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Stochastic Gradients for Large-Scale Tensor Decomposition

SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science

Kolda, Tamara G.; Hong, David H.

Tensor decomposition is a well-known tool for multiway data analysis. This work proposes using stochastic gradients for efficient generalized canonical polyadic (GCP) tensor decomposition of large-scale tensors. GCP tensor decomposition is a recently proposed version of tensor decomposition that allows for a variety of loss functions such as Bernoulli loss for binary data or Huber loss for robust estimation. Here, the stochastic gradient is formed from randomly sampled elements of the tensor and is efficient because it can be computed using the sparse matricized-tensor times Khatri--Rao product tensor kernel. For dense tensors, we simply use uniform sampling. For sparse tensors, we propose two types of stratified sampling that give precedence to sampling nonzeros. Numerical results demonstrate the advantages of the proposed approach and its scalability to large-scale problems.

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Faster Johnson–Lindenstrauss transforms via Kronecker products

Information and inference (Online)

Jin, Ruhui J.; Ward, Rachel W.; Kolda, Tamara G.

The Kronecker product is an important matrix operation with a wide range of applications in signal processing, graph theory, quantum computing and deep learning. In this work, we introduce a generalization of the fast Johnson–Lindenstrauss projection for embedding vectors with Kronecker product structure, the Kronecker fast Johnson–Lindenstrauss transform (KFJLT). The KFJLT reduces the embedding cost by an exponential factor of the standard fast Johnson–Lindenstrauss transform’s cost when applied to vectors with Kronecker structure, by avoiding explicitly forming the full Kronecker products. Here, we prove that this computational gain comes with only a small price in embedding power: consider a finite set of $p$ points in a tensor product of $d$ constituent Euclidean spaces $\bigotimes _{k=d}^{1}{\mathbb{R}}^{n_k}$, and let $N = \prod _{k=1}^{d}n_k$. With high probability, a random KFJLT matrix of dimension $m \times N$ embeds the set of points up to multiplicative distortion $(1\pm \varepsilon )$ provided $m \gtrsim \varepsilon ^{-2} \, \log ^{2d - 1} (p) \, \log N$. We conclude by describing a direct application of the KFJLT to the efficient solution of large-scale Kronecker-structured least squares problems for fitting the CP tensor decomposition.

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Mathematics: The Tao of Data Science

Harvard Data Science Review

Kolda, Tamara G.

The two pieces, "Ten Research Challenge Areas in Data Science" by Jeannette M. Wing and “Challenges and Opportunities in Statistics and Data Science: Ten Research Areas” by Xuming He and Xihong Lin, provide an impressively complete list of data science challenges from luminaries in the field of data science. They have done an extraordinary job, so this response offers a complementary viewpoint from a mathematical perspective and evangelizes advanced mathematics as a key tool for meeting the challenges they have laid out. Notably, we pick up the themes of scientific understanding of machine learning and deep learning, computational considerations such as cloud computing and scalability, balancing computational and statistical considerations, and inference with limited data. We propose that mathematics is an important key to establishing rigor in the field of data science and as such has an essential role to play in its future.

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TuckerMPI: A Parallel C++/MPI Software Package for Large-scale Data Compression via the Tucker Tensor Decomposition

ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software

Ballard, Grey; Klinvex, Alicia; Kolda, Tamara G.

Our goal is compression of massive-scale grid-structured data, such as the multi-terabyte output of a high-fidelity computational simulation. For such data sets, we have developed a new software package called TuckerMPI, a parallel C++/MPI software package for compressing distributed data. The approach is based on treating the data as a tensor, i.e., a multidimensional array, and computing its truncated Tucker decomposition, a higher-order analogue to the truncated singular value decomposition of a matrix. The result is a low-rank approximation of the original tensor-structured data. Compression efficiency is achieved by detecting latent global structure within the data, which we contrast to most compression methods that are focused on local structure. In this work, we describe TuckerMPI, our implementation of the truncated Tucker decomposition, including details of the data distribution and in-memory layouts, the parallel and serial implementations of the key kernels, and analysis of the storage, communication, and computational costs. We test the software on 4.5 and 6.7 terabyte data sets distributed across 100 s of nodes (1,000 s of MPI processes), achieving compression ratios between 100 and 200,000×, which equates to 99-99.999% compression (depending on the desired accuracy) in substantially less time than it would take to even read the same dataset from a parallel file system. Moreover, we show that our method also allows for reconstruction of partial or down-sampled data on a single node, without a parallel computer so long as the reconstructed portion is small enough to fit on a single machine, e.g., in the instance of reconstructing/visualizing a single down-sampled time step or computing summary statistics. The code is available at

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Generalized Canonical Polyadic Tensor Decomposition

SIAM Review

Hong, David; Kolda, Tamara G.; Duersch, Jed A.

Tensor decomposition is a fundamental unsupervised machine learning method in data science, with applications including network analysis and sensor data processing. This work develops a generalized canonical polyadic (GCP) low-rank tensor decomposition that allows other loss functions besides squared error. For instance, we can use logistic loss or Kullback{Leibler divergence, enabling tensor decomposition for binary or count data. We present a variety of statistically motivated loss functions for various scenarios. We provide a generalized framework for computing gradients and handling missing data that enables the use of standard optimization methods for fitting the model. We demonstrate the exibility of the GCP decomposition on several real-world examples including interactions in a social network, neural activity in a mouse, and monthly rainfall measurements in India.

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Estimating higher-order moments using symmetric tensor decomposition

SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Sherman, Samantha; Kolda, Tamara G.

We consider the problem of decomposing higher-order moment tensors, i.e., the sum of symmetric outer products of data vectors. Such a decomposition can be used to estimate the means in a Gaussian mixture model and for other applications in machine learning. The dth-order empirical moment tensor of a set of p observations of n variables is a symmetric d-way tensor. Our goal is to find a low-rank tensor approximation comprising r < p symmetric outer products. The challenge is that forming the empirical moment tensors costs O(pnd) operations and O(nd) storage, which may be prohibitively expensive; additionally, the algorithm to compute the low-rank approximation costs O(nd) per iteration. Our contribution is avoiding formation of the moment tensor, computing the low-rank tensor approximation of the moment tensor implicitly using O(pnr) operations per iteration and no extra memory. This advance opens the door to more applications of higher-order moments since they can now be efficiently computed. We present numerical evidence of the computational savings and show an example of estimating the means for higher-order moments.

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Final Report: Parallel Tensor Decompositions for Massive Heterogeneous Incomplete Data (LDRD Project 199986)

Kolda, Tamara G.

We extended the fundamental capabilities of tensor decomposition to a broader range of problems - handling new data types and larger problems. This has implications for data analysis across a range of applications in sensor monitoring, cybersecurity, treaty verification, signal processing, etc. Identifies latent structure within data, enabling anomaly detection, process monitoring, scientific discovery.

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Software for sparse tensor decomposition on emerging computing architectures

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Phipps, Eric T.; Kolda, Tamara G.

In this paper, we develop software for decomposing sparse tensors that is portable to and performant on a variety of multicore, manycore, and GPU computing architectures. The result is a single code whose performance matches optimized architecture-specific implementations. The key to a portable approach is to determine multiple levels of parallelism that can be mapped in different ways to different architectures, and we explain how to do this for the matricized tensor times Khatri-Rao product (MTTKRP), which is the key kernel in canonical polyadic tensor decomposition. Our implementation leverages the Kokkos framework, which enables a single code to achieve high performance across multiple architectures that differ in how they approach fine-grained parallelism. We also introduce a new construct for portable thread-local arrays, which we call compile-time polymorphic arrays. Not only are the specifics of our approaches and implementation interesting for tuning tensor computations, but they also provide a roadmap for developing other portable high-performance codes. As a last step in optimizing performance, we modify the MTTKRP algorithm itself to do a permuted traversal of tensor nonzeros to reduce atomic-write contention. We test the performance of our implementation on 16- and 68-core Intel CPUs and the K80 and P100 NVIDIA GPUs, showing that we are competitive with state-of-the-art architecture-specific codes while having the advantage of being able to run on a variety of architectures.

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An improved hyperbolic embedding algorithm

Journal of Complex Networks

Chowdhary, Kenny; Kolda, Tamara G.

Because hyperbolic space has properties that make it amenable to graph representations, there is significant interest in scalable hyperbolic-space embedding methods. These embeddings enable constant-time approximation of shortest-path distances, and so are significantly more efficient than full shortest-path computations. In this article, we improve on existing landmark-based hyperbolic embedding algorithms for large-scale graphs. Whereas previous methods compute the embedding by using the derivative-free Nelder- Mead simplex optimization method, our approach uses the limited-memoryBFGS(LBFGS) method, which is quasi-Newton optimization, with analytic gradients. Our method is not only significantly faster but also produces higher-quality embeddings. Moreover, we are able to include the hyperbolic curvature as a variable in the optimization. We compare our hyperbolic embedding method implementation in Python (called Hypy) against the best publicly available software, Rigel. Our method is an order of magnitude faster and shows significant improvements in the accuracy of the shortest-path distance calculations. Tests are performed on a variety of real-world networks, and we show the scalability of our method by embedding a graph with 1.8 billion edges and 65 million nodes.

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Unsupervised Discovery of Demixed, Low-Dimensional Neural Dynamics across Multiple Timescales through Tensor Component Analysis


Williams, Alex H.; Kim, Tony H.; Wang, Forea; Vyas, Saurabh; Ryu, Stephen I.; Shenoy, Krishna V.; Schnitzer, Mark; Kolda, Tamara G.; Ganguli, Surya

Perceptions, thoughts, and actions unfold over millisecond timescales, while learned behaviors can require many days to mature. While recent experimental advances enable large-scale and long-term neural recordings with high temporal fidelity, it remains a formidable challenge to extract unbiased and interpretable descriptions of how rapid single-trial circuit dynamics change slowly over many trials to mediate learning. We demonstrate a simple tensor component analysis (TCA) can meet this challenge by extracting three interconnected, low-dimensional descriptions of neural data: neuron factors, reflecting cell assemblies; temporal factors, reflecting rapid circuit dynamics mediating perceptions, thoughts, and actions within each trial; and trial factors, describing both long-term learning and trial-to-trial changes in cognitive state. We demonstrate the broad applicability of TCA by revealing insights into diverse datasets derived from artificial neural networks, large-scale calcium imaging of rodent prefrontal cortex during maze navigation, and multielectrode recordings of macaque motor cortex during brain machine interface learning. Williams et al. describe an unsupervised method to uncover simple structure in large-scale recordings by extracting distinct cell assemblies with rapid within-trial dynamics, reflecting interpretable aspects of perceptions, actions, and thoughts, and slower across-trial dynamics reflecting learning and internal state changes.

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Unsupervised Learning Through Randomized Algorithms for High-Volume High-Velocity Data (ULTRA-HV)

Pinar, Ali P.; Kolda, Tamara G.; Carlberg, Kevin T.; Ballard, Grey B.; Mahoney, Michael M.

Through long-term investments in computing, algorithms, facilities, and instrumentation, DOE is an established leader in massive-scale, high-fidelity simulations, as well as science-leading experimentation. In both cases, DOE is generating more data than it can analyze and the problem is intensifying quickly. The need for advanced algorithms that can automatically convert the abundance of data into a wealth of useful information by discovering hidden structures is well recognized. Such efforts however, are hindered by the massive volume of the data and its high velocity. Here, the challenge is developing unsupervised learning methods to discover hidden structure in high-volume, high-velocity data.

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Measuring and modeling bipartite graphs with community structure

Journal of Complex Networks

Aksoy, Sinan G.; Kolda, Tamara G.; Pinar, Ali P.

Network science is a powerful tool for analyzing complex systems in fields ranging from sociology to engineering to biology. This article is focused on generative models of large-scale bipartite graphs, also known as two-way graphs or two-mode networks. We propose two generative models that can be easily tuned to reproduce the characteristics of real-world networks, not just qualitatively but quantitatively. The characteristics we consider are the degree distributions and the metamorphosis coefficient. The metamorphosis coefficient, a bipartite analogue of the clustering coefficient, is the proportion of length-three paths that participate in length-four cycles. Having a high metamorphosis coefficient is a necessary condition for close-knit community structure. We define edge, node and degreewise metamorphosis coefficients, enabling a more detailed understanding of the bipartite connectivity that is not explained by degree distribution alone. Our first model, bipartite Chung-Lu, is able to reproduce real-world degree distributions, and our second model, bipartite block two-level Erdös-Rényi, reproduces both the degree distributions as well as the degreewise metamorphosis coefficients. We demonstrate the effectiveness of these models on several real-world data sets.

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Directed closure measures for networks with reciprocity

Journal of Complex Networks

Comandur, Seshadhri C.; Pinar, Ali P.; Durak, Nurcan; Kolda, Tamara G.

The study of triangles in graphs is a standard tool in network analysis, leading to measures such as the transitivity, i.e., the fraction of paths of length two that participate in triangles. Real-world networks are often directed, and it can be difficult to meaningfully understand this network structure. We propose a collection of directed closure values for measuring triangles in directed graphs in a way that is analogous to transitivity in an undirected graph. Our study of these values reveals much information about directed triadic closure. For instance, we immediately see that reciprocal edges have a high propensity to participate in triangles. We also observe striking similarities between the triadic closure patterns of different web and social networks. We perform mathematical and empirical analysis showing that directed configuration models that preserve reciprocity cannot capture the triadic closure patterns of real networks.

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Parallel Tensor Compression for Large-Scale Scientific Data

Proceedings - 2016 IEEE 30th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2016

Austin, Woody; Ballard, Grey B.; Kolda, Tamara G.

As parallel computing trends towards the exascale, scientific data produced by high-fidelity simulations are growing increasingly massive. For instance, a simulation on a three-dimensional spatial grid with 512 points per dimension that tracks 64 variables per grid point for 128 time steps yields 8 TB of data, assuming double precision. By viewing the data as a dense five-way tensor, we can compute a Tucker decomposition to find inherent low-dimensional multilinear structure, achieving compression ratios of up to 5000 on real-world data sets with negligible loss in accuracy. So that we can operate on such massive data, we present the first-ever distributed-memory parallel implementation for the Tucker decomposition, whose key computations correspond to parallel linear algebra operations, albeit with nonstandard data layouts. Our approach specifies a data distribution for tensors that avoids any tensor data redistribution, either locally or in parallel. We provide accompanying analysis of the computation and communication costs of the algorithms. To demonstrate the compression and accuracy of the method, we apply our approach to real-world data sets from combustion science simulations. We also provide detailed performance results, including parallel performance in both weak and strong scaling experiments.

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Diamond sampling for approximate maximum all-pairs dot-product (MAD) search

Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, ICDM

Ballard, Grey B.; Kolda, Tamara G.; Pinar, Ali P.; Seshadhri, C.

Given two sets of vectors, A = {a1→,... , am→} and B = {b1→,... , bn→}, our problem is to find the top-t dot products, i.e., the largest |ai→ · bj→| among all possible pairs. This is a fundamental mathematical problem that appears in numerous data applications involving similarity search, link prediction, and collaborative filtering. We propose a sampling-based approach that avoids direct computation of all mn dot products. We select diamonds (i.e., four-cycles) from the weighted tripartite representation of A and B. The probability of selecting a diamond corresponding to pair (i, j) is proportional to (ai→ · bj→)2, amplifying the focus on the largest-magnitude entries. Experimental results indicate that diamond sampling is orders of magnitude faster than direct computation and requires far fewer samples than any competing approach. We also apply diamond sampling to the special case of maximum inner product search, and get significantly better results than the state-of-theart hashing methods.

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Triangular Alignment (TAME). A Tensor-based Approach for Higher-order Network Alignment

Kolda, Tamara G.; Mohammadi, Shahin M.; Gleich, David F.; Grama, Ananth G.

Network alignment is an important tool with extensive applications in comparative interactomics. Traditional approaches aim to simultaneously maximize the number of conserved edges and the underlying similarity of aligned entities. We propose a novel formulation of the network alignment problem that extends topological similarity to higher-order structures and provide a new objective function that maximizes the number of aligned substructures. This objective function corresponds to an integer programming problem, which is NP-hard. Consequently, we approximate this objective function as a surrogate function whose maximization results in a tensor eigenvalue problem. Based on this formulation, we present an algorithm called Triangular AlignMEnt (TAME), which attempts to maximize the number of aligned triangles across networks. We focus on alignment of triangles because of their enrichment in complex networks; however, our formulation and resulting algorithms can be applied to general motifs. Using a case study on the NAPABench dataset, we show that TAME is capable of producing alignments with up to 99% accuracy in terms of aligned nodes. We further evaluate our method by aligning yeast and human interactomes. Our results indicate that TAME outperforms the state-of-art alignment methods both in terms of biological and topological quality of the alignments.

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Newton-based optimization for Kullback-Leibler nonnegative tensor factorizations

Optimization Methods and Software

Hansen, Samantha; Plantenga, Todd P.; Kolda, Tamara G.

Tensor factorizations with nonnegativity constraints have found application in analysing data from cyber traffic, social networks, and other areas. We consider application data best described as being generated by a Poisson process (e.g. count data), which leads to sparse tensors that can be modelled by sparse factor matrices. In this paper, we investigate efficient techniques for computing an appropriate canonical polyadic tensor factorization based on the Kullback-Leibler divergence function. We propose novel subproblem solvers within the standard alternating block variable approach. Our new methods exploit structure and reformulate the optimization problem as small independent subproblems. We employ bound-constrained Newton and quasi-Newton methods. We compare our algorithms against other codes, demonstrating superior speed for high accuracy results and the ability to quickly find sparse solutions.

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A brief summary on formalizing parallel tensor distributions redistributions and algorithm derivations

Schatz, Martin D.; Kolda, Tamara G.; van de Geijn, Robert v.

Large-scale datasets in computational chemistry typically require distributed-memory parallel methods to perform a special operation known as tensor contraction. Tensors are multidimensional arrays, and a tensor contraction is akin to matrix multiplication with special types of permutations. Creating an efficient algorithm and optimized im- plementation in this domain is complex, tedious, and error-prone. To address this, we develop a notation to express data distributions so that we can apply use automated methods to find optimized implementations for tensor contractions. We consider the spin-adapted coupled cluster singles and doubles method from computational chemistry and use our methodology to produce an efficient implementation. Experiments per- formed on the IBM Blue Gene/Q and Cray XC30 demonstrate impact both improved performance and reduced memory consumption.

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Numerical optimization for symmetric tensor decomposition

Mathematical Programming

Kolda, Tamara G.

We consider the problem of decomposing a real-valued symmetric tensor as the sum of outer products of real-valued vectors. Algebraic methods exist for computing complex-valued decompositions of symmetric tensors, but here we focus on real-valued decompositions, both unconstrained and nonnegative, for problems with low-rank structure. We discuss when solutions exist and how to formulate the mathematical program. Numerical results show the properties of the proposed formulations (including one that ignores symmetry) on a set of test problems and illustrate that these straightforward formulations can be effective even though the problem is nonconvex.

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Wedge sampling for computing clustering coefficients and triangle counts on large graphs

Statistical Analysis and Data Mining

Comandur, Seshadhri C.; Pinar, Ali P.; Kolda, Tamara G.

Graphs are used to model interactions in a variety of contexts, and there is a growing need to quickly assess the structure of such graphs. Some of the most useful graph metrics are based on triangles, such as those measuring social cohesion. Algorithms to compute them can be extremely expensive, even for moderately sized graphs with only millions of edges. Previous work has considered node and edge sampling; in contrast, we consider wedge sampling, which provides faster and more accurate approximations than competing techniques. Additionally, wedge sampling enables estimating local clustering coefficients, degree-wise clustering coefficients, uniform triangle sampling, and directed triangle counts. Our methods come with provable and practical probabilistic error estimates for all computations. We provide extensive results that show our methods are both more accurate and faster than state-of-the-art alternatives. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

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A scalable generative graph model with community structure

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Kolda, Tamara G.; Pinar, Ali; Plantenga, Todd P.; Comandur, Seshadhri C.

Network data is ubiquitous and growing, yet we lack realistic generative network models that can be calibrated to match real-world data. The recently proposed block two-level Erd?os- Rényi (BTER) model can be tuned to capture two fundamental properties: degree distribution and clustering coefficients. The latter is particularly important for reproducing graphs with community structure, such as social networks. In this paper, we compare BTER to other scalable models and show that it gives a better fit to real data. We provide a scalable implementation that requires only O(dmax) storage, where dmax is the maximum number of neighbors for a single node. The generator is trivially parallelizable, and we show results for a Hadoop MapReduce implementation for modeling a real-worldWeb graph with over 4.6 billion edges. We propose that the BTER model can be used as a graph generator for benchmarking purposes and provide idealized degree distributions and clustering coefficient profiles that can be tuned for user specifications.

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An adaptive shifted power method for computing generalized tensor eigenpairs

SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Kolda, Tamara G.; Mayo, Jackson M.

Several tensor eigenpair definitions have been put forth in the past decade, but these can all be unified under generalized tensor eigenpair framework, introduced by Chang, Pearson, and Zhang [J. Math. Anal. Appl., 350 (2009), pp. 416-422]. Given mth-order, n-dimensional realvalued symmetric tensors A and B, the goal is to find λ ε ℝ and x ε ℝn, x ≠= 0 such that Axm-1 = λBxm-1. Different choices for B yield different versions of the tensor eigenvalue problem. We present our generalized eigenproblem adaptive power (GEAP) method for solving the problem, which is an extension of the shifted symmetric higher-order power method (SS-HOPM) for finding Z-eigenpairs. A major drawback of SS-HOPM is that its performance depended on choosing an appropriate shift, but our GEAP method also includes an adaptive method for choosing the shift automatically.

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Community structure and scale-free collections of Erdos-Rényi graphs

Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics

Seshadhri, C.; Kolda, Tamara G.; Pinar, Ali P.

Community structure plays a significant role in the analysis of social networks and similar graphs, yet this structure is little understood and not well captured by most models. We formally define a community to be a subgraph that is internally highly connected and has no deeper substructure. We use tools of combinatorics to show that any such community must contain a dense Erdos-Rényi (ER) subgraph. Based on mathematical arguments, we hypothesize that any graph with a heavy-tailed degree distribution and community structure must contain a scale-free collection of dense ER subgraphs. These theoretical observations corroborate well with empirical evidence. From this, we propose the Block Two-Level Erdos-Rényi (BTER) model, and demonstrate that it accurately captures the observable properties of many real-world social networks. © 2012 American Physical Society.

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C%2B%2B tensor toolbox user manual

Plantenga, Todd P.; Kolda, Tamara G.

The C++ Tensor Toolbox is a software package for computing tensor decompositions. It is based on the Matlab Tensor Toolbox, and is particularly optimized for sparse data sets. This user manual briefly overviews tensor decomposition mathematics, software capabilities, and installation of the package. Tensors (also known as multidimensional arrays or N-way arrays) are used in a variety of applications ranging from chemometrics to network analysis. The Tensor Toolbox provides classes for manipulating dense, sparse, and structured tensors in C++. The Toolbox compiles into libraries and is intended for use with custom applications written by users.

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Efficiently computing tensor eigenvalues on a GPU

IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing Workshops and Phd Forum

Ballard, Grey B.; Kolda, Tamara G.; Plantenga, Todd P.

The tensor eigenproblem has many important applications, generating both mathematical and application-specific interest in the properties of tensor eigenpairs and methods for computing them. A tensor is an m-way array, generalizing the concept of a matrix (a 2-way array). Kolda and Mayo [1] have recently introduced a generalization of the matrix power method for computing real-valued tensor eigenpairs of symmetric tensors. In this work, we present an efficient implementation of their algorithm, exploiting symmetry in order to save storage, data movement, and computation. For an application involving repeatedly solving the tensor eigenproblem for many small tensors, we describe how a GPU can be used to accelerate the computations. On an NVIDIA Tesla C 2050 (Fermi) GPU, we achieve 318 Gflops/s (31% of theoretical peak performance in single precision) on our test data set. © 2011 IEEE.

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COMET: A recipe for learning and using large ensembles on massive data

Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, ICDM

Basilico, Justin D.; Munson, M.A.; Kolda, Tamara G.; Dixon, Kevin R.; Kegelmeyer, William P.

COMET is a single-pass MapReduce algorithm for learning on large-scale data. It builds multiple random forest ensembles on distributed blocks of data and merges them into a mega-ensemble. This approach is appropriate when learning from massive-scale data that is too large to fit on a single machine. To get the best accuracy, IVoting should be used instead of bagging to generate the training subset for each decision tree in the random forest. Experiments with two large datasets (5GB and 50GB compressed) show that COMET compares favorably (in both accuracy and training time) to learning on a subsample of data using a serial algorithm. Finally, we propose a new Gaussian approach for lazy ensemble evaluation which dynamically decides how many ensemble members to evaluate per data point; this can reduce evaluation cost by 100X or more. © 2011 IEEE.

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Analytics for Cyber Network Defense

Plantenga, Todd P.; Kolda, Tamara G.

This report provides a brief survey of analytics tools considered relevant to cyber network defense (CND). Ideas and tools come from elds such as statistics, data mining, and knowledge discovery. Some analytics are considered standard mathematical or statistical techniques, while others re ect current research directions. In all cases the report attempts to explain the relevance to CND with brief examples.

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Making tensor factorizations robust to non-gaussian noise

Kolda, Tamara G.

Tensors are multi-way arrays, and the CANDECOMP/PARAFAC (CP) tensor factorization has found application in many different domains. The CP model is typically fit using a least squares objective function, which is a maximum likelihood estimate under the assumption of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) Gaussian noise. We demonstrate that this loss function can be highly sensitive to non-Gaussian noise. Therefore, we propose a loss function based on the 1-norm because it can accommodate both Gaussian and grossly non-Gaussian perturbations. We also present an alternating majorization-minimization (MM) algorithm for fitting a CP model using our proposed loss function (CPAL1) and compare its performance to the workhorse algorithm for fitting CP models, CP alternating least squares (CPALS).

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Shifted power method for computing tensor eigenpairs

Kolda, Tamara G.; Dunlavy, Daniel D.

Recent work on eigenvalues and eigenvectors for tensors of order m {>=} 3 has been motivated by applications in blind source separation, magnetic resonance imaging, molecular conformation, and more. In this paper, we consider methods for computing real symmetric-tensor eigenpairs of the form Ax{sup m-1} = {lambda}x subject to {parallel}x{parallel} = 1, which is closely related to optimal rank-1 approximation of a symmetric tensor. Our contribution is a novel shifted symmetric higher-order power method (SS-HOPM), which we showis guaranteed to converge to a tensor eigenpair. SS-HOPM can be viewed as a generalization of the power iteration method for matrices or of the symmetric higher-order power method. Additionally, using fixed point analysis, we can characterize exactly which eigenpairs can and cannot be found by the method. Numerical examples are presented, including examples from an extension of the method to fnding complex eigenpairs.

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Asynchronous parallel hybrid optimization combining DIRECT and GSS

Optimization Methods and Software

Griffin, Joshua D.; Kolda, Tamara G.

In this paper, we explore hybrid parallel global optimization using Dividing Rectangles (DIRECT) and asynchronous generating set search (GSS). Both DIRECT and GSS are derivative-free and so require only objective function values; this makes these methods applicable to a wide variety of science and engineering problems. DIRECT is a global search method that strategically divides the search space into ever-smaller rectangles, sampling the objective function at the centre point for each rectangle. GSS is a local search method that samples the objective function at trial points around the current best point, i.e. the point with the lowest function value. Latin hypercube sampling can be used to seed GSS with a good starting point. Using a set of global optimization test problems, we compare the parallel performance of DIRECT and GSS with hybrids that combine the two methods. Our experiments suggest that the hybrid methods are much faster than DIRECT and scale better when more processors are added. This improvement in performance is achieved without any sacrifice in the quality of the solution - the hybrid methods find the global optimum whenever DIRECT does. © 2010 Taylor & Francis.

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LDRD final report : leveraging multi-way linkages on heterogeneous data

Dunlavy, Daniel D.; Kolda, Tamara G.

This report is a summary of the accomplishments of the 'Leveraging Multi-way Linkages on Heterogeneous Data' which ran from FY08 through FY10. The goal was to investigate scalable and robust methods for multi-way data analysis. We developed a new optimization-based method called CPOPT for fitting a particular type of tensor factorization to data; CPOPT was compared against existing methods and found to be more accurate than any faster method and faster than any equally accurate method. We extended this method to computing tensor factorizations for problems with incomplete data; our results show that you can recover scientifically meaningfully factorizations with large amounts of missing data (50% or more). The project has involved 5 members of the technical staff, 2 postdocs, and 1 summer intern. It has resulted in a total of 13 publications, 2 software releases, and over 30 presentations. Several follow-on projects have already begun, with more potential projects in development.

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Scalable tensor factorizations with incomplete data

Kolda, Tamara G.; Dunlavy, Daniel D.

The problem of incomplete data - i.e., data with missing or unknown values - in multi-way arrays is ubiquitous in biomedical signal processing, network traffic analysis, bibliometrics, social network analysis, chemometrics, computer vision, communication networks, etc. We consider the problem of how to factorize data sets with missing values with the goal of capturing the underlying latent structure of the data and possibly reconstructing missing values (i.e., tensor completion). We focus on one of the most well-known tensor factorizations that captures multi-linear structure, CANDECOMP/PARAFAC (CP). In the presence of missing data, CP can be formulated as a weighted least squares problem that models only the known entries. We develop an algorithm called CP-WOPT (CP Weighted OPTimization) that uses a first-order optimization approach to solve the weighted least squares problem. Based on extensive numerical experiments, our algorithm is shown to successfully factorize tensors with noise and up to 99% missing data. A unique aspect of our approach is that it scales to sparse large-scale data, e.g., 1000 x 1000 x 1000 with five million known entries (0.5% dense). We further demonstrate the usefulness of CP-WOPT on two real-world applications: a novel EEG (electroencephalogram) application where missing data is frequently encountered due to disconnections of electrodes and the problem of modeling computer network traffic where data may be absent due to the expense of the data collection process.

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Shifted power method for computing tensor eigenvalues

Kolda, Tamara G.; Mayo, Jackson M.

Recent work on eigenvalues and eigenvectors for tensors of order m >= 3 has been motivated by applications in blind source separation, magnetic resonance imaging, molecular conformation, and more. In this paper, we consider methods for computing real symmetric-tensor eigenpairs of the form Ax{sup m-1} = lambda x subject to ||x||=1, which is closely related to optimal rank-1 approximation of a symmetric tensor. Our contribution is a shifted symmetric higher-order power method (SS-HOPM), which we show is guaranteed to converge to a tensor eigenpair. SS-HOPM can be viewed as a generalization of the power iteration method for matrices or of the symmetric higher-order power method. Additionally, using fixed point analysis, we can characterize exactly which eigenpairs can and cannot be found by the method. Numerical examples are presented, including examples from an extension of the method to finding complex eigenpairs.

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Link prediction on evolving graphs using matrix and tensor factorizations

Kolda, Tamara G.; Dunlavy, Daniel D.

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Scalable tensor factorizations with missing data

Dunlavy, Daniel D.; Kolda, Tamara G.

The problem of missing data is ubiquitous in domains such as biomedical signal processing, network traffic analysis, bibliometrics, social network analysis, chemometrics, computer vision, and communication networks|all domains in which data collection is subject to occasional errors. Moreover, these data sets can be quite large and have more than two axes of variation, e.g., sender, receiver, time. Many applications in those domains aim to capture the underlying latent structure of the data; in other words, they need to factorize data sets with missing entries. If we cannot address the problem of missing data, many important data sets will be discarded or improperly analyzed. Therefore, we need a robust and scalable approach for factorizing multi-way arrays (i.e., tensors) in the presence of missing data. We focus on one of the most well-known tensor factorizations, CANDECOMP/PARAFAC (CP), and formulate the CP model as a weighted least squares problem that models only the known entries. We develop an algorithm called CP-WOPT (CP Weighted OPTimization) using a first-order optimization approach to solve the weighted least squares problem. Based on extensive numerical experiments, our algorithm is shown to successfully factor tensors with noise and up to 70% missing data. Moreover, our approach is significantly faster than the leading alternative and scales to larger problems. To show the real-world usefulness of CP-WOPT, we illustrate its applicability on a novel EEG (electroencephalogram) application where missing data is frequently encountered due to disconnections of electrodes.

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Poblano v1.0 : a Matlab toolbox for gradient-based optimization

Dunlavy, Daniel D.; Kolda, Tamara G.

We present Poblano v1.0, a Matlab toolbox for solving gradient-based unconstrained optimization problems. Poblano implements three optimization methods (nonlinear conjugate gradients, limited-memory BFGS, and truncated Newton) that require only first order derivative information. In this paper, we describe the Poblano methods, provide numerous examples on how to use Poblano, and present results of Poblano used in solving problems from a standard test collection of unconstrained optimization problems.

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HOPSPACK: Hybrid Optimization Parallel Search Package

Kolda, Tamara G.

In this paper, we describe the technical details of HOPSPACK (Hybrid Optimization Parallel SearchPackage), a new software platform which facilitates combining multiple optimization routines into asingle, tightly-coupled, hybrid algorithm that supports parallel function evaluations. The frameworkis designed such that existing optimization source code can be easily incorporated with minimalcode modification. By maintaining the integrity of each individual solver, the strengths and codesophistication of the original optimization package are retained and exploited.4

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Multilinear algebra for analyzing data with multiple linkages

Dunlavy, Daniel D.; Kolda, Tamara G.; Kegelmeyer, William P.

Link analysis typically focuses on a single type of connection, e.g., two journal papers are linked because they are written by the same author. However, often we want to analyze data that has multiple linkages between objects, e.g., two papers may have the same keywords and one may cite the other. The goal of this paper is to show that multilinear algebra provides a tool for multilink analysis. We analyze five years of publication data from journals published by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. We explore how papers can be grouped in the context of multiple link types using a tensor to represent all the links between them. A PARAFAC decomposition on the resulting tensor yields information similar to the SVD decomposition of a standard adjacency matrix. We show how the PARAFAC decomposition can be used to understand the structure of the document space and define paper-paper similarities based on multiple linkages. Examples are presented where the decomposed tensor data is used to find papers similar to a body of work (e.g., related by topic or similar to a particular author's papers), find related authors using linkages other than explicit co-authorship or citations, distinguish between papers written by different authors with the same name, and predict the journal in which a paper was published.

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CPOPT : optimization for fitting CANDECOMP/PARAFAC models

Kolda, Tamara G.; Acar Ataman, Evrim N.; Dunlavy, Daniel D.

Tensor decompositions (e.g., higher-order analogues of matrix decompositions) are powerful tools for data analysis. In particular, the CANDECOMP/PARAFAC (CP) model has proved useful in many applications such chemometrics, signal processing, and web analysis; see for details. The problem of computing the CP decomposition is typically solved using an alternating least squares (ALS) approach. We discuss the use of optimization-based algorithms for CP, including how to efficiently compute the derivatives necessary for the optimization methods. Numerical studies highlight the positive features of our CPOPT algorithms, as compared with ALS and Gauss-Newton approaches.

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Resolving the sign ambiguity in the singular value decomposition

Journal of Chemometrics

Bro, R.; Acar, E.; Kolda, Tamara G.

Many modern data analysis methods involve computing a matrix singular value decomposition (SVD) or eigenvalue decomposition (EVD). Principal component analysis is the time-honored example, but more recent applications include latent semantic indexing (LSI), hypertext induced topic selection (HITS), clustering, classification, etc. Though the SVD and EVD are well established and can be computed via state-of-the-art algorithms, it is not commonly mentioned that there is an intrinsic sign indeterminacy that can significantly impact the conclusions and interpretations drawn from their results. Here we provide a solution to the sign ambiguity problem and show how it leads to more sensible solutions. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley amp; Sons, Ltd.

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Cross-language information retrieval using PARAFAC2

Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Chew, Peter A.; Bader, Brett W.; Kolda, Tamara G.; Abdelali, Ahmed

A standard approach to cross-language information retrieval (CLIR) uses Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) in conjunction with a multilingual parallel aligned corpus. This approach has been shown to be successful in identifying similar documents across languages - or more precisely, retrieving the most similar document in one language to a query in another language. However, the approach has severe drawbacks when applied to a related task, that of clustering documents 'language independently', so that documents about similar topics end up closest to one another in the semantic space regardless of their language. The problem is that documents are generally more similar to other documents in the same language than they are to documents in a different language, but on the same topic. As a result, when using multilingual LSA, documents will in practice cluster by language, not by topic. We propose a novel application of PARAFAC2 (which is a variant of PARAFAC, a multi-way generalization of the singular value decomposition [SVD]) to overcome this problem. Instead of forming a single multilingual term-by-document matrix which, under LSA, is subjected to SVD, we form an irregular three-way array, each slice of which is a separate term-by-document matrix for a single language in the parallel corpus. The goal is to compute an SVD for each language such that V (the matrix of right singular vectors) is the same across all languages. Effectively, PARAFAC2 imposes the constraint, not present in standard LSA, that the 'concepts' in all documents in the parallel corpus are the same regardless of language. Intuitively, this constraint makes sense, since the whole purpose of using a parallel corpus is that exactly the same concepts are expressed in the translations. We tested this approach by comparing the performance of PARAFAC2 with standard LSA in solving a particular CLIR problem. From our results, we conclude that PARAFAC2 offers a very promising alternative to LSA not only for multilingual document clustering, but also for solving other problems in crosslanguage information retrieval. © 2007 ACM.

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Cross-language information retrieval using PARAFAC2

Chew, Peter A.; Bader, Brett W.; Kolda, Tamara G.

A standard approach to cross-language information retrieval (CLIR) uses Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) in conjunction with a multilingual parallel aligned corpus. This approach has been shown to be successful in identifying similar documents across languages - or more precisely, retrieving the most similar document in one language to a query in another language. However, the approach has severe drawbacks when applied to a related task, that of clustering documents 'language-independently', so that documents about similar topics end up closest to one another in the semantic space regardless of their language. The problem is that documents are generally more similar to other documents in the same language than they are to documents in a different language, but on the same topic. As a result, when using multilingual LSA, documents will in practice cluster by language, not by topic. We propose a novel application of PARAFAC2 (which is a variant of PARAFAC, a multi-way generalization of the singular value decomposition [SVD]) to overcome this problem. Instead of forming a single multilingual term-by-document matrix which, under LSA, is subjected to SVD, we form an irregular three-way array, each slice of which is a separate term-by-document matrix for a single language in the parallel corpus. The goal is to compute an SVD for each language such that V (the matrix of right singular vectors) is the same across all languages. Effectively, PARAFAC2 imposes the constraint, not present in standard LSA, that the 'concepts' in all documents in the parallel corpus are the same regardless of language. Intuitively, this constraint makes sense, since the whole purpose of using a parallel corpus is that exactly the same concepts are expressed in the translations. We tested this approach by comparing the performance of PARAFAC2 with standard LSA in solving a particular CLIR problem. From our results, we conclude that PARAFAC2 offers a very promising alternative to LSA not only for multilingual document clustering, but also for solving other problems in cross-language information retrieval.

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Asynchronous parallel generating set search for linearly-constrained optimization

Kolda, Tamara G.; Griffin, Joshua G.

We describe an asynchronous parallel derivative-free algorithm for linearly-constrained optimization. Generating set search (GSS) is the basis of ourmethod. At each iteration, a GSS algorithm computes a set of search directionsand corresponding trial points and then evaluates the objective function valueat each trial point. Asynchronous versions of the algorithm have been developedin the unconstrained and bound-constrained cases which allow the iterations tocontinue (and new trial points to be generated and evaluated) as soon as anyother trial point completes. This enables better utilization of parallel resourcesand a reduction in overall runtime, especially for problems where the objec-tive function takes minutes or hours to compute. For linearly-constrained GSS,the convergence theory requires that the set of search directions conform to the3 nearby boundary. The complexity of developing the asynchronous algorithm forthe linearly-constrained case has to do with maintaining a suitable set of searchdirections as the search progresses and is the focus of this research. We describeour implementation in detail, including how to avoid function evaluations bycaching function values and using approximate look-ups. We test our imple-mentation on every CUTEr test problem with general linear constraints and upto 1000 variables. Without tuning to individual problems, our implementationwas able to solve 95% of the test problems with 10 or fewer variables, 75%of the problems with 11-100 variables, and nearly half of the problems with100-1000 variables. To the best of our knowledge, these are the best resultsthat have ever been achieved with a derivative-free method. Our asynchronousparallel implementation is freely available as part of the APPSPACK software.4

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Pattern analysis of directed graphs using DEDICOM: an application to Enron email

Bader, Brett W.; Kolda, Tamara G.

DEDICOM is a linear algebra model for analyzing intrinsically asymmetric relationships, such as trade among nations or the exchange of emails among individuals. DEDICOM decomposes a complex pattern of observed relations among objects into a sum of simpler patterns of inferred relations among latent components of the objects. Three-way DEDICOM is a higher-order extension of the model that incorporates a third mode of the data, such as time, giving it stronger uniqueness properties and consequently enhancing interpretability of solutions. In this paper, we present algorithms for computing these decompositions on large, sparse data as well as a variant for computing an asymmetric nonnegative factorization. When we apply these techniques to adjacency arrays arising from directed graphs with edges labeled by time, we obtain a smaller graph on latent semantic dimensions and gain additional information about their changing relationships over time. We demonstrate these techniques on the Enron email corpus to learn about the social networks and their transient behavior. The mixture of roles assigned to individuals by DEDICOM showed strong correspondence with known job classifications and revealed the patterns of communication between these roles. Changes in the communication pattern over time, e.g., between top executives and the legal department, were also apparent in the solutions.

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Dakota, a multilevel parallel object-oriented framework for design optimization, parameter estimation, uncertainty quantification, and sensitivity analysis:version 4.0 developers manual

Brown, Shannon L.; Griffin, Joshua G.; Hough, Patricia D.; Kolda, Tamara G.; Martinez-Canales, Monica L.; Williams, Pamela J.; Adams, Brian M.; Dunlavy, Daniel D.; Swiler, Laura P.; Giunta, Anthony A.; Hart, William E.; Watson, Jean-Paul W.; Eddy, John P.

The DAKOTA (Design Analysis Kit for Optimization and Terascale Applications) toolkit provides a flexible and extensible interface between simulation codes and iterative analysis methods. DAKOTA contains algorithms for optimization with gradient and nongradient-based methods; uncertainty quantification with sampling, reliability, and stochastic finite element methods; parameter estimation with nonlinear least squares methods; and sensitivity/variance analysis with design of experiments and parameter study methods. These capabilities may be used on their own or as components within advanced strategies such as surrogate-based optimization, mixed integer nonlinear programming, or optimization under uncertainty. By employing object-oriented design to implement abstractions of the key components required for iterative systems analyses, the DAKOTA toolkit provides a flexible and extensible problem-solving environment for design and performance analysis of computational models on high performance computers. This report serves as a developers manual for the DAKOTA software and describes the DAKOTA class hierarchies and their interrelationships. It derives directly from annotation of the actual source code and provides detailed class documentation, including all member functions and attributes.

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DAKOTA, a multilevel parellel object-oriented framework for design optimization, parameter estimation, uncertainty quantification, and sensitivity analysis:version 4.0 uers's manual

Swiler, Laura P.; Giunta, Anthony A.; Hart, William E.; Watson, Jean-Paul W.; Eddy, John P.; Griffin, Joshua G.; Hough, Patricia D.; Kolda, Tamara G.; Martinez-Canales, Monica L.; Williams, Pamela J.; Eldred, Michael S.; Brown, Shannon L.; Adams, Brian M.; Dunlavy, Daniel D.

The DAKOTA (Design Analysis Kit for Optimization and Terascale Applications) toolkit provides a flexible and extensible interface between simulation codes and iterative analysis methods. DAKOTA contains algorithms for optimization with gradient and nongradient-based methods; uncertainty quantification with sampling, reliability, and stochastic finite element methods; parameter estimation with nonlinear least squares methods; and sensitivity/variance analysis with design of experiments and parameter study methods. These capabilities may be used on their own or as components within advanced strategies such as surrogate-based optimization, mixed integer nonlinear programming, or optimization under uncertainty. By employing object-oriented design to implement abstractions of the key components required for iterative systems analyses, the DAKOTA toolkit provides a flexible and extensible problem-solving environment for design and performance analysis of computational models on high performance computers. This report serves as a user's manual for the DAKOTA software and provides capability overviews and procedures for software execution, as well as a variety of example studies.

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DAKOTA, a multilevel parallel object-oriented framework for design optimization, parameter estimation, uncertainty quantification, and sensitivity analysis:version 4.0 reference manual

Brown, Shannon L.; Griffin, Joshua G.; Hough, Patricia D.; Kolda, Tamara G.; Martinez-Canales, Monica L.; Williams, Pamela J.; Adams, Brian M.; Dunlavy, Daniel D.; Swiler, Laura P.; Giunta, Anthony A.; Hart, William E.; Watson, Jean-Paul W.; Eddy, John P.

The DAKOTA (Design Analysis Kit for Optimization and Terascale Applications) toolkit provides a flexible and extensible interface between simulation codes and iterative analysis methods. DAKOTA contains algorithms for optimization with gradient and nongradient-based methods; uncertainty quantification with sampling, reliability, and stochastic finite element methods; parameter estimation with nonlinear least squares methods; and sensitivity/variance analysis with design of experiments and parameter study methods. These capabilities may be used on their own or as components within advanced strategies such as surrogate-based optimization, mixed integer nonlinear programming, or optimization under uncertainty. By employing object-oriented design to implement abstractions of the key components required for iterative systems analyses, the DAKOTA toolkit provides a flexible and extensible problem-solving environment for design and performance analysis of computational models on high performance computers. This report serves as a reference manual for the commands specification for the DAKOTA software, providing input overviews, option descriptions, and example specifications.

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A generating set direct search augmented Lagrangian algorithm for optimization with a combination of general and linear constraints

Kolda, Tamara G.

We consider the solution of nonlinear programs in the case where derivatives of the objective function and nonlinear constraints are unavailable. To solve such problems, we propose an adaptation of a method due to Conn, Gould, Sartenaer, and Toint that proceeds by approximately minimizing a succession of linearly constrained augmented Lagrangians. Our modification is to use a derivative-free generating set direct search algorithm to solve the linearly constrained subproblems. The stopping criterion proposed by Conn, Gould, Sartenaer and Toint for the approximate solution of the subproblems requires explicit knowledge of derivatives. Such information is presumed absent in the generating set search method we employ. Instead, we show that stationarity results for linearly constrained generating set search methods provide a derivative-free stopping criterion, based on a step-length control parameter, that is sufficient to preserve the convergence properties of the original augmented Lagrangian algorithm.

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Temporal analysis of social networks using three-way DEDICOM

Kolda, Tamara G.

DEDICOM is an algebraic model for analyzing intrinsically asymmetric relationships, such as the balance of trade among nations or the flow of information among organizations or individuals. It provides information on latent components in the data that can be regarded as ''properties'' or ''aspects'' of the objects, and it finds a few patterns that can be combined to describe many relationships among these components. When we apply this technique to adjacency matrices arising from directed graphs, we obtain a smaller graph that gives an idealized description of its patterns. Three-way DEDICOM is a higher-order extension of the model that has certain uniqueness properties. It allows for a third mode of the data, such as time, and permits the analysis of semantic graphs. We present an improved algorithm for computing three-way DEDICOM on sparse data and demonstrate it by applying it to the adjacency tensor of a semantic graph with time-labeled edges. Our application uses the Enron email corpus, from which we construct a semantic graph corresponding to email exchanges among Enron personnel over a series of 44 months. Meaningful patterns are recovered in which the representation of asymmetries adds insight into the social networks at Enron.

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Multilinear operators for higher-order decompositions

Kolda, Tamara G.; Dunlavy, Daniel D.; Kegelmeyer, William P.

We propose two new multilinear operators for expressing the matrix compositions that are needed in the Tucker and PARAFAC (CANDECOMP) decompositions. The first operator, which we call the Tucker operator, is shorthand for performing an n-mode matrix multiplication for every mode of a given tensor and can be employed to concisely express the Tucker decomposition. The second operator, which we call the Kruskal operator, is shorthand for the sum of the outer-products of the columns of N matrices and allows a divorce from a matricized representation and a very concise expression of the PARAFAC decomposition. We explore the properties of the Tucker and Kruskal operators independently of the related decompositions. Additionally, we provide a review of the matrix and tensor operations that are frequently used in the context of tensor decompositions.

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Robust large-scale parallel nonlinear solvers for simulations

Bader, Brett W.; Pawlowski, Roger P.; Kolda, Tamara G.

This report documents research to develop robust and efficient solution techniques for solving large-scale systems of nonlinear equations. The most widely used method for solving systems of nonlinear equations is Newton's method. While much research has been devoted to augmenting Newton-based solvers (usually with globalization techniques), little has been devoted to exploring the application of different models. Our research has been directed at evaluating techniques using different models than Newton's method: a lower order model, Broyden's method, and a higher order model, the tensor method. We have developed large-scale versions of each of these models and have demonstrated their use in important applications at Sandia. Broyden's method replaces the Jacobian with an approximation, allowing codes that cannot evaluate a Jacobian or have an inaccurate Jacobian to converge to a solution. Limited-memory methods, which have been successful in optimization, allow us to extend this approach to large-scale problems. We compare the robustness and efficiency of Newton's method, modified Newton's method, Jacobian-free Newton-Krylov method, and our limited-memory Broyden method. Comparisons are carried out for large-scale applications of fluid flow simulations and electronic circuit simulations. Results show that, in cases where the Jacobian was inaccurate or could not be computed, Broyden's method converged in some cases where Newton's method failed to converge. We identify conditions where Broyden's method can be more efficient than Newton's method. We also present modifications to a large-scale tensor method, originally proposed by Bouaricha, for greater efficiency, better robustness, and wider applicability. Tensor methods are an alternative to Newton-based methods and are based on computing a step based on a local quadratic model rather than a linear model. The advantage of Bouaricha's method is that it can use any existing linear solver, which makes it simple to write and easily portable. However, the method usually takes twice as long to solve as Newton-GMRES on general problems because it solves two linear systems at each iteration. In this paper, we discuss modifications to Bouaricha's method for a practical implementation, including a special globalization technique and other modifications for greater efficiency. We present numerical results showing computational advantages over Newton-GMRES on some realistic problems. We further discuss a new approach for dealing with singular (or ill-conditioned) matrices. In particular, we modify an algorithm for identifying a turning point so that an increasingly ill-conditioned Jacobian does not prevent convergence.

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An overview of Trilinos

Heroux, Michael A.; Kolda, Tamara G.; Long, Kevin R.; Hoekstra, Robert J.; Pawlowski, Roger P.; Phipps, Eric T.; Salinger, Andrew G.; Williams, Alan B.; Heroux, Michael A.; Hu, Jonathan J.; Lehoucq, Richard B.; Thornquist, Heidi K.; Tuminaro, Raymond S.; Willenbring, James M.; Bartlett, Roscoe B.; Howle, Victoria E.

The Trilinos Project is an effort to facilitate the design, development, integration and ongoing support of mathematical software libraries. In particular, our goal is to develop parallel solver algorithms and libraries within an object-oriented software framework for the solution of large-scale, complex multi-physics engineering and scientific applications. Our emphasis is on developing robust, scalable algorithms in a software framework, using abstract interfaces for flexible interoperability of components while providing a full-featured set of concrete classes that implement all abstract interfaces. Trilinos uses a two-level software structure designed around collections of packages. A Trilinos package is an integral unit usually developed by a small team of experts in a particular algorithms area such as algebraic preconditioners, nonlinear solvers, etc. Packages exist underneath the Trilinos top level, which provides a common look-and-feel, including configuration, documentation, licensing, and bug-tracking. Trilinos packages are primarily written in C++, but provide some C and Fortran user interface support. We provide an open architecture that allows easy integration with other solver packages and we deliver our software to the outside community via the Gnu Lesser General Public License (LGPL). This report provides an overview of Trilinos, discussing the objectives, history, current development and future plans of the project.

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