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GraphAlign: Graph-Enabled Machine Learning for Seismic Event Filtering

Michalenko, Joshua J.; Manickam, Indu; Heck, Stephen H.

This report summarizes results from a 2 year effort to improve the current automated seismic event processing system by leveraging machine learning models that can operated over the inherent graph data structure of a seismic sensor network. Specifically, the GraphAlign project seeks to utilize prior information on which stations are more likely to detect signals originating from particular geographic regions to inform event filtering. To date, the GraphAlign team has developed a Graphical Neural Network (GNN) model to filter out false events generated by the Global Associator (GA) algorithm. The algorithm operates directly on waveform data that has been associated to an event by building a variable sized graph of station waveforms nodes with edge relations to an event location node. This builds off of previous work where random forest models were used to do the same task using hand crafted features. The GNN model performance was analyzed using an 8 week IMS/IDC dataset, and it was demonstrated that the GNN outperforms the random forest baseline. We provide additional error analysis of which events the GNN model performs well and poorly against concluded by future directions for improvements.

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Evaluation of the PhaseNet Model Applied to the IMS Seismic Network

Garcia, Jorge A.; Heck, Stephen H.; Young, Christopher J.; Brogan, Ronald B.

Producing a complete and accurate set of signal detections is essential for automatically building and characterizing seismic events of interest for nuclear explosion monitoring. Signal detection algorithms have been an area of research for decades, but still produce large quantities of false detections and misidentify real signals that must be detected to produce a complete global catalog of events of interest. Deep learning methods have shown promising capabilities in effectively characterizing seismic signals for complex tasks such as identifying phase arrival times. We use the PhaseNet model, a UNet-based Neural Network, trained on local distance data from northern California to predict seismic arrivals on data from the International Monitoring System (IMS) global network. We use an analyst-curated bulletin generated from this data set to compare the performance of PhaseNet to that of the Short-Term Average/Long-Term Average (STA/LTA) algorithm. We find that PhaseNet has the potential of outperforming traditional processing methods and recommend the training of a new model with the IMS data to achieve optimal performance.

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Lg-wave cross correlation and epicentral double-difference location in and near China

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

Schaff, David P.; Richards, Paul G.; Slinkard, Megan E.; Heck, Stephen H.; Young, Christopher J.

We perform epicentral relocations for a broad area using cross-correlation measurements made on Lg waves recorded at regional distances on a sparse station network. Using a two-step procedure (pairwise locations and cluster locations), we obtain final locations for 5623 events—3689 for all of China from 1985 to 2005 and 1934 for the Wenchuan area from May to August 2008. These high-quality locations comprise 20% of a starting catalog for all of China and 25% of a catalog for Wenchuan. Of the 1934 events located for Wenchuan, 1662 (86%) were newly detected. The final locations explain the residuals 89 times better than the catalog locations for all of China (3.7302–0.0417 s) and 32 times better than the catalog locations for Wenchuan (0.8413–0.0267 s). The average semimajor axes of the 95% confidence ellipses are 420 m for all of China and 370 m for Wenchuan. The average azimuthal gaps are 205° for all of China and 266° for Wenchuan. 98% of the station distances for all of China are over 200 km. The mean and maximum station distances are 898 and 2174 km. The robustness of our location estimates and various trade-offs and sensitivities is explored with different inversion parameters for the location, such as starting locations for iterative solutions and which singular values to include. Our results provide order-of-magnitude improvements in locations for event clusters, using waveforms from a very sparse far-regional network for which data are openly available.

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Detection of the Wenchuan aftershock sequence using waveform correlation with a composite regional network

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

Slinkard, Megan E.; Heck, Stephen H.; Schaff, David; Bonal, Nedra B.; Daily, David M.; Young, Christopher J.; Richards, Paul

Using template waveforms from aftershocks of the Wenchuan earthquake (12 May 2008, Ms 7.9) listed in a global bulletin and continuous data from eight regional stations, we detected more than 6000 additional events in the mainshock source region from 1 May to 12 August 2008. These new detections obey Omori’s law, extend the magnitude of completeness downward by 1.1 magnitude units, and lead to a more than fivefold increase in number of known aftershocks compared with the global bulletins published by the International Data Centre and the International Seismological Centre. Moreover, we detected more M >2 events than were listed by the Sichuan Seismograph Network. Several clusters of these detections were then relocated using the double-difference method, yielding locations that reduced travel-time residuals by a factor of 32 compared with the initial bulletin locations. Our results suggest that using waveform correlation on a few regional stations can find aftershock events very effectively and locate them with precision.

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39 Results
39 Results