
17 Results
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Development of a Mine Rescue Drilling System (MRDS)

Knudsen, Steven D.; Broome, Scott T.; Su, Jiann-Cherng S.; Blankenship, Douglas A.

Sandia National Laboratories (Sandia) has a long history in developing compact, mobile, very high-speed drilling systems and this technology could be applied to increasing the rate at which boreholes are drilled during a mine accident response. The present study reviews current technical approaches, primarily based on technology developed under other programs, analyzes mine rescue specific requirements to develop a conceptual mine rescue drilling approach, and finally, proposes development of a phased mine rescue drilling system (MRDS) that accomplishes (1) development of rapid drilling MRDS equipment; (2) structuring improved web communication through the Mine Safety & Health Administration (MSHA) web site; (3) development of an improved protocol for employment of existing drilling technology in emergencies; (4) deployment of advanced technologies to complement mine rescue drilling operations during emergency events; and (5) preliminary discussion of potential future technology development of specialized MRDS equipment. This phased approach allows for rapid fielding of a basic system for improved rescue drilling, with the ability to improve the system over time at a reasonable cost.

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Practices maintain straight hole in crooked hole conditions, while also enabling significant gains in drill rate

Proceedings - SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition

Knudsen, Steven D.; Dupriest, Fred; Zemach, Ezra; Blankenship, Douglas A.

Bottom hole assembly (BHA) designs were assessed in field trials for their ability to achieve critical low inclination requirements, while simultaneously enabling high drill rates. Because angle has historically been controlled by reducing weight on bit (WOB), these are often competing priorities. The use of real time surveillance of mechanical specific energy (MSE) provided unique insights into the bit dysfunction that occurs with many practices used to control angle. These quantitative insights supported the development of BHA and operating practices that maintained low angle while also achieving major gains in drilling performance. The McGinness Hills field in Lander County Nevada is a geothermal operation with wells drilled in hard metamorphic and crystalline formations. Wellbore inclinations must be maintained below 2.0 degrees in the critical 20 inch interval in order to allow use of lineshaft pumps, which is challenging in the required hole sizes and rock hardness. Formation strengths are similar to petroleum operations in the Rockies and West Texas. Pendulum and packed-hole assemblies were tested, and straight motors and slick assemblies were used for corrections. Well build rates were assumed to be controlled by the three-point curvature in the lower assembly and stabilizer placement was modified to control this curvature. The effectiveness of the curvature control as WOB was increased was evaluated from inclination measurements. Real time MSE analysis was used to manage bit operating performance and to determine the root causes of bit dysfunction. The results demonstrated that packed-hole assemblies could be designed that controlled inclination while enabling 2-3 times higher WOB, and that the use of pendulum assemblies should be eliminated. Packed assemblies drilled 87% faster. The increased WOB resulted in higher drill rates, major reduction in whirl and extended bit life, which are equally important performance objectives in hard rock drilling. The use of MSE surveillance allowed the physical processes to be understood deterministically, so that the philosophical design principles can be applied in other petroleum and geothermal operations.

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Development of a high-temperature diagnostics-while-drilling tool

Blankenship, Douglas A.; Chavira, David C.; Henfling, Joseph A.; King, Dennis K.; Knudsen, Steven D.; Polsky, Yarom P.

The envisioned benefits of Diagnostics-While-Drilling (DWD) are based on the principle that high-speed, real-time information from the downhole environment will promote better control of the drilling process. Although in practice a DWD system could provide information related to any aspect of exploration and production of subsurface resources, the current DWD system provides data on drilling dynamics. This particular set of new tools provided by DWD will allow quicker detection of problems, reduce drilling flat-time and facilitate more efficient drilling (drilling optimization) with the overarching result of decreased drilling costs. In addition to providing the driller with an improved, real-time picture of the drilling conditions downhole, data generated from DWD systems provides researchers with valuable, high fidelity data sets necessary for developing and validating enhanced understanding of the drilling process. Toward this end, the availability of DWD creates a synergy with other Sandia Geothermal programs, such as the hard-rock bit program, where the introduction of alternative rock-reduction technologies are contingent on the reduction or elimination of damaging dynamic effects. More detailed descriptions of the rationale for the program and early development efforts are described in more detail by others [SAND2003-2069 and SAND2000-0239]. A first-generation low-temperature (LT) DWD system was fielded in a series of proof-of-concept tests (POC) to validate functionality. Using the LT system, DWD was subsequently used to support a single-laboratory/multiple-partner CRADA (Cooperative Research and Development Agreement) entitled Advanced Drag Bits for Hard-Rock Drilling. The drag-bit CRADA was established between Sandia and four bit companies, and involved testing of a PDC bit from each company [Wise, et al., 2003, 2004] in the same lithologic interval at the Gas Technology Institute (GTI) test facility near Catoosa, OK. In addition, the LT DWD system has been fielded in cost-sharing efforts with an industrial partner to support the development of new generation hard-rock drag bits. Following the demonstrated success of the POC DWD system, efforts were initiated in FY05 to design, fabricate and test a high-temperature (HT) capable version of the DWD system. The design temperature for the HT DWD system was 225 C. Programmatic requirements dictated that a HT DWD tool be developed during FY05 and that a working system be demonstrated before the end of FY05. During initial design discussions regarding a high-temperature system it was decided that, to the extent possible, the HT DWD system would maintain functionality similar to the low temperature system, that is, the HT DWD system would also be designed to provide the driller with real-time information on bit and bottom-hole-assembly (BHA) dynamics while drilling. Additionally, because of time and fiscal constraints associated with the HT system development, the design of the HT DWD tool would follow that of the LT tool. The downhole electronics package would be contained in a concentrically located pressure barrel and the use of externally applied strain gages with thru-tool connectors would also be used in the new design. Also, in order to maximize the potential wells available for the HT DWD system and to allow better comparison with the low-temperature design, the diameter of the tool was maintained at 7-inches. This report discusses the efforts associated with the development of a DWD system capable of sustained operation at 225 C. This report documents work performed in the second phase of the Diagnostics-While-Drilling (DWD) project in which a high-temperature (HT) version of the phase 1 low-temperature (LT) proof-of-concept (POC) DWD tool was built and tested. Descriptions of the design, fabrication and field testing of the HT tool are provided. Background on prior phases of the project can be found in SAND2003-2069 and SAND2000-0239.

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Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) well construction technology evaluation report

Polsky, Yarom P.; Knudsen, Steven D.

Electricity production from geothermal resources is currently based on the exploitation of hydrothermal reservoirs. Hydrothermal reservoirs possess three ingredients critical to present day commercial extraction of subsurface heat: high temperature, in-situ fluid and high permeability. Relative to the total subsurface heat resource available, hydrothermal resources are geographically and quantitatively limited. A 2006 DOE sponsored study led by MIT entitled 'The Future of Geothermal Energy' estimates the thermal resource underlying the United States at depths between 3 km and 10 km to be on the order of 14 million EJ. For comparison purposes, total U.S. energy consumption in 2005 was 100 EJ. The overwhelming majority of this resource is present in geological formations which lack either in-situ fluid, permeability or both. Economical extraction of the heat in non-hydrothermal situations is termed Enhanced or Engineered Geothermal Systems (EGS). The technologies and processes required for EGS are currently in a developmental stage. Accessing the vast thermal resource between 3 km and 10 km in particular requires a significant extension of current hydrothermal practice, where wells rarely reach 3 km in depth. This report provides an assessment of well construction technology for EGS with two primary objectives: (1) Determining the ability of existing technologies to develop EGS wells. (2) Identifying critical well construction research lines and development technologies that are likely to enhance prospects for EGS viability and improve overall economics. Towards these ends, a methodology is followed in which a case study is developed to systematically and quantitatively evaluate EGS well construction technology needs. A baseline EGS well specification is first formulated. The steps, tasks and tools involved in the construction of this prospective baseline EGS well are then explicitly defined by a geothermal drilling contractor in terms of sequence, time and cost. A task and cost based analysis of the exercise is subsequently conducted to develop a deeper understanding of the key technical and economic drivers of the well construction process. Finally, future research & development recommendations are provided and ranked based on their economic and technical significance.

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Hard-rock drilling performance of a conventional PDC drag bit operated with and without benefit of real-time downhole diagnostics

Transactions - Geothermal Resources Council

Wise, Jack L.; Finger, John T.; Mansure, Arthur J.; Knudsen, Steven D.; Jacobson, Ronald D.; Grossman, James W.; Pritchard, Wyatt A.; Matthews, Oliver

Sandia National Laboratories and Security DBS have collaboratively examined the hard-rock drilling performance of a conventional drag-bit design that was run in conjunction with field tests of Sandia's prototype Diagnostics-While- Drilling (DWD) system for acquiring real-time downhole and surface data. This effort constituted the first two phases of work under the terms of a multi-partner Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) that has been established between Sandia and four bit manufacturers for the purpose of developing and demonstrating "best effort" drag bits that are capable of drilling difficult formations such as those commonly found at geothermal energy production sites. For both CRADA phases completed to date, the test bit (Security DBS, Model PD 5) drilled in the same well-characterized hard lithologic interval at the GTI Catoosa Test Facility near Tulsa, OK. In each case, extensive time-resolved downhole and surface data were acquired with the DWD system. During Phase 1, an experienced driller controlled the drilling parameters only on the basis of standard rig instrumentation readings. For Phase 2, one or more drilling engineers continuously observed the streaming DWD displays and actively guided the drilling process. Significantly different results were achieved in Phases 1 and 2 for penetration rate and bit life, which are reported along with bit damage assessments and representative data from the unique downhole measurement sub that monitored conditions at the bit. This information has supported the development of designs and DWD-based drilling strategies for the "best effort" bits being tested during CRADA Phase 3.

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Development of a system to provide diagnostics-while-drilling

Finger, John T.; Finger, John T.; Mansure, Arthur J.; Wise, Jack L.; Knudsen, Steven D.; Jacobson, Ronald D.

This report describes development of a system that provides high-speed, real-time downhole data while drilling. Background of the project, its benefits, major technical challenges, test planning, and test results are covered by relatively brief descriptions in the body of the report, with some topics presented in more detail in the attached appendices.

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17 Results
17 Results