine B.; Singh, Anup K.; Patel, Kamlesh P.

We have extended the principle of optical tweezers as a noninvasive technique to actively sort hydrodynamically focused cells based on their fluorescence signal in a microfluidic device. This micro fluorescence-activated cell sorter (μFACS) uses an infrared laser to laterally deflect cells into a collection channel. Green-labeled macrophages were sorted from a 40/60 ratio mixture at a through-put of 22 cells/s over 30 min achieving a 93% sorting purity and a 60% recovery yield. To rule out potential photoinduced cell damage during optical deflection, we investigated the response of mouse macrophage to brief exposures (<4 ms) of focused 1064-nm laser light (9.6 W at the sample). We found no significant difference in viability, cell proliferation, activation state, and functionality between infrared-exposed and unexposed cells. Activation state was measured by the phosphorylation of ERK and nuclear translocation of NF-κB, while functionality was assessed in a similar manner, but after a lipopolysaccharide challenge. To demonstrate the selective nature of optical sorting, we isolated a subpopulation of macrophages highly infected with the fluorescently labeled pathogen Francisella tularensis subsp. novicida. A total of 10 738 infected cells were sorted at a throughput of 11 cells/s with 93% purity and 39% recovery. © 2008 American Chemical Society.

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Understanding amine catalyzed silica polymerization : diatoms as bioarchitects

Lane, Todd L.; Robinson, David R.; Zendejas, Frank Z.

Current state-of-the-art biomimetic methodologies employed worldwide for the realization of self-assembled nanomaterials are adequate for certain unique applications, but a major breakthrough is needed if these nanomaterials are to obtain their true promise and potential. These routes typically utilize a 'top-down' approach in terms of controlling the nucleation, growth, and deposition of structured nanomaterials. Most of these techniques are inherently limited to primarily 2D and simple 3D structures, and are therefore limited in their ultimate functionality and field of use. Zeolites, one of the best-known and understood synthetic silica structures, typically possess highly ordered silica domains over very small length scales. The development of truly organized and hierarchical zeolites over several length scales remains an intense area of research world wide. Zeolites typically require high-temperature and complex synthesis routes that negatively impact certain economic parameters and, therefore, the ultimate utility of these materials. Nonetheless, zeolite usage is in the tons per year worldwide and is quickly becoming ubiquitous in its applications. In addition to these more mature aspects of current practices in materials science, one of the most promising fields of nanotechnology lies in the advent and control of biologically self-assembled materials, especially those involved with silica and other ceramics such as hydroxyapatite. Nature has derived, through billions of years of evolutionary steps, numerous methods by which fault-tolerant and mechanically robust structures can be created with exquisite control and precision at relatively low temperature ranges and pressures. Diatoms are one of the best known examples that exhibit this degree of structure and control known that is involved with the biomineralization of silica. Diatoms are eukaryotic algae that are ubiquitous in marine and freshwater environments. They are a dominant form of phytoplankton critical to global carbon fixation. The silicified cell wall of the diatom is called the frustule, and the intricate silica structure characteristic of a given species is known as the valve. There are two general classes of diatoms, based on their overall morphologies, the pennate and centric. Diatoms achieve their silicified structures in exact fashion through genetically inspired design rules coupled with precisely directed biochemistry occurring at temperatures ranging from a few degrees Celsius (polar species) to temperatures just over room temperature (tropical species). Different species of diatoms produce markedly different structures. To start with, there are two basic types of frustule macromorphologies: pennate diatoms display bilateral symmetry and centric diatoms show radial symmetry. There are thousands of permutations of these two basic forms and the micromorphology of the valve can be quite complex with all types of pore arrangements and morphologies (Figure 1.1). The detailed morphology of the cell wall of a given diatom species is reproduced with exactness, because the process is genetically encoded. Three types of cell wall proteins have been identified in diatoms; the frustulins, pleuralins, and silaffins. Frustulins are cell wall proteins that form an organic coat to protect the silica structures from dissolution into the aqueous environment. Pleuralins are associated with a specific subcomponent of the frustule during cell division, and play a role in hypotheca-epitheca development. Silaffins from Cylindrotheca fusiformis are short chain-length peptides that play a direct role in the silica polymerization process, and possess unique biochemical post-translation functionalization. Larger proteins with silaffin activity have recently been described in Thalassiosira pseudonana. Frustulins and pleuralins play no role in silica polymerization or structure formation in diatoms, whereas the silaffins are one of the primary polymerization determinants. In addition to the silaffins, a class of long-chain polyamines associated with diatom silica has been identified, and shown to also be involved in the silica polymerization process. The silaffins and polyamines are likely to be the two major determinants of silica polymerization in diatoms. Their involvement in the formation of higher order structure is unclear; there have been suggestions that they self-assemble in various combinations to form the final frustule structure but these are highly speculative as there is no substantial data to support this. It is clear from a long history of electron microscopic observations that a major determinant of silica structure in diatoms is generated by growth and molding of the silica deposition vesicle (SDV), the specialized intracellular compartment were the frustule is made. Diatoms are the focus of research activity on several fronts, including the processes by which their distinct silica frustules are formed.

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Small acid soluble proteins for rapid spore identification

VanderNoot, Victoria A.; Lane, Todd L.; Branda, Steven B.

This one year LDRD addressed the problem of rapid characterization of bacterial spores such as those from the genus Bacillus, the group that contains pathogenic spores such as B. anthracis. In this effort we addressed the feasibility of using a proteomics based approach to spore characterization using a subset of conserved spore proteins known as the small acid soluble proteins or SASPs. We proposed developing techniques that built on our previous expertise in microseparations to rapidly characterize or identify spores. An alternative SASP extraction method was developed that was amenable to both the subsequent fluorescent labeling required for laser-induced fluorescence detection and the low ionic strength requirements for isoelectric focusing. For the microseparations, both capillary isoelectric focusing and chip gel electrophoresis were employed. A variety of methods were evaluated to improve the molecular weight resolution for the SASPs, which are in a molecular weight range that is not well resolved by the current methods. Isoelectric focusing was optimized and employed to resolve the SASPs using UV absorbance detection. Proteomic signatures of native wild type Bacillus spores and clones genetically engineered to produce altered SASP patterns were assessed by slab gel electrophoresis, capillary isoelectric focusing with absorbance detection as well as microchip based gel electrophoresis employing sensitive laser-induced fluorescence detection.

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Rapid onsite assessment of spore viability

VanderNoot, Victoria A.; Branda, Steven B.; Gaucher, Sara P.; Lane, Todd L.

This one year LDRD addresses problems of threat assessment and restoration of facilities following a bioterror incident like the incident that closed down mail facilities in late 2001. Facilities that are contaminated with pathogenic spores such as B. anthracis spores must be shut down while they are treated with a sporicidal agent and the effectiveness of the treatment is ascertained. This process involves measuring the viability of spore test strips, laid out in a grid throughout the facility; the CDC accepted methodologies require transporting the samples to a laboratory and carrying out a 48 hr outgrowth experiment. We proposed developing a technique that will ultimately lead to a fieldable microfluidic device that can rapidly assess (ideally less than 30 min) spore viability and effectiveness of sporicidal treatment, returning facilities to use in hours not days. The proposed method will determine viability of spores by detecting early protein synthesis after chemical germination. During this year, we established the feasibility of this approach and gathered preliminary results that should fuel a future more comprehensive effort. Such a proposal is currently under review with the NIH. Proteomic signatures of Bacillus spores and vegetative cells were assessed by both slab gel electrophoresis as well as microchip based gel electrophoresis employing sensitive laser-induced fluorescence detection. The conditions for germination using a number of chemical germinants were evaluated and optimized and the time course of protein synthesis was ascertained. Microseparations were carried out using both viable spores and spores inactivated by two different methods. A select number of the early synthesis proteins were digested into peptides for analysis by mass spectrometry.

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Medical waste management plan

Lane, Todd L.; VanderNoot, Victoria A.

This plan describes the process for managing research generated medical waste at Sandia National Laboratories/California. It applies to operations at the Chemical and Radiation Detection Laboratory (CRDL), Building 968, and other biosafety level 1 or 2 activities at the site. It addresses the accumulation, storage, treatment and disposal of medical waste and sharps waste. It also describes the procedures to comply with regulatory requirements and SNL policies applicable to medical waste.

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Carbon sequestration in Synechococcus Sp.: from molecular machines to hierarchical modeling

Proposed for publication in OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology, Vol. 6, No.4, 2002.

Heffelfinger, Grant S.; Faulon, Jean-Loup M.; Frink, Laura J.; Haaland, David M.; Hart, William E.; Lane, Todd L.; Heffelfinger, Grant S.; Plimpton, Steven J.; Roe, Diana C.; Timlin, Jerilyn A.; Martino, Anthony M.; Rintoul, Mark D.; Davidson, George S.

The U.S. Department of Energy recently announced the first five grants for the Genomes to Life (GTL) Program. The goal of this program is to ''achieve the most far-reaching of all biological goals: a fundamental, comprehensive, and systematic understanding of life.'' While more information about the program can be found at the GTL website (, this paper provides an overview of one of the five GTL projects funded, ''Carbon Sequestration in Synechococcus Sp.: From Molecular Machines to Hierarchical Modeling.'' This project is a combined experimental and computational effort emphasizing developing, prototyping, and applying new computational tools and methods to elucidate the biochemical mechanisms of the carbon sequestration of Synechococcus Sp., an abundant marine cyanobacteria known to play an important role in the global carbon cycle. Understanding, predicting, and perhaps manipulating carbon fixation in the oceans has long been a major focus of biological oceanography and has more recently been of interest to a broader audience of scientists and policy makers. It is clear that the oceanic sinks and sources of CO(2) are important terms in the global environmental response to anthropogenic atmospheric inputs of CO(2) and that oceanic microorganisms play a key role in this response. However, the relationship between this global phenomenon and the biochemical mechanisms of carbon fixation in these microorganisms is poorly understood. The project includes five subprojects: an experimental investigation, three computational biology efforts, and a fifth which deals with addressing computational infrastructure challenges of relevance to this project and the Genomes to Life program as a whole. Our experimental effort is designed to provide biology and data to drive the computational efforts and includes significant investment in developing new experimental methods for uncovering protein partners, characterizing protein complexes, identifying new binding domains. We will also develop and apply new data measurement and statistical methods for analyzing microarray experiments. Our computational efforts include coupling molecular simulation methods with knowledge discovery from diverse biological data sets for high-throughput discovery and characterization of protein-protein complexes and developing a set of novel capabilities for inference of regulatory pathways in microbial genomes across multiple sources of information through the integration of computational and experimental technologies. These capabilities will be applied to Synechococcus regulatory pathways to characterize their interaction map and identify component proteins in these pathways. We will also investigate methods for combining experimental and computational results with visualization and natural language tools to accelerate discovery of regulatory pathways. Furthermore, given that the ultimate goal of this effort is to develop a systems-level of understanding of how the Synechococcus genome affects carbon fixation at the global scale, we will develop and apply a set of tools for capturing the carbon fixation behavior of complex of Synechococcus at different levels of resolution. Finally, because the explosion of data being produced by high-throughput experiments requires data analysis and models which are more computationally complex, more heterogeneous, and require coupling to ever increasing amounts of experimentally obtained data in varying formats, we have also established a companion computational infrastructure to support this effort as well as the Genomes to Life program as a whole.

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