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Achieving high ethylene yield in non-oxidative ethane dehydrogenation

Applied Catalysis A: General

Riley, Christopher R.; De La Riva, Andrew; Ibarra, Isabel L.; Datye, Abhaya K.; Chou, Stanley S.

Steam cracking of ethane, a non-catalytic thermochemical process, remains the dominant means of ethylene production. The severe reaction conditions and energy expenditure involved in this process incentivize the search for alternative reaction pathways and reactor designs which maximize ethylene yield while minimizing cost and energy input. Herein, we report a comparison of catalytic and non-catalytic non-oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane. We achieve ethylene yields as high as 67 % with an open tube quartz reactor without the use of a catalyst at residence times ∼4 s. The open tube reactor design promotes simplicity, low cost, and negligible coke formation. Pristine quartz tubes were most effective, since coke formation was detected when defects were introduced by scratching the surface of the quartz. Surprisingly, the addition of solids to the quartz tube, such as quartz sand, alumina powder, or even Pt-based intermetallic catalysts, led to lower ethylene yield. Pt alloy catalysts are effective at lower temperatures, such as at 575 °C, but conversion is limited due to thermodynamic constraints. When operated at industrially relevant temperatures, such as 700 °C and above, these catalysts were not stable in our tests, causing ethylene yield to drop below that of the open tube. These results suggest that future research on non-oxidative dehydrogenation should be directed at optimizing reactor designs to improve the conversion of ethane to ethylene, since this approach shows promise for decentralized production of ethylene from natural gas deposits.

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Molecular tail chemistry controls thermal transport in fullerene films

Physical Review Materials

Giri, Ashutosh; Chou, Stanley S.; Drury, Daniel E.; Tomko, Kathleen Q.; Olson, David; Gaskins, John T.; Kaehr, Bryan J.; Hopkins, Patrick E.

We report on the thermal conductivities of alkyl- and indene-group functionalized fullerene derivative thin films as measured via time domain thermoreflectance and steady state thermoreflectance. The thermal conductivities vary from 0.064±0.007 W m-1 K-1 for [6,6]-phenyl C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) to 0.15±0.017 W m-1 K-1 for indene-C60 bisadduct at room temperature and do not exhibit significant temperature dependence from 300 to 375 K. In comparison to the thermal conductivity of PCBM, increasing the length of the alkyl chain, as in the case of [6,6]-phenyl C61-butyric acid butyl ester, and [6,6]-phenyl C61-butyric acid octyl ester leads to higher thermal conductivities. Likewise, increasing the number of alkyl chains attached to the fullerenes as in the case of bisadduct PCBM leads to a higher thermal conductivity compared to that of PCBM. We present atomistic insights into the role of chemical functionalization on the overall heat transfer in these fullerene derivatives by conducting molecular dynamics simulations and lattice dynamics calculations. The thermal conductivities predicted via our atomistic simulations qualitatively agree with the experimental trends for our fullerene derivatives. Lattice dynamics calculations reveal that one of the main factors dictating the ultralow thermal conductivities in fullerene derivatives is the large reduction in modal diffusivities in the molecular crystals as calculated from the Allen-Feldman model, thus providing an explanation for their largely reduced thermal conductivities as compared to that of C60 crystals. The low diffusivities result from high degrees of localization of Einstein-like vibrations in fullerene derivatives due to the molecular side chains, providing the ability to dial-in the properties of these low thermal conductivity solids via molecular engineering.

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Topological Quantum Materials for Quantum Computation

Nenoff, T.M.; Chou, Stanley S.; Dickens, Peter D.; Modine, N.A.; Yu, Wenlong Y.; Lee, Stephen R.; Sapkota, Keshab R.; Wang, George T.; Wendt, J.R.; Medlin, Douglas L.; Leonard, Francois L.; Pan, Wei P.

Recent years have seen an explosion in research efforts discovering and understanding novel electronic and optical properties of topological quantum materials (TQMs). In this LDRD, a synergistic effort of materials growth, characterization, electrical-magneto-optical measurements, combined with density functional theory and modeling has been established to address the unique properties of TQMs. Particularly, we have carried out extensive studies in search for Majorana fermions (MFs) in TQMs for topological quantum computation. Moreover, we have focused on three important science questions. 1) How can we controllably tune the properties of TQMs to make them suitable for quantum information applications? 2) What materials parameters are most important for successfully observing MFs in TQMs? 3) Can the physical properties of TQMs be tailored by topological band engineering? Results obtained in this LDRD not only deepen our current knowledge in fundamental quantum physics but also hold great promise for advanced electronic/photonic applications in information technologies. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The work at Sandia National Labs was supported by a Laboratory Directed Research and Development project. Device fabrication was performed at the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, an Office of Science User Facility operated for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science. We are grateful to many people inside and outside Sandia for their support and fruitful collaborations. This report describes objective technical results and analysis. Any subjective views or opinions that might be expressed in the paper do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Department of Energy or the United States Government. Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525.

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Laser Direct Write Synthesis of Lead Halide Perovskites

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters

Chou, Stanley S.; Swartzentruber, Brian S.; Janish, Matthew T.; Meyer, Kristin M.; Biedermann, Laura B.; Okur, Serdal; Burckel, David B.; Carter, C.B.; Kaehr, Bryan J.

Lead halide perovskites are increasingly considered for applications beyond photovoltaics, for example, light emission and detection, where an ability to pattern and prototype microscale geometries can facilitate the incorporation of this class of materials into devices. Here we demonstrate laser direct write of lead halide perovskites, a remarkably simple procedure that takes advantage of the inverse dependence between perovskite solubility and temperature by using a laser to induce localized heating of an absorbing substrate. We demonstrate arbitrary pattern formation of crystalline CH3NH3PbBr3 on a range of substrates and fabricate and characterize a microscale photodetector using this approach. This direct write methodology provides a path forward for the prototyping and production of perovskite-based devices.

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Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticle-Supported Lipid Bilayers (Protocells) for Active Targeting and Delivery to Individual Leukemia Cells

ACS Nano

Durfee, Paul N.; Lin, Yu S.; Dunphy, Darren R.; Muñiz, Ayşe J.; Butler, Kimberly S.; Humphrey, Kevin R.; Lokke, Amanda J.; Agola, Jacob O.; Chou, Stanley S.; Chen, I.M.; Wharton, Walker; Townson, Jason L.; Willman, Cheryl L.; Brinker, C.J.

Many nanocarrier cancer therapeutics currently under development, as well as those used in the clinical setting, rely upon the enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect to passively accumulate in the tumor microenvironment and kill cancer cells. In leukemia, where leukemogenic stem cells and their progeny circulate within the peripheral blood or bone marrow, the EPR effect may not be operative. Thus, for leukemia therapeutics, it is essential to target and bind individual circulating cells. Here, we investigate mesoporous silica nanoparticle (MSN)-supported lipid bilayers (protocells), an emerging class of nanocarriers, and establish the synthesis conditions and lipid bilayer composition needed to achieve highly monodisperse protocells that remain stable in complex media as assessed in vitro by dynamic light scattering and cryo-electron microscopy and ex ovo by direct imaging within a chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) model. We show that for vesicle fusion conditions where the lipid surface area exceeds the external surface area of the MSN and the ionic strength exceeds 20 mM, we form monosized protocells (polydispersity index <0.1) on MSN cores with varying size, shape, and pore size, whose conformal zwitterionic supported lipid bilayer confers excellent stability as judged by circulation in the CAM and minimal opsonization in vivo in a mouse model. Having established protocell formulations that are stable colloids, we further modified them with anti-EGFR antibodies as targeting agents and reverified their monodispersity and stability. Then, using intravital imaging in the CAM, we directly observed in real time the progression of selective targeting of individual leukemia cells (using the established REH leukemia cell line transduced with EGFR) and delivery of a model cargo. Overall, we have established the effectiveness of the protocell platform for individual cell targeting and delivery needed for leukemia and other disseminated disease.

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Understanding catalysis in a multiphasic two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide

Nature Communications

Chou, Stanley S.; Sai, Na; Lu, Ping L.; Coker, Eric N.; Liu, Sheng L.; Artyushkova, Kateryna; Luk, Ting S.; Kaehr, Bryan J.; Brinker, C.J.

Establishing processing-structure-property relationships for monolayer materials is crucial for a range of applications spanning optics, catalysis, electronics and energy. Presently, for molybdenum disulfide, a promising catalyst for artificial photosynthesis, considerable debate surrounds the structure/property relationships of its various allotropes. Here we unambiguously solve the structure of molybdenum disulfide monolayers using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy supported by density functional theory and show lithium intercalation to direct a preferential transformation of the basal plane from 2H (trigonal prismatic) to 1T′ (clustered Mo). These changes alter the energetics of molybdenum disulfide interactions with hydrogen (ΔG H), and, with respect to catalysis, the 1T′ transformation renders the normally inert basal plane amenable towards hydrogen adsorption and hydrogen evolution. Indeed, we show basal plane activation of 1T′ molybdenum disulfide and a lowering of ΔG H from +1.6 eV for 2H to +0.18 eV for 1T′, comparable to 2H molybdenum disulfide edges on Au(111), one of the most active hydrogen evolution catalysts known.

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Controlling the metal to semiconductor transition of MoS2 and WS2 in solution

Journal of the American Chemical Society

Chou, Stanley S.; Huang, Yi-Kai H.; Kim, Jaemyung K.; Kaehr, Bryan J.; Foley, Brian M.; Lu, Ping L.; Dykstra, Conner D.; Hopkins, Patrick E.; Brinker, C.J.; Huang, Jiaxing H.

Lithiation-exfoliation produces single to few-layered MoS2 and WS2 sheets dispersible in water. However, the process transforms them from the pristine semiconducting 2H phase to a distorted metallic phase. Recovery of the semiconducting properties typically involves heating of the chemically exfoliated sheets at elevated temperatures. Therefore, it has been largely limited to sheets deposited on solid substrates. We report the dispersion of chemically exfoliated MoS2 sheets in high boiling point organic solvents enabled by surface functionalization and the controllable recovery of their semiconducting properties directly in solution. Ultimately, this process connects the scalability of chemical exfoliation with the simplicity of solution processing, enabling a facile method for tuning the metal to semiconductor transitions of MoS2 and WS2 within a liquid medium.

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26 Results
26 Results