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Secure Sensor Platform (SSP) for materials' sealing and monitoring applications

Proceedings - International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology

Schoeneman, Barry D.; Blankenau, Steven J.

For over a decade, Sandia National Laboratories has collaborated with domestic and international partners in the development of intelligent Radio Frequency (RF) loop seals and sensor technologies for multiple applications. Working with US industry, the International Atomic Energy Agency and Russian institutes; the Sandia team continues to utilize gains in technology performance to develop and deploy increasingly sophisticated platforms. Seals of this type are typically used as item monitors to detect unauthorized actions and malicious attacks in storage and transportation applications. The spectrum of current seal technologies at Sandia National Laboratories ranges from Sandia's initial T-1 design incorporating bi-directional RF communication with a loop seal and tamper indicating components to the highly flexible Secure Sensor Platform (SSP). Sandia National Laboratories is currently pursuing the development of the next generation fiber optic loop seal. This new device is based upon the previously designed multi-mission electronic sensor and communication platform that launched the development of the T-1A which is currently in production at Honeywell FM&T for the Savannah River Site. The T-1A is configured as an active fiber optic seal with authenticated, bi-directional RF communications capable of supporting a number of sensors. The next generation fiber optic loop seal, the Secure Sensor Platform (SSP), is enhancing virtually all of the existing capabilities of the T-1A and is adding many new features and capabilities. The versatility of this new device allows the capabilities to be selected and tailored to best fit the specific application. This paper discusses the capabilities of this new generation fiber optic loop seal as well as the potential application theater which can range from rapid, remotely-monitored, temporary deployments to long-term item storage monitoring supporting International nuclear non-proliferation. This next generation technology suite addresses the combination of sealing requirements with requirements in unique materials' identification, environmental monitoring, and remote long-term secure communications. © 2005 IEEE.

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