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Determination of stress free temperature in composite laminates for residual stress modeling

Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series

Werner, Brian T.; Jin, Helena; Briggs, Timothy B.

As the complexity of composite laminates rises, the use of hybrid structures and multi-directional laminates, large operating temperature ranges, the process induced residual stresses become a significant factor in the design. In order to properly model the initial stress state of a structure, a solid understanding of the stress free temperature, the temperature at which the initial crosslinks are formed, as well as the contribution of cure shrinkage, must be measured. Many in industry have moved towards using complex cure kinetics models with the assistance of commercial software packages such as COMPRO. However, in this study a simplified residual stress model using the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) mismatch and change in temperature from the stress free temperature are used. The limits of this simplified model can only be adequately tested using an accurate measure of the stress free temperature. Only once that is determined can the validity of the simplified model be determined. Various methods were used in this study to test for the stress free temperature and their results are used to validate each method. Two approaches were taken, both involving either cobonded carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) or glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) to aluminum. The first method used a composite-aluminum plate which was allowed to warp due to the residual stress. The other involved producing a geometrical stable hybrid composite-aluminum cylinder which was then cut open to allow it to spring in. Both methods placed the specimens within an environmental chamber and tracked the residual stress induced deformation as the temperature was ramped beyond the stress free temperature. Both methods revealed a similar stress free temperature that could then be used in future cure modeling simulations.

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Mechanical Strength of Composites with Different Overlap Lengths

Jin, Huiqing J.; Nelson, Kevin N.; Werner, Brian T.; Briggs, Timothy B.

This work is to characterize the mechanical performances of the selected composites with four different overlap lengths of 0.25 in, 0.5 in, 0,75 in and 1.0 in. The composite materials in this study were one carbon composite (AS4C/UF3662) and one glass (E-glass/UF3662) composite. They both had the same resin of UF 3362, but with different fibers of carbon AS4C and E-glass. The mechanical loading in this study was limited to the quasi-static loading of 2 mm/min, which was equivalent to 5x10( -4 ) strain rate. Digital cameras were set up to record images during the mechanical testing. The full-field deformation data obtained from Digital Image Correlation (DIC) and the side view of the specimens were used to understand the different failure modes of the composites. The maximum load and the ultimate strength with consideration of the location of the failure for the different overlap lengths were compared and plotted together to understand the effect of the overlap lengths on the mechanical performance of the overlapped composites. 4 6

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Investigations into Moisture Diffusion of Fiber Reinforced Composite Materials

Reyes, Karla R.; Reyes, Karla R.; Pavia Sanders, Adriana P.; Massey, Lee T.; Warnock, Corinne M.; Ward, Donald K.; Withey, Elizabeth A.; Chames, Jeffery M.; Briggs, Timothy B.

The moisture absorption behavior of two fiber reinforced composite materials was evaluated in a unidirectional manner The flat materials were exposed to varying humidity and temperature conditions inside of an environmental chamber in order to determine their effective moisture equilibrium (M m ) and moisture absorption rate (D z ). Two-ply (thin) and four-ply (thick) materials were utilized to obtain M,,, and Dz, respectively. The results obtained from laboratory work were then compared to modeling data to better understand the material properties. Predictions capabilities were built to forecast the maximum moisture content, time required for saturation, and the moisture content at any given humidity and temperature. A case study was included to demonstrate this capability. Also of interest were cubed samples to investigate directionality preferences in water immersion studies. Several coatings were evaluated for their water permeation properties. Further dissemination authorized to the Department of Energy and DOE contractors only; other requests shall be approved by the originating facility or higher DOE programmatic authority.

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Mechanical Properties of Woven Composites at Ambient Temperature

Jin, Huiqing J.; Lu, Wei-Yang L.; Nissen, April E.; Nelson, Kevin N.; Briggs, Timothy B.

This report describes the mechanical characterization of six types of woven composites that Sandia National Laboratories are interested in. These six composites have various combinations of two types of fibers (Carbon-IM7 and Glass-S2) and three types of resins (UF- 3362, TC275-1, TC350-1). In this work, two sets of experiments were conducted: quasi-static loading with displacement rate of 2 mm/min (1.3x10^( -3 ) in/s) and high rate loading with displacement of 5.08 m/s (200 in/s). Quasi-static experiments were performed at three loading orientations of 0deg, 45deg, 90deg for all the six composites to fully characterize their mechanical properties. The elastic properties Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio, as well as ultimate stress and strain were obtained from the quasi-static experiments. The high strain rate experiments were performed only on glass fiber composites along 0deg angle of loading. The high rate experiments were mainly to study how the strain rate affects the ultimate stress of the glass-fiber composites with different resins.

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Mechanical Characterization of Woven Composites at Different Temperatures

Jin, Huiqing J.; Briggs, Timothy B.; Nissen, April E.; Nelson, Kevin N.

This work is to characterize the mechanical properties of the selected composites along both on- and off- fiber axes at the ambient loading condition (+25 o C), as well as at the cold (- 54 o C), and high temperatures (+71 o C). A series of tensile experiments were conducted at different material orientations of 0 o , 22.5 o, 45 o , 67.5 o , 90 o to measure the ultimate strength and strain f, f, and material engineering constants, including Young's modulus E, Poisson's ratio , The composite materials in this study were one carbon composite carbon (AS4C/UF3662) and one E-galss (E-glass/UF3662) composite. They both had the same resin of UF 3362, but with different fibers of carbon AS4C and E-glass. The mechanical loading in this study was limited to the quasi-static loading of 2 mm/min (1.3x10 ^(-3) in/s), which was equivalent to 5x10 (-4) strain rate. These experimental data of the mechanical properties of composites at different loading directions and temperatures were summarized and compared. These experimental results provided database for design engineers to optimize structures through ply angle modifications and for analysts to better predict the component performance.

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Verification and validation of residual stresses in composite structures

Composite Structures

Nelson, Stacy M.; Hanson, Alexander A.; Briggs, Timothy B.; Werner, Brian T.

Process-induced residual stresses occur in composite structures composed of dissimilar materials. As these residual stresses could result in fracture, their consideration when designing composite parts is necessary. However, the experimental determination of residual stresses in prototype parts can be time and cost prohibitive. Alternatively, it is possible for computational tools to predict potential residual stresses. Therefore, the objectives of the presented work are to demonstrate an efficient method for simulating residual stresses in composite parts, as well as the potential value of statistical methods during analyses for which material properties are unknown. Specifically, a simplified residual stress modeling approach is implemented within Sandia National Laboratories’ SIERRA/SolidMechanics code. Concurrent with the model development, bi-material composite structures are designed and manufactured to exhibit significant residual stresses. Then, the presented modeling approach is rigorously verified and validated through simulations of the bi-material composite structures’ manufacturing processes, including a mesh convergence study, sensitivity analysis, and uncertainty quantification. The simulations’ final results show adequate agreement with the experimental measurements, indicating the validity of a simple modeling approach, as well as a necessity for the inclusion of material parameter uncertainty in the final residual stress predictions.

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Effect of Process Induced Stresses on Measurement of FRP Strain Energy Release Rates

Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series

Werner, Brian T.; Nelson, Stacy M.; Briggs, Timothy B.

Fiber reinforced polymer composites are frequently used in hybrid structures where they are co-cured or co-bonded to dissimilar materials. For autoclave cured composites, this interface typically forms at an elevated temperature that can be quite different from the part’s service temperature. As a result, matrix shrinkage and CTE mismatch can produce significant residual stresses at this bi-material interface. This study shows that the measured critical strain energy release rate, Gc, can be quite sensitive to the residual stress state of this interface. If designers do not properly account for the effect of these process induced stresses, there is danger of a nonconservative design. Tests including double cantilever beam (DCB) and end notched flexure (ENF) were conducted on a co-cured GFRP-CFRP composite panel across a wide range of temperatures. These results are compared to tests performed on monolithic GFRP and CFRP panels.

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Composite laminate failure parameter optimization through four-point flexure experimentation and analysis

Composites Part B: Engineering

Nelson, Stacy M.; English, Shawn A.; Briggs, Timothy B.

Fiber-reinforced composite materials offer light-weight solutions to many structural challenges. In the development of high-performance composite structures, a thorough understanding is required of the composite materials themselves as well as methods for the analysis and failure prediction of the relevant composite structures. However, the mechanical properties required for the complete constitutive definition of a composite material can be difficult to determine through experimentation. Therefore, efficient methods are necessary that can be used to determine which properties are relevant to the analysis of a specific structure and to establish a structure's response to a material parameter that can only be defined through estimation. The objectives of this study deal with demonstrating the potential value of sensitivity and uncertainty quantification techniques during the failure analysis of loaded composite structures; and the proposed methods are applied to the simulation of the four-point flexural characterization of a carbon fiber composite material. Utilizing a recently implemented, phenomenological orthotropic material model that is capable of predicting progressive composite damage and failure, a sensitivity analysis is completed to establish which material parameters are truly relevant to a simulation's outcome. Then, a parameter study is completed to determine the effect of the relevant material properties' expected variations on the simulated four-point flexural behavior as well as to determine the value of an unknown material property. This process demonstrates the ability to formulate accurate predictions in the absence of a rigorous material characterization effort. The presented results indicate that a sensitivity analysis and parameter study can be used to streamline the material definition process as the described flexural characterization was used for model validation.

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Cure cycle development and qualification for thick-section composites

International SAMPE Technical Conference

Warnock, Corinne M.; Briggs, Timothy B.

The kinetics of thermoset resin cure are multifaceted, with flow and wet-out being dependent on viscosity, devolatilization being a function of partial pressures, and crosslinking being dependent on temperature. A unique cure recipe must be developed to address and control each factor simultaneously. In the case of thick-section composites, an uncontrolled exotherm could cause the panel to cure from the inside out, causing severe process-induced residual stresses. To identify and control the peak heat generation from the exothermic crosslinking reaction, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was conducted for different candidate cure schedules. Resin rheology data and dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) results were used to confirm a viable resin viscosity profile for each cure schedule. These experiments showed which isothermal holds and ramp rates best served to decrease the exothermic peak as well as when to apply pressure and vent the applied vacuum. From these data, a cure cycle was developed and applied to the material system. During cure, embedded thermocouples were used to monitor heat generation and drive cure temperature ramps and dwells. Ultrasonic testing and visual inspection by microscopy revealed good compaction and < 1 % porosity for two different composite panels with the same resin system. DSC of post-cured samples of each panel indicated a high degree of cure throughout the thickness of the panels, further qualifying the proven-in process.

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Quasi-Static Indentation Analysis of Carbon-Fiber Laminates

Briggs, Timothy B.; English, Shawn A.; Nelson, Stacy M.

A series of quasi - static indentation experiments are conducted on carbon fiber reinforced polymer laminates with a systematic variation of thicknesses and fixture boundary conditions. Different deformation mechanisms and their resulting damage mechanisms are activated b y changing the thickn ess and boundary conditions. The quasi - static indentation experiments have been shown to achieve damage mechanisms similar to impact and penetration, however without strain rate effects. The low rate allows for the detailed analysis on the load response. Moreover, interrupted tests allow for the incremental analysis of various damage mechanisms and pr ogressions. The experimentally tested specimens are non - destructively evaluated (NDE) with optical imaging, ultrasonics and computed tomography. The load displacement responses and the NDE are then utilized in numerical simulations for the purpose of model validation and vetting. The accompanying numerical simulation work serves two purposes. First, the results further reveal the time sequence of events and the meaning behind load dro ps not clear from NDE . Second, the simulations demonstrate insufficiencies in the code and can then direct future efforts for development.

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Criteria for initiation of delamination in quasi-static punch-shear tests of a carbon-fiber composite material

Chin, Eric B.; English, Shawn A.; Briggs, Timothy B.

V arious phenomenological delamination initiation criteria are analyzed in quasi - static punch - shear tests conducted on six different geometries. These six geometries are modeled and analyzed using elastic, large - deformation finite element analysis. Analysis output is post - processed to assess different delamination initiation criteria, and their applicability to each of the geometries. These criteria are compared to test results to assess whether or not they are appropriate based on what occurred in testing. Further, examinations of CT scans and ultrasonic images o f test specimens are conducted in the appendix to determine the sequence of failure in each test geometry.

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Verification and Validation of Carbon-Fiber Laminate Low Velocity Impact Simulations

English, Shawn A.; Nelson, Stacy M.; Briggs, Timothy B.; Brown, Arthur B.

Presented is a model verification and validation effort using low - velocity impact (LVI) of carbon fiber reinforced polymer laminate experiments. A flat cylindrical indenter impacts the laminate with enough energy to produce delamination, matrix cracks and fiber breaks. Included in the experimental efforts are ultrasonic scans of the damage for qualitative validation of the models. However, the primary quantitative metrics of validation are the force time history measured through the instrumented indenter and initial and final velocities. The simulations, whi ch are run on Sandia's Sierra finite element codes , consist of all physics and material parameters of importance as determined by a sensitivity analysis conducted on the LVI simulation. A novel orthotropic damage and failure constitutive model that is cap able of predicting progressive composite damage and failure is described in detail and material properties are measured, estimated from micromechanics or optimized through calibration. A thorough verification and calibration to the accompanying experiment s are presented. Specia l emphasis is given to the four - point bend experiment. For all simulations of interest, the mesh and material behavior is verified through extensive convergence studies. An ensemble of simulations incorporating model parameter unc ertainties is used to predict a response distribution which is then compared to experimental output. The result is a quantifiable confidence in material characterization and model physics when simulating this phenomenon in structures of interest.

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Uncertainty quantification and parameter study related to the analysis of a composite material loaded in four-point flexure

CAMX 2014 - Composites and Advanced Materials Expo: Combined Strength. Unsurpassed Innovation.

Nelson, Stacy M.; English, Shawn A.; Briggs, Timothy B.

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Validation of carbon-fiber laminate simulations with low velocity impact experiments

CAMX 2014 - Composites and Advanced Materials Expo: Combined Strength. Unsurpassed Innovation.

English, Shawn A.; Nelson, Stacy M.; Krafcik, Karen L.; Moore, David G.; Kernen, Burke L.; Briggs, Timothy B.

Presented is a model verification and validation effort using low velocity impact (LVI) of carbon fiber reinforced polymer laminate experiments. The flat cylindrical indenter impacts the laminate with enough energy to produce delamination, matrix cracks and fiber breaks. Included in the experimental efforts are ultrasonic scans of the damage for qualitative validation of the models. However, the primary metrics of validation will be the force time history measured through the instrumented indenter and initial and final velocities. The simulations, which are run on in-house software, will consist of all physics and material parameters of importance as determined by a sensitivity analysis conducted on the full LVI simulation. The orthotropic damage and failure constitutive model used for the lamina is described in detail and material properties are measured, estimated from micromechanics or optimized through calibration. For all simulations of interest, the mesh and material behavior is verified through extensive convergence studies. An ensemble of simulations incorporating model parameter uncertainties is used to predict a response distribution which is then compared to experimental output. The result is a quantifiable confidence in material characterization and model physics when simulating this phenomenon in structures of interest.

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A micro to macro approach to polymer matrix composites damage modeling : final LDRD report

English, Shawn A.; Brown, Arthur B.; Briggs, Timothy B.

Capabilities are developed, verified and validated to generate constitutive responses using material and geometric measurements with representative volume elements (RVE). The geometrically accurate RVEs are used for determining elastic properties and damage initiation and propagation analysis. Finite element modeling of the meso-structure over the distribution of characterizing measurements is automated and various boundary conditions are applied. Plain and harness weave composites are investigated. Continuum yarn damage, softening behavior and an elastic-plastic matrix are combined with known materials and geometries in order to estimate the macroscopic response as characterized by a set of orthotropic material parameters. Damage mechanics and coupling effects are investigated and macroscopic material models are demonstrated and discussed. Prediction of the elastic, damage, and failure behavior of woven composites will aid in macroscopic constitutive characterization for modeling and optimizing advanced composite systems.

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Thermal cycling effects and governing mechanisms of a CNT latex nanocomposite film

International SAMPE Technical Conference

Briggs, Timothy B.; O'Bryan, Gregory O.; Loyola, B.R.; La Ford, M.; Yang, Elaine L.; Vance, Andrew L.; Skinner, J.L.

The thermal cycling effects as well as isothermal conditions on a conductive multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) filled latex film are presented and analyzed for a multi-day exposure period. Using a water-based latex solution, multi-walled CNT's have been doped within it and then applied with stencil masked spray deposition to the surface of a non-conductive manufactured substrate. Four-point probe resistivity measurements were conducted in-situ via electrodes deposited across the width of the latex film on the top surface via brush application. The temperature range of consideration was computer controlled using a nitrogen purged environmental chamber cycling between-50 to 80 °C with isothermal holds at each extrema. We have identified long term and short-term temperature-dependent resistivity trends as well as a correlation between environmental conditions and the effect on electrical properties of the nanocomposite.

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Comparative study of non-destructive damage evaluation methodologies for CFRP low velocity impact damage

International SAMPE Technical Conference

Loyola, Bryan R.; Loh, Kenneth J.; Saponara, Valeria L.; Chen, John C.; Briggs, Timothy B.

Damage evaluation for fiber-reinforced polymer composites has been a topic of interest for more than 30 years, and for good reason. With damage modes significantly different than monolithic alloys, engineers have had to design composite structures to tolerate delamination, fiberbreakage, matrix cracking, and fiber-matrix debonding. Accomplishment of this goal has required understanding how and why these damage modes manifest themselves and grow to critical levels, even when the damage is barely visible from the surface. To this end, many nondestructive evaluation techniques have been developed, each with their advantages and disadvantages to characterize these damage forms. In this study, a series of non-destructive evaluation techniques are performed and evaluated on a set of damaged carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) specimens that have been subjected to varying levels of incident kinetic energy from low velocity impact (LVI). Specifically, 3-D x-ray computed tomography (CT), active thermography, electrical impedance tomography (EIT), and vibrothermography have been systematically utilized for evaluation of the specimens. The advantages and disadvantages are thoroughly explored and reported for each method in order to gain insight into the limitation of each of the damage detection methods and the damage morphology resulting from LVI.

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59 Results
59 Results