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Salt International Collaborations (FY22 Update)

Kuhlman, Kristopher L.; Matteo, Edward N.; Mills, Melissa M.; Jayne, Richard S.; Reedlunn, Benjamin R.; Sobolik, Steven R.; Bean, James B.

This report summarizes the international collaborations conducted by Sandia funded by the US Department of Energy Office (DOE) of Nuclear Energy Spent Fuel and Waste Science & Technology (SFWST) as part of the Sandia National Laboratories Salt R&D and Salt International work packages. This report satisfies the level-three milestone M3SF-22SN010303063. Several stand-alone sections make up this summary report, each completed by the participants. The sections discuss international collaborations on geomechanical benchmarking exercises (WEIMOS), granular salt reconsolidation (KOMPASS), engineered barriers (RANGERS), numerical model comparison (DECOVALEX) and an NEA Salt Club working group on the development of scenarios as part of the performance assessment development process. Finally, we summarize events related to the US/German Workshop on Repository Research, Design and Operations. The work summarized in this annual update has occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, and little international or domestic travel has occurred. Most of the collaborations have been conducted via email or as virtual meetings, but a slow return to travel and in-person meetings has begun.

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Available Drawdowns for Each Oil Storage Cavern in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (2022 Annual Report)

Hart, David B.; Zeitler, Todd Z.; Sobolik, Steven R.

The Department of Energy maintains an up-to-date documentation of the number of available full drawdowns of each of the caverns owned by the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). This information is important for assessing the SPR's ability to deliver oil to domestic oil companies expeditiously if national or world events dictate a rapid sale and deployment of the oil reserves. Sandia was directed to develop and implement a process to continuously assess and report the evolution of drawdown capacity, the subject of this report. A cavern has an available drawdown if after that drawdown, the long-term stability of the cavern, the cavern field, or the oil quality are not compromised. Thus, determining the number of a vailable drawdowns requires the consideration of several factors regarding cavern and wellbore integrity and stability, including stress states caused by cavern geometry and operations, salt damage caused by dilatant and tensile stresses, the effect of enhanced creep on wellbore integrity, and the sympathetic stress effect of operations on neighboring caverns. A consensus has now been built regarding the assessment of drawdown capabilities and risks for the SPR caverns (Sobolik et al., 2014; Sobolik 2016). The process involves an initial assessment of the pillar-to-diameter (P/D) ratio for each cavern with respect to neighboring caverns. A large pillar thickness between adjacent caverns should be strong enough to withstand the stresses induced by closure of the caverns due to salt creep. The first evaluation of P/D includes a calculation of the evolution of P/D after a number of full cavern drawdowns. The most common storage industry standard is to keep this value greater than 1.0, which should ensure a pillar thick enough to prevent loss of fluids to the surrounding rock mass. However, many of the SPR caverns currently have a P/D less than 1.0 or will likely have a low P/D after one or two full drawdowns. For these caverns, it is important to examine the s tructural integrity with more detail using geomechanical models. Finite - element geomechanical models have been used to determine the stress states in the pillars following successive drawdowns. By computing the tensile and dilatant stresses in the salt, areas of potential structural instability can be identified that may represent "red flags" for additional drawdowns. These analyses have found that many caverns will maintain structural integrity even when grown via drawdowns to dimensions resulting in a P/D of less than 1.0. The analyses have also confirmed that certain caverns should only be completely drawn down one time. As the SPR caverns are utilized and partial drawdowns are performed to remove oil from the caverns (e.g., for occasional oil sales , purchases, or exchanges authorized by the Congress or the President), the changes to the cavern caused by these procedures must be tracked and accounted for so that an ongoing assessment of the cavern's drawdown capacity may be continued. A proposed methodology for assessing and tracking the available drawdowns for each cavern was presented in Sobolik et al. (2018). This report is the latest in a series of annual reports, and it includes the baseline available drawdowns for each cavern, and the most recent assessment of the evolution of drawdown expenditure for several caverns.

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Effect of the Addition of a Low Equivalent Stress Mechanism to the Analysis of Geomechanical Behavior of the SPR West Hackberry Site

Sobolik, Steven R.; Ross, Tonya S.

Sandia National Laboratories has long used the Munson-Dawson (M-D) model to predict the geomechanical behavior of salt caverns used to store oil at the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). Salt creep causes storage caverns to deform inward, thus losing volume. This loss of volume affects the salt above and around the caverns, puts stresses and strains on borehole casings, and creates surface subsidence which affects surface infrastructure. Therefore, accurate evaluation of salt creep behavior drives decisions about cavern operations. Parameters for the M-D model are typically fit against laboratory creep tests, but nearly all historic creep tests have been performed at equivalent stresses of 8 MPa or higher. Creep rates at lower equivalent stresses are very slow, such that tests take months or years to run, and the tests are sensitive to small temperature perturbations (<0.1°C). A recent collaboration between US and German researchers, recently characterized the creep behavior at low equivalent (deviatoric) stresses (<8 MPa) of salt from the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. In addition, the M-D model was recently extended to include a low stress creep “mechanism”. This paper details new simulations of SPR caverns that use this extended M-D model, called the M-D Viscoplastic model. The results show that the inclusion of low stress creep significantly alters the prediction of steady-state cavern closure behavior and indicate that low stress creep is the dominant displacement mechanism at the dome scale. The implications for evaluating cavern and well integrity are demonstrated by investigating three phenomena: the extent of stress changes around the cavern; the predicted vertical strains applied to wellbore casings; and the evaluation of oscillating stress changes around the cavern due to oil sale cycles and their potential effect on salt fatigue.

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Advanced Detection of Wellbore Failure for Safe and Secure Utilization of Subsurface Infrastructure

Matteo, Edward N.; Conley, Donald M.; Verzi, Stephen J.; Roberts, Barry L.; Doyle, Casey L.; Sobolik, Steven R.; Gilletly, Samuel G.; Bauer, Stephen J.; Pyrak-Nolte, L.P.; Reda Taha, M.M.; Stormont, J.C.; Crandall, D.C.; Moriarty, Dylan; John, Esther W.; Wilson, Jennifer E.; Bettin, Giorgia B.; Hogancamp, Joshua H.; Fernandez, S.G.; Anwar, I.A.; Abdellatef, M.A.; Murcia, D.H.; Bland, J.B.

The main goal of this project was to create a state-of-the-art predictive capability that screens and identifies wellbores that are at the highest risk of catastrophic failure. This capability is critical to a host of subsurface applications, including gas storage, hydrocarbon extraction and storage, geothermal energy development, and waste disposal, which depend on seal integrity to meet U.S. energy demands in a safe and secure manner. In addition to the screening tool, this project also developed several other supporting capabilities to help understand fundamental processes involved in wellbore failure. This included novel experimental methods to characterize permeability and porosity evolution during compressive failure of cement, as well as methods and capabilities for understanding two-phase flow in damaged wellbore systems, and novel fracture-resistant cements made from recycled fibers.

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Salt International Collaborations FY2021 Update

Kuhlman, Kristopher L.; Matteo, Edward N.; Mills, Melissa M.; Jayne, Richard S.; Reedlunn, Benjamin R.; Sobolik, Steven R.; Bean, James B.; Stein, Emily S.; Gross, Michael B.

This report summarizes the international collaboration work conducted by Sandia and funded by the US Department of Energy Office (DOE) of Nuclear Energy Spent Fuel and Waste Science & Technology (SFWST) as part of the Sandia National Laboratories Salt R&D and Salt International work packages. This report satisfies the level-three milestone M3SF-20SN010303062. Several stand-alone sections make up this summary report, each completed by the participants. The sections discuss international collaborations on geomechanical benchmarking exercises (WEIMOS), granular salt reconsolidation (KOMPASS), engineered barriers (RANGERS), and model comparison (DECOVALEX). Lastly, the report summarizes a newly developed working group on the development of scenarios as part of the performance assessment development process, and the activities related to the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Salt club and the US/German Workshop on Repository Research, Design and Operations.

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Integrating Machine Learning into a Methodology for Early Detection of Wellbore Failure [Slides]

Matteo, Edward N.; Roberts, Barry L.; Sobolik, Steven R.; Gilletly, Samuel G.; Doyle, Casey L.; John, Esther W.; Verzi, Stephen J.

Approximately 93% of US total energy supply is dependent on wellbores in some form. The industry will drill more wells in next ten years than in the last 100 years (King, 2014). Global well population is around 1.8 million of which approximately 35% has some signs of leakage (i.e. sustained casing pressure). Around 5% of offshore oil and gas wells “fail” early, more with age and most with maturity. 8.9% of “shale gas” wells in the Marcellus play have experienced failure (120 out of 1,346 wells drilled in 2012) (Ingraffea et al., 2014). Current methods for identifying wells that are at highest priority for increased monitoring and/or at highest risk for failure consists of “hand” analysis of multi-arm caliper (MAC) well logging data and geomechanical models. Machine learning (ML) methods are of interest to explore feasibility for increasing analysis efficiency and/or enhanced detection of precursors to failure (e.g. deformations). MAC datasets used to train ML algorithms and preliminary tests were run for “predicting” casing collar locations and performed above 90% in classification and identifying of casing collar locations.

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Integrating Machine Learning into a Methodology for Early Detection of Wellbore Failure [Slides]

Matteo, Edward N.; Roberts, Barry L.; Sobolik, Steven R.; Gilletly, Samuel G.; Doyle, Casey L.; John, Esther W.; Verzi, Stephen J.

Approximately 93% of US total energy supply is dependent on wellbores in some form. The industry will drill more wells in next ten years than in the last 100 years (King, 2014). Global well population is around 1.8 million of which approximately 35% has some signs of leakage (i.e. sustained casing pressure). Around 5% of offshore oil and gas wells “fail” early, more with age and most with maturity. 8.9% of “shale gas” wells in the Marcellus play have experienced failure (120 out of 1,346 wells drilled in 2012) (Ingraffea et al., 2014). Current methods for identifying wells that are at highest priority for increased monitoring and/or at highest risk for failure consists of “hand” analysis of multi-arm caliper (MAC) well logging data and geomechanical models. Machine learning (ML) methods are of interest to explore feasibility for increasing analysis efficiency and/or enhanced detection of precursors to failure (e.g. deformations). MAC datasets used to train ML algorithms and preliminary tests were run for “predicting” casing collar locations and performed above 90% in classification and identifying of casing collar locations.

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Bryan Mound Abandoned Cavern 3 Stability Analysis - 2021 Review

Lord, Anna S.; Moriarty, Dylan; Sobolik, Steven R.

The U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve is moving towards employing an expanded enhanced monitoring program. In doing so it has become apparent that there is a need for a better project wide understanding of the current state of Bryan Mound abandoned Cavern 3 stability. Cavern 3 has been inaccessible since 1988 when it was plugged and abandoned and thus this comprehensive report is structured by focusing on 1) a summarization of what can be discerned from historical records prior to 1988 and 2) a presentation and discussion of our current understanding of Cavern 3 based solely on surface monitoring and geomechanical analyses. Historical literature state the cavern was deemed unsuitable for oil storage, as it could not be definitively determined if fluid pressure could be maintained in the borehole. Current surface monitoring indicates the largest surface subsidence rates are occurring above Cavern 3. The subsidence rates are linear with no evidence of acceleration. Cavern collapse could occur if there is insufficient pressure holding up the roof. Next steps are to implement a microseismic system that will lend to a better understanding of cavern stability, as well as provide an improved early warning system for loss of integrity.

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Effect of the Addition of a Low Equivalent Stress Mechanism to the Analysis of Geomechanical Behavior of Oil Storage Caverns in Salt

55th U.S. Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium 2021

Sobolik, Steven R.; Ross, T.S.A.

Sandia National Laboratories has long used the Munson-Dawson (M-D) model to predict the geomechanical behavior of salt caverns used to store oil at the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). Salt creep causes storage caverns to deform inward, thus losing volume. This loss of volume affects the salt above and around the caverns, puts stresses and strains on borehole casings, and creates surface subsidence which affects surface infrastructure. Therefore, accurate evaluation of salt creep behavior drives decisions about cavern operations. Parameters for the M-D model are typically fit against laboratory creep tests, but nearly all historic creep tests have been performed at equivalent stresses of 8 MPa or higher. Creep rates at lower equivalent stresses are very slow, such that tests take months or years to run, and the tests are sensitive to small temperature perturbations (<0.1°C). A recent collaboration between US and German researchers, however, recently characterized the creep behavior at low equivalent (deviatoric) stresses (<8 MPa) of salt from the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. In addition, the M-D model was recently extended to include a low stress creep “mechanism”. This paper details new simulations of SPR caverns that use this extended M-D model, called the M-D Viscoplastic model. The results show that the inclusion of low stress creep significantly alters the prediction of steady-state cavern closure behavior and indicate that low stress creep is the dominant displacement mechanism at the dome scale.

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International Collaborations on Radioactive Waste Disposal in Salt (FY20)

Kuhlman, Kristopher L.; Matteo, Edward N.; Mills, Melissa M.; Jayne, Richard S.; Reedlunn, Benjamin R.; Sobolik, Steven R.; Bean, James B.; Stein, Emily S.; Gross, Michael B.

This report is a summary of the international collaboration work conducted by Sandia and funded by the US Department of Energy Office (DOE) of Nuclear Energy Spent Fuel and Waste Science & Technology (SFWST) as part of the Sandia National Laboratories Salt R&D and Salt International work packages. This report satisfies milestone level-three milestone M3SF-205N010303062. Several stand-alone sections make up this summary report, each completed by the participants. The first two sections discuss international collaborations on geomechanical benchmarking exercises (WEIMOS), granular salt reconsolidation (KOMPASS), engineered barriers (RANGERS), and documentation of Features, Events, and Processes (FEPs).

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2020 Annual Report of Available Drawdowns for Each Oil Storage Cavern in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve

Hart, David B.; Chojnicki, Kirsten C.; Sobolik, Steven R.; Park, Byoung P.

The Department of Energy maintains an up-to-date documentation of the number of available full drawdowns of each of the caverns owned by the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). This information is important for assessing the SPR's ability to deliver oil to domestic oil companies expeditiously if national or world events dictate a rapid sale and deployment of the oil reserves. Sandia was directed to develop and implement a process to continuously assess and report the evolution of drawdown capacity, the subject of this report. A cavern has an available drawdown if after that drawdown, the long-term stability of the cavern, the cavern field, or the oil quality are not compromised. Thus, determining the number of available drawdowns requires the consideration of several factors regarding cavern and wellbore integrity and stability, including stress states caused by cavern geometry and operations, salt damage caused by dilatant and tensile stresses, the effect of enhanced creep on wellbore integrity, and the sympathetic stress effect of operations on neighboring caverns. A consensus has now been built regarding the assessment of drawdown capabilities and risks for the SPR caverns. The process involves an initial assessment of the pillar-to-diameter (P/D) ratio for each cavern with respect to neighboring caverns. A large pillar thickness between adjacent caverns should be strong enough to withstand the stresses induced by closure of the caverns due to salt creep. The first evaluation of P/D includes a calculation of the evolution of P/D after a number of full cavern drawdowns. The most common storage industry standard is to keep this value greater than 1.0, which should ensure a pillar thick enough to prevent loss of fluids to the surrounding rock mass. However, many of the SPR caverns currently have a P/D less than 1.0 or will likely have a low P/D after one or two full drawdowns. For these caverns, it is important to examine the structural integrity with more detail using geomechanical models. Finite-element geomechanical models have been used to determine the stress states in the pillars following successive drawdowns. By computing the tensile and dilatant stresses in the salt, areas of potential structural instability can be identified that may represent "red flags" for additional drawdowns. These analyses have found that many caverns will maintain structural integrity even when grown via drawdowns to dimensions resulting in a P/D of less than 1.0. The analyses have also confirmed that certain caverns should only be completely drawn down one time. As the SPR caverns are utilized and partial drawdowns are performed to remove oil from the caverns (e.g., for occasional oil sales authorized by the Congress or the President), the changes to the cavern caused by these procedures must be tracked and accounted for so that an ongoing assessment of the cavern's drawdown capacity may be continued. A proposed methodology for assessing and tracking the available drawdowns for each cavern was presented in Sobolik et al. (2018). This report includes an update to the baseline drawdowns for each cavern, and provides an initial assessment of the evolution of drawdown expenditure for several caverns

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Shear Behavior of Bedded Salt Interfaces under Direct Shear Loading

Sobolik, Steven R.; Reedlunn, Benjamin R.

Bedded salt contains interfaces between the host salt and other in situ materials such as clay seams, or different impurities such as anhydrite or polyhalite in contact with the salt. These inhomogeneities are thought to have first-order effects on the closure of nearby drifts and potential roof collapses. Despite their importance, characterizations of the peak shear strength and residual shear strength of interfaces in salt are extremely rare in the published literature. This paper presents results from laboratory experiments designed to measure the mechanical behavior of a bedding interface or clay seam as it is sheared. The series of laboratory direct shear tests reported in this paper were performed on several samples of materials from the Permian Basin in New Mexico. These tests were conducted at numerous normal and shear loads up to the expected in situ pre-mining stress conditions. Tests were performed on samples with a halite/clay contact, a halite/anhydrite contact, a halite/polyhalite contact, and on plain salt samples without an interface for comparison. Intact shear strength values were determined for all of the test samples along with residual values for the majority of the tests. The results indicated only a minor variation in shear strength, at a given normal stress, across all samples. This result was surprising because sliding along clay seams is regularly observed in the underground, suggesting the clay seam interfaces should be weaker than plain salt. Post-test inspections of these samples noted that salt crystals were intrinsic to the structure of the seam, which probably increased the shear strength as compared to a typical clay seam. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research is funded by radioactive waste repository programs administered by the Office of Nuclear Energy of the U.S. Department of Energy. The authors would like to acknowledge and thank Stuart Buchholz, Evan Keffeler, and Scyller Borglum of RESPEC Inc. in Rapid City, South Dakota. They performed the laboratory tests documented in this SAND report under a contract with Sandia, and were co-authors on a U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium paper reporting the results. We would also like to thank Courtney Herrick of Sandia National Laboratories; Frank Hansen of Sandia National Laboratories and RESPEC; Sean Dunagan from Sandia's WIPP organization; Andreas Hampel of Hampel Consulting; and the US-German collaboration on repositories in salt for their review and support of this work.

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Proposed Methodology for Assessing Available Drawdowns for Each Oil Storage Cavern in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve

Sobolik, Steven R.; Hart, David B.; Park, Byoung P.; Chojnicki, Kirsten C.

The Department of Energy maintains an up-to-date documentation of the number of available full drawdowns of each of the caverns owned by the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). This information is important for assessing the SPR's ability to deliver oil to domestic oil companies expeditiously if national or world events dictate a rapid sale and deployment of the oil reserves. What factors go into assessing available drawdowns? Determining the number of drawdowns requires the consideration of several factors regarding cavern and wellbore integrity and stability, including stress states caused by cavern geometry and operations, salt damage caused by dilatant and tensile stresses, the effect of enhanced creep on wellbore integrity, and the sympathetic stress effect of operations on neighboring caverns. A consensus has now been built regarding the assessment of drawdown capabilities and risks for the SPR caverns. The process involves an initial assessment of the pillar-to-diameter (P/D) ratio for each cavern with respect to neighboring caverns. Ideally, it is desired to keep this value greater than 1.0, which is in line with most industry design standards and should ensure cavern integrity and prevent loss of fluids to the surrounding rock mass. However, many of the SPR caverns currently have a P/D less than 1.0, or will likely have a low P/D after one or two full drawdowns. For these caverns, it is important to examine the structural integrity with more detail using geomechanical models. Finite-element geomechanical models have been used to determine the stress states in the pillars following successive drawdowns. By computing the tensile and dilatant stresses in the salt, areas of potential structural instability can be identified that may represent "red flags" for additional drawdowns. These analyses have found that many caverns will maintain structural integrity even when grown via drawdowns to dimensions resulting in a P/D of less than 1.0. The analyses have also confirmed that certain caverns should only be completely drawn down one time. As the SPR caverns are utilized and partial drawdowns are performed to remove oil from the caverns (e.g., for occasional oil sales authorized by the Congress or the President), the changes to the cavern volumes casused by these procedures must be tracked and accounted for so that an ongoing assessment of the cavern's drawdown capacity may be continued. A proposed methodology for assessing and tracking the available drawdowns for each cavern is presented in this report.

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Shear behavior of bedded salt interfaces and clay seams

53rd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium

Sobolik, Steven R.; Buchholz, S.A.; Keffeler, E.; Borglum, S.; Reedlunn, Benjamin R.

Bedded salt contains interfaces between the host salt and other in situ materials such as clay seams, or different materials such as anhydrite or polyhalite in contact with the salt. These inhomogeneities are thought to have first-order effects on the closure of nearby drifts and potential roof collapses. Despite their importance, characterizations of the peak shear strength and residual shear strength of interfaces in salt are extremely rare in the published literature. This paper presents results from laboratory experiments designed to measure the mechanical behavior of a bedding interface or clay seam as it is sheared. The series of laboratory direct shear tests reported in this paper were performed on several samples of materials from the Permian Basin in New Mexico. These tests were conducted at several normal and shear loads up to the expected in situ pre-mining stress conditions. Tests were performed on samples with a halite/clay contact, a halite/anhydrite contact, a halite/polyhalite contact, and on plain salt samples without an interface for comparison. Intact shear strength values were determined for all of the test samples along with residual values for the majority of the tests. The test results indicated only a minor variation in shear strength, at a given normal stress, across all samples. This result was surprising because sliding along clay seams is regularly observed in the underground, suggesting the clay seam interfaces should be weaker than plain salt. Post-test inspections of these samples noted that salt crystals were intrinsic to the structure of the seam, which probably increased the shear strength as compared to a more typical clay seam.

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Analysis of Cavern and Well Stability at the Bryan Mound SPR Site Using the M D Salt Creep Model

Sobolik, Steven R.

This report presents computational analyses that simulate the structural response of caverns at the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Bryan Mound site. The cavern field comprises 20 caverns. Five caverns (1, 2, 4, and 5; 3 was later plugged and abandoned) were acquired from industry and have unusual shapes and a history dating back to 1946. The other 16 caverns (101-116) were leached according to SPR standards in the mid-1980s and have tall cylindrical shapes. The history of the caverns and their shapes are simulated in a 3-D geomechanics model of the site that predicts deformations, strains, and stresses. Historical wellhead pressures are used to calculate cavern pressures up through July 2016. Because of the extent of heterogeneous creep behavior observed throughout the Bryan Mound site, a set of cavern-specific creep coefficients was developed to produce better matches with measured cavern closure and surface subsidence. For this new implementation of the model, there are two significant advances: the use of the multimechanism deformation (M-D) salt creep model to evaluate both steady-state and transient salt creep; and the creation of finite element mesh geometries for the caverns that nearly exactly match the geometries obtained through sonar measurements. The results of the finite element model are interpreted to provide information on the current and future status of subsidence, well integrity, cavern stability, and drawdown availability. The analyses shown in this report demonstrate that the use of sonar-based cavern geometries provide a more detailed evaluation of the effects of cavern pressure changes on stress behavior in the salt surrounding the cavern, and thus to evaluate long-term cavern integrity and evolution of drawdown availability. Some of the Bryan Mound caverns were shown to have less than five available drawdowns. Additionally, the choice of an alternate pressurization scenario for abandoned Cavern 3 gives further credence to the hypothesis that fluid is being forced up and out of the cavern into the caprock due to creep-induced closure. Finally, the model has been built with several options to allow for exploration of different parameter and operations scenarios; these will be particularly useful if a recent advance in the calculation speed using the M-D model is fully realized. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank Anna Snider Lord, Byoung Yoon Park, Barry Roberts, Kirsten Chojnicki, and Dylan Moriarty, for their contributions to the work described in this report, and the U.S. Department of Energy, Strategic Petroleum Reserve office for their review and support of this work.

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Pressurized Slot Testing to Determine Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Lithophysal Tuff at Yucca Mountain Nevada

George, James T.; Sobolik, Steven R.; Lee, Moo Y.; Park, Byoung P.; Costin, Laurence C.

The study described in this report involves heated and unheated pressurized slot testing to determine thermo-mechanical properties of the Tptpll (Tertiary, Paintbrush, Topopah Spring Tuff Formation, crystal poor, lower lithophysal) and Tptpul (upper lithophysal) lithostratigraphic units at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. A large volume fraction of the proposed repository at Yucca Mountain may reside in the Tptpll lithostratigraphic unit. This unit is characterized by voids, or lithophysae, which range in size from centimeters to meters, making a field program an effective method of measuring bulk thermal-mechanical rock properties (thermal expansion, rock mass modulus, compressive strength, time-dependent deformation) over a range of temperature and rock conditions. The field tests outlined in this report provide data for the determination of thermo-mechanical properties of this unit. Rock-mass response data collected during this field test will reduce the uncertainty in key thermal-mechanical modeling parameters (rock-mass modulus, strength and thermal expansion) for the Tptpll lithostratigraphic unit, and provide a basis for understanding thermal-mechanical behavior of this unit. The measurements will be used to evaluate numerical models of the thermal-mechanical response of the repository. These numerical models are then used to predict pre- and post-closure repository response. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank David Bronowski, Ronnie Taylor, Ray E. Finley, Cliff Howard, Michael Schuhen (all SNL) and Fred Homuth (LANL) for their work in the planning and implementation of the tests described in this report. This is a reprint of SAND2004-2703, which was originally printed in July 2004. At that time, it was printed for a restricted audience. It has now been approved for unlimited release.

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Heterogeneity, pore pressure, and injectate chemistry: Control measures for geologic carbon storage

International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control

Dewers, Thomas D.; Eichhubl, Peter; Ganis, Ben; Gomez, Steven P.; Heath, Jason; Jammoul, Mohamad; Kobos, Peter H.; Liu, Ruijie; Major, Jonathan; Matteo, Edward N.; Newell, Pania; Rinehart, Alex; Sobolik, Steven R.; Stormont, John; Reda Taha, Mahmoud; Wheeler, Mary; White, Deandra

Desirable outcomes for geologic carbon storage include maximizing storage efficiency, preserving injectivity, and avoiding unwanted consequences such as caprock or wellbore leakage or induced seismicity during and post injection. To achieve these outcomes, three control measures are evident including pore pressure, injectate chemistry, and knowledge and prudent use of geologic heterogeneity. Field, experimental, and modeling examples are presented that demonstrate controllable GCS via these three measures. Observed changes in reservoir response accompanying CO2 injection at the Cranfield (Mississippi, USA) site, along with lab testing, show potential for use of injectate chemistry as a means to alter fracture permeability (with concomitant improvements for sweep and storage efficiency). Further control of reservoir sweep attends brine extraction from reservoirs, with benefit for pressure control, mitigation of reservoir and wellbore damage, and water use. State-of-the-art validated models predict the extent of damage and deformation associated with pore pressure hazards in reservoirs, timing and location of networks of fractures, and development of localized leakage pathways. Experimentally validated geomechanics models show where wellbore failure is likely to occur during injection, and efficiency of repair methods. Use of heterogeneity as a control measure includes where best to inject, and where to avoid attempts at storage. An example is use of waste zones or leaky seals to both reduce pore pressure hazards and enhance residual CO2 trapping.

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Construction of hexahedral finite element mesh capturing realistic geometries of a petroleum reserve

Finite Elements in Analysis and Design

Park, Byoung P.; Roberts, Barry L.; Sobolik, Steven R.

The three-dimensional finite element mesh capturing realistic geometries of the Bayou Choctaw site has been constructed using the sonar and seismic survey data obtained from the field. The mesh consists of hexahedral elements because the salt constitutive model is coded using hexahedral elements. Various ideas and techniques to construct finite element mesh capturing artificially and naturally formed geometries are provided. The techniques to reduce the number of elements as much as possible to save on computer run time while maintaining the computational accuracy is also introduced. The steps and methodologies could be applied to construct the meshes of Big Hill, Bryan Mound, and West Hackberry strategic petroleum reserve sites. The methodology could be applied to the complicated shape masses for various civil and geological structures.

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Status Report on Laboratory Testing and International Collaborations in Salt

Kuhlman, Kristopher L.; Matteo, Edward N.; Hadgu, Teklu H.; Reedlunn, Benjamin R.; Sobolik, Steven R.; Mills, Melissa M.; Kirkes, Leslie D.; Xiong, Yongliang X.; Icenhower, Jonathan I.

This report is a summary of the international collaboration and laboratory work funded by the US Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy Spent Fuel and Waste Science & Technology (SFWST) as part of the Sandia National Laboratories Salt R&D work package. This report satisfies milestone levelfour milestone M4SF-17SN010303014. Several stand-alone sections make up this summary report, each completed by the participants. The first two sections discuss international collaborations on geomechanical benchmarking exercises (WEIMOS) and bedded salt investigations (KOSINA), while the last three sections discuss laboratory work conducted on brucite solubility in brine, dissolution of borosilicate glass into brine, and partitioning of fission products into salt phases.

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Investigation of wellbore microannulus permeability under stress via experimental wellbore mock-up and finite element modeling

Computers and Geotechnics

Gomez, Steven P.; Sobolik, Steven R.; Matteo, Edward N.; Reda Taha, Mahmoud; Stormont, John C.

This research aims to describe the microannulus region of the cement sheath-steel casing interface in terms of its compressibility and permeability. A wellbore system mock-up was used for lab-scale testing, and was subjected to confining and casing pressures in a pressure vessel while measuring gas flow along the specimen's axis. The flow was interpreted as the hydraulic aperture of the microannuli. Numerical joint models were used to calculate stress and displacement conditions of the microannulus region, where the mechanical stiffness and hydraulic aperture were altered in response to the imposed stress state and displacement across the joint interface.

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Intermediate Scale Testing Recommendation Report

Hansen, Francis D.; Sobolik, Steven R.; Stauffer, Phil S.

A summary of recommendations for near-term intermediate-scale testing pertaining to a salt repository is provided in this report. Each proposal was asked to implement a phased progression, initiating with test plan production in FY 2017 and early-stage testing, if possible. Beyond 2017, testing is anticipated to progress to an underground setting and involve intermediate-scale field activities. Each test concept was presented at the June 6th 2016 meeting in Las Vegas NV and a team of DOE-NE, DOE-EM, and National Laboratory staff discussed the rnerits of each proposal. Discussions among managers and researchers in the weeks following the meeting led to selection of a path forward for phased testing that includes a series of small diarneter borehole tests designed to illuminate thermomechanical processes and potential vapor and brine transport. These tests are intended to be implemented at the WIPP facility and involve collaboration between SNL, LANL, and LBL. This document summarizes the test concepts generated by the te s of researchers and decisions made subsequent to the June 6th meeting.

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Considerations of the Differences between Bedded and Domal Salt Pertaining to Disposal of Heat-Generating Nuclear Waste

Hansen, Francis D.; Kuhlman, Kristopher L.; Sobolik, Steven R.

Salt formations hold promise for eternal removal of nuclear waste from our biosphere. Germany and the United States have ample salt formations for this purpose, ranging from flat-bedded formations to geologically mature dome structures. As both nations revisit nuclear waste disposal options, the choice between bedded, domal, or intermediate pillow formations is once again a contemporary issue. For decades, favorable attributes of salt as a disposal medium have been extoled and evaluated, carefully and thoroughly. Yet, a sense of discovery continues as science and engineering interrogate naturally heterogeneous systems. Salt formations are impermeable to fluids. Excavation-induced fractures heal as seal systems are placed or natural closure progresses toward equilibrium. Engineering required for nuclear waste disposal gains from mining and storage industries, as humans have been mining salt for millennia. This great intellectual warehouse has been honed and distilled, but not perfected, for all nuances of nuclear waste disposal. Nonetheless, nations are able and have already produced suitable license applications for radioactive waste disposal in salt. A remaining conundrum is site location. Salt formations provide isolation and geotechnical barriers reestablish impermeability after waste is placed in the geology. Between excavation and closure, physical, mechanical, thermal, chemical, and hydrological processes ensue. Positive attributes for isolation in salt have many commonalities independent of the geologic setting. In some cases, specific details of the environment will affect the disposal concept and thereby define interaction of features, events and processes, while simultaneously influencing scenario development. Here we identify and discuss high-level differences and similarities of bedded and domal salt formations. Positive geologic and engineering attributes for disposal purposes are more common among salt formations than are significant differences. Developing models, testing material, characterizing processes, and analyzing performance all have overlapping application regardless of the salt formation of interest.

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