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Variational, stable, and self-consistent coupling of 3D electromagnetics to 1D transmission lines in the time domain

Journal of Computational Physics

McGregor, Duncan A.; Phillips, Edward; Sirajuddin, David S.; Pointon, Timothy D.

This work presents a new multiscale method for coupling the 3D Maxwell's equations to the 1D telegrapher's equations. While Maxwell's equations are appropriate for modeling complex electromagnetics in arbitrary-geometry domains, simulation cost for many applications (e.g. pulsed power) can be dramatically reduced by representing less complex transmission line regions of the domain with a 1D model. By assuming a transverse electromagnetic (TEM) ansatz for the solution in a transmission line region, we reduce the Maxwell's equations to the telegrapher's equations. We propose a self-consistent finite element formulation of the fully coupled system that uses boundary integrals to couple between the 3D and 1D domains and supports arbitrary unstructured 3D meshes. Additionally, by using a Lagrange multiplier to enforce continuity at the coupling interface, we allow for an absorbing boundary condition to also be applied to non-TEM modes on this boundary. We demonstrate that this feature reduces non-physical reflection and ringing of non-TEM modes off of the coupling boundary. By employing implicit time integration, we ensure a stable coupling, and we introduce an efficient method for solving the resulting linear systems. We demonstrate the accuracy of the new method on two verification problems, a transient O-wave in a rectilinear prism and a steady-state problem in a coaxial geometry, and show the efficiency and weak scalability of our implementation on a cold test of the Z-machine MITL and post-hole convolute.

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November 2016 HERMES Outdoor Shot Series 10268-313: Free Space Fields and Current Coupling

Yee, Benjamin T.; Cartwright, Keith C.; Pointon, Timothy D.

During the trials during November 2016 at the HERMES III facility, a number of sensors were fielded to measure the free fields and currents coupled to aerial and buried cables. Here, we report on the work done to compensate, correct, and analyze these signals. Average results are presented for selected sets of sensors and prelimi- nary analyses are provided of the time and frequency domain signals. Electric fields were typically on the order of 10 kV/m, magnetic fields were approximately 10 AT, and currents were around 10 A. Several opportunities for improvement are identified including quantification of radiation effects on sensors, higher accuracy compensation techniques, increased sensitivity in differential sensor measurements, and exploration of the use of I-dots in conductivity calculations.

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Coupled EM-PIC/Radiation Transport Simulations of HERMES Courtyard Experiments

Pointon, Timothy D.; Pointon, Timothy D.; Cartwright, Keith C.; Renk, Timothy J.; Yee, Benjamin T.

A suite of coupled computational models for simulating the radiation, plasma, and electromagnetic (EM) environment in the High-Energy Radiation Megavolt Electron Source (HERMES) courtyard has been developed. In principle, this provides a predictive forward-simulation capability based solely on measured upstream anode and cathode current waveforms in the Magnetically Insulated Transmission Line (MITL). First, 2D R-Z ElectroMagnetic Particle-in-Cell (EM-PIC) simulations model the MITL and diode to compute a history of all electrons incident on the converter. Next, radiation transport simulations use these electrons as a source to compute the time-dependent dose rate and volumetric electron production in the courtyard. Finally, the radiation transport output is used as sources for EM-PIC simulations of the courtyard to com- pute electromagnetic responses. This suite has been applied to the November 2016 trials, shots 10268-10313. Modeling and experiment differ in significant ways. This is just the first iteration of a long process to improve the agreement, as outlined in the summary.

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EMPHASIS™/Nevada UTDEM User Guide Version 2.1.2

Turner, C.D.; Pasik, Michael F.; Seidel, David B.; Pointon, Timothy D.; Cartwright, Keith C.; Kramer, Richard M.; McGregor, Duncan A.

The Unstructured Time-Domain ElectroMagnetics (UTDEM) portion of the EMPHASIS suite solves Maxwell’s equations using finite-element techniques on unstructured meshes. This document provides user-specific information to facilitate the use of the code for applications of interest.

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EMPHASIS(TM)/Nevada UTDEM User Guide Version 2.1.1

Turner, C.D.; Pasik, Michael F.; Pointon, Timothy D.; Pointon, Timothy D.; Cartwright, Keith C.

The Unstructured Time - Domain ElectroMagnetics (UTDEM) portion of the EMPHASIS suite solves Maxwell's equations using finite - element techniques on unstructured meshes. This document provides user - specific information to facilitate the use of the code for ap plications of interest. Acknowledgement The authors would like to thank all of those individuals who have helped to bring EMPHASIS/Nevada to the point it is today, including Bill Bohnhoff, Rich Drake, and all of the NEVADA code team.

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EMPHASIS(TM)/Nevada Unstructured FEM Implementation Version 2.1.1

Turner, C.D.; Pointon, Timothy D.; Cartwright, Keith C.

EMPHASIS TM /NEVADA is the SIERRA/NEVADA toolkit implementation of portions of the EMP HASIS TM code suite. The purpose of the toolkit i m- plementation is to facilitate coupling to other physics drivers such as radi a- tion transport as well as to better manage code design, implementation, co m- plexity, and important verification and validation processes. This document describes the theory and implementation of the unstructured finite - element method solver , associated algorithms, and selected verification and valid a- tion . Acknowledgement The author would like to recognize all of the ALEGRA team members for their gracious and willing support through this initial Nevada toolkit - implementation process. Although much of the knowledge needed was gleaned from document a- tion and code context, they were always willing to consult personally on some of the less obvious issues and enhancements necessary.

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New self-magnetically insulated connection of multi-level accelerators to a common load

Digest of Technical Papers-IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference

VanDevender, J.P.; Langston, William L.; Pasik, Michael F.; Coats, Rebecca S.; Pointon, Timothy D.; Seidel, David B.; Jennings, C.A.; McKee, G.R.; Schneider, Larry X.

We have developed a new type of convolute called the Clam Shell MITL (CSMITL) to couple multi-level accelerators to a common load. The CSMITL has magnetic nulls only at large radius where the cathode electric field is kept below the threshold for emission, has only a simply connected magnetic topology to avoid plasma motion along magnetic field lines into highly stressed gaps, and has electron injectors that ensure efficient electron flow even in the limiting case of self-limited MITLs. We report the first experimental results on a CSMITL, which convolutes two disk feeds on the Saturn accelerator into a single disk feed. Experiments with a high impedance electron beam load operating at twice the self-limited impedance of the CSMITL confirm key design features and demonstrate robust operation. © 2011 IEEE.

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PIC simulations of power flow in a linear transformer driver for radiographic applications

Digest of Technical Papers-IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference

Pointon, Timothy D.; Seidel, David B.; Leckbee, Joshua L.; Oliver, Bryan V.

The 7 cavity, 1 MV linear transformer driver for radiography at Sandia National Laboratories has recently been upgraded to 21 cavities with an output voltage of 2.5 MV. In this paper, results from 2-D, r-z particle-in-cell simulations of the full 21 cavity system are presented. Each cavity feed is driven with its own external RLC circuit that is independently triggered, and has a realistic 45° slanted vacuum/insulator. Electrons are emitted from the central cathode with a conventional space-charge-limited emission model. Detailed diagnostics monitor electron loss to the anode, cavity conductors, and the insulators. The most significant and encouraging result is that the simulations have absolutely no electron loss to the insulators, even with large random variations in the trigger timing. © 2011 IEEE.

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Controlling feed electron flow in MITL-driven radiographic diodes

Digest of Technical Papers-IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference

Seidel, David B.; Pointon, Timothy D.; Oliver, Bryan V.

The electrons flowing in a coaxial magnetically insulated transmission line (MITL), if allowed to flow uncontrolled into a radiographic electron diode load, can have an adverse impact on the performance of the system. Total radiation dose, impedance lifetime, and spot quality (size, shape, position, and stability) can all be affected. Current approaches to deal with this problem require a large volume in the vicinity of the electron diode load. For applications where this volume is not available, an alternate method of controlling the feed electrons is needed. In this paper, we will investigate various ideas for dealing with this issue and present results showing the properties of the various schemes investigated. © 2011 IEEE.

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Modeling electrode plasma effects in particle-in-cell simulation of high power devices

Pointon, Timothy D.

A new method for including electrode plasma effects in particle-in-cell simulation of high power devices is presented. It is not possible to resolve the plasma Debye length, {lambda}{sub D} {approx} 1 {mu}m, but using an explicit, second-order, energy-conserving particle pusher avoids numerical heating at large {delta}x/{lambda}{sub D} >> 1. Non-physical plasma oscillations are mitigated with Coulomb collisions and a damped particle pusher. A series of 1-D simulations show how plasma expansion varies with cell size. This reveals another important scale length, {lambda}{sub E} = T/(eE), where E is the normal electric field in the first vacuum cell in front of the plasma, and T is the plasma temperature. For {delta}x/{lambda}{sub E} < {approx}1, smooth, physical plasma expansion is observed. However, if {delta}x/{lambda}{sub E} >> 1, the plasma 'expands' in abrupt steps, driven by a numerical instability. For parameters of interest, {lambda}{sub E} << 100 {mu}m. It is not feasible to use cell sizes small enough to avoid this instability in large 3-D simulations.

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Hybrid plasma modeling

Hopkins, Matthew M.; Piekos, Edward S.; DeChant, Lawrence J.; Pointon, Timothy D.

This report summarizes the work completed during FY2007 and FY2008 for the LDRD project ''Hybrid Plasma Modeling''. The goal of this project was to develop hybrid methods to model plasmas across the non-continuum-to-continuum collisionality spectrum. The primary methodology to span these regimes was to couple a kinetic method (e.g., Particle-In-Cell) in the non-continuum regions to a continuum PDE-based method (e.g., finite differences) in continuum regions. The interface between the two would be adjusted dynamically ased on statistical sampling of the kinetic results. Although originally a three-year project, it became clear during the second year (FY2008) that there were not sufficient resources to complete the project and it was terminated mid-year.

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Precision electron flow measurements in a disk transmission line

Savage, Mark E.; Pointon, Timothy D.; Stoltzfus, Brian S.

An analytic model for electron flow in a system driving a fixed inductive load is described and evaluated with particle in cell simulations. The simple model allows determining the impedance profile for a magnetically insulated transmission line given the minimum gap desired, and the lumped inductance inside the transition to the minimum gap. The model allows specifying the relative electron flow along the power flow direction, including cases where the fractional electron flow decreases in the power flow direction. The electrons are able to return to the cathode because they gain energy from the temporally rising magnetic field. The simulations were done with small cell size to reduce numerical heating. An experiment to compare electron flow to the simulations was done. The measured electron flow is {approx}33% of the value from the simulations. The discrepancy is assumed to be due to a reversed electric field at the cathode because of the inductive load and falling electron drift velocity in the power flow direction. The simulations constrain the cathode electric field to zero, which gives the highest possible electron flow.

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Transient electromagnetic modeling of the ZR accelerator water convolute and stack

Digest of Technical Papers-IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference

Pasik, Michael F.; Coats, Rebecca S.; Johnson, William Arthur.; Elizondo-Decanini, Juan M.; Pointon, Timothy D.; Turner, C.D.; Bohnhoff, William J.; Lehr, J.M.; Savage, Mark E.

The ZR accelerator is a refurbishment of Sandia National Laboratories Z accelerator [1]. The ZR accelerator components were designed using electrostatic and circuit modeling tools. Transient electromagnetic modeling has played a complementary role in the analysis of ZR components [2]. In this paper we describe a 3D transient electromagnetic analysis of the ZR water convolute and stack using edge-based finite element techniques. © 2005 IEEE.

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Passive mitigation of load debris in a magnetically insulated transmission line

Digest of Technical Papers-IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference

Savage, Mark E.; Pointon, Timothy D.; Seidel, David B.; Mendel, Clifford W.; Wagoner, Timothy C.; Romero, Dustin H.; Wakeland, Peter E.

The Z driver at Sandia National Laboratories delivers one to two megajoules of electromagnetic energy inside its ∼10 cm radius final feed in 100 ns. The high current (∼20 MA) at small diameter produces magnetic pressures well above yield strengths for metals. The metal conductors stay in place due to inertia long enough to deliver current to the load. Within milliseconds however, fragments of metal escape the load region at high velocity. Much of the hardware and diagnostics inside the vacuum chamber is protected from this debris by blast shields with small view ports, and fast-closing valves. The water-vacuum insulator requires different protection because the transmission line debris shield should not significantly raise the inductance or perturb the self-magnetically insulated electron flow. This report shows calculations and results from a design intended to protect the insulator assembly. © 2005 IEEE.

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Copy of An overview of pulse compression and power flow in the upgraded Z pulsed power driver

Savage, Mark E.; Maenchen, John E.; McDaniel, Dillon H.; Pasik, Michael F.; Pointon, Timothy D.; Owen, Albert C.; Seidel, David B.; Stoltzfus, Brian S.; Struve, Kenneth W.; Warne, Larry K.; Bennett, Lawrence F.; Woodworth, Joseph R.; Bliss, David E.; Clark, Waylon T.; Coats, Rebecca S.; Elizondo-Decanini, Juan M.; LeChien, Keith R.; Harjes, Henry C.; Lehr, J.M.

Abstract not provided.

Losses at magnetic nulls in pulsed-power transmission line systems

Physics of Plasmas

Mendel, C.W.; Pointon, Timothy D.; Savage, Mark E.; Seidel, D.B.; Magne, I.; Vázinet, R.

Pulsed-power systems operating in the terawatt regime must deal with large electron flows in vacuum transmission lines. In most parts of these transmission lines the electrons are constrained by the self-magnetic field to flow parallel to the conductors. In very low impedance systems, such as those used to drive Z-pinch radiation sources, the currents from multiple transmission lines are added together. This addition necessarily involves magnetic nulls that connect the positive and negative electrodes. The resultant local loss of magnetic insulation results in electron losses at the anode in the vicinity of the nulls. The lost current due to the magnetic null might or might not be appreciable. In some cases the lost current due to the null is not large, but is spatially localized, and may create a gas and plasma release from the anode that can lead to an excessive loss, and possibly to catastrophic damage to the hardware. In this paper we describe an analytic model that uses one geometric parameter (aside from straightforward hardware size measurements) that determines the loss to the anode, and the extent of the loss region when the driving source and load are known. The parameter can be calculated in terms of the magnetic field in the region of the null calculated when no electron flow is present. The model is compared to some experimental data, and to simulations of several different hardware geometries, including some cases with multiple nulls, and unbalanced feeds. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.

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Sheath-current retrapping in the Z MITLs

Digest of Technical Papers-IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference

Hughes, Thomas P.; Clark, Robert E.; Oliver, Bryan V.; Pointon, Timothy D.; Stygar, William A.

An important issue in designing a higher-power version of the Z machine at Sandia National Laboratories is electron current loss in the vacuum section, which consists of four radial transmission lines and a convolute (current-adder). There is evidence from experiments on Z that 1-2MA of current out of about 20MA is lost in the vacuum section before reaching the wire-array load [1]. Calculations using the LSP [2] and QUICKSILVER [3] particle-in-cell codes have shown much less current loss [4,5,6]. The current loss in the calculations is due to sheath-current loss in the region of the convolute, and is associated with the magnetic nulls which are intrinsic to the current splitting in the convolute Detailed 2-D calculations for the radial MITLs show that, in the region between the insulator stack and a radius of about 20cm (over which the radial-line vacuum impedance increases slowly from 2Ω to 3Ω), excess electron sheath current is mostly retrapped to the cathode electrode. The electron sheath current is given approximately by Mendel's force-balance expression [7] applied locally, and as a result, the sheath current decreases as Zv-2, where Zv is the vacuum impedance. Between a radius of 20cm and the convolute, where the radial-line vacuum impedance increases more sharply (to 6Ω at 10cm) there is significant "launching" of sheath current. The sheath behavior in this region is qualitatively similar to that predicted using a "constant flow impedance" model, but in the simulations the sheath is unstable and breaks up into vortices.

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84 Results
84 Results