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Investigation of microcantilever array with ordered nanoporous coatings for selective chemical detection

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Lee, J.H.; Houk, R.T.J.; Robinson, Alex L.; Greathouse, Jeffery A.; Thornberg, Steven M.; Allendorf, M.D.; Hesketh, P.J.

In this paper we demonstrate the potential for novel nanoporous framework materials (NFM) such as metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) to provide selectivity and sensitivity to a broad range of analytes including explosives, nerve agents, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). NFM are highly ordered, crystalline materials with considerable synthetic flexibility resulting from the presence of both organic and inorganic components within their structure. Detection of chemical weapons of mass destruction (CWMD), explosives, toxic industrial chemicals (TICs), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS) devices, such as microcantilevers and surface acoustic wave sensors, requires the use of recognition layers to impart selectivity. Traditional organic polymers are dense, impeding analyte uptake and slowing sensor response. The nanoporosity and ultrahigh surface areas of NFM enhance transport into and out of the NFM layer, improving response times, and their ordered structure enables structural tuning to impart selectivity. Here we describe experiments and modeling aimed at creating NFM layers tailored to the detection of water vapor, explosives, CWMD, and VOCs, and their integration with the surfaces of MEMS devices. Force field models show that a high degree of chemical selectivity is feasible. For example, using a suite of MOFs it should be possible to select for explosives vs. CWMD, VM vs. GA (nerve agents), and anthracene vs. naphthalene (VOCs). We will also demonstrate the integration of various NFM with the surfaces of MEMS devices and describe new synthetic methods developed to improve the quality of VFM coatings. Finally, MOF-coated MEMS devices show how temperature changes can be tuned to improve response times, selectivity, and sensitivity. © 2010 Copyright SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering.

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Nanoporous framework materials interfaced with mechanical sensors for highly-sensitive chemical sensing

Houk, Ronald H.; Robinson, Alex L.; Skinner, J.L.; Thornberg, Steven M.; Allendorf, Mark D.

We will describe how novel nanoporous framework materials (NFM) such as metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) can be interfaced with common mechanical sensors, such as surface acoustic wave (SAW), microcantilever array, and quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) devices, and subsequently be used to provide selectivity and sensitivity to a broad range of analytes including explosives, nerve agents, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). NFM are highly ordered, crystalline materials with considerable synthetic flexibility resulting from the presence of both organic and inorganic components within their structure. Chemical detection using micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS) devices (i.e. SAWs, microcantilevers) requires the use of recognition layers to impart selectivity. Unlike traditional organic polymers, which are dense, the nanoporosity and ultrahigh surface areas of NFM allow for greater analyte uptake and enhance transport into and out of the sensing layer. This enhancement over traditional coatings leads to improved response times and greater sensitivity, while their ordered structure allows chemical tuning to impart selectivity. We describe here experiments and modeling aimed at creating NFM layers tailored to the detection of water vapor, explosives, CWMD, and volatile organic compound (VOCs), and their integration with the surfaces of MEMS devices. Molecular simulation shows that a high degree of chemical selectivity is feasible. For example, a suite of MOFs can select for strongly interacting organics (explosives, CWMD) vs. lighter volatile organics at trace concentrations. At higher gas pressures, the CWMD are deselected in favor of the volatile organics. We will also demonstrate the integration of various NFM on the surface of microcantiliver arrays, QCM crystals, and SAW devices, and describe new synthetic methods developed to improve the quality of NFM coatings. Finally, MOF-coated MEMS devices show how temperature changes can be tuned to improve response times, selectivity, and sensitivity.

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Experiences with electronic laboratory notebook implementation in a materials R&D environment at Sandia National Laboratories

Thornberg, Steven M.

Changing paradigms from paper laboratory notebooks to electronic creates challenges. Meeting regulatory requirements in an R&D environment drives thorough documentation. Creating complete experimental records is easier using electronic laboratory notebooks. Supporting investigations through re-creating experimental conditions is greatly facilitated using an ELN.

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Precision moisture generation and measurement

Thornberg, Steven M.; White, Michael I.

In many industrial processes, gaseous moisture is undesirable as it can lead to metal corrosion, polymer degradation, and other materials aging processes. However, generating and measuring precise moisture concentrations is challenging due to the need to cover a broad concentration range (parts-per-billion to percent) and the affinity of moisture to a wide range surfaces and materials. This document will discuss the techniques employed by the Mass Spectrometry Laboratory of the Materials Reliability Department at Sandia National Laboratories to generate and measure known gaseous moisture concentrations. This document highlights the use of a chilled mirror and primary standard humidity generator for the characterization of aluminum oxide moisture sensors. The data presented shows an excellent correlation in frost point measured between the two instruments, and thus provides an accurate and reliable platform for characterizing moisture sensors and performing other moisture related experiments.

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Surface plasmon sensing of gas phase contaminants using optical fiber

Pfeifer, Kent B.; Thornberg, Steven M.; White, Michael I.

Fiber-optic gas phase surface plasmon resonance (SPR) detection of several contaminant gases of interest to state-of-health monitoring in high-consequence sealed systems has been demonstrated. These contaminant gases include H{sub 2}, H{sub 2}S, and moisture using a single-ended optical fiber mode. Data demonstrate that results can be obtained and sensitivity is adequate in a dosimetric mode that allows periodic monitoring of system atmospheres. Modeling studies were performed to direct the design of the sensor probe for optimized dimensions and to allow simultaneous monitoring of several constituents with a single sensor fiber. Testing of the system demonstrates the ability to detect 70mTorr partial pressures of H{sub 2} using this technique and <280 {micro}Torr partial pressures of H{sub 2}S. In addition, a multiple sensor fiber has been demonstrated that allows a single fiber to measure H{sub 2}, H{sub 2}S, and H{sub 2}O without changing the fiber or the analytical system.

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Radiation-oxidation mechanisms: Volatile organic degradation products from polypropylene having selective C-13 labeling studied by GC/MS

Polymer Degradation and Stability

Bernstein, Robert; Thornberg, Steven M.; Irwin, Adriane N.; Hochrein, James M.; Derzon, Dora K.; Klamo, Sara B.; Clough, Roger L.

PP samples, in which the three unique carbon atom positions along the chain were selectively labeled with C-13, have been subjected to γ-irradiation in the presence of oxygen, and the resulting organic volatile products analyzed by GC/MS. The isotopic labeling patterns in 33 organic degradation compounds have been assigned by comparison of the four mass spectra for each compound (from unlabeled PP, and from the three labeled PP materials). The volatile products have been "mapped" onto their positions of origin from the PP macromolecule, and insights have been gained into the chemistry through which these compounds must have formed. Most products show high specificity of isotopic labeling, indicating a single dominant reaction pathway. Oxidation chemistry occurred heavily at the C(2) tertiary carbon, with chemistry also at C(1) methylene. Methyl ketones are in abundance, along with alcohols, some aliphatic hydrocarbons, and other compound types. The C(3) methyl carbon remained attached to its original C(2) position in all catenated degradation products, and underwent no chemistry. However, products containing "non-catenated" carbons (i.e., not bonded to any other carbon atom) consisted entirely of a mix of C(3) and C(1). By examination of the labeling patterns, many products could be assigned to two successive chain scission events in close proximity, while others are clearly seen to arise from cleavage, followed by radical-radical recombination reactions. Interestingly, the former products (two chain scissions) are all found to have an odd number of carbon atoms along their chain, while the latter (scission followed by radical-radical reaction) all have an even number of carbons. An explanation of this odd/even phenomenon is provided in terms of the symmetry of the PP macromolecule.

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Method for creating gas standards form liquid HFE-7100 and FC-72

Irwin, Adriane N.; Thornberg, Steven M.; Brown, Jason R.; Hochrein, James M.

HFE-7100 and FC-72 fluorinert are two fluids used during weapon component manufacturing. HFE-7100 is a solvent used in the cleaning of parts, and FC-72 is the blowing agent of a polymeric removable foam. The presence of either FC-72 or HFE-7100 gas in weapon components can provide valuable information as to the stability of the materials. Therefore, gas standards are needed so HFE-7100 and FC-72 gas concentrations can be accurately measured. There is no current established procedure for generating gas standards of either HFE-7100 or FC-72. This report outlines the development of a method to generate gas standards ranging in concentration from 0.1 ppm to 10% by volume. These standards were then run on a Jeol GC-Mate II mass spectrometer and analyzed to produce calibration curves. We present a manifold design that accurately generates gas standards of HFE-7100 and FC-72 and a procedure that allows the amount of each to be determined.

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Performance characteristics of cryofocusing GC/MS system at BWXT Pantex Plant

Brown, Jason R.; Thornberg, Steven M.; Banet, Judith F.

Ensuring the reliability of all components within a weapon system becomes increasingly important as the stockpile ages. One of the most noteworthy surveillance techniques designed to circumvent (or take place alongside) traditional D&I operations is to collect a sample of gas from within the internal atmosphere of a particular region in a weapon. While a wealth of information about the weapon may be encoded within the composition of its gas sample, our access to that information is only as good as the method used to analyze the sample. It has been shown that cryofocusing-GC/MS offers advantages in terms of sensitivity, ease of sample collection, and robustness of the equipment/hardware used. Attention is therefore focused on qualifying a cryo-GC/MS system for routine stockpile surveillance operations at Pantex. A series of tests were performed on this instrument to characterize the linearity and repeatability of its response using two different standard gas mixes (ozone precursor and TO-14) at various concentrations. This paper outlines the methods used and the results of these tests in order to establish a baseline by which to compare future cryo-GC/MS analyses. A summary of the results is shown.

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Novel catalysts for hydrogen fuel cell applications:Final report (FY03-FY05)

Thornberg, Steven M.; Coker, Eric N.; Steen, William A.; Jarek, Russell L.

The goal of this project was to develop novel hydrogen-oxidation electrocatalyst materials that contain reduced platinum content compared to traditional catalysts by developing flexible synthesis techniques to fabricate supported catalyst structures, and by verifying electrochemical performance in half cells and ultimately laboratory fuel cells. Synthesis methods were developed for making small, well-defined platinum clusters using zeolite hosts, ion exchange, and controlled calcination/reduction processes. Several factors influence cluster size, and clusters below 1 nm with narrow size distribution have been prepared. To enable electrochemical application, the zeolite pores were filled with electrically-conductive carbon via infiltration with carbon precursors, polymerization/cross-linking, and pyrolysis under inert conditions. The zeolite host was then removed by acid washing, to leave a Pt/C electrocatalyst possessing quasi-zeolitic porosity and Pt clusters of well-controlled size. Plotting electrochemical activity versus pyrolysis temperature typically produces a Gaussian curve, with a peak at ca. 800 C. The poorer relative performances at low and high temperature are due to low electrical conductivity of the carbon matrix, and loss of zeolitic structure combined with Pt sintering, respectively. Cluster sizes measured via adsorption-based methods were consistently larger than those observed by TEM and EXAFS, suggesting , that a fraction of the clusters were inaccessible to the fluid phase. Detailed EXAFS analysis has been performed on selected catalysts and catalyst precursors to monitor trends in cluster size evolution, as well as oxidation states of Pt. Experiments were conducted to probe the electroactive surface area of the Pt clusters. These Pt/C materials had as much as 110 m{sup 2}/g{sub pt} electroactive surface area, an almost 30% improvement over what is commercially (mfg. by ETEK) available (86 m{sup 2}/g{sub pt}). These Pt/C materials also perform qualitatively as well as the ETEK material for the ORR, a non-trivial achievement. A fuel cell test showed that Pt/C outperformed the ETEK material by an average of 50% for a 300 hour test. Increasing surface area decreases the amount of Pt needed in a fuel cell, which translates into cost savings. Furthermore, the increased performance realized in the fuel cell test might ultimately mean less Pt is needed in a fuel cell; this again translates into cost savings. Finally, enhanced long-term stability is a key driver within the fuel cell community as improvements in this area must be realized before fuel cells find their way into the marketplace; these Pt/C materials hold great promise of enhanced stability over time. An external laser desorption ion source was successfully installed on the existing Fourier transform ion-cyclotron resonance (FT-ICR) mass spectrometer. However, operation of this laser ablation source has only generated metal atom ions, no clusters have been found to date. It is believed that this is due to the design of the pulsed-nozzle/laser vaporization chamber. The final experimental configuration and design of the two source housings are described.

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Defect-free thin film membranes for H2 separation and isolation

Nenoff, T.M.; Abraham, Ion C.; Thornberg, Steven M.; Hunka, Deborah E.; Jarek, Russell L.

There is a great need for robust, defect-free, highly selective molecular sieve (zeolite) thin film membranes for light gas molecule separations in hydrogen fuel production from CH{sub 4} or H{sub 2}O sources. In particular, we are interested in (1) separating and isolating H{sub 2} from H{sub 2}O and CH{sub 4}, CO, CO{sub 2}, O{sub 2}, N{sub 2} gases; (2) water management in PEMs and (3) as a replacement for expensive Pt catalysts needed for PEMs. Current hydrogen separation membranes are based on Pd alloys or on chemically and mechanically unstable organic polymer membranes. The use of molecular sieves brings a stable (chemically and mechanically stable) inorganic matrix to the membrane [1-3]. The crystalline frameworks have 'tunable' pores that are capable of size exclusion separations. The frameworks are made of inorganic oxides (e.g., silicates, aluminosilicates, and phosphates) that bring different charge and electrostatic attraction forces to the separation media. The resultant materials have high separation abilities plus inherent thermal stability over 600 C and chemical stability. Furthermore, the crystallographically defined (<1 {angstrom} deviation) pore sizes and shapes allow for size exclusion of very similarly sized molecules. In contrast, organic polymer membranes are successful based on diffusion separations, not size exclusion. We envision the impact of positive results from this project in the near term with hydrocarbon fuels, and long term with biomass fuels. There is a great need for robust, defect-free, highly selective molecular sieve (zeolite) thin film membranes for light gas molecule separations in hydrogen fuel production from CH{sub 4} or H{sub 2}O sources. They contain an inherent chemical, thermal and mechanical stability not found in conventional membrane materials. Our goal is to utilize those zeolitic qualities in membranes for the separation of light gases, and to eventually partner with industry to commercialize the membranes. To date, we have successfully: (1) Demonstrated (through synthesis, characterization and permeation testing) both the ability to synthesize defect-free zeolitic membranes and use them as size selective gas separation membranes; these include aluminosilicates and silicates; (2) Built and operated our in-house light gas permeation unit; we have amended it to enable testing of H{sub 2}S gases, mixed gases and at high temperatures. We are initiating further modification by designing and building an upgraded unit that will allow for temperatures up to 500 C, steady-state vs. pressure driven permeation, and mixed gas resolution through GC/MS analysis; (3) Have shown in preliminary experiments high selectivity for H{sub 2} from binary and industrially-relevant mixed gas streams under low operating pressures of 16 psig; (4) Synthesized membranes on commercially available oxide and composite disks (this is in addition to successes we have in synthesizing zeolitic membranes to tubular supports [9]); and (5) Signed a non-disclosure agreement with industrial partner G. E. Dolbear & Associates, Inc., and have ongoing agreements with Pall Corporation for in-kind support supplies and interest in scale-up for commercialization.

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Energy Efficient Catalytic Reaction and Production of Cumene

Jarek, Russell L.; Thornberg, Steven M.; Trudell, Daniel E.; Nenoff, T.M.

Alkylation reactions of benzene with propylene using zeolites were studied for their affinity for cumene production. The current process for the production of cumene involves heating corrosive acid catalysts, cooling, transporting, and distillation. This study focused on the reaction of products in a static one-pot vessel using non-corrosive zeolite catalysts, working towards a more efficient one-step process with a potentially large energy savings. A series of experiments were conducted to find the best reaction conditions yielding the highest production of cumene. The experiments looked at cumene formation amounts in two different reaction vessels that had different physical traits. Different zeolites, temperatures, mixing speeds, and amounts of reactants were also investigated to find their affects on the amount of cumene produced. Quantitative analysis of product mixture was performed by gas chromatography. Mass spectroscopy was also utilized to observe the gas phase components during the alkylation process.

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45 Results
45 Results