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Entangling-gate error from coherently displaced motional modes of trapped ions

Physical Review A

Ruzic, Brandon R.; Barrick, Todd A.; Hunker, Jeffrey D.; Law, Ryan L.; McFarland, Brian M.; McGuinness, Hayden J.; Parazzoli, L.P.; Sterk, Jonathan D.; Van Der Wall, Jay W.; Stick, Daniel L.

Entangling gates in trapped-ion quantum computers are most often applied to stationary ions with initial motional distributions that are thermal and close to the ground state, while those demonstrations that involve transport generally use sympathetic cooling to reinitialize the motional state prior to applying a gate. Future systems with more ions, however, will face greater nonthermal excitation due to increased amounts of ion transport and exacerbated by longer operational times and variations over the trap array. In addition, pregate sympathetic cooling may be limited due to time costs and laser access constraints. In this paper, we analyze the impact of such coherent motional excitation on entangling-gate error by performing simulations of Mølmer-Sørenson (MS) gates on a pair of trapped-ion qubits with both thermal and coherent excitation present in a shared motional mode at the start of the gate. Here, we quantify how a small amount of coherent displacement erodes gate performance in the presence of experimental noise, and we demonstrate that adjusting the relative phase between the initial coherent displacement and the displacement induced by the gate or using Walsh modulation can suppress this error. We then use experimental data from transported ions to analyze the impact of coherent displacement on MS-gate error under realistic conditions.

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Dual-wavelength pumped 1.550μm high-power optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifier system

Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference: 2010 Laser Science to Photonic Applications, CLEO/QELS 2010

Law, Ryan L.; Nelson, T.R.; Kohl, I.T.; Lovesee, Alex L.; Rudd, J.V.; Buckley, J.R.

A 1.550 μm OPCPA utilizing a dual wavelength pumping scheme has been constructed. The system incorporates LBO and KTA for the first and second-stage amplifiers. Peak powers >310GW (60mJ, 180fs) at 10Hz have been achieved. ©2010 Optical Society of America.

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Observation of nonlinear optical phenomena in fused silica and air using a 100 GW, 1.54 um source

Proposed for publication in Optics Express.

Naudeau, Madeleine L.; Law, Ryan L.; Luk, Ting S.

A 100-GW optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifier system is used to study nonlinear effects in the 1.54 {micro}m regime. When focusing this beam in air, strong third-harmonic generation (THG) is observed, and both the spectra and efficiency are measured. Broadening is observed on only the blue side of the third-harmonic signal and an energy conversion efficiency of 0.2% is achieved. When propagated through a 10-cm block of fused silica, a collimated beam is seen to collapse and form multiple filaments. The measured spectral features span 400-2100 nm. The spectrum is dominated by previously unobserved Stokes emissions and broad emissions in the visible.

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6 Results