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Evaluating the location capabilities of a regional infrasonic network in Utah, US, using both ray tracing-derived and empirical-derived celerity-range and backazimuth models

Geophysical Journal International

Dannemann Dugick, Fransiska K.; Blom, Philip B.; Stump, Brian S.; Hayward, Chris H.; Arrowsmith, Stephen J.; Carmichael, Joshua C.; Marcillo, Omar M.


More realistic models for infrasound signal propagation across a region can be used to improve the precision and accuracy of spatial and temporal source localization estimates. Motivated by incomplete infrasound event bulletins in the Western US, the location capabilities of a regional infrasonic network of stations located between 84–458 km from the Utah Test and Training Range, Utah, USA, is assessed using a series of near-surface explosive events with complementary ground truth (GT) information. Signal arrival times and backazimuth estimates are determined with an automatic F-statistic based signal detector and manually refined by an analyst. This study represents the first application of three distinct celerity-range and backazimuth models to an extensive suite of realistic signal detections for event location purposes. A singular celerity and backazimuth deviation model was previously constructed using ray tracing analysis based on an extensive archive of historical atmospheric specifications and is applied within this study to test location capabilities. Similarly, a set of multivariate, season and location specific models for celerity and backazimuth are compared to an empirical model that depends on the observations across the infrasound network and the GT events, which accounts for atmospheric propagation variations from source to receiver. Discrepancies between observed and predicted signal celerities result in locations with poor accuracy. Application of the empirical model improves both spatial localization precision and accuracy; all but one location estimates retain the true GT location within the 90 per cent confidence bounds. Average mislocation of the events is 15.49 km and average 90 per cent error ellipse areas are 4141 km2. The empirical model additionally reduces origin time residuals; origin time residuals from the other location models are in excess of 160 s while residuals produced with the empirical model are within 30 s of the true origin time. We demonstrate that event location accuracy is driven by a combination of signal propagation model and the azimuthal gap of detecting stations. A direct relationship between mislocation, error ellipse area and increased station azimuthal gaps indicate that for sparse networks, detection backazimuths may drive location biases over traveltime estimates.

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Locating surface explosions by combining seismic and infrasound data

Seismological Research Letters

Koch, Clinton K.; Arrowsmith, Stephen J.

An outline of a Bayesian source location framework for using seismic and acoustic observations is developed and tested on synthetic and real data. Seismic and acoustic phenomena are both commonly used in detection and location of a variety of natural or man-made events, such as volcanic eruptions, quarry blasts, and military exercises. Typically, seismic and acoustic observations have been utilized independently of each other. Here, we outline a Bayesian formulation for combining the two observations in a single estimate of the location and origin time. Using realistic estimates of uncertainty, we subsequently explore how combining the different observation types can benefit event location at local to near-regional distances. We apply the method to synthetic data and to real observations from a mining blast in Bingham Mine in Utah. Our findings suggest that, for relatively sparse or azimuthally limited observations, the relative strengths of the two different phenomenologies enable more precise joint-event localization than either seismic or infrasonic measurements alone.

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Implementation of the waveform correlation event detection system (WCEDS) method for regional seismic event detection in Utah

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

Arrowsmith, Stephen J.; Young, Christopher J.; Pankow, Kristine

Backprojection techniques are a class of methods for detecting and locating events that have been successfully implemented at local scales for dense networks. This article develops the framework for applying a backprojection method to detect and locate a range of event sizes across a heteorogeneous regional network. This article extends previous work on the development of a backprojection method for local and regional seismic event detection, the Waveform Correlation Event Detection System (WCEDS). The improvements outlined here make the technique much more flexible for regional earthquake or explosion monitoring. We first explore how the backprojection operator can be formulated using either a travel-time model or a stack of full waveforms, showing that the former approach is much more flexible and can lead to the detection of smaller events, and to significant improvements in the resolution of event parameters. Second, we discuss the factors that influence the grid of event hypotheses used for backprojection, and develop an algorithm for generating suitable grids for networks with variable density. Third, we explore the effect of including different phases in the backprojection operator, showing that the best results for the study region can be obtained using only the Pg phase, and by including terms for penalizing early arrivals when evaluating the fit for a given event hypothesis. Fourth, we incorporate two parallel backprojection computations with different distance thresholds to enable the robust detection of both network-wide and small (sub-network-only) events. The set of improvements are outlined by applying WCEDS to four example events on the University of Utah Seismograph Stations (UUSS) network.

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Explosion-generated infrasound recorded on ground and airborne microbarometers at regional distances

Seismological Research Letters

Young, E.F.; Bowman, Daniel B.; Lees, J.M.; Klein, V.; Arrowsmith, Stephen J.; Ballard, C.

Recent work in deploying infrasound (low-frequency sound) sensors on aerostats and free-flying balloons has shown them to be viable alternatives to ground stations. However, no study to date has compared the performance of surface and freefloating infrasound microbarometers with respect to acoustic events at regional (100s of kilometers) range. The prospect of enhanced detection of aerial explosions at similar ranges, such as those from bolides, has not been investigated either. We examined infrasound signals from three 1-ton trinitrotoluene (TNT) equivalent chemical explosions using microbarometers on two separate balloons at 280- to 400-km ranges and ground stations at 6.3- to 350-km ranges. Signal celerities were consistent with acoustic waves traveling in the stratospheric duct. However, significant differences were noted between the observed arrival patterns and those predicted by an acoustic propagation model. Very low-background noise levels on the balloons were consistent with previous studies that suggest wind interference is minimal on freely drifting sensors. Simulated propagation patterns and observed noise levels also confirm that balloon-borne microbarometers should be very effective at detecting explosions in the middle and upper atmosphere as well as those on the surface.

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False alarms and the IMS infrasound network: Understanding the factors influencing the creation of false events

Geophysical Journal International

Arrowsmith, Stephen J.

The International Monitoring System (IMS) infrasound network has been designed to acquire the necessary data to detect and locate explosions in the atmosphere with a yield equivalent to 1 kiloton of TNT anywhere on Earth. A major associated challenge is the task of automatically processing data from all IMS infrasound stations to identify possible nuclear tests for subsequent review by analysts. This paper is the first attempt to quantify the false alarm rate (FAR) of the IMS network, and in particular to assess how the FAR is affected by the numbers and distributions of detections at each infrasound station. To ensure that the results are sufficiently general, and not dependent entirely on one detection algorithm, the assessment is based on two detection algorithms that can be thought of as end members in their approach to the trade-offbetween missed detections and false alarms. The results show that the FAR for events formed at only two arrays is extremely high (ranging from 10s to 100s of false events per day across the IMS network, depending on the detector tuning). It is further shown that the FAR for events formed at three or more IMS arrays is driven by ocean-generated waves (microbaroms), despite efforts within both detection algorithms for avoiding these signals, indicating that further research into this issue is merited. Overall, the results highlight the challenge of processing data from a globally sparse network of stations to detect and form events. The results suggest that more work is required to reduce false alarms caused by the detection of microbarom signals.

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Pickless event detection and location: The waveform correlation event-detection system (wceds) revisited

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

Arrowsmith, Stephen J.; Young, Christopher J.; Ballard, Sanford B.; Slinkard, Megan E.; Pankow, Kristine

The standard seismic explosion-monitoring paradigm is based on a sparse, spatially aliased network of stations to monitor either the whole Earth or a region of interest. Under this paradigm, state-of-the-art event-detection methods are based on seismic phase picks, which are associated at multiple stations and located using 3D Earth models. Here, we revisit a concept for event-detection that does not require phase picks or 3D models and fuses detection and association into a single algorithm. Our pickless event detector exploits existing catalog and waveform data to build an empirical stack of the full regional seismic wavefield, which is subsequently used to detect and locate events at a network level using correlation techniques. We apply our detector to seismic data from Utah and evaluate our results by comparing them with the earthquake catalog published by the University of Utah Seismograph Stations. The results demonstrate that our pickless detector is a viable alternative technique for detecting events that likely requires less analyst overhead than do the existing methods.

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Detection of regional infrasound signals using array data: Testing, tuning, and physical interpretation

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America

Park, Junghyun; Stump, Brian W.; Hayward, Chris; Arrowsmith, Stephen J.; Che, Il Y.; Drob, Douglas P.

This work quantifies the physical characteristics of infrasound signal and noise, assesses their temporal variations, and determines the degree to which these effects can be predicted by time-varying atmospheric models to estimate array and network performance. An automated detector that accounts for both correlated and uncorrelated noise is applied to infrasound data from three seismo-acoustic arrays in South Korea (BRDAR, CHNAR, and KSGAR), cooperatively operated by Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM) and Southern Methodist University (SMU). Arrays located on an island and near the coast have higher noise power, consistent with both higher wind speeds and seasonably variable ocean wave contributions. On the basis of the adaptive F-detector quantification of time variable environmental effects, the time-dependent scaling variable is shown to be dependent on both weather conditions and local site effects. Significant seasonal variations in infrasound detections including daily time of occurrence, detection numbers, and phase velocity/azimuth estimates are documented. These time-dependent effects are strongly correlated with atmospheric winds and temperatures and are predicted by available atmospheric specifications. This suggests that commonly available atmospheric specifications can be used to predict both station and network detection performance, and an appropriate forward model improves location capabilities as a function of time.

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A Comparative Study of Automated Infrasound Detectors - PMCC and AFD with Analyst Review

Sandia journal manuscript; Not yet accepted for publication

Park, Junghyun P.; Hayward, Chris H.; Zeiler, Cleat P.; Arrowsmith, Stephen J.; Stump, Brian S.

Automated detections calculated by the progressive multi-channel correlation (PMCC) method (Cansi, 1995) and the adaptive F detector (AFD) (Arrowsmith et al., 2009) are compared to the signals identified by five independent analysts. Each detector was applied to a four-hour time sequence recorded by the Korean infrasound array CHNAR. This array was used because it is composed of both small (<100 m) and large (~1000 m) aperture element spacing. The four hour time sequence contained a number of easily identified signals under noise conditions that have average RMS amplitudes varied from 1.2 to 4.5 mPa (1 to 5 Hz), estimated with running five-minute window. The effectiveness of the detectors was estimated for the small aperture, large aperture, small aperture combined with the large aperture, and full array. The full and combined arrays performed the best for AFD under all noise conditions while the large aperture array had the poorest performance for both detectors. PMCC produced similar results as AFD under the lower noise conditions, but did not produce as dramatic an increase in detections using the full and combined arrays. Both automated detectors and the analysts produced a decrease in detections under the higher noise conditions. Comparing the detection probabilities with Estimated Receiver Operating Characteristic (EROC) curves we found that the smaller value of consistency for PMCC and the larger p-value for AFD had the highest detection probability. These parameters produced greater changes in detection probability than estimates of the false alarm rate. The detection probability was impacted the most by noise level, with low noise (average RMS amplitude of 1.7 mPa) having an average detection probability of ~40% and high noise (average RMS amplitude of 2.9 mPa) average detection probability of ~23%.

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44 Results
44 Results