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GDSA Framework Development and Process Model Integration FY2022

Mariner, Paul M.; Debusschere, Bert D.; Fukuyama, David E.; Harvey, Jacob H.; LaForce, Tara; Leone, Rosemary C.; Perry, Frank V.; Swiler, Laura P.; TACONI, ANNA M.

The Spent Fuel and Waste Science and Technology (SFWST) Campaign of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Nuclear Energy (NE), Office of Spent Fuel & Waste Disposition (SFWD) is conducting research and development (R&D) on geologic disposal of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and high-level nuclear waste (HLW). A high priority for SFWST disposal R&D is disposal system modeling (Sassani et al. 2021). The SFWST Geologic Disposal Safety Assessment (GDSA) work package is charged with developing a disposal system modeling and analysis capability for evaluating generic disposal system performance for nuclear waste in geologic media. This report describes fiscal year (FY) 2022 advances of the Geologic Disposal Safety Assessment (GDSA) performance assessment (PA) development groups of the SFWST Campaign. The common mission of these groups is to develop a geologic disposal system modeling capability for nuclear waste that can be used to assess probabilistically the performance of generic disposal options and generic sites. The modeling capability under development is called GDSA Framework ( GDSA Framework is a coordinated set of codes and databases designed for probabilistically simulating the release and transport of disposed radionuclides from a repository to the biosphere for post-closure performance assessment. Primary components of GDSA Framework include PFLOTRAN to simulate the major features, events, and processes (FEPs) over time, Dakota to propagate uncertainty and analyze sensitivities, meshing codes to define the domain, and various other software for rendering properties, processing data, and visualizing results.

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FY2022 Progress on Imbibition Testing in Containment Science

Kuhlman, Kristopher L.; Good, Forest T.; LaForce, Tara; Heath, Jason

Estimation of two-phase fluid flow properties is important to understand and predict water and gas movement through the vadose zone for agricultural, hydrogeological, and engineering applications, such as for vapor-phase contaminant transport and/or containment of noble gases in the subsurface. In this second progress report of FY22, we present two ongoing activities related to imbibition testing on volcanic rock samples. We present the development of a new analytical solution predicting the temperature response observed during imbibition into dry samples, as discussed in our previous first progress report for FY22. We also illustrate the use of a multi-modal capillary pressure distribution to simulate both early- and late-time imbibition data collected on tuff core that can exhibit multiple pore types. These FY22 imbibition tests were conducted for an extended period (i.e., far beyond the time required for the wetting front to reach the top of the sample), which is necessary for parameter estimation and characterization of two different pore types within the samples.

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DECOVALEX-2023, Task F Specification, Revision 8

LaForce, Tara; Jayne, Richard S.; Leone, Rosemary C.; Stein, Emily S.; Nguyen, Son N.

This report is the revised (Revision 8) Task F specification for DECOVALEX-2023. Task F is a comparison of the models and methods used in deep geologic repository performance assessment. The task proposes to develop a reference case for a mined repository in a fractured crystalline host rock and a reference case for a mined repository in a salt formation. Teams may choose to participate in the comparison for either or both of the reference cases. For each reference case, a common set of conceptual models and parameters describing features, events, and processes that impact performance will be given, and teams will be responsible for determining how best to implement and couple the models. The comparison will be conducted in stages, beginning with a comparison of key outputs of individual process models, followed by a comparison of a single deterministic simulation of the full reference case, and moving on to uncertainty propagation and uncertainty and sensitivity analysis. This report provides background information, a summary of the proposed reference cases, and a staged plan for the analysis.

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Linear and nonlinear solvers for simulating multiphase flow within large-scale engineered subsurface systems

Advances in Water Resources

Park, Heeho D.; Hammond, Glenn E.; Valocchi, Albert J.; LaForce, Tara

Multiphase flow simulation is well-known to be computationally demanding, and modeling large-scale engineered subsurface systems entails significant additional numerical challenges. These challenges arise from: (a) the presence of small-scale discrete features like shafts, tunnels, waste packages, and barriers; (b) the need to accurately represent both the waste form processes at the small spatial scale of the repository and the large-scale transport processes throughout heterogeneous geological formations; (c) the strong contrast in material properties such as porosity and permeability, as well as the nonlinear constitutive relations for multiphase flow. Numerical solution entails discretization of the coupled system of nonlinear governing equations and solving a linear system of equations at each Newton–Raphson iteration. Practical problems require a very large number of unknowns that must be solved efficiently using iterative methods in parallel on high-performance computers. The unique challenges noted above can lead to an ill-conditioned Jacobian matrix and non-convergence with Newton's method due to discontinuous nonlinearity in constitutive models. Moreover, practical applications can require numerous Monte-Carlo simulations to explore uncertainly in material properties, geological heterogeneity, failure scenarios, or other factors; governmental regulatory agencies can mandate these as part of Performance Assessments. Hence there is a need for flexible, robust, and computationally efficient methods for multiphase flow in large-scale engineered subsurface systems. We apply the open-source simulator PFLOTRAN to the practical problem of performance assessment of the US DOE Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) site. The simulator employs a finite volume discretization and uses the PETSc parallel framework. We evaluate the performance of several preconditioners for the iterative solution of the linearized Jacobian system; these range from stabilized-biconjugate-gradient with block-Jacobi preconditioning (BCGS) to methods adopted from reservoir modeling, such as the constrained pressure residual (CPR) two-stage preconditioner and flexible generalized residual solver (FGMRES). We also implement within PETSc the general-purpose nonlinear solver, Newton trust-region dogleg Cauchy (NTRDC), which truncates the Newton update or modifies the update with a Cauchy solution that is within the quadratic model trust-region of the objective function. We demonstrate the effectiveness of each method for a series of test problems with increasing difficulty. We find that the NTRDC and FGMRES-CPR-ABF (FCA) preconditioners generally perform best for the test problem having the extreme nonlinear processes, achieving a 50x speed-up compared with BCGS. The most ill-conditioned and extreme nonlinear simulations do not converge with BCGS (as one may expect), but they do complete the simulation with NTRDC and FCA. We also investigate the strong scalability of each method and demonstrate the impact of node-packing upon parallel performance on modern processor architectures.

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GDSA Framework Development and Process Model Integration FY2021

Mariner, Paul M.; Berg, Timothy M.; Debusschere, Bert D.; Eckert, Aubrey C.; Harvey, Jacob H.; LaForce, Tara; Leone, Rosemary C.; Mills, Melissa M.; Nole, Michael A.; Park, Heeho D.; Perry, F.V.; Seidl, Daniel T.; Swiler, Laura P.; Chang, Kyung W.

The Spent Fuel and Waste Science and Technology (SFWST) Campaign of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Nuclear Energy (NE), Office of Spent Fuel & Waste Disposition (SFWD) is conducting research and development (R&D) on geologic disposal of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and highlevel nuclear waste (HLW). A high priority for SFWST disposal R&D is disposal system modeling (DOE 2012, Table 6; Sevougian et al. 2019). The SFWST Geologic Disposal Safety Assessment (GDSA) work package is charged with developing a disposal system modeling and analysis capability for evaluating generic disposal system performance for nuclear waste in geologic media.

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GDSA Repository Systems Analysis Investigations in FY2021

LaForce, Tara; Basurto, Eduardo B.; Chang, Kyung W.; Jayne, Richard S.; Leone, Rosemary C.; Nole, Michael A.; Perry, Frank V.; Stein, Emily S.

The Spent Fuel and Waste Science and Technology (SFWST) Campaign of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy, Office of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition (SFWD), has been conducting research and development on generic deep geologic disposal systems (i.e., geologic repositories). This report describes specific activities in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 associated with the Geologic Disposal Safety Assessment (GDSA) Repository Systems Analysis (RSA) work package within the SFWST Campaign. The overall objective of the GDSA RSA work package is to develop generic deep geologic repository concepts and system performance assessment (PA) models in several host-rock environments, and to simulate and analyze these generic repository concepts and models using the GDSA Framework toolkit, and other tools as needed.

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Geomechanical response due to nonisothermal fluid injection into a reservoir☆

Advances in Water Resources

Green, Christopher P.; Wilkins, Andy; Ennis-King, Jonathan; LaForce, Tara

Th geomechanical response of a porous reservoir due to injection of fluid can result from a complex interplay between the changes in porepressure and temperature near the wellbore. As a result, predictions are usually made using either simplified analytical models, which may apply unrealistic assumptions in order to produce a tractable model, or detailed numerical simulations that can be computationally expensive. LaForce et al. (2014a, 2014b) developed a semi-analytical model for the geomechanical response of a reservoir to nonisothermal, multi-phase fluid injection, which has been used in studies of CO2 sequestration. We demonstrate that a numerical solution using the MOOSE software precisely matches the analytical formulae. We then include various effects in the numerical model that relax the simplifying assumptions made in the analytical derivation. We find the analytic and numerical solutions for the fluid and temperature fronts still agree reasonably, while only qualitative agreement is observed for other quantities such as stress and displacement. We conclude the LaForce et al. (2014a,b) solutions are useful for rapid investigation of projects involving injection of cold fluid into warm aquifers. However, the enhancements afforded by MOOSE, such as high-precision fluid equations of state and the ability to more accurately capture geological complexity, along with its computational scalability which greatly reduces runtimes, means that MOOSE should be preferred for more sophisticated analyses. Because validating complex coupled codes is challenging, we propose that the model contained herein can be used as a benchmark for other coupled codes.

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Progress in Deep Geologic Disposal Safety Assessment in the U.S. since 2010

Mariner, Paul M.; Connolly, Laura A.; Cunningham, Leigh C.; Debusschere, Bert D.; Dobson, David C.; Frederick, Jennifer M.; Hammond, Glenn E.; Jordan, Spencer H.; LaForce, Tara; Nole, Michael A.; Park, Heeho D.; Perry, Frank V.; Rogers, Ralph D.; Seidl, Daniel T.; Sevougian, Stephen D.; Stein, Emily S.; Swift, Peter N.; Swiler, Laura P.; Vo, Jonathan V.; Wallace, Michael G.

Abstract not provided.

Illuminating the geology: Post-injection reservoir characterisation of the CO2CRC Otway site

International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control

Dance, Tess D.; LaForce, Tara; Glubokovskikh, Stanislav G.; Ennis-King, Jonathan E.; Pevzner, Roman P.

Proper site characterisation is essential in the planning stages of a CO2 storage project; but we can also learn a good deal about the reservoir once the injection is underway or has been completed. During CO2CRC Otway Project Stage 2C, sources of valuable information about storage performance have been generated as a consequence of the staged injection of 15,000 t of CO2 rich gas, as well as observations from time-lapse seismic surveys and well monitoring data. Now that injection has ceased for Stage 2C, the geological model is compared against field observations for the period spanning injection and 23 months after injection ended. The post-injection reservoir characterisation has proven critical to refine the static and dynamic models for future field development and added assurance about the long-term stabilisation of the CO2 plume. The south-eastern progress of plume development, as seen on the time-lapse seismic data, has led to a review of the structural interpretation and horizon-fault geometry represented in the models. The developing plume has illuminated the extent of splay faults previously unresolved on the baseline seismic data. Saturation profiles interpreted from pulsed-neutron logs at the injection and observation wells show a preference for higher saturations occurring in high permeability distributary channels penetrated by each of the wells. This has reduced the uncertainty in predicting connectivity of this facies between the wells. The pressure data from numerous injection events has been used to refine the characterisation of the average horizontal permeability of the reservoir zone, and the vertical permeability of the intra-formational seal. Furthermore, it has been used to infer near-field bounding conditions of the interior splay fault, which in turn improves our understanding of containment at the site.

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Benchmarking and QA testing in PFLOTRAN

International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management 2019, IHLRWM 2019

LaForce, Tara; Frederick, Jennifer M.; Hammond, Glenn E.; Stein, Emily S.; Mariner, Paul E.

PFLOTRAN is well-established in single-phase reactive transport problems, and current research is expanding its visibility and capability in two-phase subsurface problems. A critical part of the development of simulation software is quality assurance (QA). The purpose of the present work is QA testing to verify the correct implementation and accuracy of two-phase flow models in PFLOTRAN. An important early step in QA is to verify the code against exact solutions from the literature. In this work a series of QA tests on models that have known analytical solutions are conducted using PFLOTRAN. In each case the simulated saturation profile is rigorously shown to converge to the exact analytical solution. These results verify the accuracy of PFLOTRAN for use in a wide variety of two-phase modelling problems with a high degree of nonlinearity in the interaction between phase behavior and fluid flow.

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31 Results
31 Results