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Progress in Modeling the 2019 Extended Magnetically Insulated Transmission Line (MITL) and Courtyard Environment Trial at HERMES-III

Cartwright, Keith C.; Pointon, Tim P.; Powell, Troy C.; Grabowski, Theodore C.; Shields, Sidney S.; Sirajuddin, David S.; Jensen, Daniel S.; Renk, Timothy J.; Cyr, Eric C.; Stafford, David S.; Swan, Matthew S.; Mitra, Sudeep M.; McDoniel, William M.; Moore, Christopher H.

This report documents the progress made in simulating the HERMES-III Magnetically Insulated Transmission Line (MITL) and courtyard with EMPIRE and ITS. This study focuses on the shots that were taken during the months of June and July of 2019 performed with the new MITL extension. There were a few shots where there was dose mapping of the courtyard, 11132, 11133, 11134, 11135, 11136, and 11146. This report focuses on these shots because there was full data return from the MITL electrical diagnostics and the radiation dose sensors in the courtyard. The comparison starts with improving the processing of the incoming voltage into the EMPIRE simulation from the experiment. The currents are then compared at several location along the MITL. The simulation results of the electrons impacting the anode are shown. The electron impact energy and angle is then handed off to ITS which calculates the dose on the faceplate and locations in the courtyard and they are compared to experimental measurements. ITS also calculates the photons and electrons that are injected into the courtyard, these quantities are then used by EMPIRE to calculated the photon and electron transport in the courtyard. The details for the algorithms used to perform the courtyard simulations are presented as well as qualitative comparisons of the electric field, magnetic field, and the conductivity in the courtyard. Because of the computational burden of these calculations the pressure was reduce in the courtyard to reduce the computational load. The computation performance is presented along with suggestion on how to improve both the computational performance as well as the algorithmic performance. Some of the algorithmic changed would reduce the accuracy of the models and detail comparison of these changes are left for a future study. As well as, list of code improvements there is also a list of suggested experimental improvements to improve the quality of the data return.

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Fielding and analyzing performance of a prototype high voltage output gas switch for Saturn

Savage, Mark E.; Austin, Kevin N.; Grabowski, Theodore C.; McLane, Matthew M.

Timing spread between the thirty-six Saturn modules affects peak electrical power delivered to the Bremsstrahlung diode and can affect vacuum power flow and impedance behavior of the load. To reduce the module spread, a new megavolt gas-insulated closing switch was developed employing design techniques developed for the Z-machine laser triggered switches while retaining Saturn’s simpler electrical triggering. Two modules were temporarily outfitted with the new switches and used separately into local resistive loads (instead of the usual Saturn electron beam load). A reliable operating point and switch time jitter at that point were the goals of the experiments. The target switch reliability is less than one pre-fire in one thousand switch-shots, and a timing standard deviation of 4 nanoseconds. The switches were able to meet both requirements but the number of tests at the chosen point are limited.

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Modernization of the Marx and Rimfire Triggering Systems for the HERMES-III Accelerator

IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference

Grabowski, Theodore C.; Santillanes, J.; Shay, A.; Smart, B.; Tilley, G.; Tunell, K.; Joseph, N.; Coffey, Sean K.; Archuleta, G.; Gutierrez, E.; Hughes, B.; Lott, J.; Natal, Robert A.; Owens, Israel O.

HERMES III is a 20-MeV linear induction accelerator that was constructed at Sandia National Laboratories in the late 1980's and continues operation to this day. The accelerator utilizes 10 Marx banks for its initial energy storage and pulse formation. These Marx banks discharge their energy into 20 intermediate storage capacitors which, in turn, feed 80 pulse forming lines that further condition the pulse. Transmission line feeds from the pulse forming lines then deliver the electrical energy to 20 induction cavities arrayed along the axis of the machine to build the final output pulse along a central magnetically insulated transmission line (MITL). There are two triggering systems within the accelerator that work together in this energy discharge process. One simultaneously triggers the initial discharge of energy from each of the 10 Marx banks; the other staggers the triggering of the Rimfire gas switches following each intermediate storage capacitor so as to properly synchronize the energy delivery to the downstream cavities and the MITL with the pulse propagation along the MITL. Until recently, these triggering systems were the original systems dating back to the initial commissioning of the accelerator, however both have now been replaced with new and more modernized systems. Design details for both triggering systems will be presented, along with an overview of some of the initial operational data from the HERMES III accelerator using these new triggering systems.

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20 Results
20 Results