
91 Results
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Exhaled breath biomarkers of influenza infection and influenza vaccination

Journal of Breath Research

Borras, Eva; McCartney, Mitchell M.; Thompson, Cai H.; Meagher, Robert M.; Kenyon, Nicholas J.; Schivo, Michael; Davis, Cristina E.

Respiratory viral infections are considered a major public health threat, and breath metabolomics can provide new ways to detect and understand how specific viruses affect the human pulmonary system. In this pilot study, we characterized the metabolic composition of human breath for an early diagnosis and differentiation of influenza viral infection, as well as other types of upper respiratory viral infections. We first studied the non-specific effects of planned seasonal influenza vaccines on breath metabolites in healthy subjects after receiving the immunization. We then investigated changes in breath content from hospitalized patients with flu-like symptoms and confirmed upper respiratory viral infection. The exhaled breath was sampled using a custom-made breath condenser, and exhaled breath condensate (EBC) samples were analysed using liquid chromatography coupled to quadruplole-time-of-flight mass spectrometer (LC-qTOF). All metabolomic data was analysed using both targeted and untargeted approaches to detect specific known biomarkers from inflammatory and oxidative stress biomarkers, as well as new molecules associated with specific infections. We were able to find clear differences between breath samples collected before and after flu vaccine administration, together with potential biomarkers that are related to inflammatory processes and oxidative stress. Moreover, we were also able to discriminate samples from patients with flu-related symptoms that were diagnosed with confirmatory respiratory viral panels (RVPs). RVP positive and negative differences were identified, as well as differences between specific viruses defined. These results provide very promising information for the further study of the effect of influenza A and other viruses in human systems by using a simple and non-invasive specimen like breath.

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Dual gene expression analysis identifies factors associated with Staphylococcus aureus virulence in diabetic mice

Infection and Immunity

Jacquet, Rudy; LaBauve, Annette E.; Akoolo, Lavoisier; Patel, Shivani; Alqarzaee, Abdulelah A.; Fok Lung, Tania W.; Poorey, Kunal N.; Stinear, Timothy P.; Thomas, Vinai C.; Meagher, Robert M.; Parker, Dane

Staphylococcus aureus is a major human pathogen of the skin. The global burden of diabetes is high, with S. aureus being a major complication of diabetic wound infections. We investigated how the diabetic environment influences S. aureus skin infection and observed an increased susceptibility to infection in mouse models of both type I and type II diabetes. A dual gene expression approach was taken to investigate transcriptional alterations in both the host and bacterium after infection. While analysis of the host response revealed only minor changes between infected control and diabetic mice, we observed that S. aureus isolated from diabetic mice had significant increases in the levels of genes associated with translation and posttranslational modification and chaperones and reductions in the levels of genes associated with amino acid transport and metabolism. One family of genes upregulated in S. aureus isolated from diabetic lesions encoded the Clp proteases, associated with the misfolded protein response. The Clp proteases were found to be partially glucose regulated as well as influencing the hemolytic activity of S. aureus. Strains lacking the Clp proteases ClpX, ClpC, and ClpP were significantly attenuated in our animal model of skin infection, with significant reductions observed in dermonecrosis and bacterial burden. In particular, mutations in clpP and clpX were significantly attenuated and remained attenuated in both normal and diabetic mice. Our data suggest that the diabetic environment also causes changes to occur in invading pathogens, and one of these virulence determinants is the Clp protease system.

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Ultrasensitive multi-species detection of CRISPR-Cas9 by a portable centrifugal microfluidic platform

Analytical Methods

Phaneuf, Christopher R.; Seamon, Kyle J.; Eckles, Tyler P.; Sinha, Anchal; Schoeniger, Joseph S.; Harmon, Brooke N.; Meagher, Robert M.; Abhyankar, Vinay V.; Koh, Chung-Yan K.

The discovery of the RNA-guided DNA nuclease CRISPR-Cas9 has enabled the targeted editing of genomes from diverse organisms, but the permanent and inheritable nature of genome modification also poses immense risks. The potential for accidental exposure, malicious use, or undesirable persistence of Cas9 therapeutics and off-target genome effects highlight the need for detection assays. Here we report a centrifugal microfluidic platform for the measurement of both Cas9 protein levels and nuclease activity. Because Cas9 from many bacterial species have been adapted for biotechnology applications, we developed the capability to detect Cas9 from the widely-used S. pyogenes, as well as S. aureus, N. meningitidis, and S. thermophilus using commercially-available antibodies. Further, we show that the phage-derived anti-CRISPR protein AcrIIC1, which binds to Cas9 from several species, can be used as a capture reagent to broaden the species range of detection. As genome modification generally requires Cas9 nuclease activity, a fluorescence-based sedimentation nuclease assay was also incorporated to allow the sensitive and simultaneous measurement of both Cas9 protein and activity in a single biological sample.

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Colorimetric-Luminance Readout for Quantitative Analysis of Fluorescence Signals with a Smartphone CMOS Sensor

Analytical Chemistry

Priye, Aashish; Ball, Cameron S.; Meagher, Robert M.

Smartphones have shown promise as an enabling technology for portable and distributed point-of-care diagnostic tests. The CMOS camera sensor can be used for detecting optical signals, including fluorescence for applications such as isothermal nucleic acid amplification tests. However, such analysis is typically limited mostly to end point detection of single targets. Here we present a smartphone-based image analysis pipeline that utilizes the CIE xyY (chromaticity-luminance) color space to measure the luminance (in lieu of RGB intensities) of fluorescent signals arising from nucleic acid amplification targets, with a discrimination sensitivity (ratio between the positive to negative signals), which is an order of magnitude more than traditional RGB intensity based analysis. Furthermore, the chromaticity part of the analysis enables reliable multiplexed detection of different targets labeled with spectrally separated fluorophores. We apply this chromaticity-luminance formulation to simultaneously detect Zika and chikungunya viral RNA via end point RT-LAMP (Reverse transcription Loop-Mediated isothermal amplification). We also show real time LAMP detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae samples down to a copy number of 3.5 copies per 10 μL of reaction volume in our smartphone-operated portable LAMP box. Our chromaticity-luminance analysis is readily adaptable to other types of multiplexed fluorescence measurements using a smartphone camera.

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Impact of primer dimers and self-amplifying hairpins on reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification detection of viral RNA


Meagher, Robert M.; Priye, Aashish P.; Light, Yooli K.; Huang, Cheng; Wang, Eryu

Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP), coupled with reverse transcription (RT), has become a popular technique for detection of viral RNA due to several desirable characteristics for use in point-of-care or low-resource settings. The large number of primers in LAMP (six per target) leads to an increased likelihood of primer dimer interactions, and the inner primers in particular are prone to formation of stable hairpin structures due to their length (typically 40-45 bases). Although primer dimers and hairpin structures are known features to avoid in nucleic acid amplification techniques, there is little quantitative information in literature regarding the impact of these structures on LAMP or RT-LAMP assays. In this study, we examine the impact of primer dimers and hairpins on previously published primer sets for dengue virus and yellow fever virus. We demonstrate that minor changes to the primers to eliminate amplifiable primer dimers and hairpins improves the performance of the assays when monitored in real time with intercalating dyes, and when monitoring a fluorescent endpoint using the QUASR technique. We also discuss the thermodynamic implications of these minor changes on the overall stability of amplifiable secondary structures, and we present a single thermodynamic parameter that can be correlated to the probability of non-specific amplification associated with LAMP primers.

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A smartphone-based diagnostic platform for rapid detection of Zika, chikungunya, and dengue viruses

Scientific Reports

Priye, Aashish P.; Bird, Sara W.; Light, Yooli K.; Ball, Cameron S.; Negrete, Oscar N.; Meagher, Robert M.

Current multiplexed diagnostics for Zika, dengue, and chikungunya viruses are situated outside the intersection of affordability, high performance, and suitability for use at the point-of-care in resource-limited settings. Consequently, insufficient diagnostic capabilities are a key limitation facing current Zika outbreak management strategies. Here we demonstrate highly sensitive and specific detection of Zika, chikungunya, and dengue viruses by coupling reverse-transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) with our recently developed quenching of unincorporated amplification signal reporters (QUASR) technique. We conduct reactions in a simple, inexpensive and portable "LAMP box" supplemented with a consumer class smartphone. The entire assembly can be powered by a 5 V USB source such as a USB power bank or solar panel. Our smartphone employs a novel algorithm utilizing chromaticity to analyze fluorescence signals, which improves the discrimination of positive/negative signals by 5-fold when compared to detection with traditional RGB intensity sensors or the naked eye. The ability to detect ZIKV directly from crude human sample matrices (blood, urine, and saliva) demonstrates our device's utility for widespread clinical deployment. Together, these advances enable our system to host the key components necessary to expand the use of nucleic acid amplification-based detection assays towards point-of-care settings where they are needed most.

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A rapid spin column-based method to enrich pathogen transcripts from eukaryotic host cells prior to sequencing


Bent, Zachary W.; Poorey, Kunal N.; LaBauve, Annette E.; Hamblin, Rachelle H.; Williams, Kelly P.; Meagher, Robert M.

When analyzing pathogen transcriptomes during the infection of host cells, the signal-to-background (pathogen-to-host) ratio of nucleic acids (NA) in infected samples is very small. Despite the advancements in next-generation sequencing, the minute amount of pathogen NA makes standard RNA-seq library preps inadequate for effective gene-level analysis of the pathogen in cases with low bacterial loads. In order to provide a more complete picture of the pathogen transcriptome during an infection, we developed a novel pathogen enrichment technique, which can enrich for transcripts from any cultivable bacteria or virus, using common, readily available laboratory equipment and reagents. To evenly enrich for pathogen transcripts, we generate biotinylated pathogen-targeted capture probes in an enzymatic process using the entire genome of the pathogen as a template. The capture probes are hybridized to a strand-specific cDNA library generated from an RNA sample. The biotinylated probes are captured on a monomeric avidin resin in a miniature spin column, and enriched pathogen-specific cDNA is eluted following a series of washes. To test this method, we performed an in vitro time-course infection using Klebsiella pneumoniae to infect murine macrophage cells. K. pneumoniae transcript enrichment efficiency was evaluated using RNA-seq. Bacterial transcripts were enriched up to ∼400-fold, and allowed the recovery of transcripts from ∼2000-3600 genes not observed in untreated control samples. These additional transcripts revealed interesting aspects of K. pneumoniae biology including the expression of putative virulence factors and the expression of several genes responsible for antibiotic resistance even in the absence of drugs.

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Engineering Paper-Based Sensors for Zika Virus

Trends in Molecular Medicine

Meagher, Robert M.; Negrete, Oscar N.; Van Rompay, Koen K.

The emergence of Zika virus (ZIKV) infections in Latin America and Southeast Asia has created an urgent need for new, simple, yet sensitive, diagnostic tests. We highlight recent work using paper-based sensors coupled with CRISPR/Cas9 to detect ZIKV RNA as a new approach to achieve rapid development and deployment of field-ready diagnostics for emerging infectious diseases.

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Digital droplet multiple displacement amplification (DDMDA) for whole genome sequencing of limited DNA samples


Rhee, Minsoung R.; Light, Yooli K.; Meagher, Robert M.; Singh, Anup K.

Multiple displacement amplification (MDA) is a widely used technique for amplification of DNA from samples containing limited amounts of DNA (e.g., uncultivable microbes or clinical samples) before whole genome sequencing. Despite its advantages of high yield and fidelity, it suffers from high amplification bias and non-specific amplification when amplifying sub-nanogram of template DNA. Here, we present a microfluidic digital droplet MDA (ddMDA) technique where partitioning of the template DNA into thousands of sub-nanoliter droplets, each containing a small number of DNA fragments, greatly reduces the competition among DNA fragments for primers and polymerase thereby greatly reducing amplification bias. Consequently, the ddMDA approach enabled a more uniform coverage of amplification over the entire length of the genome, with significantly lower bias and non-specific amplification than conventional MDA. For a sample containing 0.1 pg/μL of E. coli DNA (equivalent of ~3/1000 of an E. coli genome per droplet), ddMDA achieves a 65-fold increase in coverage in de novo assembly, and more than 20-fold increase in specificity (percentage of reads mapping to E. coli) compared to the conventional tube MDA. ddMDA offers a powerful method useful for many applications including medical diagnostics, forensics, and environmental microbiology.

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Quenching of Unincorporated Amplification Signal Reporters in Reverse-Transcription Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Enabling Bright, Single-Step, Closed-Tube, and Multiplexed Detection of RNA Viruses

Analytical Chemistry

Ball, Cameron S.; Light, Yooli K.; Koh, Chung-Yan K.; Wheeler, Sarah S.; Coffey, Lark L.; Meagher, Robert M.

Reverse-transcription-loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) has frequently been proposed as an enabling technology for simplified diagnostic tests for RNA viruses. However, common detection techniques used for LAMP and RT-LAMP have drawbacks, including poor discrimination capability, inability to multiplex targets, high rates of false positives, and (in some cases) the requirement of opening reaction tubes postamplification. Here, we present a simple technique that allows closed-tube, target-specific detection, based on inclusion of a dye-labeled primer that is incorporated into a target-specific amplicon if the target is present. A short, complementary quencher hybridizes to unincorporated primer upon cooling down at the end of the reaction, thereby quenching fluorescence of any unincorporated primer. Our technique, which we term QUASR (for quenching of unincorporated amplification signal reporters, read "quasar"), does not significantly reduce the amplification efficiency or sensitivity of RT-LAMP. Equipped with a simple LED excitation source and a colored plastic gel filter, the naked eye or a camera can easily discriminate between positive and negative QUASR reactions, which produce a difference in signal of approximately 10:1 without background subtraction. We demonstrate that QUASR detection is compatible with complex sample matrices such as human blood, using a novel LAMP primer set for bacteriophage MS2 (a model RNA virus particle). Furthermore, we demonstrate single-tube duplex detection of West Nile virus (WNV) and chikungunya virus (CHIKV) RNA.

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Investigation of cell trajectories in chaotic flow fields generated by a helical static micromixer for rapid crosslinking kinetics

20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2016

Priye, Aashish P.; Renzi, Ronald F.; Meagher, Robert M.; Wu, Meiye; Poorey, Kunal N.

Transcription factor (TF) binding pattern in chromatin provide precise and comprehensive information about the cell state. However, current analysis methods such as chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) does not readily facilitate in-vivo characterization required to study short lived chromatin complexes. Here we develop a microfluidic stop flow system which is capable of mixing bacterial cells with formaldehyde on a sub-second mixing residence time scale enabling us to probe the kinetics of TF bound chromatin intermediates.

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Surveillance for western equine encephalitis, St. Louis encephalitis, and West Nile viruses using reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification


Wheeler, Sarah S.; Ball, Cameron S.; Langevin, Stanley A.; Fang, Ying; Coffey, Lark L.; Meagher, Robert M.

Collection of mosquitoes and testing for vector-borne viruses is a key surveillance activity that directly influences the vector control efforts of public health agencies, including determining when and where to apply insecticides. Vector control districts in California routinely monitor for three human pathogenic viruses including West Nile virus (WNV), Western equine encephalitis virus (WEEV), and St. Louis encephalitis virus (SLEV). Reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) offers highly sensitive and specific detection of these three viruses in a single multiplex reaction, but this technique requires costly, specialized equipment that is generally only available in centralized public health laboratories. We report the use of reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) to detect WNV, WEEV, and SLEV RNA extracted from pooled mosquito samples collected in California, including novel primer sets for specific detection of WEEV and SLEV, targeting the nonstructural protein 4 (nsP4) gene of WEEV and the 3' untranslated region (3'-UTR) of SLEV. Our WEEV and SLEV RT-LAMP primers allowed detection of <0.1 PFU/reaction of their respective targets in <30 minutes, and exhibited high specificity without cross reactivity when tested against a panel of alphaviruses and flavivi-ruses. Furthermore, the SLEV primers do not cross-react with WNV, despite both viruses being closely related members of the Japanese encephalitis virus complex. The SLEV and WEEV primers can also be combined in a single RT-LAMP reaction, with discrimination between amplicons by melt curve analysis. Although RT-qPCR is approximately one order of magnitude more sensitive than RT-LAMP for all three targets, the RT-LAMP technique is less instrumentally intensive than RT-qPCR and provides a more cost-effective method of vector-borne virus surveillance.

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A simple check valve for microfluidic point of care diagnostics

Lab on a Chip

Ball, C.S.; Renzi, R.F.; Priye, Aashish P.; Meagher, Robert M.

Check valves are often essential components in microfluidic devices, enabling automated sample processing for diagnostics at the point of care. However, there is an unmet need for a check valve design that is compatible with rigid thermoplastic devices during all stages of development - from initial prototyping with a laser cutter to final production with injection molding. Here, we present simple designs for a passive, normally closed check valve that is manufactured from commonly available materials with a CO2 laser and readily integrated into prototype and production thermoplastic devices. The check valve consists of a thermoplastic planar spring and a soft elastomeric pad that act together to seal against fluid backflow. The valve's cracking pressure can be tuned by modifying the spring's planar geometry and thickness. Seal integrity is improved with the addition of a raised annular boss beneath the elastomeric pad. To demonstrate the valve's usefulness, we employ these valves to create a finger-operated on-chip reagent reservoir and a finger-actuated pneumatic pump. We also apply this check valve to passively seal a device to enable portable detection of RNA from West Nile virus in a laser-cut device.

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Real-time autonomous surveillance for vectorborne pathogens

20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2016

Ball, C.S.; Priye, Aashish P.; Renzi, R.F.; Claudnic, M.A.; Helm, J.; Light, Yooli K.; Langevin, S.A.; Wheeler, S.S.; Steiner, C.A.; Coffey, L.A.; Meagher, Robert M.

Arboviruses (viruses spread by arthropod vectors like mosquitoes and ticks) represent a significant burden to public health and agriculture. In most cases, vector control is the only effective measure to stop the spread of these pathogens. We present a novel approach to field-based detection of mosquito-borne viruses, using a device called the "Smart Trap" which automates all steps of a sugarbased surveillance assay, providing daily reports from a network of bait stations placed in the field.

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Smart phone-enabled diagnostic platform for detection of pathogen nucleic acids

20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2016

Meagher, Robert M.; Priye, Aashish P.; Ball, C.S.; Koh, Chung-Yan K.; Renzi, R.F.; Light, Yooli K.

The recent Ebola crisis in West Africa highlights challenges associated with pathogen diagnostics in the developing world, particularly logistical challenges with sample transport, availability of resources, and skilled labor. We present innovations in assay chemistry, microfluidic consumables, and smart phone-based instrumentation to enable a new generation of portable diagnostic devices.

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A transcriptomic analysis of Yersinia enterocolitica biovar 1B infecting murine macrophages reveals new mechanisms of intracellular survival

Infection and Immunity

Poorey, Kunal N.; Sinha, Anupama S.; Curtis, Deanna J.; Williams, Kelly P.; Branda, Steven B.; Meagher, Robert M.

Yersinia enterocolitica is typically considered an extracellular pathogen; however, during the course of an infection, a significant number of bacteria are stably maintained within host cell vacuoles. Little is known about this population and the role it plays during an infection. To address this question and to elucidate the spatially and temporally dynamic gene expression patterns of Y. enterocoliticabiovar 1B through the course of an in vitro infection, transcriptome sequencing and differential gene expression analysis of bacteria infecting murine macrophage cells were performed under four distinct conditions. Bacteria were first grown in a nutrient-rich medium at 26°C to establish a baseline of gene expression that is unrelated to infection. The transcriptomes of these bacteria were then compared to bacteria grown in a conditioned cell culture medium at 37°C to identify genes that were differentially expressed in response to the increased temperature and medium but not in response to host cells. Infections were then performed, and the transcriptomes of bacteria found on the extracellular surface and intracellular compartments were analyzed individually. The upregulated genes revealed potential roles for a variety of systems in promoting intracellular virulence, including the Ysa type III secretion system, the Yts2 type II secretion system, and the Tad pilus. It was further determined that mutants of each of these systems had decreased virulence while infecting macrophages. Overall, these results reveal the complete set of genes expressed by Y. enterocolitica in response to infection and provide the groundwork for future virulence studies.

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A solvent replenishment solution for managing evaporation of biochemical reactions in air-matrix digital microfluidics devices

Lab on a Chip

Jebrail, Mais J.; Renzi, Ronald F.; Sinha, Anupama S.; Van De Vreugde, James L.; Gondhalekar, Carmen; Ambriz, Cesar; Meagher, Robert M.; Branda, Steven B.

Digital microfluidics (DMF) is a powerful technique for sample preparation and analysis for a broad range of biological and chemical applications. In many cases, it is desirable to carry out DMF on an open surface, such that the matrix surrounding the droplets is ambient air. However, the utility of the air-matrix DMF format has been severely limited by problems with droplet evaporation, especially when the droplet-based biochemical reactions require high temperatures for long periods of time. We present a simple solution for managing evaporation in air-matrix DMF: just-in-time replenishment of the reaction volume using droplets of solvent. We demonstrate that this solution enables DMF-mediated execution of several different biochemical reactions (RNA fragmentation, first-strand cDNA synthesis, and PCR) over a range of temperatures (4-95°C) and incubation times (up to 1 h or more) without use of oil, humidifying chambers, or off-chip heating modules. Reaction volumes and temperatures were maintained roughly constant over the course of each experiment, such that the reaction kinetics and products generated by the air-matrix DMF device were comparable to those of conventional benchscale reactions. This simple yet effective solution for evaporation management is an important advance in developing air-matrix DMF for a wide variety of new, high-impact applications, particularly in the biomedical sciences.

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A Microfluidic DNA Library Preparation Platform for Next-Generation Sequencing


Kim, Hanyoup; Jebrail, Mais J.; Sinha, Anupama S.; Bent, Zachary B.; Solberg, Owen D.; Williams, Kelly P.; Langevin, Stanley A.; Renzi, Ronald F.; Van De Vreugde, James L.; Meagher, Robert M.; Schoeniger, Joseph S.; Lane, Todd L.; Branda, Steven B.; Bartsch, Michael B.; Patel, Kamlesh D.

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is emerging as a powerful tool for elucidating genetic information for a wide range of applications. Unfortunately, the surging popularity of NGS has not yet been accompanied by an improvement in automated techniques for preparing formatted sequencing libraries. To address this challenge, we have developed a prototype microfluidic system for preparing sequencer-ready DNA libraries for analysis by Illumina sequencing. Our system combines droplet-based digital microfluidic (DMF) sample handling with peripheral modules to create a fully-integrated, sample-in library-out platform. In this report, we use our automated system to prepare NGS libraries from samples of human and bacterial genomic DNA. E. coli libraries prepared on-device from 5 ng of total DNA yielded excellent sequence coverage over the entire bacterial genome, with >99% alignment to the reference genome, even genome coverage, and good quality scores. Furthermore, we produced a de novo assembly on a previously unsequenced multi-drug resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae strain BAA-2146 (KpnNDM). The new method described here is fast, robust, scalable, and automated. Our device for library preparation will assist in the integration of NGS technology into a wide variety of laboratories, including small research laboratories and clinical laboratories. © 2013 Kim et al.

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Characterization of Pathogens in Clinical Specimens via Suppression of Host Background for Efficient Second Generation Sequencing Analyses

Branda, Steven B.; Jebrail, Mais J.; Van De Vreugde, James L.; Langevin, Stanley A.; Bent, Zachary B.; Curtis, Deanna J.; Lane, Pamela L.; Carson, Bryan C.; La Bauve, Elisa L.; Patel, Kamlesh P.; Ricken, James B.; Schoeniger, Joseph S.; Solberg, Owen D.; Williams, Kelly P.; Misra, Milind; Powell, Amy J.; Pattengale, Nicholas D.; May, Elebeoba E.; Lane, Todd L.; Lindner, Duane L.; Young, Malin M.; VanderNoot, Victoria A.; Thaitrong, Numrin T.; Bartsch, Michael B.; Renzi, Ronald F.; Tran-Gyamfi, Mary B.; Meagher, Robert M.

Abstract not provided.

Copy of Automated Molecular Biology Platform Enabling Rapid & Efficient SGS Analysis of Pathogens in Clinical Samples

Branda, Steven B.; Jebrail, Mais J.; Van De Vreugde, James L.; Langevin, Stanley A.; Bent, Zachary B.; Curtis, Deanna J.; Lane, Pamela L.; Carson, Bryan C.; La Bauve, Elisa L.; Patel, Kamlesh P.; Ricken, James B.; Schoeniger, Joseph S.; Solberg, Owen D.; Williams, Kelly P.; Misra, Milind; Powell, Amy J.; Pattengale, Nicholas D.; May, Elebeoba E.; Lane, Todd L.; Lindner, Duane L.; Young, Malin M.; VanderNoot, Victoria A.; Thaitrong, Numrin T.; Bartsch, Michael B.; Renzi, Ronald F.; Tran-Gyamfi, Mary B.; Meagher, Robert M.

Abstract not provided.

Automated Molecular Biology Platform Enabling Rapid & Efficient SGS Analysis of Pathogens in Clinical Samples

Branda, Steven B.; Jebrail, Mais J.; Van De Vreugde, James L.; Langevin, Stanley A.; Bent, Zachary B.; Curtis, Deanna J.; Lane, Pamela L.; Carson, Bryan C.; La Bauve, Elisa L.; Patel, Kamlesh P.; Ricken, James B.; Schoeniger, Joseph S.; Solberg, Owen D.; Williams, Kelly P.; Misra, Milind; Powell, Amy J.; Pattengale, Nicholas D.; May, Elebeoba E.; Lane, Todd L.; Lindner, Duane L.; Young, Malin M.; VanderNoot, Victoria A.; Thaitrong, Numrin T.; Bartsch, Michael B.; Renzi, Ronald F.; Tran-Gyamfi, Mary B.; Meagher, Robert M.

Abstract not provided.

Orienting lipid domains in giant vesicles using an electric field

Chemical Communications

Zendejas, Frank Z.; Meagher, Robert M.; Stachowiak, Jeanne C.; Hayden, Carl C.; Sasaki, Darryl Y.

Directing the orientation of molecular assemblies is a key step toward creating complex hierarchical structures that yield higher order functional materials. Here, we demonstrate the directed orientation of functionalized lipid domains and protein-membrane assemblies, using an electric field. © 2011 The Royal Society of Chemistry.

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Fish 'N' chips - A single cell genomic analyzer for the human microbiome

14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2010, MicroTAS 2010

Meagher, Robert M.; Liu, Peng L.; Light, Yooli K.; Patel, K.D.; Perroud, T.D.; Singh, Anup K.

Uncultivable microorganisms likely play significant roles in the ecology within the human body, with subtle but important implications for human health. Focusing on the oral microbiome, we are developing a processor for targeted isolation of individual microbial cells, facilitating whole-genome analysis without the need for isolation of pure cultures. The processor consists of three microfluidic modules: identification based on 16S rRNA fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), fluorescence-based sorting, and encapsulation of individual selected cells into small droplets for whole-genome amplification. We present here a technique for performing microscale FISH and flow cytometry, as a prelude to single cell sorting.

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Electrophoretic concentration of DNA at nanoporous polymer membranes for separations and diagnostics

Meagher, Robert M.; Thaitrong, Numrin T.; Singh, Anup K.

We report on the use of thin ({approx}30 micron) photopatterned polymer membranes for on-line preconcentration of single- or double-stranded DNA samples prior to electrophoretic analysis. Shaped UV laser light is used to quickly ({approx}10 seconds) polymerize a highly crosslinked polyacrylamide plug. By applying an electric field across the membrane, DNA from a dilute sample can be concentrated into a narrow zone (<100 micron wide) at the outside edge of the membrane. The field at the membrane can then be reversed, allowing the narrow plug to be cleanly injected into a separation channel filled with a sieving polymer for analysis. Concentration factors >100 are possible, increasing the sensitivity of analysis for dilute samples. We have fabricated both neutral membranes (purely size-based exclusion) as well as anionic membranes (size and charge exclusion), and characterized the rate of preconcentration as well as the efficiency of injection from both types of membrane, for DNA, ranging from a 20 base ssDNA oligonucleotide to >14 kbp dsDNA. We have also investigated the effects of concentration polarization on device performance for the charged membrane. Advantages of the membrane preconcentration approach include the simplicity of device fabrication and operation, and the generic (non-sequence specific) nature of DNA capture, which is useful for complex or poorly characterized samples where a specific capture sequence is not present. The membrane preconcentration approach is well suited to simple single-level etch glass chips, with no need for patterned electrodes, integrated heaters, valves, or other elements requiring more complex chip fabrication. Additionally, the ability to concentrate multiple charged analytes into a narrow zone enables a variety of assay functionalities, including enzyme-based and hybridization-based analyses.

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Chip-based in situ hybridization for identification of bacteria from the human microbiome

Meagher, Robert M.; Liu, Peng L.; Light, Yooli K.; Singh, Anup K.

The emerging field of metagenomics seeks to assess the genetic diversity of complex mixed populations of bacteria, such as those found at different sites within the human body. A single person's mouth typically harbors up to 100 bacterial species, while surveys of many people have found more than 700 different species, of which {approx}50% have never been cultivated. In typical metagenomics studies, the cells themselves are destroyed in the process of gathering sequence information, and thus the connection between genotype and phenotype is lost. A great deal of sequence information may be generated, but it is impossible to assign any given sequence to a specific cell. We seek non-destructive, culture-independent means of gathering sequence information from selected individual cells from mixed populations. As a first step, we have developed a microfluidic device for concentrating and specifically labeling bacteria from a mixed population. Bacteria are electrophoretically concentrated against a photopolymerized membrane element, and then incubated with a specific fluorescent label, which can include antibodies as well as specific or non-specific nucleic acid stains. Unbound stain is washed away, and the labeled bacteria are released from the membrane. The stained cells can then be observed via epifluorescence microscopy, or counted via flow cytometry. We have tested our device with three representative bacteria from the human microbiome: E. coli (gut, Gram-negative), Lactobacillus acidophilus (mouth, Gram-positive), and Streptococcus mutans (mouth, Gram-positive), with results comparable to off-chip labeling techniques.

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FISH 'N' Chips : a single cell genomic analyzer for the human microbiome

Meagher, Robert M.; Patel, Kamlesh P.; Light, Yooli K.; Liu, Peng L.; Singh, Anup K.

Uncultivable microorganisms likely play significant roles in the ecology within the human body, with subtle but important implications for human health. Focusing on the oral microbiome, we are developing a processor for targeted isolation of individual microbial cells, facilitating whole-genome analysis without the need for isolation of pure cultures. The processor consists of three microfluidic modules: identification based on 16S rRNA fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), fluorescence-based sorting, and encapsulation of individual selected cells into small droplets for whole genome amplification. We present here a technique for performing microscale FISH and flow cytometry, as a prelude to single cell sorting.

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Biomolecular transport and separation in nanotubular networks

Sasaki, Darryl Y.; Wang, Julia W.; Hayden, Carl C.; Stachowiak, Jeanne C.; Branda, Steven B.; Bachand, George B.; Meagher, Robert M.; Stevens, Mark J.; Robinson, David R.; Zendejas, Frank Z.

Cell membranes are dynamic substrates that achieve a diverse array of functions through multi-scale reconfigurations. We explore the morphological changes that occur upon protein interaction to model membrane systems that induce deformation of their planar structure to yield nanotube assemblies. In the two examples shown in this report we will describe the use of membrane adhesion and particle trajectory to form lipid nanotubes via mechanical stretching, and protein adsorption onto domains and the induction of membrane curvature through steric pressure. Through this work the relationship between membrane bending rigidity, protein affinity, and line tension of phase separated structures were examined and their relationship in biological membranes explored.

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Host suppression and bioinformatics for sequence-based characterization of unknown pathogens

Misra, Milind; Patel, Kamlesh P.; Kaiser, Julia N.; Meagher, Robert M.; Branda, Steven B.; Schoeniger, Joseph S.

Bioweapons and emerging infectious diseases pose formidable and growing threats to our national security. Rapid advances in biotechnology and the increasing efficiency of global transportation networks virtually guarantee that the United States will face potentially devastating infectious disease outbreaks caused by novel ('unknown') pathogens either intentionally or accidentally introduced into the population. Unfortunately, our nation's biodefense and public health infrastructure is primarily designed to handle previously characterized ('known') pathogens. While modern DNA assays can identify known pathogens quickly, identifying unknown pathogens currently depends upon slow, classical microbiological methods of isolation and culture that can take weeks to produce actionable information. In many scenarios that delay would be costly, in terms of casualties and economic damage; indeed, it can mean the difference between a manageable public health incident and a full-blown epidemic. To close this gap in our nation's biodefense capability, we will develop, validate, and optimize a system to extract nucleic acids from unknown pathogens present in clinical samples drawn from infected patients. This system will extract nucleic acids from a clinical sample, amplify pathogen and specific host response nucleic acid sequences. These sequences will then be suitable for ultra-high-throughput sequencing (UHTS) carried out by a third party. The data generated from UHTS will then be processed through a new data assimilation and Bioinformatic analysis pipeline that will allow us to characterize an unknown pathogen in hours to days instead of weeks to months. Our methods will require no a priori knowledge of the pathogen, and no isolation or culturing; therefore it will circumvent many of the major roadblocks confronting a clinical microbiologist or virologist when presented with an unknown or engineered pathogen.

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Selective extraction of recombinant proteins by multiple-affinity two-phase partitioning in microchannels

12th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences - The Proceedings of MicroTAS 2008 Conference

Meagher, Robert M.; Light, Yooli K.; Singh, Anup K.

We have demonstrated purification of proteins in a simple aqueous two-phase extraction process in a microfluidic device. The laminar flows inherent to microchannels allows us to perform a binary split of a complex cell lysate sample, in an open channel with no chromatography support and no moving parts. This mild process allows recovery of functional proteins with a modest increase in purity. Aromatic-rich fusion tags are used to drive partitioning of enzymes in a generic PEG-salt two-phase system. Addition of affinity ligands to the PEG phase allows us to exploit other popular fusion tags, such as polyhistidine tags and GST-tags. © 2008 CBMS.

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Multi-Spectral Detection of Microfluidic Separation Products

Hayden, Carl C.; Meagher, Robert M.

The objectives of this project were to develop a new scientific tool for studies of chemical processes at the single molecule level, and to provide enhanced capabilities for multiplexed, ultrasensitive separations and immunoassays. We have combined microfluidic separation techniques with our newly developed technology for spectrally and temporally resolved detection of single molecules. The detection of individual molecules can reveal fluctuations in molecular conformations, which are obscured in ensemble measurements, and allows detailed studies of reaction kinetics such as ligand or antibody binding. Detection near the single molecule level also enables the use of correlation techniques to extract information, such as diffusion rates, from the fluorescence signal. The micro-fluidic technology offers unprecedented control of the chemical environment and flow conditions, and affords the unique opportunity to study biomolecules without immobilization. For analytical separations, the fluorescence lifetime and spectral resolution of the detection makes it possible to use multiple parameters for identification of separation products to improve the certainty of identification. We have successfully developed a system that can measure fluorescence spectra, lifetimes and diffusion constants of the components of mixtures separated in a microfluidic electrophoresis chip.

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91 Results
91 Results