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Rachel Wood Consulting - Viga Span Tables

Bosiljevac, Thomas B.

The purpose and scope of the viga span tables project for Rachel Wood Consulting (RWC) is focused on producing tabulated beam span tables for three species of wood vigas commonly used in New Mexico to allow producers, designers and builders to incorporate vigas into their building designs in a prescriptive manner similar to the span tables for sawn lumber incorporated into the International Residential Code (IRC) or the International Log Builders Association (ILBA) publication. The information provided in this report and the associated viga span tables also attempts to address and clarify questions raised by RWC during their review of the 2018 Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) New Mexico Small Business Assistance (NMSBA) program report by August Mosimann pertaining to span lengths, loading, deflection calculations, and log grading certification prior to submitting the span tables to the Construction Industries Division (CID) of New Mexico.

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Evaluating the Influence of Size Effects on Load-Displacement Behavior and Failure in Threaded Fasteners, Part I: Experimental Testing

Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series

Bosiljevac, Thomas B.; Veytskin, Yuriy B.; Mersch, John P.; Smith, Jeffrey A.; Grimmer, Peter W.; Susan, Donald F.

In an effort to enhance both the experimental testing and computational modeling of small threaded fasteners, a collaborative investigation consisting of experimental tensile testing and computational modeling was conducted to observe the effects of threaded fastener size on load-displacement behavior and failure. This paper focuses on the experimental tests performed on NAS1351N00–4, NAS1352N02–6, NAS1352N04–8, NAS1352N06–10, and NAS1352N4–24 (referred to herein as #00, #02, #04, #06 and #4, respectively) A286 fasteners. Displacement measurements were obtained from three unique sources/locations: Differential Variable Reluctance Transducers (DVRTs) inserted in the top bushing to measure the relative displacement of the bushing faces, Linear Variable Differential Transducers (LVDTs) located on the outside edge of the bushing fixtures to measure a more global response of the bushing displacement, and the stroke of the test frame. This test series clarified many ambiguities in the experimental process and further established a feasible testing method for small fasteners.

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The second Sandia Fracture Challenge: predictions of ductile failure under quasi-static and moderate-rate dynamic loading

International Journal of Fracture

Boyce, B.L.; Kramer, S.L.B.; Bosiljevac, Thomas B.; Corona, Edmundo C.; Moore, J.A.; Elkhodary, K.; Simha, C.H.M.; Williams, B.W.; Cerrone, A.R.; Nonn, A.; Hochhalter, J.D.; Bomarito, G.F.; Warner, J.E.; Carter, B.J.; Warner, D.H.; Ingraffea, A.R.; Zhang, T.; Fang, X.; Lua, J.; Chiaruttini, V.; Mazière, M.; Feld-Payet, S.; Yastrebov, V.A.; Besson, J.; Chaboche, J.L.; Lian, J.; Di, Y.; Wu, B.; Novokshanov, D.; Vajragupta, N.; Kucharczyk, P.; Brinnel, V.; Döbereiner, B.; Münstermann, S.; Neilsen, Michael K.; Dion, K.; Karlson, Kyle N.; Foulk, James W.; Brown, A.A.; Veilleux, Michael V.; Bignell, John B.; Sanborn, S.E.; Jones, C.A.; Mattie, P.D.; Pack, K.; Wierzbicki, T.; Chi, S.W.; Lin, S.P.; Mahdavi, A.; Predan, J.; Zadravec, J.; Gross, A.J.; Ravi-Chandar, K.; Xue, L.

Ductile failure of structural metals is relevant to a wide range of engineering scenarios. Computational methods are employed to anticipate the critical conditions of failure, yet they sometimes provide inaccurate and misleading predictions. Challenge scenarios, such as the one presented in the current work, provide an opportunity to assess the blind, quantitative predictive ability of simulation methods against a previously unseen failure problem. Rather than evaluate the predictions of a single simulation approach, the Sandia Fracture Challenge relies on numerous volunteer teams with expertise in computational mechanics to apply a broad range of computational methods, numerical algorithms, and constitutive models to the challenge. This exercise is intended to evaluate the state of health of technologies available for failure prediction. In the first Sandia Fracture Challenge, a wide range of issues were raised in ductile failure modeling, including a lack of consistency in failure models, the importance of shear calibration data, and difficulties in quantifying the uncertainty of prediction [see Boyce et al. (Int J Fract 186:5–68, 2014) for details of these observations]. This second Sandia Fracture Challenge investigated the ductile rupture of a Ti–6Al–4V sheet under both quasi-static and modest-rate dynamic loading (failure in (Formula presented.) 0.1 s). Like the previous challenge, the sheet had an unusual arrangement of notches and holes that added geometric complexity and fostered a competition between tensile- and shear-dominated failure modes. The teams were asked to predict the fracture path and quantitative far-field failure metrics such as the peak force and displacement to cause crack initiation. Fourteen teams contributed blind predictions, and the experimental outcomes were quantified in three independent test labs. Additional shortcomings were revealed in this second challenge such as inconsistency in the application of appropriate boundary conditions, need for a thermomechanical treatment of the heat generation in the dynamic loading condition, and further difficulties in model calibration based on limited real-world engineering data. As with the prior challenge, this work not only documents the ‘state-of-the-art’ in computational failure prediction of ductile tearing scenarios, but also provides a detailed dataset for non-blind assessment of alternative methods.

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V-Notched rail test for shear-dominated deformation of Ti-6A1-4V

Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series

Kramer, Sharlotte L.; Laing, John R.; Bosiljevac, Thomas B.; Gearhart, Jhana S.; Boyce, Brad B.

Evermore sophisticated ductile plasticity and failure models demand experimental material characterization of shear behavior; yet, the mechanics community lacks a widely accepted, standard test method for shear-dominated deformation and failure of ductile metals. We investigated the use of the V-notched rail test, borrowed from the ASTM D7078 standard for shear testing of composites, for shear testing of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy sheet material, considering sheet rolling direction and quasi-static and transient load rates. In this paper, we discuss practical aspects of testing, modifications to the specimen geometry, and the experimental shear behavior of Ti-6Al-4V. Specimen installation, machine compliance, specimen-grip slip during testing, and specimen V-notched geometry all influenced the measured specimen behavior such that repeatable shear-dominated behavior was initially difficult to obtain. We will discuss the careful experimental procedure and set of measurements necessary to extract meaningful shear information for Ti-6Al-4V. We also evaluate the merits and deficiencies, including practicality of testing for engineering applications and quality of results, of the V-notched rail test for characterization of ductile shear behavior.

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2014 WSEAT X-Prize

Bosiljevac, Thomas B.; Kramer, Sharlotte L.

The 2014 WSEAT X-Prize is modeled as a double blind study to challenge the computational and material mechanics communities methodologies to develop better capabilities in modeling and experimentation to predict the failure in ductile metals. The challenge is presented as a distinct, yet relatively, simple geometry with all reported modeling predictions blind to each of the modeling teams. The experimental testing is validated by two independent test labs to confirm the experimentally observed behavior and results are unbiased and repeatable. The WSEAT X-Prize was issued to both external participants and internal participants as the Sandia Fracture Challenge 2 (SFC2) on May 30, 2014. A Challenge Supplemental Information Packet was sent to participants on August 13, 2014 to Prior years SFCs focused on the ability to predict failures under a quasi-static loading condition that focused on either a shear or tensile-dominated failure mode. This year’s challenge focuses on a geometry with a shear and/or tensile-dominated failure mode influenced by a moderate strain-rate ductile fracture in a metallic alloy.

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Structural considerations for solar installers : an approach for small, simplified solar installations or retrofits

Dwyer, Stephen F.; Bosiljevac, Thomas B.; Richards, Elizabeth H.

Structural Considerations for Solar Installers provides a comprehensive outline of structural considerations associated with simplified solar installations and recommends a set of best practices installers can follow when assessing such considerations. Information in the manual comes from engineering and solar experts as well as case studies. The objectives of the manual are to ensure safety and structural durability for rooftop solar installations and to potentially accelerate the permitting process by identifying and remedying structural issues prior to installation. The purpose of this document is to provide tools and guidelines for installers to help ensure that residential photovoltaic (PV) power systems are properly specified and installed with respect to the continuing structural integrity of the building.

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13 Results
13 Results