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Miniband transport in a two-dimensional electron gas with a strong periodic unidirectional potential modulation

Solid State Communications

Lyo, S.K.; Pan, Wei P.

We study the Bloch oscillations of a two-dimensional electron gas with a strong periodic potential-modulation and miniband transport along the field at low temperatures, assuming a free motion in the transverse direction. The dependence of the current on the field, the electron density, and the temperature is investigated by using a relaxation-time approximation for inelastic scattering. For a fixed total scattering rate, the field dependence of the current is sensitive to the ratio of the elastic and inelastic scattering rates in contrast with the recent result of a multiband but otherwise similar model with a weak potential modulation. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.

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Mid-infrared quantum dot emitters utilizing planar photonic crystal technology

Shaner, Eric A.; Passmore, Brandon S.; Lyo, S.K.; Cederberg, Jeffrey G.; Subramania, Ganapathi S.; El-Kady, I.

The three-dimensional confinement inherent in InAs self-assembled quantum dots (SAQDs) yields vastly different optical properties compared to one-dimensionally confined quantum well systems. Intersubband transitions in quantum dots can emit light normal to the growth surface, whereas transitions in quantum wells emit only parallel to the surface. This is a key difference that can be exploited to create a variety of quantum dot devices that have no quantum well analog. Two significant problems limit the utilization of the beneficial features of SAQDs as mid-infrared emitters. One is the lack of understanding concerning how to electrically inject carriers into electronic states that allow optical transitions to occur efficiently. Engineering of an injector stage leading into the dot can provide current injection into an upper dot state; however, to increase the likelihood of an optical transition, the lower dot states must be emptied faster than upper states are occupied. The second issue is that SAQDs have significant inhomogeneous broadening due to the random size distribution. While this may not be a problem in the long term, this issue can be circumvented by using planar photonic crystal or plasmonic approaches to provide wavelength selectivity or other useful functionality.

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LDRD final report on Bloch Oscillations in two-dimensional nanostructure arrays for high frequency applications

Pan, Wei P.; Lyo, S.K.; Reno, J.L.; Wendt, J.R.; Barton, Daniel L.

We have investigated the physics of Bloch oscillations (BO) of electrons, engineered in high mobility quantum wells patterned into lateral periodic arrays of nanostructures, i.e. two-dimensional (2D) quantum dot superlattices (QDSLs). A BO occurs when an electron moves out of the Brillouin zone (BZ) in response to a DC electric field, passing back into the BZ on the opposite side. This results in quantum oscillations of the electron--i.e., a high frequency AC current in response to a DC voltage. Thus, engineering a BO will yield continuously electrically tunable high-frequency sources (and detectors) for sensor applications, and be a physics tour-de-force. More than a decade ago, Bloch oscillation (BO) was observed in a quantum well superlattice (QWSL) in short-pulse optical experiments. However, its potential as electrically biased high frequency source and detector so far has not been realized. This is partially due to fast damping of BO in QWSLs. In this project, we have investigated the possibility of improving the stability of BO by fabricating lateral superlattices of periodic coupled nanostructures, such as metal grid, quantum (anti)dots arrays, in high quality GaAs/Al{sub x}Ga{sub 1-x}As heterostructures. In these nanostructures, the lateral quantum confinement has been shown theoretically to suppress the optical-phonon scattering, believed to be the main mechanism for fast damping of BO in QWSLs. Over the last three years, we have made great progress toward demonstrating Bloch oscillations in QDSLs. In the first two years of this project, we studied the negative differential conductance and the Bloch radiation induced edge-magnetoplasmon resonance. Recently, in collaboration with Prof. Kono's group at Rice University, we investigated the time-domain THz magneto-spectroscopy measurements in QDSLs and two-dimensional electron systems. A surprising DC electrical field induced THz phase flip was observed. More measurements are planned to investigate this phenomenon. In addition to their potential device applications, periodic arrays of nanostructures have also exhibited interesting quantum phenomena, such as a possible transition from a quantum Hall ferromagnetic state to a quantum Hall spin glass state. It is our belief that this project has generated and will continue to make important impacts in basic science as well as in novel solid-state, high frequency electronic device applications.

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Terahertz-based target typing

Shaner, Eric A.; Barrick, Todd A.; Lyo, S.K.; Reno, J.L.; Wanke, Michael W.

The purpose of this work was to create a THz component set and understanding to aid in the rapid analysis of transient events. This includes the development of fast, tunable, THz detectors, along with filter components for use with standard detectors and accompanying models to simulate detonation signatures. The signature effort was crucial in order to know the spectral range to target for detection. Our approach for frequency agile detection was to utilize plasmons in the channel of a specially designed field-effect transistor called the grating-gate detector. Grating-gate detectors exhibit narrow-linewidth, broad spectral tunability through application of a gate bias, and no angular dependence in their photoresponse. As such, if suitable sensitivity can be attained, they are viable candidates for Terahertz multi-spectral focal plane arrays.

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Bloch oscillations and nonlinear transport in a one-dimensional semiconductor superlattice

Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics

Lyo, S.K.

We present an exact analytic result for the time-dependent and steady-state current and the distribution function in a nonlinear electric field for an electron gas in a one-dimensional superlattice miniband by employing a relaxation-time approximation for inelastic scattering. Our transparent results clearly show the condition for the onset of the Bloch oscillations, the field for the peak steady-state current, and the distinct roles played by elastic and inelastic scattering for the damped oscillations and the steady-state current. The results are consistent with a recent full microscopic numerical calculation. © 2008 The American Physical Society.

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Electronically tunable plasmonic grating-gate terahertz detectors

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

Shaner, Eric A.; Grine, A.D.; Lyo, S.K.; Reno, J.L.; Wanke, M.C.; Allen, S.J.

Split grating-gate field effect transistors (FETs) detectors made from high mobility quantum well two-dimensional electron gas material have been shown to exhibit greatly improved tunable resonant photoresponse compared to single grating-gate detectors due to the formation of a 'diode-like' element by the split-gate structure. These detectors are relatively large for FETs (1mm × 1mm area or larger) to match typical focused THz beam spot sizes. In the case where the focused THz spot size is smaller than the detector area, we have found evidence, through positional scanning of the detector element, that only a small portion of the detector is active. To further investigate this situation, detectors with the same channel width (1mm), but various channel lengths, were fabricated and tested. The results indicate that indeed, only a small portion of the split grating gated FET is active. This finding opens up the possibility for further enhancement of detector sensitivity by increasing the active area.

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Terahertz detectors for long wavelength multi-spectral imaging

Shaner, Eric A.; Lyo, S.K.; Reno, J.L.; Wanke, Michael W.

The purpose of this work was to develop a wavelength tunable detector for Terahertz spectroscopy and imaging. Our approach was to utilize plasmons in the channel of a specially designed field-effect transistor called the grating-gate detector. Grating-gate detectors exhibit narrow-linewidth, broad spectral tunability through application of a gate bias, and no angular dependence in their photoresponse. As such, if suitable sensitivity can be attained, they are viable candidates for Terahertz multi-spectral focal plane arrays. When this work began, grating-gate gate detectors, while having many promising characteristics, had a noise-equivalent power (NEP) of only 10{sup -5} W/{radical}Hz. Over the duration of this project, we have obtained a true NEP of 10{sup -8} W/{radical}Hz and a scaled NEP of 10{sup -9}W/{radical}Hz. The ultimate goal for these detectors is to reach a NEP in the 10{sup -9{yields}-10}W/{radical}Hz range; we have not yet seen a roadblock to continued improvement.

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Quantum coherence in semiconductor nanostructures for improved lasers and detectors

Cederberg, Jeffrey G.; Chow, Weng W.; Modine, N.A.; Lyo, S.K.; Biefeld, Robert M.

The potential for implementing quantum coherence in semiconductor self-assembled quantum dots has been investigated theoretically and experimentally. Theoretical modeling suggests that coherent dynamics should be possible in self-assembled quantum dots. Our experimental efforts have optimized InGaAs and InAs self-assembled quantum dots on GaAs for demonstrating coherent phenomena. Optical investigations have indicated the appropriate geometries for observing quantum coherence and the type of experiments for observing quantum coherence have been outlined. The optical investigation targeted electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in order to demonstrate an all optical delay line.

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LDRD final report on quantum computing using interacting semiconductor quantum wires

Bielejec, Edward S.; Lilly, Michael L.; Seamons, J.A.; Dunn, Roberto G.; Lyo, S.K.; Reno, J.L.; Stephenson, Larry L.; Simmons, J.A.

For several years now quantum computing has been viewed as a new paradigm for certain computing applications. Of particular importance to this burgeoning field is the development of an algorithm for factoring large numbers which obviously has deep implications for cryptography and national security. Implementation of these theoretical ideas faces extraordinary challenges in preparing and manipulating quantum states. The quantum transport group at Sandia has demonstrated world-leading, unique double quantum wires devices where we have unprecedented control over the coupling strength, number of 1 D channels, overlap and interaction strength in this nanoelectronic system. In this project, we study 1D-1D tunneling with the ultimate aim of preparing and detecting quantum states of the coupled wires. In a region of strong tunneling, electrons can coherently oscillate from one wire to the other. By controlling the velocity of the electrons, length of the coupling region and tunneling strength we will attempt to observe tunneling oscillations. This first step is critical for further development double quantum wires into the basic building block for a quantum computer, and indeed for other coupled nanoelectronic devices that will rely on coherent transport. If successful, this project will have important implications for nanoelectronics, quantum computing and information technology.

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LDRD final report on engineered superconductivity in electron-hole bilayers

Lilly, Michael L.; Bielejec, Edward S.; Seamons, J.A.; Dunn, Roberto G.; Lyo, S.K.; Reno, J.L.; Stephenson, Larry L.; Baca, Wes E.; Simmons, J.A.

Macroscopic quantum states such as superconductors, Bose-Einstein condensates and superfluids are some of the most unusual states in nature. In this project, we proposed to design a semiconductor system with a 2D layer of electrons separated from a 2D layer of holes by a narrow (but high) barrier. Under certain conditions, the electrons would pair with the nearby holes and form excitons. At low temperature, these excitons could condense to a macroscopic quantum state either through a Bose-Einstein condensation (for weak exciton interactions) or a BCS transition to a superconductor (for strong exciton interactions). While the theoretical predictions have been around since the 1960's, experimental realization of electron-hole bilayer systems has been extremely difficult due to technical challenges. We identified four characteristics that if successfully incorporated into a device would give the best chances for excitonic condensation to be observed. These characteristics are closely spaced layers, low disorder, low density, and independent contacts to allow transport measurements. We demonstrated each of these characteristics separately, and then incorporated all of them into a single electron-hole bilayer device. The key to the sample design is using undoped GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures processed in a field-effect transistor geometry. In such samples, the density of single 2D layers of electrons could be varied from an extremely low value of 2 x 10{sup 9} cm{sup -2} to high values of 3 x 10{sup 11} cm{sup -2}. The extreme low values of density that we achieved in single layer 2D electrons allowed us to make important contributions to the problem of the metal insulator transition in two dimensions, while at the same time provided a critical base for understanding low density 2D systems to be used in the electron-hole bilayer experiments. In this report, we describe the processing advances to fabricate single and double layer undoped samples, the low density results on single layers, and evidence for gateable undoped bilayers.

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Exciton drag and drift by a two-dimensional electron gas

Proposed for publication in Physical Review B.

Lyo, S.K.

We show theoretically that an electric current in a high-mobility quasi-two-dimensional electron layer induces a significant drift of excitons in an adjacent layer through interlayer Coulomb interaction. The exciton gas is shown to drift with a velocity which can be a significant fraction of the electron drift velocity at low temperatures. The estimated drift length is of the order of micrometers or larger during the typical exciton lifetime for GaAs/Al{sub x}Ga{sub 1-x} double quantum wells. A possible enhancement of the exciton radiative lifetime due to the drift is discussed.

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Final Report on LDRD Project: Development of Quantum Tunneling Transistors for Practical Circuit Applications

Simmons, J.A.; Lyo, S.K.; Baca, Wes E.; Reno, J.L.; Lilly, Michael L.; Wendt, J.R.; Wanke, Michael W.

The goal of this LDRD was to engineer further improvements in a novel electron tunneling device, the double electron layer tunneling transistor (DELTT). The DELTT is a three terminal quantum device, which does not require lateral depletion or lateral confinement, but rather is entirely planar in configuration. The DELTT's operation is based on 2D-2D tunneling between two parallel 2D electron layers in a semiconductor double quantum well heterostructure. The only critical dimensions reside in the growth direction, thus taking full advantage of the single atomic layer resolution of existing semiconductor growth techniques such as molecular beam epitaxy. Despite these advances, the original DELTT design suffered from a number of performance short comings that would need to be overcome for practical applications. These included (i)a peak voltage too low ({approx}20 mV) to interface with conventional electronics and to be robust against environmental noise, (ii) a low peak current density, (iii) a relatively weak dependence of the peak voltage on applied gate voltage, and (iv) an operating temperature that, while fairly high, remained below room temperature. In this LDRD we designed and demonstrated an advanced resonant tunneling transistor that incorporates structural elements both of the DELTT and of conventional double barrier resonant tunneling diodes (RTDs). Specifically, the device is similar to the DELTT in that it is based on 2D-2D tunneling and is controlled by a surface gate, yet is also similar to the RTD in that it has a double barrier structure and a third collector region. Indeed, the device may be thought of either as an RTD with a gate-controlled, fully 2D emitter, or alternatively, as a ''3-layer DELTT,'' the name we have chosen for the device. This new resonant tunneling transistor retains the original DELTT advantages of a planar geometry and sharp 2D-2D tunneling characteristics, yet also overcomes the performance shortcomings of the original DELTT design. In particular, it exhibits the high peak voltages and current densities associated with conventional RTDs, allows sensitive control of the peak voltage by the control gate, and operates nearly at room temperature. Finally, we note under this LDRD we also investigated the use of three layer DELTT structures as long wavelength (Terahertz) detectors using photon-assisted tunneling. We have recently observed a narrowband (resonant) tunable photoresponse in related structures consisting of grating-gated double quantum wells, and report on that work here as well.

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Silicon Three-Dimensional Photonic Crystal and its Applications

Lin, Shawn-Yu L.; Fleming, J.G.; Lyo, S.K.

Photonic crystals are periodically engineered ''materials'' which are the photonic analogues of electronic crystals. Much like electronic crystal, photonic crystal materials can have a variety of crystal symmetries, such as simple-cubic, closed-packed, Wurtzite and diamond-like crystals. These structures were first proposed in late 1980's. However, due mainly to fabrication difficulties, working photonic crystals in the near-infrared and visible wavelengths are only just emerging. In this article, we review the construction of two- and three-dimensional photonic crystals of different symmetries at infrared and optical wavelengths using advanced semiconductor processing. We further demonstrate that this process lends itself to the creation of line defects (linear waveguides) and point defects (micro-cavities), which are the most basic building blocks for optical signal processing, filtering and routing.

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Multisublevel Magnetoquantum Conductance in Single and Coupled Double Quantum Wires

Physical Review B

Lyo, S.K.

We study the ballistic and diffusive magnetoquantum transport using a typical quantum point contact geometry for single and tunnel-coupled double wires that are wide (less than or similar to1 mum) in one perpendicular direction with densely populated sublevels and extremely confined in the other perpendicular (i.e., growth) direction. A general analytic solution to the Boltzmann equation is presented for multisublevel elastic scattering at low temperatures. The solution is employed to study interesting magnetic-field dependent behavior of the conductance such as a large enhancement and quantum oscillations of the conductance for various structures and field orientations. These phenomena originate from the following field-induced properties: magnetic confinement, displacement of the initial- and final-state wave functions for scattering, variation of the Fermi velocities, mass enhancement, depopulation of the sublevels and anticrossing (in double quantum wires). The magnetoconductance is strikingly different in long diffusive (or rough. dirty) wires from the quantized conductance in short ballistic (or clean) wires. Numerical results obtained for the rectangular confinement potentials in the growth direction are satisfactorily interpreted in terms of the analytic solutions based on harmonic confinement potentials. Some of the predicted features of the field-dependent diffusive and quantized conductances are consistent with recent data from GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs double quantum wires.

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Magnetoconductance of Independently Tunable Tunnel-Coupled Double Quantum Wires

Physica E

Simmons, J.A.; Lyo, S.K.; Wendt, J.R.; Reno, J.L.; Simmons, J.A.

The authors report on their recent experimental studies of vertically-coupled quantum point contacts subject to in-plane magnetic fields. Using a novel flip-chip technique, mutually aligned split gates on both sides of a sub micron thick double quantum well heterostructure define a closely-coupled pair of ballistic one-dimensional (1D) constrictions. They observe quantized conductance steps due to each quantum well and demonstrate independent control of each ID constriction width. In addition, a novel magnetoconductance feature at {approximately}6 T is observed when a magnetic field is applied perpendicular to both the current and growth directions. This conductance dip is observed only when 1D subbands are populated in both the top and bottom constrictions. This data is consistent with a counting model whereby the number of subbands crossing the Fermi level changes with field due to the formation of an anticrossing in each pair of 1D subbands.

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Photon-Assisted Transmission through a Double-Barrier Structure

Applied Physics Letters

Lyo, S.K.

The authors study multi-photon-assisted transmission of electrons through single-step, single-barrier and double-barrier potential-energy structures as a function of the photon energy and the temperature. Sharp resonances in the spectra of the tunneling current through double-barrier structures are relevant to infra-red detectors.

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Real-space and energy representations for the interface roughness scattering in quantum-well structures

Solid State Communications

Lyo, S.K.

The authors show that the real space representation of the interface-roughness as a fluctuating potential in the coordinate space is equivalent to the usual energy-fluctuation representation for intrasublevel scattering in a single quantum well with a generally shaped confinement-potential profile. The coordinate picture is, however, more general and can be used for higher-order effects and multi-sublevel scattering in coupled multi-quantum-well structures.

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Magnetic anticrossing of 1D subbands in ballistic double quantum wires

Superlattices and Microstructures

Blount, M.A.; Simmons, J.A.; Moon, J.S.; Lyo, S.K.; Wendt, J.R.; Reno, J.L.

We study the low-temperature in-plane magnetoconductance of vertically coupled double quantum wires. Using a novel flip-chip technique, the wires are defined by two pairs of mutually aligned split gates on opposite sides of a≤1 micron thick AlGaAs/GaAs double quantum well heterostructure. We observe quantized conductance steps due to each quantum well and demonstrate independent control of each 1D wire. A broad dip in the magnetoconductance at approximately 6 T is observed when a magnetic field is applied perpendicular to both the current and growth directions. This conductance dip is observed only when 1D subbands are populated in both the top and bottom constrictions. This data is consistent with a counting model whereby the number of subbands crossing the Fermi level changes with field due to the formation of an anticrossing in each pair of 1D subbands.

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31 Results
31 Results