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Inductive coupling for increased bandwidth of aluminum nitride contour-mode microresonator filters

IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest

Nordquist, Christopher N.; Henry, M.D.; Nguyen, Janet H.; Clews, Peggy; Lepkowski, Stefan M.; Grine, Alejandro J.; Dyck, Christopher D.; Olsson, Roy H.

Inductive coupling and matching networks are used to increase the bandwidth of filters realized with aluminum nitride contour-mode resonators. Filter bandwidth has been doubled using a wirebonded combination of a wafer-level-packaged resonator chip and a high-Q integrated inductor chip. The three-pole filters have a center frequency near 500 MHz, an area of 9 mm × 9 mm, insertion loss of < 5 dB for a bandwidth of 0.4%, and a resonator unloaded Q of 1600.

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A Fully Integrated Oven Controlled Microelectromechanical Oscillator - Part II: Characterization and Measurement

Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems

Wojciechowski, Kenneth W.; Olsson, Roy H.

This paper, the second of two parts, reports the measurement and characterization of a fully integrated oven controlled microelectromechanical oscillator (OCMO). The OCMO takes advantage of high thermal isolation and monolithic integration of both aluminum nitride (AlN) micromechanical resonators and electronic circuitry to thermally stabilize or ovenize all the components that comprise an oscillator. Operation at microscale sizes allows implementation of high thermal resistance platform supports that enable thermal stabilization at very low-power levels when compared with the state-of-the-art oven controlled crystal oscillators. A prototype OCMO has been demonstrated with a measured temperature stability of -1.2 ppb/°C, over the commercial temperature range while using tens of milliwatts of supply power and with a volume of 2.3 mm3 (not including the printed circuit board-based thermal control loop). In addition, due to its small thermal time constant, the thermal compensation loop can maintain stability during fast thermal transients (>10 °C/min). This new technology has resulted in a new paradigm in terms of power, size, and warm up time for high thermal stability oscillators. [2015-0036].

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A Fully Integrated Oven Controlled Microelectromechanical Oscillator - Part I: Design and Fabrication

Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems

Wojciechowski, Kenneth W.; Baker, Michael S.; Clews, Peggy J.; Olsson, Roy H.

This paper, the first of two parts, reports the design and fabrication of a fully integrated oven controlled microelectromechanical oscillator (OCMO). This paper begins by describing the limits on oscillator frequency stability imposed by the thermal drift and electronic properties (Q, resistance) of both the resonant tank circuit and feedback electronics required to form an electronic oscillator. An OCMO is presented that takes advantage of high thermal isolation and monolithic integration of both micromechanical resonators and electronic circuitry to thermally stabilize or ovenize all the components that comprise an oscillator. This was achieved by developing a processing technique where both silicon-on-insulator complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) circuitry and piezoelectric aluminum nitride, AlN, micromechanical resonators are placed on a suspended platform within a standard CMOS integrated circuit. Operation at microscale sizes achieves high thermal resistances (∼10 °C/mW), and hence thermal stabilization of the oscillators at very low-power levels when compared with the state-of-the-art ovenized crystal oscillators, OCXO. A constant resistance feedback circuit is presented that incorporates on platform resistive heaters and temperature sensors to both measure and stabilize the platform temperature. The limits on temperature stability of the OCMO platform and oscillator frequency imposed by the gain of the constant resistance feedback loop, placement of the heater and temperature sensing resistors, as well as platform radiative and convective heat losses are investigated. [2015-0035].

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Radio Frequency Microelectromechanical Systems [Book Chapter Manuscript]

Nordquist, Christopher N.; Olsson, Roy H.

Radio frequency microelectromechanical system (RF MEMS) devices are microscale devices that achieve superior performance relative to other technologies by taking advantage of the accuracy, precision, materials, and miniaturization available through microfabrication. To do this, these devices use their mechanical and electrical properties to perform a specific RF electrical function such as switching, transmission, or filtering. RF MEMS has been a popular area of research since the early 1990s, and within the last several years, the technology has matured sufficiently for commercialization and use in commercial market systems.

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Suppressing Fine-frequency modes in Aluminum Nitride microresonators

IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS

Branch, Darren W.; Olsson, Roy H.

Eliminating spurious modes in Aluminum Nitride (AlN) microresonators improves their insertion loss and quality factor by reducing acoustic energy leakage. Spurious modes that result from transverse wave propagation, termed fine-frequency modes, leak energy and propagate in the electrical busing and appear near the fundamental resonance. Although these modes can be predicted using three-dimensional (3D) finite element methods (FEM) for devices with very short acoustic length (e.g. 1 acoustic wavelength), 3D FEM is very slow and memory intensive when compared to a two-dimensional (2D) simulation. A fast 2D coupling-of-modes (COM) model was developed to predict, identify and implement strategies to suppress the fine-frequency modes.

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Results 1–25 of 119
Results 1–25 of 119