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A template-based approach for parallel hexahedral two-refinement

CAD Computer Aided Design

Owen, Steven J.; Shih, Ryan M.; Ernst, Corey D.

We provide a template-based approach for generating locally refined all-hex meshes. We focus specifically on refinement of initially structured grids utilizing a 2-refinement approach where uniformly refined hexes are subdivided into eight child elements. The refinement algorithm consists of identifying marked nodes that are used as the basis for a set of four simple refinement templates. The target application for 2-refinement is a parallel grid-based all-hex meshing tool for high performance computing in a distributed environment. The result is a parallel consistent locally refined mesh requiring minimal communication and where minimum mesh quality is greater than scaled Jacobian 0.3 prior to smoothing.

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Volume preservation improvement for interface reconstruction hexahedral methods

Procedia Engineering

Le Goff, Nicolas; Ledoux, Franck; Owen, Steven J.

We propose a new post-processing procedure for automatically adjusting node locations of an all-hex mesh to better match the volume of a reference geometry. Hexahedral meshes generated via an overlay grid procedure, where a precise reference geometry representation is unknown or is impractical to use, do not provide for precise volumetric preservation. A discrete volume fraction representation of the reference geometry MI on an overlay grid is compared with a volume fraction representation of a 3D finite element mesh MO. This work proposes a procedure that uses the localized discrepancy between MI and MO to drive node relocation operations to more accurately match a reference geometry. We demonstrate this procedure on a wide range of hexahedral meshes generated with the Sculpt code and show improved volumetric preservation while still maintaining acceptable mesh quality.

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CUBIT Geometry and Mesh Generation Toolkit 15.2 User Documentation

Blacker, Ted D.; Owen, Steven J.; Staten, Matthew L.; Quadros, William R.; Hanks, Byron H.; Clark, Brett W.; Meyers, Ray J.; Ernst, Corey E.; Merkley, Karl M.; Morris, Randy M.; McBride, Corey M.; Stimpson, Clinton S.; Plooster, Michael P.; Showman, Sam S.

Welcome to CUBIT, the Sandia National Laboratory automated mesh generation toolkit. CUBIT is a full-featured software toolkit for robust generation of two- and three-dimensional finite element meshes (grids) and geometry preparation. Its main goal is to reduce the time to generate meshes, particularly large hex meshes of complicated, interlocking assemblies. It is a solidmodeler based preprocessor that meshes volumes and surfaces for finite element analysis.

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Incorporating physically-based microstructures in materials modeling: Bridging phase field and crystal plasticity frameworks

Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering

Lim, Hojun L.; Abdeljawad, Fadi F.; Owen, Steven J.; Hanks, Byron H.; Foulk, James W.; Battaile, Corbett C.

The mechanical properties of materials systems are highly influenced by various features at the microstructural level. The ability to capture these heterogeneities and incorporate them into continuum-scale frameworks of the deformation behavior is considered a key step in the development of complex non-local models of failure. In this study, we present a modeling framework that incorporates physically-based realizations of polycrystalline aggregates from a phase field (PF) model into a crystal plasticity finite element (CP-FE) framework. Simulated annealing via the PF model yields ensembles of materials microstructures with various grain sizes and shapes. With the aid of a novel FE meshing technique, FE discretizations of these microstructures are generated, where several key features, such as conformity to interfaces, and triple junction angles, are preserved. The discretizations are then used in the CP-FE framework to simulate the mechanical response of polycrystalline α-iron. It is shown that the conformal discretization across interfaces reduces artificial stress localization commonly observed in non-conformal FE discretizations. The work presented herein is a first step towards incorporating physically-based microstructures in lieu of the overly simplified representations that are commonly used. In broader terms, the proposed framework provides future avenues to explore bridging models of materials processes, e.g. additive manufacturing and microstructure evolution of multi-phase multi-component systems, into continuum-scale frameworks of the mechanical properties.

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CUBIT geometry and mesh generation toolkit 15.1 user documentation

Blacker, Ted D.; Owen, Steven J.; Staten, Matthew L.; Quadros, William R.; Hanks, Byron H.; Clark, Brett W.; Meyers, Ray J.; Ernst, Corey E.; Merkley, Karl M.; Morris, Randy M.; McBride, Corey M.; Stimpson, Clinton S.; Plooster, Michael P.; Showman, Sam S.

CUBIT is a full-featured software toolkit for robust generation of two- and three-dimensional finite element meshes (grids) and geometry preparation. Its main goal is to reduce the time to generate meshes, particularly large hex meshes of complicated, interlocking assemblies. It is a solid-modeler based preprocessor that meshes volumes and surfaces for finite element analysis. Mesh generation algorithms include quadrilateral and triangular paving, 2D and 3D mapping, hex sweeping and multi-sweeping, tetrahedral meshing, and various special purpose primitives. CUBIT contains many algorithms for controlling and automating much of the meshing process, such as automatic scheme selection, interval matching, sweep grouping, and also includes state-of-the-art smoothing algorithms.

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Topology Optimization of Cellular Structure

Robbins, Joshua R.; Owen, Steven J.; Clark, Brett W.; Voth, Thomas E.

This paper presents an end-to-end design process for compliance minimization based topological optimization of cellular structures through to the realization of a final printed product. Homogenization is used to derive properties representative of these structures through direct numerical simulation of unit cell models of the underlying periodic structure. The resulting homogenized properties are then used assuming uniform distribution of the cellular structure to compute the final macro-scale structure. A new method is then presented for generating an STL representation of the final optimized part that is suitable for printing on typical industrial machines. Quite fine cellular structures are shown to be possible using this method as compared to other approaches that use nurb based CAD representations of the geometry. Finally, results are presented that illustrate the fine-scale stresses developed in the final macro-scale optimized part and suggestions are made as to incorporate these features into the overall optimization process.

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Creating physically-based three-dimensional microstructures: Bridging phase-field and crystal plasticity models

Lim, Hojun L.; Owen, Steven J.; Abdeljawad, Fadi F.; Hanks, Byron H.; Battaile, Corbett C.

In order to better incorporate microstructures in continuum scale models, we use a novel finite element (FE) meshing technique to generate three-dimensional polycrystalline aggregates from a phase field grain growth model of grain microstructures. The proposed meshing technique creates hexahedral FE meshes that capture smooth interfaces between adjacent grains. Three dimensional realizations of grain microstructures from the phase field model are used in crystal plasticity-finite element (CP-FE) simulations of polycrystalline a -iron. We show that the interface conformal meshes significantly reduce artificial stress localizations in voxelated meshes that exhibit the so-called "wedding cake" interfaces. This framework provides a direct link between two mesoscale models - phase field and crystal plasticity - and for the first time allows mechanics simulations of polycrystalline materials using three-dimensional hexahedral finite element meshes with realistic topological features.

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A template-based approach for parallel hexahedral two-refinement

Procedia Engineering

Owen, Steven J.; Shih, Ryan M.

In this work we provide a template-based approach for generating locally refined all-hex meshes. We focus specifically on refinement of initially structured grids utilizing a 2-refinement approach where uniformly refined hexes are subdivided into eight child elements. The refinement algorithm consists of identifying marked nodes that are used as the basis for a set of four simple refinement templates. The target application for 2-refinement is a parallel grid-based all-hex meshing tool for high performance computing in a distributed environment. The result is a parallel consistent locally refined mesh requiring minimal communication and where minimum mesh quality is greater than scaled Jacobian 0.4 prior to smoothing.

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Results 1–50 of 101
Results 1–50 of 101