
11 Results
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Rapid autonomous semantic mapping

IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems

Parikh, Anup; Koch, Mark W.; Blada, Timothy; Buerger, Stephen B.

A semantic understanding of the environment is needed to enable high level autonomy in robotic systems. Recent results have demonstrated rapid progress in underlying technology areas, but few results have been reported on end-to-end systems that enable effective autonomous perception in complex environments. In this paper, we describe an approach for rapidly and autonomously mapping unknown environments with integrated semantic and geometric information. We use surfel-based RGB-D SLAM techniques, with incremental object segmentation and classification methods to update the map in realtime. Information theoretic and heuristic measures are used to quickly plan sensor motion and drive down map uncertainty. Preliminary experimental results in simple and cluttered environments are reported.

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Autonomous detection and assessment with moving sensors

IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems

Spencer, Steven; Parikh, Anup; McArthur, Daniel M.; Young, Carol C.; Blada, Timothy; Slightam, Jonathon S.; Buerger, Stephen B.

Current approaches to physical security suffer from high false alarm rates and frequent human operator involvement, despite the relative rarity of real-world threats. We present a novel architecture for autonomous adaptive physical security called autonomous detection and assessment with moving sensors (ADAMS). ADAMS is a framework for reducing nuisance and false alarms by placing mobile robotic platforms equipped with sensors outside the normal asset perimeter. These robotic agents integrate sensor data from multiple perspectives over time, and autonomously move to obtain the best new data to reduce uncertainty in the threat scene. Inferences drawn from data fused over time provide ultimate decisions regarding whether to alert human operators. This paper describes the framework and algorithms used in a prototype ADAMS implementation. We describe the results of simulations comparing this framework to alternate paradigms. These simulations show ADAMS has a 4x increase in the range at which threats are identified versus traditional static sensors, and a 5x reduction in false alarms triggered versus frameworks where all sensor detections become alarms, leading to reduced operator load. Further, these simulations show this framework for reacting to new potential threats significantly outperforms methods which merely patrol the site. We also present the results of preliminary hardware trials of an exemplar prototype system, providing limited validation of the simulations in a real-time physical demonstration.

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Synthetic Fiber Capstan Drives for Highly Efficient, Torque Controlled, Robotic Applications

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters

Mazumdar, Anirban; Spencer, Steven; Hobart, Clinton G.; Dabling, Jeffrey D.; Blada, Timothy; Dullea, Kevin; Kuehl, Michael K.; Buerger, Stephen B.

This paper describes the design and performance of a synthetic rope on sheave drive system. This system uses synthetic ropes instead of steel cables to achieve low weight and a compact form factor. We demonstrate how this system is capable of 28-Hz torque control bandwidth, 95% efficiency, and quiet operation, making it ideal for use on legged robots and other dynamic physically interactive systems. Component geometry and tailored maintenance procedures are used to achieve high endurance. Endurance tests based on walking data predict that the ropes will survive roughly 247,000 cycles when used on large (90 kg), fully actuated bipedal robot systems. The drive systems have been incorporated into two novel bipedal robots capable of three-dimensional unsupported walking. Robot data illustrate effective torque tracking and nearly silent operation. Finally, comparisons with alternative transmission designs illustrate the size, weight, and endurance advantages of using this type of synthetic rope drive system.

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Using parallel stiffness to achieve improved locomotive efficiency with the Sandia STEPPR robot

Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation

Mazumdar, Anirban; Spencer, Steven; Salton, Jonathan R.; Hobart, Clinton G.; Love, Joshua A.; Dullea, Kevin; Kuehl, Michael K.; Blada, Timothy; Quigley, Morgan; Smith, Jesper; Bertrand, Sylvain; Wu, Tingfan; Pratt, Jerry; Buerger, Stephen B.

In this paper we introduce STEPPR (Sandia Transmission-Efficient Prototype Promoting Research), a bipedal robot designed to explore efficient bipedal walking. The initial iteration of this robot achieves efficient motions through powerful electromagnetic actuators and highly back-drivable synthetic rope transmissions. We show how the addition of parallel elastic elements at select joints is predicted to provide substantial energetic benefits: reducing cost of transport by 30 to 50 percent. Two joints in particular, hip roll and ankle pitch, reduce dissipated power over three very different gait types: human walking, human-like robot walking, and crouched robot walking. Joint springs based on this analysis are tested and validated experimentally. Finally, this paper concludes with the design of two unique parallel spring mechanisms to be added to the current STEPPR robot in order to provide improved locomotive efficiency.

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Enhanced physical security through a command-intent driven multi-agent sensor network

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

Love, Joshua; Amai, Wendy; Blada, Timothy; Little, Charles; Neely, Jason; Buerger, Stephen B.

Sandia’s Intelligent Systems, Robotics, and Cybernetics group (ISRC) created the Sandia Architecture for Heterogeneous Unmanned System Control (SAHUC) to demonstrate how heterogeneous multi-agent teams could be used for tactical operations including the protection of high-consequence sites. Advances in multi-agent autonomy and unmanned systems have provided revolutionary new capabilities that can be leveraged for physical security applications. SAHUC applies these capabilities to produce a command-intent driven, autonomously adapting, multi-agent mobile sensor network. This network could enhance the security of high-consequence sites; it can be quickly and intuitively re-tasked to rapidly adapt to changing security conditions. The SAHUC architecture, GUI, autonomy layers, and implementation are explored. Results from experiments and a demonstration are also discussed.

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The Sandia architecture for heterogeneous unmanned system control (SAHUC)

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Love, Joshua; Amai, Wendy; Blada, Timothy; Little, Charles; Neely, Jason; Buerger, Stephen B.

The Sandia Architecture for Heterogeneous Unmanned System Control (SAHUC) was produced as part of a three year internally funded project performed by Sandia's Intelligent Systems, Robotics, and Cybernetics group (ISRC). ISRC created SAHUC to demonstrate how teams of Unmanned Systems (UMS) can be used for small-unit tactical operations incorporated into the protection of high-consequence sites. Advances in Unmanned Systems have provided crucial autonomy capabilities that can be leveraged and adapted to physical security applications. SAHUC applies these capabilities to provide a distributed ISR network for site security. This network can be rapidly re-tasked to respond to changing security conditions. The SAHUC architecture contains multiple levels of control. At the highest level a human operator inputs objectives for the network to accomplish. The heterogeneous unmanned systems automatically decide which agents can perform which objectives and then decide the best global assignment. The assignment algorithm is based upon coarse metrics that can be produced quickly. Responsiveness was deemed more crucial than optimality for responding to time-critical physical security threats. Lower levels of control take the assigned objective, perform online path planning, execute the desired plan, and stream data (LIDAR, video, GPS) back for display on the user interface. SAHUC also retains an override capability, allowing the human operator to modify all autonomous decisions whenever necessary. SAHUC has been implemented and tested with UAVs, UGVs, and GPS-tagged blue/red force actors. The final demonstration illustrated how a small fleet, commanded by a remote human operator, could aid in securing a facility and responding to an intruder.

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11 Results
11 Results