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Experimental Demonstration of the Stabilizing Effect of Dielectric Coatings on Magnetically Accelerated Imploding Metallic Liners

Physical Review Letters

Awe, T.J.; Peterson, Kyle J.; Yu, E.P.; McBride, Ryan D.; Sinars, Daniel S.; Gomez, Matthew R.; Jennings, C.A.; Martin, M.R.; Rosenthal, Stephen E.; Schroen, D.G.; Sefkow, Adam B.; Slutz, S.A.; Tomlinson, K.; Vesey, Roger A.

Enhanced implosion stability has been experimentally demonstrated for magnetically accelerated liners that are coated with 70 μm of dielectric. The dielectric tamps liner-mass redistribution from electrothermal instabilities and also buffers coupling of the drive magnetic field to the magneto-Rayleigh-Taylor instability. A dielectric-coated and axially premagnetized beryllium liner was radiographed at a convergence ratio [CR=Rin,0/Rin(z,t)] of 20, which is the highest CR ever directly observed for a strengthless magnetically driven liner. The inner-wall radius Rin(z,t) displayed unprecedented uniformity, varying from 95 to 130 μm over the 4.0 mm axial height captured by the radiograph.

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Direct observation of electrothermal instability structures in the skin layer of an intensely Ohmically heated conductor

Awe, Thomas J.; Yelton, William G.; Yu, Edmund Y.; Rosenthal, Stephen E.; McKenzie, Bonnie B.; Bauer, Bruno S.; Yates, Kevin C.; Hutchinson, Trevor M.; Fuelling, Stephan F.; Lowe, Daniel R.

Magnetically driven implosions (MDIs) on the Z Facility assemble high-energy-density plasmas for radiation effects and ICF experiments. MDIs are hampered by the Magneto-Rayleigh-Taylor (MRT) instability, which can grow to large amplitude from a small seed perturbation, limiting achievable stagnation pressures and temperatures. The metallic liners used in Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF) experiments include astonishingly small (-10 nm RMS) initial surface roughness perturbations; nevertheless, unexpectedly large MRT amplitudes are observed in experiments. An electrothermal instability (ETI) may provide a perturbation which exceeds the initial surface roughness. For a condensed metal resistivity increases with temperature. Locations of higher resistivity undergo increased Ohmic heating, resulting in locally higher temperature, and thus still higher resistivity. Such unstable temperature (and pressure) growth produces density perturbations when the locally overheated metal changes phase, providing the seed perturbation for MRT growth. ETI seeding of MRT on thick conductors carrying current in a skin layer has thus far only been inferred by evaluating MRT amplitude late in the experiment. A direct observation of ETI is vital to ensure our simulation tools are accurately representing the seed of the deleterious MRT instability. In this LDRD project, ETI growth was directly observed on the surface of 1.0-mm-diameter solid Al rods which were pulsed with 1 MA of current in 100 ns. Fine structures resulting from ETI-driven temperature variations were observed directly through high resolution gated optical imaging. Data from two Aluminum alloys (6061 and 5N) and a variety fabrication techniques (conventional machining, single-point diamond turned, electropolished) enable evaluation of which imperfections provide a seed for ETI growth and subsequent plasma initiation. Data is relevant to the early stages of MagLIF liner implosions, when the ETI seed of MRT may be initiated, and provides a fundamentally new dataset with which to test our state-of-the-art simulation tools.

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Transformation of a tungsten wire to the plasma state by nanosecond electrical explosion in vacuum

Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics

Sarkisov, G.S.; Rosenthal, Stephen E.; Struve, Kenneth W.

Experiment demonstrates the first direct transformation of a tungsten wire core to the plasma state by Joule heating during nanosecond electrical explosion in vacuum. Energy of ∼130 eV/atom was deposited into the 12 μm W wire coated by 2 μm polyimide during the first ∼10 ns. All the metal rapidly transformed to highly ionized plasma, while the surrounding polyimide coating remained primarily in a gaseous state. This coating totally suppressed corona formation. The expansion velocity of the wire was ∼12-18 km/s, the average wire ionization at 50 ns reached ∼67% with corresponding LTE temperature of ∼1.2 eV. Explosion of bare W wire demonstrated earlier termination of the wire core heating due to shunting corona generation. Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation reproduces the main features of coated and uncoated W wire explosion. © 2008 The American Physical Society.

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A 5-megavolt, 600-kiloampere laser-triggered gas switch for use on Z-R: Comparison of experiments and simulations

Digest of Technical Papers-IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference

Woodworth, Joseph R.; Rosenthal, Stephen E.; Lehr, J.M.; Maenchen, John E.; Elizondo, J.; Johnson, D.L.; Corley, J.P.; Hodge, K.C.; Drennan, S.A.; Guthrie, D.W.

The Z Refurbishment project is designed to increase the peak current to the load on Z to ∼26 MA in a 100-ns wide power pulse. This current is achieved by summing the current from 36 independent pulse-power modules. To meet these requirements, we have designed and constructed an SF6-insulated gas switch that can hold off 5.5 MV and conduct a peak current of 600 kA for over a hundred shots. The gas switch is charged by a Marx generator in ∼1 microsecond and transfers about 200-kilojoules of energy and 0.25 Coulombs of charge to a pulse-forming line in a ∼150-ns-wide power pulse peaking at 2.5 TW. The gas switch oonsists of a laser-triggered section holding off 15% of the voltage followed by 25 self-breakdown gaps. The self-breaking gaps are designed to provide multiple breakdown arcs in order to lower the overall inductance of the switch. The gas switch is submerged in transformer oil during operation. In this work, we show how simulation and experiment have worked together, first to verify proper operation of the switch, and then to solve problems with the switch design that arose during testing. © 2005 IEEE.

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Fundamental science investigations to develop a 6-MV laser triggered gas switch for ZR: first annual report

Maenchen, John E.; Savage, Mark E.; Struve, Kenneth W.; Woodworth, Joseph R.; Lehr, J.M.; Warne, Larry K.; Bliss, David E.; Jorgenson, Roy E.; LeChien, Keith R.; McKee, George R.; Pasik, Michael F.; Rosenthal, Stephen E.

In October 2005, an intensive three-year Laser Triggered Gas Switch (LTGS) development program was initiated to investigate and solve observed performance and reliability issues with the LTGS for ZR. The approach taken has been one of mission-focused research: to revisit and reassess the design, to establish a fundamental understanding of LTGS operation and failure modes, and to test evolving operational hypotheses. This effort is aimed toward deploying an initial switch for ZR in 2007, on supporting rolling upgrades to ZR as the technology can be developed, and to prepare with scientific understanding for the even higher voltage switches anticipated needed for future high-yield accelerators. The ZR LTGS was identified as a potential area of concern quite early, but since initial assessments performed on a simplified Switch Test Bed (STB) at 5 MV showed 300-shot lifetimes on multiple switch builds, this component was judged acceptable. When the Z{sub 20} engineering module was brought online in October 2003 frequent flashovers of the plastic switch envelope were observed at the increased stresses required to compensate for the programmatically increased ZR load inductance. As of October 2006, there have been 1423 Z{sub 20} shots assessing a variety of LTGS designs. Numerous incremental and fundamental switch design modifications have been investigated. As we continue to investigate the LTGS, the basic science of plastic surface tracking, laser triggering, cascade breakdown, and optics degradation remain high-priority mission-focused research topics. Significant progress has been made and, while the switch does not yet achieve design requirements, we are on the path to develop successively better switches for rolling upgrade improvements to ZR. This report summarizes the work performed in FY 2006 by the large team. A high-level summary is followed by detailed individual topical reports.

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Wire initiation critical for radiation symmetry in Z-pinch-driven dynamic hohlraums

Physical Review Letters

Sanford, T.W.L.; Jennings, C.A.; Rochau, G.A.; Rosenthal, Stephen E.; Sarkisov, G.S.; Sasorov, P.V.; Stygar, William A.; Bennett, Lawrence F.; Bliss, David E.; Chittenden, J.P.; Cuneo, M.E.; Haines, M.G.; Leeper, Ramon J.; Mock, R.C.; Nash, Thomas J.; Peterson, D.L.

Axial symmetry in x-ray radiation of wire-array z pinches is important for the creation of dynamic hohlraums used to compress inertial-confinement-fusion capsules. We present the first evidence that this symmetry is directly correlated with the magnitude of the negative radial electric field along the wire surface. This field (in turn) is inferred to control the initial energy deposition into the wire cores, as well as any current shorting to the return conductor. © 2007 The American Physical Society.

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Nanosecond electrical explosion of thin aluminum wire in vacuum : experimental and computational investigations

Rosenthal, Stephen E.; Struve, Kenneth W.; Deeney, Christopher D.; McDaniel, Dillon H.

The experimental and computational investigations of nanosecond electrical explosion of thin Al wire in vacuum are presented. We have demonstrated that increasing the current rate leads to increased energy deposited before voltage collapse. Laser shadowgrams of the overheated Al core exhibit axial stratification with a {approx}100 {micro}m period. The experimental evidence for synchronization of the wire expansion and light emission with voltage collapse is presented. Two-wavelength interferometry shows an expanding Al core in a low-ionized gas condition with increasing ionization toward the periphery. Hydrocarbons are indicated in optical spectra and their influence on breakdown physics is discussed. The radial velocity of low-density plasma reaches a value of {approx}100 km/s. The possibility of an overcritical phase transition due to high pressure is discussed. 1D MHD simulation shows good agreement with experimental data. MHD simulation demonstrates separation of the exploding wire into a high-density cold core and a low-density hot corona as well as fast rejection of the current from the wire core to the corona during voltage collapse. Important features of the dynamics for wire core and corona follow from the MHD simulation and are discussed.

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Electromagnetic analysis and modeling of the coax-to-triplate transition for the pulse-compression section of the ZR accelerator

Digest of Technical Papers-IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference

Johnson, William Arthur.; Coats, Rebecca S.; Jorgenson, Roy E.; Kotulski, J.D.; Lehr, J.M.; Pasik, Michael F.; Rosenthal, Stephen E.; Turner, C.D.; Warne, Larry K.

Transverse electromagnetic (TEM) wave analysis is used to estimate the efficiencies of the coax to triplate transition in Sandia's Z-20 test module. The structure of both the TEM mode and higher order TE modes in the triplate transmission line are characterized. In addition, three dimensional time domain simulations are carried out and used in conjunction with the modal analysis to provide insight into the wave structure excited in the triplate transmission line.

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Development/tests of 6-MV triggered gas switches at SNL

Digest of Technical Papers-IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference

Corley, John P.; Hodge, K.C.; Drennan, S.A.; Guthrie, D.W.; Navarro, J.M.; Johnson, David L.; Lehr, J.M.; Rosenthal, Stephen E.; Elizondo-Decanini, Juan M.

Gas switch development for application in Z refurbishment (ZR) has continued since PPPS Conference 2001. Several iterations have been tested both in oil and water dielectrics. The first switch tested was an evolved version of the Sandia designed HERMES III switch. The 6MV ZR Baseline Switch consists of a self-breakdown (cascade) section in which the discharge current flows in several parallel channels, and a trigger section where the current flows through a single spark channel. The second switch tested is a Cantilevered Switch. The entire cascade section is cantilevered on a plastic support rod allowing for a single continuous insulator housing but having the same characteristics as the Baseline. The third switch tested is a Sandia Hybrid switch. The laser triggered section of the Hybrid switch includes 5 Cascade like electrodes connected in parallel to a triggered gap via a ∼2μH series isolation inductor. The discharge current in the Hybrid switch trigger section flows in several parallel channels eliminating the single channel flow as in the Baseline Switch trigger section. The design iterations of these switches and results of these tests are presented.

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MHD modeling of conductors at ultrahigh current density

IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science

Rosenthal, Stephen E.; Desjarlais, Michael P.; Spielman, Rick B.; Stygar, William A.; Asay, J.R.; Douglas, Melissa R.; Hall, C.A.; Frese, M.H.; Morse, R.L.; Reisman, D.B.

In conjunction with ongoing high-current experiments on Sandia National Laboratories' Z accelerator (Albuquerque, NM) we have revisited a problem first described in detail by Heinz Knoepfel. Unlike the 1-Tesla MITL's of pulsed power accelerators used to produce intense particle beams, Z's disk, transmission line (downstream of the current addition) is in a 100-1200-Tesla regime; so its conductors cannot be modeled simply as static infinite conductivity boundaries. Using the MHD code [2], [3], [17] MACH2 we have been investigating the conductor hydrodynamics, characterizing the joule heating, magnetic field diffusion, and material deformation, pressure, and velocity over a range of current densities, current rise-times, and conductor materials. The three purposes of this work are 1) to quantify power flow losses owing to ultrahigh magnetic fields, 2) to model the response of VISAR [4], [18], [19] diagnostic samples in various configurations on Z, and 3) to incorporate the most appropriate equation of state and conductivity models into our magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) computations. Certain features are strongly dependent on the details of the conductivity model.

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30 Results
30 Results