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Solid-state dewetting instability in thermally-stable nanocrystalline binary alloys


Schuler, Jennifer D.; Copeland, Robert G.; Hattar, Khalid M.; Rupert, Timothy J.; Briggs, Samuel A.

Practical applications of nanocrystalline metallic thin films are often limited by instabilities. In addition to grain growth, the thin film itself can become unstable and collapse into islands through solid-state dewetting. Selective alloying can improve nanocrystalline stability, but the impact of this approach on dewetting is not clear. In this study, two alloys that exhibit nanocrystalline thermal stability as ball milled powders are evaluated as thin films. While both alloys demonstrated dewetting behavior following annealing, the severity decreased in more dilute compositions. Ultimately, a balance may be struck between nanocrystalline stability and thin film structural stability by tuning dopant concentration.

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In Situ High-Cycle Fatigue Reveals Importance of Grain Boundary Structure in Nanocrystalline Cu-Zr


Schuler, Jennifer D.; Barr, Christopher M.; Heckman, Nathan M.; Copeland, Robert G.; Boyce, Brad B.; Hattar, Khalid M.; Rupert, Timothy J.

Nanocrystalline metals typically have high fatigue strengths but low resistance to crack propagation. Amorphous intergranular films are disordered grain boundary complexions that have been shown to delay crack nucleation and slow crack propagation during monotonic loading by diffusing grain boundary strain concentrations, which suggests they may also be beneficial for fatigue properties. To probe this hypothesis, in situ transmission electron microscopy fatigue cycling is performed on Cu-1 at.% Zr thin films thermally treated to have either only ordered grain boundaries or amorphous intergranular films. The sample with only ordered grain boundaries experienced grain coarsening at crack initiation followed by unsteady crack propagation and extensive nanocracking, whereas the sample containing amorphous intergranular films had no grain coarsening at crack initiation followed by steady crack propagation and distributed plastic activity. Microstructural design for control of these behaviors through simple thermal treatments can allow for the improvement of nanocrystalline metal fatigue toughness.

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Levelized cost of energy for a Backward Bent Duct Buoy

International Journal of Marine Energy

Bull, Diana L.; Jenne, D.S.; Smith, Christopher S.; Copping, Andrea E.; Copeland, Robert G.

The Reference Model Project, supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, was developed to provide publically available technical and economic benchmarks for a variety of marine energy converters. The methodology to achieve these benchmarks is to develop public domain designs that incorporate power performance estimates, structural models, anchor and mooring designs, power conversion chain designs, and estimates of the operations and maintenance, installation, and environmental permitting required. The reference model designs are intended to be conservative, robust, and experimentally verified. The Backward Bent Duct Buoy (BBDB) presented in this paper is one of three wave energy conversion devices studied within the Reference Model Project. Comprehensive modeling of the BBDB in a Northern California climate has enabled a full levelized cost of energy (LCOE) analysis to be completed on this device.

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Reference Model 6 (RM6): Oscillating Wave Energy Converter

Bull, Diana L.; Smith, Chris S.; Jenne, Dale S.; Jacob, Paul J.; Copping, Andrea E.; Willits, Steve W.; Fontaine, Arnold A.; Brefort, Dorian B.; Gordon, Margaret E.; Copeland, Robert G.; Jepsen, Richard A.

This report is an addendum to SAND2013-9040: Methodology for Design and Economic Analysis of Marine Energy Conversion (MEC) Technologies. This report describes an Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter reference model design in a complementary manner to Reference Models 1-4 contained in the above report. In this report, a conceptual design for an Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter (WEC) device appropriate for the modeled reference resource site was identified, and a detailed backward bent duct buoy (BBDB) device design was developed using a combination of numerical modeling tools and scaled physical models. Our team used the methodology in SAND2013-9040 for the economic analysis that included costs for designing, manufacturing, deploying, and operating commercial-scale MEC arrays, up to 100 devices. The methodology was applied to identify key cost drivers and to estimate levelized cost of energy (LCOE) for this RM6 Oscillating Water Column device in dollars per kilowatt-hour ($/kWh). Although many costs were difficult to estimate at this time due to the lack of operational experience, the main contribution of this work was to disseminate a detailed set of methodologies and models that allow for an initial cost analysis of this emerging technology. This project is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Wind and Water Power Technologies Program Office (WWPTO), within the Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE). Sandia National Laboratories, the lead in this effort, collaborated with partners from National Laboratories, industry, and universities to design and test this reference model.

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Oscillating water column structural model

Copeland, Robert G.; Bull, Diana L.; Jepsen, Richard A.; Gordon, Margaret E.

An oscillating water column (OWC) wave energy converter is a structure with an opening to the ocean below the free surface, i.e. a structure with a moonpool. Two structural models for a non-axisymmetric terminator design OWC, the Backward Bent Duct Buoy (BBDB) are discussed in this report. The results of this structural model design study are intended to inform experiments and modeling underway in support of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated Reference Model Project (RMP). A detailed design developed by Re Vision Consulting used stiffeners and girders to stabilize the structure against the hydrostatic loads experienced by a BBDB device. Additional support plates were added to this structure to account for loads arising from the mooring line attachment points. A simplified structure was designed in a modular fashion. This simplified design allows easy alterations to the buoyancy chambers and uncomplicated analysis of resulting changes in buoyancy.

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Reactive biomolecular divergence in genetically altered yeast cells and isolated mitochondria as measured by biocavity laser spectroscopy: Rapid diagnostic method for studying cellular responses to stress and disease

Journal of Biomedical Optics

Gourley, Paul L.; Hendricks, Judy K.; McDonald, Anthony E.; Copeland, Robert G.; Yaffe, Michael P.; Naviaux, Robert K.

We report an analysis of four strains of baker's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae using biocavity laser spectroscopy. The four strains are grouped in two pairs wild type and altered, in which one strain differs genetically at a single locus, affecting mitochondrial function. In one pair, the wild-type + and a 0 strain differ by complete removal of mitochondrial DNA mtDNA. In the second pair, the wild-type + and a ? strain differ by knock-out of the nuclear gene encoding Cox4, an essential subunit of cytochrome c oxidase. The biocavity laser is used to measure the biophysical optic parameter , a laser wavelength shift relating to the optical density of cell or mitochondria that uniquely reflects its size and biomolecular composition. As such, is a powerful parameter that rapidly interrogates the biomolecular state of single cells and mitochondria. Wild-type cells and mitochondria produce Gaussian-like distributions with a single peak. In contrast, mutant cells and mitochondria produce leptokurtotic distributions that are asymmetric and highly skewed to the right. These distribution changes could be self-consistently modeled with a single, log-normal distribution undergoing a thousand-fold increase in variance of biomolecular composition. These features reflect a new state of stressed or diseased cells that we call a reactive biomolecular divergence RBD that reflects the vital interdependence of mitochondria and the nucleus. © 2007 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.

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Luminescent properties of solution-grown ZnO nanorods

Applied Physics Letters

Hsu, Julia W.; Tallant, David T.; Simpson, Regina L.; Missert, Nancy A.; Copeland, Robert G.

The optical properties of solution-grown ZnO nanorods were investigated using photolumincscence and cathodoluminescence. The as-grown nanorods displayed a broad yellow-orange sub-band-gap luminescence and a small near-band-gap emission peak. The sub-band-gap luminescence can only be observed when exciting above band gap. Scanning cathodoluminescence experiments showed that the width of the sub-band-gap luminescence is not due to an ensemble effect. Upon reduction, the sub-band-gap luminescence disappeared and the near-band-gap emission increased. Compared to ZnO powders that are stoichiometric and oxygen deficient, we conclude that the yellow-orange sub-band-gap luminescence most likely arises from bulk defects that, are associated with excess oxygen. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.

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Scanning probe studies of water nucleation on aluminum oxide and gold surfaces

Proposed for publication in Applied Surface Science.

Missert, Nancy A.; Copeland, Robert G.

The nucleation of nanoscale water at surfaces in humid environments is sensitive to several factors, including the details of the surface morphology, ability of the surface to hydrate and the presence of contaminants. Tapping mode atomic force microscopy was used to investigate the nucleation process as a function of relative humidity (RH) on passive aluminum and gold thin films. Films exposed to the ambient environment prior to RH exposure showed discrete structures with lateral sizes ranging from 10 to 100 nm only at RH > 70%. These structures formed preferentially at grain boundaries, triple points and regions with significant topography such as protruding grains. The morphology of the passive aluminum surface is permanently altered at the sites where discrete structures were observed; nodules with heights ranging from 0.5 to 2 nm persist even after reducing the RH to <2%. The gold surface does not show such a permanent change in morphology after reducing the RH. Passive aluminum films exposed to high RH immediately after growth (e.g. no ambient exposure) do not show discrete structures even at the highest RH exposures of 90%, suggesting a hydrophilic surface and the importance of surface hydrocarbon contaminants in affecting the distribution of the water layer.

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Quantum squeezed light for probing mitochondrial membranes and study of neuroprotectants

Gourley, Paul L.; Copeland, Robert G.; McDonald, Anthony E.

We report a new nanolaser technique for measuring characteristics of human mitochondria. Because mitochondria are so small, it has been difficult to study large populations using standard light microscope or flow cytometry techniques. We recently discovered a nano-optical transduction method for high-speed analysis of submicron organelles that is well suited to mitochondrial studies. This ultrasensitive detection technique uses nano-squeezing of light into photon modes imposed by the ultrasmall organelle dimensions in a semiconductor biocavity laser. In this paper, we use the method to study the lasing spectra of normal and diseased mitochondria. We find that the diseased mitochondria exhibit larger physical diameter and standard deviation. This morphological differences are also revealed in the lasing spectra. The diseased specimens have a larger spectral linewidth than the normal, and have more variability in their statistical distributions.

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Mitochondrial correlation microscopy and nanolaser spectroscopy - New tools for biophotonic detection of cancer in single cells

Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment

Gourley, Paul L.; Hendricks, Judy K.; McDonald, Anthony E.; Copeland, Robert G.; Barrett, Keith E.; Gourley, Cheryl R.; Singh, Keshav K.; Naviaux, Robert K.

Currently, pathologists rely on labor-intensive microscopic examination of tumor cells using century-old staining methods that can give false readings. Emerging BioMicroNano-technologies have the potential to provide accurate, realtime, high-throughput screening of tumor cells without the need for time-consuming sample preparation. These rapid, nano-optical techniques may play an important role in advancing early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of disease. In this report, we show that laser scanning confocal microscopy can be used to identify a previously unknown property of certain cancer cells that distinguishes them, with single-cell resolution, from closely related normal cells. This property is the correlation of light scattering and the spatial organization of mitochondria. In normal liver cells, mitochondria are highly organized within the cytoplasm and highly scattering, yielding a highly correlated signal. In cancer cells, mitochondria are more chaotically organized and poorly scattering. These differences correlate with important bioenergetic disturbances that are hallmarks of many types of cancer. In addition, we review recent work that exploits the new technology of nanolaser spectroscopy using the biocavity laser to characterize the unique spectral signatures of normal and transformed cells. These optical methods represent powerful new tools that hold promise for detecting cancer at an early stage and may help to limit delays in diagnosis and treatment. ©Adenine Press (2005).

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Final report on grand challenge LDRD project : a revolution in lighting : building the science and technology base for ultra-efficient solid-state lighting

Simmons, J.A.; Fischer, Arthur J.; Crawford, Mary H.; Abrams, B.L.; Biefeld, Robert M.; Koleske, Daniel K.; Allerman, A.A.; Figiel, J.J.; Creighton, J.R.; Coltrin, Michael E.; Tsao, Jeffrey Y.; Mitchell, Christine C.; Kerley, Thomas M.; Wang, George T.; Bogart, Katherine B.; Seager, Carleton H.; Campbell, Jonathan C.; Follstaedt, D.M.; Norman, Adam K.; Kurtz, S.R.; Wright, Alan F.; Myers, S.M.; Missert, Nancy A.; Copeland, Robert G.; Provencio, P.N.; Wilcoxon, Jess P.; Hadley, G.R.; Wendt, J.R.; Kaplar, Robert K.; Shul, Randy J.; Rohwer, Lauren E.; Tallant, David T.; Simpson, Regina L.; Moffat, Harry K.; Salinger, Andrew G.; Pawlowski, Roger P.; Emerson, John A.; Thoma, Steven T.; Cole, Phillip J.; Boyack, Kevin W.; Garcia, Marie L.; Allen, Mark S.; Burdick, Brent B.; Rahal, Nabeel R.; Monson, Mary A.; Chow, Weng W.; Waldrip, Karen E.

This SAND report is the final report on Sandia's Grand Challenge LDRD Project 27328, 'A Revolution in Lighting -- Building the Science and Technology Base for Ultra-Efficient Solid-state Lighting.' This project, which for brevity we refer to as the SSL GCLDRD, is considered one of Sandia's most successful GCLDRDs. As a result, this report reviews not only technical highlights, but also the genesis of the idea for Solid-state Lighting (SSL), the initiation of the SSL GCLDRD, and the goals, scope, success metrics, and evolution of the SSL GCLDRD over the course of its life. One way in which the SSL GCLDRD was different from other GCLDRDs was that it coincided with a larger effort by the SSL community - primarily industrial companies investing in SSL, but also universities, trade organizations, and other Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratories - to support a national initiative in SSL R&D. Sandia was a major player in publicizing the tremendous energy savings potential of SSL, and in helping to develop, unify and support community consensus for such an initiative. Hence, our activities in this area, discussed in Chapter 6, were substantial: white papers; SSL technology workshops and roadmaps; support for the Optoelectronics Industry Development Association (OIDA), DOE and Senator Bingaman's office; extensive public relations and media activities; and a worldwide SSL community website. Many science and technology advances and breakthroughs were also enabled under this GCLDRD, resulting in: 55 publications; 124 presentations; 10 book chapters and reports; 5 U.S. patent applications including 1 already issued; and 14 patent disclosures not yet applied for. Twenty-six invited talks were given, at prestigious venues such as the American Physical Society Meeting, the Materials Research Society Meeting, the AVS International Symposium, and the Electrochemical Society Meeting. This report contains a summary of these science and technology advances and breakthroughs, with Chapters 1-5 devoted to the five technical task areas: 1 Fundamental Materials Physics; 2 111-Nitride Growth Chemistry and Substrate Physics; 3 111-Nitride MOCVD Reactor Design and In-Situ Monitoring; 4 Advanced Light-Emitting Devices; and 5 Phosphors and Encapsulants. Chapter 7 (Appendix A) contains a listing of publications, presentations, and patents. Finally, the SSL GCLDRD resulted in numerous actual and pending follow-on programs for Sandia, including multiple grants from DOE and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs) with SSL companies. Many of these follow-on programs arose out of contacts developed through our External Advisory Committee (EAC). In h s and other ways, the EAC played a very important role. Chapter 8 (Appendix B) contains the full (unedited) text of the EAC reviews that were held periodically during the course of the project.

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The effects of varying humidity on copper sulfide film formation

Sullivan, John P.; Sullivan, John P.; Barbour, J.C.; Missert, Nancy A.; Copeland, Robert G.; Mayer, T.M.

Detailed experiments involving extensive high resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed significant microstructural differences between Cu sulfides formed at low and high relative humidity (RH). It was known from prior experiments that the sulfide grows linearly with time at low RH up to a sulfide thickness approaching or exceeding one micron, while the sulfide initially grows linearly with time at high RH then becomes sub-linear at a sulfide thickness less than about 0.2 microns, with the sulfidation rate eventually approaching zero. TEM measurements of the Cu2S morphology revealed that the Cu2S formed at low RH has large sized grains (75 to greater than 150 nm) that are columnar in structure with sharp, abrupt grain boundaries. In contrast, the Cu2S formed at high RH has small equiaxed grains of 20 to 50 nm in size. Importantly, the small grains formed at high RH have highly disordered grain boundaries with a high concentration of nano-voids. Two-dimensional diffusion modeling was performed to determine whether the existence of localized source terms at the Cu/Cu2S interface could be responsible for the suppression of Cu sulfidation at long times at high RH. The models indicated that the existence of static localized source terms would not predict the complete suppression of growth that was observed. Instead, the models suggest that the diffusion of Cu through Cu2S becomes restricted during Cu2S formation at high RH. The leading speculation is that the extensive voiding that exists at grain boundaries in this material greatly reduces the flux of Cu between grains, leading to a reduction in the rate of sulfide film formation. These experiments provide an approach for adding microstructural information to Cu sulfidation rate computer models. In addition to the microstructural studies, new micro-patterned test structures were developed in this LDRD to offer insight into the point defect structure of Cu2S and to permit measurement of surface reaction rates during Cu sulfidation. The surface reaction rate was measured by creating micropatterned Cu lines of widths ranging from 5 microns to 100 microns. When sulfidized, the edges of the Cu lines show greater sulfidation than the center, an effect known as microloading. Measurement of the sulfidation profile enables an estimate of the ratio of the diffusivity of H2S in the gas phase to the surface reaction rate constant, k. Our measurements indicated that the gas phase diffusivity exceeds k by more than 10, but less than 100. This is consistent with computer simulations of the sulfidation process. Other electrical test structures were developed to measure the electrical conductivity of Cu2S that forms on Cu. This information can be used to determine relative vacancy concentrations in the Cu2S layer as a function of RH. The test structures involved micropatterned Cu disks and thin films, and the initial measurements showed that the electrical approach is feasible for point defect studies in Cu2S.

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Growth and Oxidation of Thin Film Al(2)Cu

Journal of the Electrochemical Society

Missert, Nancy A.; Barbour, J.C.; Copeland, Robert G.; Minor, Kenneth G.

Al{sub 2}Cu thin films ({approx} 382 nm) are fabricated by melting and resolidifying Al/Cu bilayers in the presence of a {micro} 3 nm Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} passivating layer. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) measures a 1.0 eV shift of the Cu2p{sub 3/2} peak and a 1.6 eV shift of the valence band relative to metallic Cu upon Al{sub 2}Cu formation. Scanning Electron microscopy (SEM) and Electron Back-Scattered Diffraction (EBSD) show that the Al{sub 2}Cu film is composed of 30-70 {micro}m wide and 10-25 mm long cellular grains with (110) orientation. The atomic composition of the film as estimated by Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) is 67 {+-} 2% Al and 33 {+-} 2% Cu. XPS scans of Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}/Al{sub 2}Cu taken before and after air exposure indicate that the upper Al{sub 2}Cu layers undergo further oxidation to Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} even in the presence of {approx} 5 nm Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}. The majority of Cu produced from oxidation is believed to migrate below the Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} layers, based upon the lack of evidence for metallic Cu in the XPS scans. In contrast to Al/Cu passivated with Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}, melting/resolidifying the Al/Cu bilayer without Al{sub 2}O{sub 3} results in phase-segregated dendritic film growth.

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28 Results
28 Results