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Characterization of Self-Magnetic Pinch (SMP) radiographic diode performance on RITS-6 at Sandia National Laboratories: 1) Diode Dynamics, DC Heating to extend Radiation Pulse

Renk, Timothy J.; Oliver, Bryan V.; Kiefer, Mark.L.; Webb, Timothy J.; Leckbee, Joshua J.; Johnston, Mark D.; Simpson, Sean S.; Mazarakis, Michael G.

Radiographic diodes focus an intense electron beam to a small spot size to minimize the source area of energetic photons for radiographic interrogation. The self-magnetic pinch (SMP) diode has been developed as such a source and operated as a load for the RITS-6 Inductive Voltage Adder (IVA) driver. While experiments support the generally accepted conclusion that a 1:1 aspect diode (cathode diameter equals anode-cathode gap) delivers optimum SMP performance, such experiments also show that reducing the cathode diameter, while reducing spot size, also results in reduced radiation dose, by as much as 50%, and degraded shot reproducibility. Analyzation of the effective electron impingement angle on the anode converter with time made possible by a newly developed dose-rate array diagnostic indicates that fast-developing oscillations of the angle are correlated with early termination of the radiation pulse on many of the smaller-diameter SMP shots. This behavior as a function of relative cathode size persists through experiments with output voltages and currents up to 11.5 MV and 225 kA, respectively, and with spot sizes below ~ few mm. Since simulations to date have not predicted such oscillatory behavior, considerable discussion of the angle-behavior of SMP shots is made to lend credence to the inference. There is clear anecdotal evidence that DC heating of the SMP diode region leads to stabilization of this oscillatory behavior. This is the first of two papers on the performance of the SMP diode on the RITS-6 accelerator.

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Assessment of Electrode Contamination Mitigation at 0.5 MA Scale

Lamppa, Derek C.; Simpson, Sean S.; Hutsel, Brian T.; Cuneo, M.E.; Laity, George R.; Rose, David R.

The Z Machine at Sandia National Laboratories uses current pulses with peaks up to 27 MA to drive target implosions and generate high energy density conditions of interest for stockpile stewardship programs pertinent to the NNSA program portfolio . Physical processes in the region near the Z Machine target create electrode plasmas which seed parasitic current loss that reduce the performance and output of a Z experiment. Electrode surface contaminants (hydrogen, water, hydrocarbons) are thought to be the primary constituent of electrode plasmas which contribute to loss mechanisms. The Sandia team explore d in situ heating and plasma discharge techniques by integrating requisite infrastructure into Sandia's Mykonos LTD accelerator, addressing potential impacts to accelerator operation, and reporting on the impact of these techniques on electrode plasma formation and shot performance. The in situ discharge cleaning utilizes the electrodes of the accelerator to excite an argon-oxygen plasma to sputter and chemically react contaminants from electrode surfaces. Insulating breaks are required to isolate the plasma in electrode regions where loss processes are most likely to occur. The shots on Mykonos validate that these breaks do not perturb experiment performance, reducing the uncertainty on the largest unknown about the in situ cleaning system. Preliminary observations with electrical and optical diagnostics suggest that electrode plasma formation is delayed, and overall inventory has been substantively reduced. In situ heating embeds cartridge heaters into accelerator electrodes and employs a thermal bakeout to rapidly desorb contaminants from electrode surfaces. For the first time, additively manufactured (AM) electrode assemblies were used on a low impedance accelerator to integrate cooling channels and manage thermal gradients. Challenges with poor supplier fabrication to specifications, load alignment, thermal expansion and hardware movement and warpage appears to have introduced large variability in observed loss, though, preventing strong assertions of loss reduction via in situ heating. At this time, an in situ discharge cleaning process offers the lowest risk path to reduce electrode contaminant inventories on Z, though we recommend continuing to develop both approaches. Additional engineering and testing are required to improve the implementation of both systems. .

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Towards Predictive Plasma Science and Engineering through Revolutionary Multi-Scale Algorithms and Models (Final Report)

Laity, George R.; Robinson, Allen C.; Cuneo, M.E.; Alam, Mary K.; Beckwith, Kristian B.; Bennett, Nichelle L.; Bettencourt, Matthew T.; Bond, Stephen D.; Cochrane, Kyle C.; Criscenti, Louise C.; Cyr, Eric C.; De Zetter, Karen J.; Drake, Richard R.; Evstatiev, Evstati G.; Fierro, Andrew S.; Gardiner, Thomas A.; Glines, Forrest W.; Goeke, Ronald S.; Hamlin, Nathaniel D.; Hooper, Russell H.; Koski, Jason K.; Lane, James M.; Larson, Steven R.; Leung, Kevin L.; McGregor, Duncan A.; Miller, Philip R.; Miller, Sean M.; Ossareh, Susan J.; Phillips, Edward G.; Simpson, Sean S.; Sirajuddin, David S.; Smith, Thomas M.; Swan, Matthew S.; Thompson, Aidan P.; Tranchida, Julien G.; Bortz-Johnson, Asa J.; Welch, Dale R.; Russell, Alex M.; Watson, Eric D.; Rose, David V.; McBride, Ryan D.

This report describes the high-level accomplishments from the Plasma Science and Engineering Grand Challenge LDRD at Sandia National Laboratories. The Laboratory has a need to demonstrate predictive capabilities to model plasma phenomena in order to rapidly accelerate engineering development in several mission areas. The purpose of this Grand Challenge LDRD was to advance the fundamental models, methods, and algorithms along with supporting electrode science foundation to enable a revolutionary shift towards predictive plasma engineering design principles. This project integrated the SNL knowledge base in computer science, plasma physics, materials science, applied mathematics, and relevant application engineering to establish new cross-laboratory collaborations on these topics. As an initial exemplar, this project focused efforts on improving multi-scale modeling capabilities that are utilized to predict the electrical power delivery on large-scale pulsed power accelerators. Specifically, this LDRD was structured into three primary research thrusts that, when integrated, enable complex simulations of these devices: (1) the exploration of multi-scale models describing the desorption of contaminants from pulsed power electrodes, (2) the development of improved algorithms and code technologies to treat the multi-physics phenomena required to predict device performance, and (3) the creation of a rigorous verification and validation infrastructure to evaluate the codes and models across a range of challenge problems. These components were integrated into initial demonstrations of the largest simulations of multi-level vacuum power flow completed to-date, executed on the leading HPC computing machines available in the NNSA complex today. These preliminary studies indicate relevant pulsed power engineering design simulations can now be completed in (of order) several days, a significant improvement over pre-LDRD levels of performance.

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Additive Manufacturing of MITL's and Convolutes

Rose, Charles; Whetten, Shaun R.; Mahaffey, Jacob T.; Simpson, Sean S.; Saiz, David J.; Puckett, Raymond V.

Stockpile stewardship requires accurate and predictive models relying on the generation of extreme environments which is both incredibly difficult and profoundly necessary. Next generation pulsed power facilities (NGPPF), where these environments are created, may require a paradigm shift in equipment engineering/manufacture to fulfill this need. Therefore, this research aims to investigate the limitations, capabilities and efficacy of leveraging advancements in the field of additive manufacturing (AM) in order to produce novel power flow components for NGPPFs. This work focused on commercial 3D metal AM equipment producing several prototypes addressing prescient needs/shortcomings, and a technique wherein a lightweight polymer core is metalized. Ultimately, commercial 3D metal AM is considered a viable path forward but would require a sizeable investment and does not currently support the scale and complexity necessary for NGPPFs. Moreover, initial results from our composite technique are promising and is considered a realizable path forward given further investigation.

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Vacuum Insulator Flashover of Ultra High Vacuum Compatible Insulators

IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference

Leckbee, Joshua L.; Simpson, Sean S.; Ziska, Derek Z.; Bui, B.

High voltage vacuum systems with stringent vacuum requirements are often designed with ceramic insulators which have low flashover strength. In this paper, we report on experimental results comparing pulsed high voltage flashover of Rexolite®(cross-linked polystyrene), a pulsed power industry standard vacuum insulator, to Kel-F® (polyclorotrifluoroethylene), a plastic with significantly lower vacuum outgassing. Our results show similar surface flashover results with the two materials, with both exhibiting large spread in flashover electric field. The average electric field for flashover of each material agree well with predictions based on previously published results.

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Rustin, Kurt R.; Loo, Cameron L.; Veliz, Veronica V.; Almesaeed, Saad A.; Klingenberger, Justin K.; lee, michael l.; Simpson, Sean S.

Abstract not provided.

Preliminary schlieren and optical emission diagnostics of a high-voltage laser triggered switch

AIAA Aviation 2019 Forum

Rose, Charles; Yalin, Azer P.; Simpson, Sean S.; Patel, Sonal P.

We present the setup and preliminary diagnostic measurements of an optically accessible high-voltage laser trigger switch (HV-LTS) operating with zero air and millimeter gap lengths. The switch is utilized as a test bed to collect electrical and optical measurements to inform recently discovered gaps in the Tom Martin switch model. We present the basic theory of this model including key assumptions on the radial plasma channel growth and constant electrical conductivity. Characteristic electrical measurements of the switch are presented including: self-break curve, minimum laser energy to trigger with ~100% reliability for various set voltages, and equivalent circuit resistance and inductance. Schlieren images are presented of the temporal blast wave associated with laser triggering, as well as switch closure plasma. Radial plasma growth is measured and found to agree with the Martin model assumptions, albeit with variability yielding a potential error in calculated resistance of ~15%. Optical emission spectra of switch closure are also recorded and show the spectra to be dominated by continuum at early times with emission lines becoming visible at ~200 ns after a 25 kV shot and ~500 ns after a 100 kV shot. This data, to the best of the author’s knowledge, represents the first publication of HV-LTS emission spectra.

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Contribution of the backstreaming ions to the self-magnetic pinch (SMP) diode current

Physics of Plasmas

Mazarakis, Michael G.; Bennett, Nichelle; Cuneo, M.E.; Fournier, Sean D.; Johnston, Mark D.; Kiefer, Mark L.; Leckbee, Joshua L.; Nielsen, D.S.; Oliver, Bryan V.; Sceiford, Matthew S.; Simpson, Sean S.; Renk, Timothy J.; Ruiz, Carlos L.; Webb, Timothy J.; Ziska, Derek Z.; Droemer, Darryl W.; Gignac, Raymond E.; Obregon, Robert J.; Wilkins, Frank L.; Welch, Dale R.

The results presented here were obtained with a self-magnetic pinch (SMP) diode mounted at the front high voltage end of the RITS accelerator. RITS is a Self-Magnetically Insulated Transmission Line (MITL) voltage adder that adds the voltage pulse of six 1.3 MV inductively insulated cavities. The RITS driver together with the SMP diode has produced x-ray spots of the order of 1 mm in diameter and doses adequate for the radiographic imaging of high area density objects. Although, through the years, a number of different types of radiographic electron diodes have been utilized with SABER, HERMES III and RITS accelerators, the SMP diode appears to be the most successful and simplest diode for the radiographic investigation of various objects. Our experiments had two objectives: first to measure the contribution of the back-streaming ion currents emitted from the anode target and second to try to evaluate the energy of those ions and hence the Anode-Cathode (A-K) gap actual voltage. In any very high voltage inductive voltage adder utilizing MITLs to transmit the power to the diode load, the precise knowledge of the accelerating voltage applied on the A-K gap is problematic. This is even more difficult in an SMP diode where the A-K gap is very small (∼1 cm) and the diode region very hostile. The accelerating voltage quoted in the literature is from estimates based on the measurements of the anode and cathode currents of the MITL far upstream from the diode and utilizing the para-potential flow theories and inductive corrections. Thus, it would be interesting to have another independent measurement to evaluate the A-K voltage. The diode's anode is made of a number of high-Z metals in order to produce copious and energetic flash x-rays. It was established experimentally that the back-streaming ion currents are a strong function of the anode materials and their stage of cleanness. We have measured the back-streaming ion currents emitted from the anode and propagating through a hollow cathode tip for various diode configurations and different techniques of target cleaning treatment: namely, heating at very high temperatures with DC and pulsed current, with RF plasma cleaning, and with both plasma cleaning and heating. We have also evaluated the A-K gap voltage by energy filtering technique. Experimental results in comparison with LSP simulations are presented.

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High-voltage atmospheric breakdown across intervening rutile dielectrics

Simpson, Sean S.; Coats, Rebecca S.; Hjalmarson, Harold P.; Jorgenson, Roy E.; Pasik, Michael F.

This report documents work conducted in FY13 on electrical discharge experiments performed to develop predictive computational models of the fundamental processes of surface breakdown in the vicinity of high-permittivity material interfaces. Further, experiments were conducted to determine if free carrier electrons could be excited into the conduction band thus lowering the effective breakdown voltage when UV photons (4.66 eV) from a high energy pulsed laser were incident on the rutile sample. This report documents the numerical approach, the experimental setup, and summarizes the data and simulations. Lastly, it describes the path forward and challenges that must be overcome in order to improve future experiments for characterizing the breakdown behavior for rutile.

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30 Results
30 Results