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Accelerated Solution of Discrete Ordinates Approximation to the Boltzmann Transport Equation for a Gray Absorbing-Emitting Medium Via Model Reduction

Journal of Heat Transfer

Tencer, John T.; Carlberg, Kevin T.; Larsen, Marvin E.; Hogan, Roy E.

This work applies a projection-based model-reduction approach to make high-order quadrature (HOQ) computationally feasible for the discrete ordinates approximation of the radiative transfer equation (RTE) for purely absorbing applications. In contrast to traditional discrete ordinates variants, the proposed method provides easily evaluated error estimates associated with the angular discretization as well as an efficient approach for reducing this error to an arbitrary level. In particular, the proposed approach constructs a reduced basis from (high-fidelity) solutions of the radiative intensity computed at a relatively small number of ordinate directions. Then, the method computes inexpensive approximations of the radiative intensity at the (remaining) quadrature points of a high-order quadrature using a reduced-order model (ROM) constructed from this reduced basis. This strategy results in a much more accurate solution than might have been achieved using only the ordinate directions used to construct the reduced basis. One- and three-dimensional test problems highlight the efficiency of the proposed method.

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Photoacoustic Sounds from Meteors

Scientific Reports

Spalding, Richard E.; Tencer, John T.; Sweatt, W.C.; Conley, Benjamin; Hogan, Roy E.; Boslough, Mark B.; Gonzales, Gi G.; Spurný, Pavel

Concurrent sound associated with very bright meteors manifests as popping, hissing, and faint rustling sounds occurring simultaneously with the arrival of light from meteors. Numerous instances have been documented with â '11 to â '13 brightness. These sounds cannot be attributed to direct acoustic propagation from the upper atmosphere for which travel time would be several minutes. Concurrent sounds must be associated with some form of electromagnetic energy generated by the meteor, propagated to the vicinity of the observer, and transduced into acoustic waves. Previously, energy propagated from meteors was assumed to be RF emissions. This has not been well validated experimentally. Herein we describe experimental results and numerical models in support of photoacoustic coupling as the mechanism. Recent photometric measurements of fireballs reveal strong millisecond flares and significant brightness oscillations at frequencies ≥40 Hz. Strongly modulated light at these frequencies with sufficient intensity can create concurrent sounds through radiative heating of common dielectric materials like hair, clothing, and leaves. This heating produces small pressure oscillations in the air contacting the absorbers. Calculations show that â '12 brightness meteors can generate audible sound at ∼25 dB SPL. The photoacoustic hypothesis provides an alternative explanation for this longstanding mystery about generation of concurrent sounds by fireballs.

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Advanced Computational Methods for Thermal Radiative Heat Transfer

Tencer, John T.; Carlberg, Kevin T.; Larsen, Marvin E.; Hogan, Roy E.

Participating media radiation (PMR) in weapon safety calculations for abnormal thermal environments are too costly to do routinely. This cost may be s ubstantially reduced by applying reduced order modeling (ROM) techniques. The application of ROM to PMR is a new and unique approach for this class of problems. This approach was investigated by the authors and shown to provide significant reductions in the computational expense associated with typical PMR simulations. Once this technology is migrated into production heat transfer analysis codes this capability will enable the routine use of PMR heat transfer in higher - fidelity simulations of weapon resp onse in fire environments.

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Reduced order modeling applied to the discrete ordinates method for radiation heat transfer in participating media

ASME 2016 Heat Transfer Summer Conference, HT 2016, collocated with the ASME 2016 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting and the ASME 2016 14th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels

Tencer, John T.; Hogan, Roy E.; Carlberg, Kevin T.; Larsen, Marvin E.

Radiation heat transfer is an important phenomenon in many physical systems of practical interest. When participating media is important, the radiative transfer equation (RTE) must be solved for the radiative intensity as a function of location, time, direction, and wavelength. In many heat transfer applications, a quasi-steady assumption is valid. The dependence on wavelength is often treated through a weighted sum of gray gases type approach. The discrete ordinates method is the most common method for approximating the angular dependence. In the discrete ordinates method, the intensity is solved exactly for a finite number of discrete directions, and integrals over the angular space are accomplished through a quadrature rule. In this work, a projection-based model reduction approach is applied to the discrete ordinates method. A small number or ordinate directions are used to construct the reduced basis. The reduced model is then queried at the quadrature points for a high order quadrature in order to inexpensively approximate this highly accurate solution. This results in a much more accurate solution than can be achieved by the low-order quadrature alone. One-, two-, and three-dimensional test problems are presented.

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Photoacoustic Sounds from Meteors

Sandia journal manuscript; Not yet accepted for publication

Spalding, Richard E.; Tencer, John T.; Sweatt, W.C.; Hogan, Roy E.; Boslough, Mark B.; Gonzales, Gi G.

High-speed photometric observations of meteor fireballs have shown that they often produce high-amplitude light oscillations with frequency components in the kHz range, and in some cases exhibit strong millisecond flares. We built a light source with similar characteristics and illuminated various materials in the laboratory, generating audible sounds. Models suggest that light oscillations and pulses can radiatively heat dielectric materials, which in turn conductively heats the surrounding air on millisecond timescales. The sound waves can be heard if the illuminated material is sufficiently close to the observer’s ears. The mechanism described herein may explain many reports of meteors that appear to be audible while they are concurrently visible in the sky and too far away for sound to have propagated to the observer. This photoacoustic (PA) explanation provides an alternative to electrophonic (EP) sounds hypothesized to arise from electromagnetic coupling of plasma oscillation in the meteor wake to natural antennas in the vicinity of an observer.

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Addressing Modeling Requirements for Radiation Heat Transfer

Tencer, John T.; Akau, Ronald L.; Dobranich, Dean D.; Brown, Alexander B.; Dodd, Amanda B.; Hogan, Roy E.; Okusanya, Tolulope O.; Phinney, Leslie M.; Pierce, Flint P.

Thermal analysts address a wide variety of applications requiring the simulation of radiation heat transfer phenomena. The re are gaps in the currently available modeling capabilities. Addressing these gaps w ould allow for the consideration of additional physics and increase confidence in simulation predictions. This document outlines a five year plan to address the current and future needs of the analyst community with regards to modeling radiation heat tran sfer processes. This plan represents a significant multi - year effort that must be supported on an ongoing basis.

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Final LDRD report :

Ambrosini, Andrea A.; Allendorf, Mark D.; Coker, Eric N.; Ermanoski, Ivan E.; Hogan, Roy E.; McDaniel, Anthony H.

Despite rapid progress, solar thermochemistry remains high risk; improvements in both active materials and reactor systems are needed. This claim is supported by studies conducted both prior to and as part of this project. Materials offer a particular large opportunity space as, until recently, very little effort apart from basic thermodynamic analysis was extended towards understanding this most fundamental component of a metal oxide thermochemical cycle. Without this knowledge, system design was hampered, but more importantly, advances in these crucial materials were rare and resulted more from intuition rather than detailed insight. As a result, only two basic families of potentially viable solid materials have been widely considered, each of which has significant challenges. Recent efforts towards applying an increased level of scientific rigor to the study of thermochemical materials have provided a much needed framework and insights toward developing the next generation of highly improved thermochemically active materials. The primary goal of this project was to apply this hard-won knowledge to rapidly advance the field of thermochemistry to produce a material within 2 years that is capable of yielding CO from CO2 at a 12.5 % reactor efficiency. Three principal approaches spanning a range of risk and potential rewards were pursued: modification of known materials, structuring known materials, and identifying/developing new materials for the application. A newly developed best-of-class material produces more fuel (9x more H2, 6x more CO) under milder conditions than the previous state of the art. Analyses of thermochemical reactor and system efficiencies and economics were performed and a new hybrid concept was reported. The larger case for solar fuels was also further refined and documented.

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Reimagining liquid transportation fuels : sunshine to petrol

Allendorf, Mark D.; Staiger, Chad S.; Ambrosini, Andrea A.; Chen, Ken S.; Coker, Eric N.; Dedrick, Daniel E.; Hogan, Roy E.; Ermanoski, Ivan E.; Johnson, Terry A.; McDaniel, Anthony H.

Two of the most daunting problems facing humankind in the twenty-first century are energy security and climate change. This report summarizes work accomplished towards addressing these problems through the execution of a Grand Challenge LDRD project (FY09-11). The vision of Sunshine to Petrol is captured in one deceptively simple chemical equation: Solar Energy + xCO{sub 2} + (x+1)H{sub 2}O {yields} C{sub x}H{sub 2x+2}(liquid fuel) + (1.5x+.5)O{sub 2} Practical implementation of this equation may seem far-fetched, since it effectively describes the use of solar energy to reverse combustion. However, it is also representative of the photosynthetic processes responsible for much of life on earth and, as such, summarizes the biomass approach to fuels production. It is our contention that an alternative approach, one that is not limited by efficiency of photosynthesis and more directly leads to a liquid fuel, is desirable. The development of a process that efficiently, cost effectively, and sustainably reenergizes thermodynamically spent feedstocks to create reactive fuel intermediates would be an unparalleled achievement and is the key challenge that must be surmounted to solve the intertwined problems of accelerating energy demand and climate change. We proposed that the direct thermochemical conversion of CO{sub 2} and H{sub 2}O to CO and H{sub 2}, which are the universal building blocks for synthetic fuels, serve as the basis for this revolutionary process. To realize this concept, we addressed complex chemical, materials science, and engineering problems associated with thermochemical heat engines and the crucial metal-oxide working-materials deployed therein. By project's end, we had demonstrated solar-driven conversion of CO{sub 2} to CO, a key energetic synthetic fuel intermediate, at 1.7% efficiency.

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Modeling pressurization caused by thermal decomposition of highly charring foam in sealed containers

21st Annual Conference on Recent Advances in Flame Retardancy of Polymeric Materials 2010

Erickson, K.L.; Dodd, Amanda B.; Hogan, Roy E.

Polymer foam encapsulants provide mechanical, electrical, and thermal isolation in engineered systems. In fire environments, foams, such as polyurethanes, can liquefy and flow during thermal decomposition, and evolved gases and vapors can cause pressurization and failure of sealed containers. Liquefaction and flow of decomposing foam can cause serious modeling issues in systems safety and hazard analyses. To mitigate the issues resulting from liquefaction and flow, a hybrid polyurethane-cyanate-ester-epoxy foam was developed that has mechanical properties similar to currently used polyurethane foams. The hybrid foam behaves predictably, does not liquefy, and forms 40-50 percent by weight uniform char during decomposition in nitrogen. The char forms predictably and is a relatively uniform "participating medium." A previous paper discussed the experimental and modeling approach developed to predict radiation and conduction heat transfer through decomposing hybrid foam in vented containers. This paper discusses application of a similar approach to the more difficult problem of predicting heat transfer, foam decomposition, and pressure growth in sealed containers. Model predictions are compared with results from radiant heat transfer experiments involving foam encapsulated objects in sealed containers. All model parameters were evaluated from independent laboratory-scale experiments such as TGA and DSC. The time dependent-pressure in the container and the timedependent temperature near the surface of a foam-encapsulated object agreed well with experimental data. © (2010) by BCC Research All rights reserved.

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Reduced order models for thermal analysis : final report : LDRD Project No. 137807

Hogan, Roy E.

This LDRD Senior's Council Project is focused on the development, implementation and evaluation of Reduced Order Models (ROM) for application in the thermal analysis of complex engineering problems. Two basic approaches to developing a ROM for combined thermal conduction and enclosure radiation problems are considered. As a prerequisite to a ROM a fully coupled solution method for conduction/radiation models is required; a parallel implementation is explored for this class of problems. High-fidelity models of large, complex systems are now used routinely to verify design and performance. However, there are applications where the high-fidelity model is too large to be used repetitively in a design mode. One such application is the design of a control system that oversees the functioning of the complex, high-fidelity model. Examples include control systems for manufacturing processes such as brazing and annealing furnaces as well as control systems for the thermal management of optical systems. A reduced order model (ROM) seeks to reduce the number of degrees of freedom needed to represent the overall behavior of the large system without a significant loss in accuracy. The reduction in the number of degrees of freedom of the ROM leads to immediate increases in computational efficiency and allows many design parameters and perturbations to be quickly and effectively evaluated. Reduced order models are routinely used in solid mechanics where techniques such as modal analysis have reached a high state of refinement. Similar techniques have recently been applied in standard thermal conduction problems e.g. though the general use of ROM for heat transfer is not yet widespread. One major difficulty with the development of ROM for general thermal analysis is the need to include the very nonlinear effects of enclosure radiation in many applications. Many ROM methods have considered only linear or mildly nonlinear problems. In the present study a reduced order model is considered for application to the combined problem of thermal conduction and enclosure radiation. The main objective is to develop a procedure that can be implemented in an existing thermal analysis code. The main analysis objective is to allow thermal controller software to be used in the design of a control system for a large optical system that resides with a complex radiation dominated enclosure. In the remainder of this section a brief outline of ROM methods is provided. The following chapter describes the fully coupled conduction/radiation method that is required prior to considering a ROM approach. Considerable effort was expended to implement and test the combined solution method; the ROM project ended shortly after the completion of this milestone and thus the ROM results are incomplete. The report concludes with some observations and recommendations.

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Modeling solar thermochemical splitting of CO2 using metal oxide and a CR5

Chen, Ken S.; Hogan, Roy E.

A two-dimensional, multi-physics computational model based on the finite-element method is developed for simulating the process of solar thermochemical splitting of carbon dioxide (CO{sub 2}) using ferrites (Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4}/FeO) and a counter-rotating-ring receiver/recuperator or CR5, in which carbon monoxide (CO) is produced from gaseous CO{sub 2}. The model takes into account heat transfer, gas-phase flow and multiple-species diffusion in open channels and through pores of the porous reactant layer, and redox chemical reactions at the gas/solid interfaces. Results (temperature distribution, velocity field, and species concentration contours) computed using the model in a case study are presented to illustrate model utility. The model is then employed to examine the effects of injection rates of CO{sub 2} and argon neutral gas, respectively, on CO production rate and the extent of the product-species crossover.

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COYOTE : a finite element computer program for nonlinear heat conduction problems. Part I, theoretical background

Gartling, David K.; Hogan, Roy E.; Glass, Micheal W.

The need for the engineering analysis of systems in which the transport of thermal energy occurs primarily through a conduction process is a common situation. For all but the simplest geometries and boundary conditions, analytic solutions to heat conduction problems are unavailable, thus forcing the analyst to call upon some type of approximate numerical procedure. A wide variety of numerical packages currently exist for such applications, ranging in sophistication from the large, general purpose, commercial codes, such as COMSOL, COSMOSWorks, ABAQUS and TSS to codes written by individuals for specific problem applications. The original purpose for developing the finite element code described here, COYOTE, was to bridge the gap between the complex commercial codes and the more simplistic, individual application programs. COYOTE was designed to treat most of the standard conduction problems of interest with a user-oriented input structure and format that was easily learned and remembered. Because of its architecture, the code has also proved useful for research in numerical algorithms and development of thermal analysis capabilities. This general philosophy has been retained in the current version of the program, COYOTE, Version 5.0, though the capabilities of the code have been significantly expanded. A major change in the code is its availability on parallel computer architectures and the increase in problem complexity and size that this implies. The present document describes the theoretical and numerical background for the COYOTE program. This volume is intended as a background document for the user's manual. Potential users of COYOTE are encouraged to become familiar with the present report and the simple example analyses reported in before using the program. The theoretical and numerical background for the finite element computer program, COYOTE, is presented in detail. COYOTE is designed for the multi-dimensional analysis of nonlinear heat conduction problems. A general description of the boundary value problems treated by the program is presented. The finite element formulation and the associated numerical methods used in COYOTE are also outlined. Instructions for use of the code are documented in SAND2010-0714.

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Experimental-modeling approach for predicting radiation and conduction heat transfer through a uniform, highly-charring foam

20th Annual Conference on Recent Advances in Flame Retardancy of Polymeric Materials 2009

Erickson, Kenneth L.; Celina, Mathias C.; Hogan, Roy E.; Nicolette, Vernon F.; Aubert, James H.

Polymer foam encapsulants provide mechanical, electrical, and thermal isolation in engineered systems. In fire environments, foams, such as polyurethanes and epoxies, can liquefy and flow during thermal decomposition, and evolved gases can cause pressurization and failure of sealed containers. In systems safety and hazard analyses, heat transfer and thermo-mechanical response in systems involving coupled foam decomposition, liquefaction, flow, and pressurization can be difficult to predict using numerical models. This is particularly true when liquefaction and flow create inhomogeneous "participating media" that behave inconsistently and significantly impact radiant heat transfer to encapsulated objects. To mitigate modeling issues resulting from foam liquefaction and flow, a hybrid polyurethane cyanate ester foam was developed that has mechanical properties similar to currently used polyurethane foams. The hybrid foam behaves predictably, does not liquefy, and forms approximately 50 percent by weight uniform char during decomposition in nitrogen. The char forms predictably and is a relatively uniform "participating medium." Experimental and modeling approaches were developed to predict radiation and conduction heat transfer to encapsulated objects before, during, and after foam decomposition. Model parameters were evaluated from independent small-scale experiments. Largerscale radiant heat transfer experiments involving encapsulated objects were done to provide data for model evaluation. Model predictions were within the variation in experimental results for the major portion of the experiments. © (2009) by BCC Research All rights reserved.

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Hybrid polyurethane cyanate ester foam for fire environments

Conference Proceedings - Fire and Materials 2009, 11th International Conference and Exhibition

Erickson, Kenneth L.; Celina, Mathias C.; Nicolette, Vernon F.; Hogan, Roy E.; Aubert, James H.

Polymer foams are used as encapsulants to provide mechanical, electrical, and thermal isolation for engineered systems. In fire environments, the incident heat flux to a system or structure can cause foams to decompose. Commonly used foams, such as polyurethanes, often liquefy and flow during decomposition, and evolved gases can cause pressurization and ultimately failure of sealed containers. In systems safety and hazard analyses, numerical models are used to predict heat transfer to encapsulated objects or through structures. The thermo-mechanical response of systems involving coupled foam decomposition, liquefaction, and flow can be difficult to predict. Predicting pressurization of sealed systems is particularly challenging. To mitigate the issues caused by liquefaction and flow, hybrid polyurethane cyanate ester foams have been developed that have good adhesion and mechanical properties similar to currently used polyurethane and epoxy foams. The hybrid foam decomposes predictably during decomposition. It forms approximately 50 percent by weight char during decomposition in nitrogen. The foam does not liquefy. The charring nature of the hybrid foam has several advantages with respect to modeling heat transfer and pressurization. Those advantages are illustrated by results from recent radiant heat transfer experiments involving encapsulated objects, as well as results from numerical simulations of those experiments.

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Innovative solar thermochemical water splitting

Diver, Richard B.; Siegel, Nathan P.; Moss, Timothy A.; Hogan, Roy E.; Allendorf, Mark D.

Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) is evaluating the potential of an innovative approach for splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen using two-step thermochemical cycles. Thermochemical cycles are heat engines that utilize high-temperature heat to produce chemical work. Like their mechanical work-producing counterparts, their efficiency depends on operating temperature and on the irreversibility of their internal processes. With this in mind, we have invented innovative design concepts for two-step solar-driven thermochemical heat engines based on iron oxide and iron oxide mixed with other metal oxides (ferrites). The design concepts utilize two sets of moving beds of ferrite reactant material in close proximity and moving in opposite directions to overcome a major impediment to achieving high efficiency--thermal recuperation between solids in efficient counter-current arrangements. They also provide inherent separation of the product hydrogen and oxygen and are an excellent match with high-concentration solar flux. However, they also impose unique requirements on the ferrite reactants and materials of construction as well as an understanding of the chemical and cycle thermodynamics. In this report the Counter-Rotating-Ring Receiver/Reactor/Recuperator (CR5) solar thermochemical heat engine and its basic operating principals are described. Preliminary thermal efficiency estimates are presented and discussed. Our ferrite reactant material development activities, thermodynamic studies, test results, and prototype hardware development are also presented.

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Numerical simulation simplifications for coupled natural convection and radiation in small enclosures with a cylindrical obstruction

Proposed for publication in Hear Transfer Engineering.

Hogan, Roy E.

A finite control volume numerical model was used to estimate the relative magnitude of natural convection and radiation in small enclosures with a cylindrical obstruction. The enclosure had a height of 2.54 cm, widths between 5.08 cm and 10.16 cm, depth of 5.08 cm, and obstruction diameters between 0.51 cm and 1.52 cm. Temperatures ranging from 310 K to 1275 K were placed on the right boundary. These temperatures represented heating from a pool fuel fire. Simulations were run for an hour to determine the temperature response inside the enclosure and obstruction. Another simulation was run where the right boundary temperature was stepped by 40 K/min to represent a transient temperature ramp up from a fire. When two conditions are met, natural convection can be ignored, and only enclosure radiation is necessary for reaching a solution within 10% of results when all heat transfer modes are included. These conditions are when the right boundary temperatures are continuously above 800 K or when the temperature change was 40 K/min or more.

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53 Results
53 Results