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Addressing technical and regulatory requirements to deploy structural health monitoring systems on commercial aircraft

31st Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS 2018

Roach, D.; Rice, Thomas M.

Multi-site fatigue damage, hidden cracks in hard-to-reach locations, disbonded joints, erosion, impact, and corrosion are among the major flaws encountered in today's extensive fleet of aging aircraft. The use of in-situ sensors for real-time health monitoring of aircraft structures, coupled with remote interrogation, provides a viable option to overcome inspection impediments stemming from accessibility limitations, complex geometries, and the location and depth of hidden damage. Reliable, Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) systems can automatically process data, assess structural condition, and signal the need for human intervention. Prevention of unexpected flaw growth and structural failure can be improved if on-board health monitoring systems are used to continuously assess structural integrity. Such systems can detect incipient damage before catastrophic failures occurs. Other advantages of on-board distributed sensor systems are that they can eliminate costly and potentially damaging disassembly, improve sensitivity by producing optimum placement of sensors and decrease maintenance costs by eliminating more time-consuming manual inspections. This paper presents the results from successful SHM technology validation efforts that established the performance of sensor systems for aircraft fatigue crack detection. Validation tasks were designed to address the SHM equipment, the health monitoring task, the resolution required, the sensor interrogation procedures, the conditions under which the monitoring will occur, and the potential inspector population. All factors that affect SHM sensitivity were included in this program including flaw size, shape, orientation and location relative to the sensors, operational and environmental variables and issues related to the presence of multiple flaws within a sensor network. This paper will also present the formal certification tasks including formal adoption of SHM systems into aircraft manuals and the release of an Alternate Means of Compliance and a modified Service Bulletin to allow for routine use of SHM sensors on commercial aircraft. This program also established a regulatory approval process that includes FAR Part 25 (Transport Category Aircraft) and shows compliance with 25.571 (fatigue) and 25.1529 (Instructions for Continued Airworthiness).

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Probability of Detection Study to Assess the Performance of Nondestructive Inspection Methods for Wind Turbine Blades

Roach, D.; Rice, Thomas M.; Paquette, Joshua P.

Wind turbine blades pose a unique set of inspection challenges that span from very thick and attentive spar cap structures to porous bond lines, varying core material and a multitude of manufacturing defects of interest. The need for viable, accurate nondestructive inspection (NDI) technology becomes more important as the cost per blade, and lost revenue from downtime, grows. NDI methods must not only be able to contend with the challenges associated with inspecting extremely thick composite laminates and subsurface bond lines, but must also address new inspection requirements stemming from the growing understanding of blade structural aging phenomena. Under its Blade Reliability Collaborative program, Sandia Labs quantitatively assessed the performance of a wide range of NDI methods that are candidates for wind blade inspections. Custom wind turbine blade test specimens, containing engineered defects, were used to determine critical aspects of NDI performance including sensitivity, accuracy, repeatability, speed of inspection coverage, and ease of equipment deployment. The detection of fabrication defects helps enhance plant reliability and increase blade life while improved inspection of operating blades can result in efficient blade maintenance, facilitate repairs before critical damage levels are reached and minimize turbine downtime. The Sandia Wind Blade Flaw Detection Experiment was completed to evaluate different NDI methods that have demonstrated promise for interrogating wind blades for manufacturing flaws or in-service damage. These tests provided the Probability of Detection information needed to generate industry-wide performance curves that quantify: 1) how well current inspection techniques are able to reliably find flaws in wind turbine blades (industry baseline) and 2) the degree of improvements possible through integrating more advanced NDI techniques and procedures. _____________ S a n d i a N a t i o n a l L a b o r a t o r i e s i s a m u l t i m i s s i o n l a b o r a t o r y m a n a g e d a n d o p e r a t e d b y N a t i o n a l T e c h n o l o g y a n d E n g i n e e r i n g S o l u t i o n s o f S a n d i a , L L C , a w h o l l y o w n e d s u b s i d i a r y o f H o n e y w e l l I n t e r n a t i o n a l , I n c . , f o r t h e U . S . D e p a r t m e n t o f E n e r g y ' s N a t i o n a l N u c l e a r S e c u r i t y A d m i n i s t r a t i o n u n d e r c o n t r a c t D E - N A 0 0 0 3 5 2 5 .

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Convergence of multiple statistical methods for calculating the probability of detection from SHM sensor networks

Structural Health Monitoring 2017: Real-Time Material State Awareness and Data-Driven Safety Assurance - Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, IWSHM 2017

Roach, D.; Rice, Thomas M.; Swindell, Paul

The use of in-situ sensors for real-time health monitoring of a wide array of civil structures can be a viable option to overcome inspection impediments stemming from accessibility limitations, complex geometries, and the location and depth of hidden damage. The maturity of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) sensors has evolved to the point where many networks have demonstrated sensitivities that meet or exceed current damage detection requirements. As a result, there is a growing need for well-defined methods to statistically quantify the performance of sensors and sensor networks. Statistical methods can be applied to laboratory and flight test data to derive Probability of Detection (POD) values for SHM sensors in a fashion that agrees with current nondestructive inspection (NDI) validation requirements. However, while there are many agreed-upon procedures for quantifying the performance of NDI techniques, there are no guidelines for assessing SHM systems. While the intended function of the SHM and NDI systems may be very similar, there are distinct differences in the parameters that affect their performance and differences in their implementation that require special consideration. Factors that affect SHM sensitivity include flaw size, shape, orientation and location relative to the sensors, operational and environmental variables and issues related to the presence of multiple flaws within a sensor network. The FAA Airworthiness Assurance NDI Validation Center (AANC) at Sandia Labs, in conjunction with the FAA WJH Technical Center, has conducted a series of SHM validation and certification programs aimed at establishing the overall viability of SHM systems and producing appropriate precedents and guidelines for the safe adoption of SHM solutions for aircraft maintenance. This paper will present the use of several different statistical methods, some of them adapted from NDI performance assessments and some proposed to address the unique nature of damage detection via SHM systems, and discuss how they can converge to produce a confident quantification of SHM performance. Comparisons of hit-miss, a versus ?, and One Sided Tolerance Intervals will provide valuable insights into how the characteristics of the collected SHM data affect the formulation of that system's POD curve. Similarities between NDI and SHM assessments will be highlighted in order to provide a foundation in traditional flaw detection performance measures. In addition, considerations of the controlling factors to be considered when collecting SHM response data will be discussed.

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23 Results
23 Results