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Water recovery using waste heat from coal fired power plants

Morrow, Charles W.; Dwyer, Brian P.; Webb, Stephen W.; Altman, Susan J.

The potential to treat non-traditional water sources using power plant waste heat in conjunction with membrane distillation is assessed. Researchers and power plant designers continue to search for ways to use that waste heat from Rankine cycle power plants to recover water thereby reducing water net water consumption. Unfortunately, waste heat from a power plant is of poor quality. Membrane distillation (MD) systems may be a technology that can use the low temperature waste heat (<100 F) to treat water. By their nature, they operate at low temperature and usually low pressure. This study investigates the use of MD to recover water from typical power plants. It looks at recovery from three heat producing locations (boiler blow down, steam diverted from bleed streams, and the cooling water system) within a power plant, providing process sketches, heat and material balances and equipment sizing for recovery schemes using MD for each of these locations. It also provides insight into life cycle cost tradeoffs between power production and incremental capital costs.

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SPR salt wall leaching experiments in lab-scale vessel : data report

Webb, Stephen W.

During cavern leaching in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), injected raw water mixes with resident brine and eventually interacts with the cavern salt walls. This report provides a record of data acquired during a series of experiments designed to measure the leaching rate of salt walls in a labscale simulated cavern, as well as discussion of the data. These results should be of value to validate computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models used to simulate leaching applications. Three experiments were run in the transparent 89-cm (35-inch) ID diameter vessel previously used for several related projects. Diagnostics included tracking the salt wall dissolution rate using ultrasonics, an underwater camera to view pre-installed markers, and pre- and post-test weighing and measuring salt blocks that comprise the walls. In addition, profiles of the local brine/water conductivity and temperature were acquired at three locations by traversing conductivity probes to map out the mixing of injected raw water with the surrounding brine. The data are generally as expected, with stronger dissolution when the salt walls were exposed to water with lower salt saturation, and overall reasonable wall shape profiles. However, there are significant block-to-block variations, even between neighboring salt blocks, so the averaged data are considered more useful for model validation. The remedial leach tests clearly showed that less mixing and longer exposure time to unsaturated water led to higher levels of salt wall dissolution. The data for all three tests showed a dividing line between upper and lower regions, roughly above and below the fresh water injection point, with higher salt wall dissolution in all cases, and stronger (for remedial leach cases) or weaker (for standard leach configuration) concentration gradients above the dividing line.

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Analysis of micromixers and biocidal coatings on water-treatment membranes to minimize biofouling

Altman, Susan J.; Clem, Paul G.; Cook, Adam W.; Hart, William E.; Ho, Clifford K.; Jones, Howland D.; Sun, Amy C.; Webb, Stephen W.

Biofouling, the unwanted growth of biofilms on a surface, of water-treatment membranes negatively impacts in desalination and water treatment. With biofouling there is a decrease in permeate production, degradation of permeate water quality, and an increase in energy expenditure due to increased cross-flow pressure needed. To date, a universal successful and cost-effect method for controlling biofouling has not been implemented. The overall goal of the work described in this report was to use high-performance computing to direct polymer, material, and biological research to create the next generation of water-treatment membranes. Both physical (micromixers - UV-curable epoxy traces printed on the surface of a water-treatment membrane that promote chaotic mixing) and chemical (quaternary ammonium groups) modifications of the membranes for the purpose of increasing resistance to biofouling were evaluated. Creation of low-cost, efficient water-treatment membranes helps assure the availability of fresh water for human use, a growing need in both the U. S. and the world.

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Joint physical and numerical modeling of water distribution networks

Mckenna, Sean A.; Ho, Clifford K.; Cappelle, Malynda A.; Webb, Stephen W.; O'Hern, Timothy J.

This report summarizes the experimental and modeling effort undertaken to understand solute mixing in a water distribution network conducted during the last year of a 3-year project. The experimental effort involves measurement of extent of mixing within different configurations of pipe networks, measurement of dynamic mixing in a single mixing tank, and measurement of dynamic solute mixing in a combined network-tank configuration. High resolution analysis of turbulence mixing is carried out via high speed photography as well as 3D finite-volume based Large Eddy Simulation turbulence models. Macroscopic mixing rules based on flow momentum balance are also explored, and in some cases, implemented in EPANET. A new version EPANET code was developed to yield better mixing predictions. The impact of a storage tank on pipe mixing in a combined pipe-tank network during diurnal fill-and-drain cycles is assessed. Preliminary comparison between dynamic pilot data and EPANET-BAM is also reported.

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Convection in underground oil caverns: The role of double diffusion

2007 Proceedings of the ASME/JSME Thermal Engineering Summer Heat Transfer Conference - HT 2007

Fernando, H.J.S.; Ching, C.Y.; Zhao, Z.; Pol, S.; Webb, Stephen W.

The US Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) stores oil in large underground salt caverns. This oil has compositional and thermal gradients induced by geothermal heating from both the bottom surface and side walls. Temperature layering has been recorded in SPR oil caverns, which is hypothesized to be predominantly due to double-diffusive layering that occurs when a stable compositional gradient is heated from below. Initial results of a laboratory experimental program aimed at studying dynamics of such double-diffusive layers in the context of SPR are described in this paper. Of particular interest are the thickness of converting layers, layer evolution (migration/merging) and conditions for the formation/non-formation of double-diffusive layers. Copyright © 2007 by ASME.

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Training Protocols for the Detection of Explosive Vapors in Interior Spaces

Phelan, James M.; Webb, Stephen W.

Computational fluid dynamics simulations for dispersal of explosive vapors in interior spaces have been performed including details of typical ventilation systems. The interior spaces investigated include an office area, a single-family house, and a warehouse store. Explosive vapor sources are defined in the various interior spaces, and contours of the vapor concentration in the interior spaces relative to the source concentration are presented for relative concentrations down to 10-5. Training protocols for detection of explosive vapors in interior spaces should include an awareness of the time to equilibrium evident in these simulations as well as the significance of ventilation zones.3

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The impact of natural convection on near-field TH processes in the fractured rock at Yucca Mountain

Proceedings of the 11th International High Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference, IHLRWM

Birkholzer, J.T.; Halecky, N.; Webb, Stephen W.; Peterson, P.F.; Bodvarsson, G.S.

The heat output of the radioactive waste proposed to be emplaced at Yucca Mountain will strongly affect the thermal-hydrological (TH) conditions in and near the geologic repository for thousands of years. Recent computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis has demonstrated that the emplacement tunnels (drifts) will act as important conduits for gas flows driven by natural convection. As a result, vapor generated from boiling/evaporation of formation water near elevated-temperature sections of the drifts may effectively be transported to cooler end sections (where no waste is emplaced), would condense there, and subsequently drain into underlying rock units. To study these processes, we have developed a new simulation method that couples existing tools for simulating TH conditions in the fractured formation with modules that approximate natural convection in heated emplacement drifts. The new method is applied to evaluate the future TH conditions at Yucca Mountain in a three-dimensional model domain comprising a representative emplacement drift and the surrounding fractured rock.

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Evaluating the moisture conditions in the fractured rock at Yucca Mountain: The impact of natural convection processes in heated emplacement drifts

Vadose Zone Journal

Birkholzer, J.T.; Webb, Stephen W.; Halecky, N.; Peterson, P.F.; Bodvarsson, G.S.

The energy output of the high-level radioactive waste to be emplaced in the proposed geologic repository at Yucca Mountain, NV, will strongly affect the thermal-hydrological (TH) conditions in the near-drift fractured rock. Heating of rock water to above-boiling conditions will induce large water saturation changes and flux perturbations close to the waste emplacement tunnels (drifts) that will last several thousand years. Understanding these perturbations is important for the performance of the repository, because they could increase, for example, the amount of formation water seeping into the open drifts and contacting waste packages. Recent computational fluid dynamics analysis has demonstrated that the drifts will act as important conduits for gas flows driven by natural convection. As a result, vapor generated from boiling of formation water near elevated-temperature sections of the drifts may effectively be transported to cooler end sections (where no waste is emplaced), where it would condense and subsequently drain into underlying rock units. Thus, natural convection processes have great potential for reducing the near-drift moisture content in heated drift sections, which has positive ramifications for repository performance. To study these processes, we have developed a new simulation method that couples existing tools for simulating TH conditions in the fractured formation with modules that approximate natural convection and evaporation conditions in heated emplacement drifts. The new method is applied to evaluate the impact of in-drift natural convection on the future TH conditions at Yucca Mountain in a three-dimensional model domain comprising a representative emplacement drift and the surrounding fractured rock. © Soil Science Society of America.

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Numerical simulations of lab-scale brine-water mixing experiments

Webb, Stephen W.; Khalil, Imane K.

Laboratory-scale experiments simulating the injection of fresh water into brine in a Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) cavern were performed at Sandia National Laboratories for various conditions of injection rate and small and large injection tube diameters. The computational fluid dynamic (CFD) code FLUENT was used to simulate these experiments to evaluate the predictive capability of FLUENT for brine-water mixing in an SPR cavern. The data-model comparisons show that FLUENT simulations predict the mixing plume depth reasonably well. Predictions of the near-wall brine concentrations compare very well with the experimental data. The simulated time for the mixing plume to reach the vessel wall was underpredicted for the small injection tubes but reasonable for the large injection tubes. The difference in the time to reach the wall is probably due to the three-dimensional nature of the mixing plume as it spreads out at the air-brine or oil-brine interface. The depth of the mixing plume as it spreads out along the interface was within a factor of 2 of the experimental data. The FLUENT simulation results predict the plume mixing accurately, especially the water concentration when the mixing plume reaches the wall. This parameter value is the most significant feature of the mixing process because it will determine the amount of enhanced leaching at the oil-brine interface.

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Measurement and modeling of energetic-material mass transfer to soil-pore water - Project CP-1227 final technical report

Webb, Stephen W.; Phelan, James M.; Stein, Joshua S.; Sallaberry, Cedric J.

Military test and training ranges operate with live-fire engagements to provide realism important to the maintenance of key tactical skills. Ordnance detonations during these operations typically produce minute residues of parent explosive chemical compounds. Occasional low-order detonations also disperse solid-phase energetic material onto the surface soil. These detonation remnants are implicated in chemical contamination impacts to groundwater on a limited set of ranges where environmental characterization projects have occurred. Key questions arise regarding how these residues and the environmental conditions (e.g., weather and geostratigraphy) contribute to groundwater pollution. This final report documents the results of experimental and simulation model development for evaluating mass transfer processes from solid-phase energetics to soil-pore water.

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Measurement and modeling of energetic material mass transfer to soil pore water : Project CP-1227 : FY04 annual technical report

Webb, Stephen W.; Stein, Joshua S.

Military test and training ranges operate with live fire engagements to provide realism important to the maintenance of key tactical skills. Ordnance detonations during these operations typically produce minute residues of parent explosive chemical compounds. Occasional low order detonations also disperse solid phase energetic material onto the surface soil. These detonation remnants are implicated in chemical contamination impacts to groundwater on a limited set of ranges where environmental characterization projects have occurred. Key questions arise regarding how these residues and the environmental conditions (e.g., weather and geostratigraphy) contribute to groundwater pollution impacts. This report documents interim results of a mass transfer model evaluating mass transfer processes from solid phase energetics to soil pore water based on experimental work obtained earlier in this project. This mass transfer numerical model has been incorporated into the porous media simulation code T2TNT. Next year, the energetic material mass transfer model will be developed further using additional experimental data.

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Hydromechanical response of jointed host granitic rock during excavation of the febex tunnel

Elsevier Geo-Engineering Book Series

Sobolik, Steven R.; Webb, Stephen W.; Kobayashi, Akira; Chijimatsu, Masakazu

The FEBEX experiment is a coupled T-H-M test conducted at the Grimsel Test Site in Switzerland designed to study various processes occurring near a radioactive waste storage repository. The experiment uses cylindrical heaters placed along the axis of a drift to simulate the presence of radioactive waste canisters. An engineered barrier made of bentonite blocks is placed in the surrounding annular space. Several research teams performed blind predictions of changes in water pressure and flow rate induced by the excavation of the FEBEX tunnel. This report outlines two num-erical approaches to these predictions. One, the compliant joint model, captures the average response of a jointed rock mass by distributing the response of the individual joints throughout it. The other, a modified Crack tensor theory, treats the non-linear mechanical and hydraulic behavior of fractures. The difference of results between the models are discussed and compared to the actual test data. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Data-Model Comparison of Field Landmine Soil Chemical Signatures at Ft. Leonard Wood

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Phelan, James M.; Webb, Stephen W.

Chemical signatures from buried landmines vary widely due to landmine and environmental conditions. The simulation model T2TNT was developed to evaluate the nature of chemical transport in the soil surrounding a buried landmine. This model uses landmine chemical emission, soil physics, soil-chemical interaction, and surface weather data to estimate surface and subsurface concentrations to help understand the phenomenology of landmine trace chemical detection. While T2TNT compares favorably to controlled laboratory experiments for a buried source of DNT, field data-model comparisons are needed to further increase confidence in T2TNT predictions. The only multi-season landmine soil residue data are from a long-term monitoring project at the DARPA-developed Ft. Leonard Wood Site in Missouri, USA. About 1000 soil residue samples had been taken over six sampling events spanning 21 months since landmine burial. This effort compares the soil residue data from two landmine types to T2TNT model predictions. A one-dimensional model was used to represent the situation and used actual weather data from the site during this period, landmine flux data specific for the mines buried, and temperature and moisture-content dependent degradation rates. Spatial and temporal predictions of chemical concentrations in the soil compare favorably with the soil residue data from Ft. Leonard Wood, increasing confidence in the utility of T2TNT estimates of landmine signature chemicals for other locations.

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Effect of Weather on Landmine Chemical Signatures for Different Climates

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Webb, Stephen W.; Phelan, James M.

Buried landmines are often detected through their chemical signature in the thin air layer, or boundary layer, right above the soil surface by sensors or animals. Environmental processes play a significant role in the available chemical signature. Due to the shallow burial depth of landmines, the weather also influences the release of chemicals from the landmine, transport through the soil to the surface, and degradation processes in the soil. The effect of weather on the landmine chemical signature from a PMN landmine was evaluated with the T2TNT code for three different climates: Kabul, Afghanistan, Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri, USA, and Napacala, Mozambique. Results for TNT gas-phase and solid-phase concentrations are presented as a function of time of the year.

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In-drift natural convection analysis of the low temperature operating mode design

Proposed for publication in Nuclear Technology.

Itamura, Michael T.; Itamura, Michael T.; Francis, Nicholas D.; Webb, Stephen W.

Yucca Mountain has been designated as the nation's high-level radioactive waste repository, and the U.S. Department of Energy has been approved to apply to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission for a license to construct a repository. The temperature and humidity inside the emplacement drift will affect the degradation rate of the waste packages and waste forms as well as the quantity of water available to transport dissolved radionuclides out of the waste canister. Thermal radiation and turbulent natural convection are the main modes of heat transfer inside the drift. This paper presents the result of three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics simulations of a segment of emplacement drift. The model contained the three main types of waste packages and was run at the time that the peak waste package temperatures are expected. Results show that thermal radiation is the dominant mode of heat transfer inside the drift. Natural convection affects the variation in surface temperature on the hot waste packages and can account for a large fraction of the heat transfer for the colder waste packages. The paper also presents the sensitivity of model results to uncertainties in several input parameters. The sensitivity study shows that the uncertainty in peak waste package temperatures due to in-drift parameters is <3 C.

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CFD calculation of internal natural convection in the annulus between horizontal concentric cylinders

Proceedings of the ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference

Webb, Stephen W.; Itamura, Michael T.; Francis, Nicholas D.; James, Darryl L.

Thermally-induced natural convection heat transfer in the annulus between horizontal concentric cylinders has been studied using the commercial code Fluent. The boundary layers are meshed all the way to the wall because forced convection wall functions are not appropriate. Various one-and two-equation turbulence models have been considered. Overall and local heat transfer rates are compared with existing experimental data.

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Measurement and Modeling of Energetic Material Mass Transfer to Soil Pore Water - Project CP-1227 Annual Technical Report

Phelan, James M.; Phelan, James M.; Webb, Stephen W.; Romero, Joseph V.; Barnett, James B.; Bohlken, Fawn A.

Military test and training ranges operate with live fire engagements to provide realism important to the maintenance of key tactical skills. Ordnance detonations during these operations typically produce minute residues of parent explosive chemical compounds. Occasional low order detonations also disperse solid phase energetic material onto the surface soil. These detonation remnants are implicated in chemical contamination impacts to groundwater on a limited set of ranges where environmental characterization projects have occurred. Key questions arise regarding how these residues and the environmental conditions (e.g. weather and geostratigraphy) contribute to groundwater pollution impacts. This report documents interim results of experimental work evaluating mass transfer processes from solid phase energetics to soil pore water. The experimental work is used as a basis to formulate a mass transfer numerical model, which has been incorporated into the porous media simulation code T2TNT. Experimental work to date with Composition B explosive has shown that column tests typically produce effluents near the temperature dependent solubility limits for RDX and TNT. The influence of water flow rate, temperature, porous media saturation and mass loading is documented. The mass transfer model formulation uses a mass transfer coefficient and surface area function and shows good agreement with the experimental data. Continued experimental work is necessary to evaluate solid phase particle size and 2-dimensional effects, and actual low order detonation debris. Simulation model improvements will continue leading to a capability to complete screening assessments of the impacts of military range operations on groundwater quality.

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Modification of TOUGH2 for Enhanced Coal Bed Methane Simulations

Webb, Stephen W.; Webb, Stephen W.

The GEO-SEQ Project is investigating methods for geological sequestration of CO{sub 2}. This project, which is directed by LBNL and includes a number of other industrial, university, and National Laboratory partners, is evaluating computer simulation models including TOUGH2. One of the problems to be considered is Enhanced Coal Bed Methane (ECBM) recovery. In this scenario, CO2 is pumped into methane-rich coal beds. Due to adsorption processes, the CO2 is sorbed onto the coal, which displaces the previously sorbed methane (CH4). The released methane can then be recovered, at least partially offsetting the cost of CO2 sequestration. Modifications have been made to the EOS7R equation of state in TOUGH2 to include the extended Langmuir isotherm for sorbing gases, including the change in porosity associated with the sorbed gas mass. Comparison to hand calculations for pure gas and binary mixtures shows very good agreement. Application to a CO{sub 2} well injection problem given by Law et al. (2002) shows good agreement considering the differences in the equations of state.

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Effect of Weather on the Predicted PMN Landmine Chemical Signature for Kabul, Afghanistan

Webb, Stephen W.; Phelan, James M.

Buried landmines are often detected through the chemical signature in the air above the soil surface by mine detection dogs. Environmental processes play a significant role in the chemical signature available for detection. Due to the shallow burial depth of landmines, the weather influences the release of chemicals from the landmine, transport through the soil to the surface, and degradation processes in the soil. The effect of weather on the landmine chemical signature from a PMN landmine was evaluated with the T2TNT code for Kabul, Afghanistan. Results for TNT and DNT gas-phase and soil solid-phase concentrations are presented as a function of time of the day and time of the year.

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Development of a Risk-Based Performance Assessment Method for Long-Term Cover Systems--Application to the Monticello Mill Tailings Repository

Ho, Clifford K.; Arnold, Bill W.; Cochran, John R.; Webb, Stephen W.

A probabilistic, risk-based performance-assessment methodology is being developed to assist designers, regulators, and involved stakeholders in the selection, design, and monitoring of long-term covers for contaminated subsurface sites. This report presents an example of the risk-based performance-assessment method using a repository site in Monticello, Utah. At the Monticello site, a long-term cover system is being used to isolate long-lived uranium mill tailings from the biosphere. Computer models were developed to simulate relevant features, events, and processes that include water flux through the cover, source-term release, vadose-zone transport, saturated-zone transport, gas transport, and exposure pathways. The component models were then integrated into a total-system performance-assessment model, and uncertainty distributions of important input parameters were constructed and sampled in a stochastic Monte Carlo analysis. Multiple realizations were simulated using the integrated model to produce cumulative distribution functions of the performance metrics, which were used to assess cover performance for both present- and long-term future conditions. Performance metrics for this study included the water percolation reaching the uranium mill tailings, radon flux at the surface, groundwater concentrations, and dose. Results of this study can be used to identify engineering and environmental parameters (e.g., liner properties, long-term precipitation, distribution coefficients) that require additional data to reduce uncertainty in the calculations and improve confidence in the model predictions. These results can also be used to evaluate alternative engineering designs and to identify parameters most important to long-term performance.

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Modification of TOUGH2 to Include the Dusty Gas Model for Gas Diffusion

Webb, Stephen W.

The GEO-SEQ Project is investigating methods for geological sequestration of CO{sub 2}. This project, which is directed by LBNL and includes a number of other industrial, university, and national laboratory partners, is evaluating computer simulation methods including TOUGH2 for this problem. The TOUGH2 code, which is a widely used code for flow and transport in porous and fractured media, includes simplified methods for gas diffusion based on a direct application of Fick's law. As shown by Webb (1998) and others, the Dusty Gas Model (DGM) is better than Fick's Law for modeling gas-phase diffusion in porous media. In order to improve gas-phase diffusion modeling for the GEO-SEQ Project, the EOS7R module in the TOUGH2 code has been modified to include the Dusty Gas Model as documented in this report. In addition, the liquid diffusion model has been changed from a mass-based formulation to a mole-based model. Modifications for separate and coupled diffusion in the gas and liquid phases have also been completed. The results from the DGM are compared to the Fick's law behavior for TCE and PCE diffusion across a capillary fringe. The differences are small due to the relatively high permeability (k = 10{sup -11} m{sup 2}) of the problem and the small mole fraction of the gases. Additional comparisons for lower permeabilities and higher mole fractions may be useful.

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A simple extension of two-phase characteristic curves to include the dry region

Water Resources Research

Webb, Stephen W.

Two-phase characteristic curves are necessary for the simulation of water and vapor flow in porous media. Existing functions such as van Genuchten, Brooks and Corey, and Luckner et al. have significant limitations in the dry region as the liquid saturation goes to zero. This region, which is important in a number of applications including liquid and vapor flow and vapor-solid sorption, has been the subject of a number of previous investigations. Most previous studies extended standard capillary pressure curves into the adsorption region to zero water content and required a refitting of the revised curves to the data. In contrast, the present method provides for a simple extension of existing capillary pressure curves without the need to refit the experimental data. Therefore, previous curve fits can be used, and the transition between the existing fit and the relationship in the adsorption region is easily calculated. The data-model comparison shows good agreement. This extension is a simple and convenient way to extend existing curves to the dry region.

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40 Results
40 Results