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Open Radiation Monitoring: Histogram Builder Module Design

Maierhafer, Daniel M.; Polack, John K.; Marleau, Peter M.; Hammon, Steven H.; Helguero, Rachel R.; Geyer, Christian G.

The Open Radiation Monitoring Project seeks to develop and demonstrate a modular radiation detection architecture designed specifically for use in arms control treaty verification (ACTV) applications that will facilitate rapid development of trusted systems to meet the needs of potential future treaties. A modular architecture can be used to reduce more complex systems to a series of single purpose building blocks, thereby facilitating equipment inspection and in turn building trust in the equipment by all treaty parties. Furthermore, a modular architecture can be used to control data flow within the measurement system, reducing the risk of "hidden switches" and constraining the amount of sensitive information that could potentially be inadvertently leaked. This report details the first revision of a prototype circuit that will convert analog pulses directly into a histogrammed data set for further processing. The circuit was designed with both spectroscopy and multiplicity analysis in mind but can, in principle, be used to reduce any raw data stream into a histogram. The number of output channels is limited, and the histogram bin ranges are user configurable to allow for non-uniform and discontinuous bins, which makes it possible to restrict the information being passed down stream if desired. Pulse processing relies entirely on analog circuitry and non- programmable logic, which enables operation without the need for a central processor or other programmable control unit. The circuit remains untested under the Open Radiation Monitoring project due to the closure of the sponsoring program. However, further development and testing is scheduled to take place in support of a purpose-built trusted verification system development effort known as COGNIZANT, which demonstrates the potential benefit of developing a suite of modular trusted system components.

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Characterization of a silicon photo-multiplier array with summing board as a photo-multiplier tube replacement in organic scintillator assemblies

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment

Sweany, Melinda; Marleau, Peter M.; Allwork, C.; Kallenbach, G.; Hammon, Steven H.

We report on the energy, timing, and pulse-shape discrimination performance of cylindrical 5.08 cm diameter × 5.08 cm thick and 7.62 cm diameter × 7.62 cm thick trans-stilbene crystals read out with the passively summed output of three different commercial silicon photo-multiplier arrays. Our results indicate that using the summed output of an 8 × 8 array of SiPMs provides performance competitive with photo-multiplier tubes for many neutron imaging and correlated particle measurements. For a 5.08 cm diameter × 5.08 cm thick crystal read out with SensL's ArrayJ-60035_64P-PCB, which had the best overall properties, we measure the energy resolution as 17.8 ± 0.8% at 341 keVee (σ/E), the timing resolution in the 180–400 keVee range as 236 ± 61 ps (σ), and the pulse-shape discrimination figure-of-merit as 2.21 ± 0.03 in the 230–260 keVee energy range. For a 7.62 cm diameter × 7.62 cm thick crystal read out with SensL's ArrayJ-60035_64P-PCB, we measure the energy resolution as 21.9 ± 2.3% at 341 keVee, the timing resolution in the 180–400 keVee range as 518 ± 42 ps, and the pulse-shape discrimination figure-of-merit as 1.49 ± 0.01 in the 230–260 keVee energy range. These results enable many scintillator-based instruments to enjoy the size, robustness, and power benefits of silicon photo-multiplier arrays as replacement for the photo-multiplier tubes that are predominantly used today.

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Design and Evaluation of a Pixelated PSD-capable Scintillator Detector with SiPM Readout

Sweany, Melinda; Marleau, Peter M.; Hammon, Steven H.; Kallenbach, Gene K.; Polack, John K.

We present the detector response comparison between a 10x10 pixellated array of scintillator read out with Anger logic using four 2" Hamamatsu R7724-100 super bialkali photomulti- plier tubes (PMT) and a custom Silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) board consisting of 100 C-series 6x6 mm SiPMs from SensL. An array of these pixellated detectors are currently used in the Neutron Coded Aperture (NCA) imaging system. The energy, timing and pulse shape discrimination response using both readout schemes are presented, along with an anal- ysis of multiple scatter events occurring within the block. An evaluation of the impact of photodetector readout on the overall detection efficiency and imaging accuracy is presented.

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4 Results
4 Results