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Viscoelasticity of glass-forming materials: What about inorganic sealing glasses?

Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series

Chambers, Robert S.; Stavig, Mark E.; Tandon, Rajan T.

Glass forming materials like polymers exhibit a variety of complex, nonlinear, time-dependent relaxations in volume, enthalpy and stress, all of which affect material performance and aging. Durable product designs rely on the capability to predict accurately how these materials will respond to mechanical loading and temperature regimes over prolonged exposures to operating environments. This cannot be achieved by developing a constitutive framework to fit only one or two types of experiments. Rather, it requires a constitutive formalism that is quantitatively predictive to engineering accuracy for the broad range of observed relaxation behaviors. Moreover, all engineering analyses must be performed from a single set of material model parameters. The rigorous nonlinear viscoelastic Potential Energy Clock (PEC) model and its engineering phenomenological equivalent, the Simplified Potential Energy Clock (SPEC) model, were developed to fulfill such roles and have been applied successfully to thermoplastics and filled and unfilled thermosets. Recent work has provided an opportunity to assess the performance of the SPEC model in predicting the viscoelastic behavior of an inorganic sealing glass. This presentation will overview the history of PEC and SPEC and describe the material characterization, model calibration and validation associated with the high Tg (~460 °C) sealing glass.

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Characterization and calibration of a viscoelastic simplified potential energy clock model for inorganic glasses

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids

Chambers, Robert S.; Tandon, Rajan T.; Stavig, Mark E.

To analyze the stresses and strains generated during the solidification of glass-forming materials, stress and volume relaxation must be predicted accurately. Although the modeling attributes required to depict physical aging in organic glassy thermosets strongly resemble the structural relaxation in inorganic glasses, the historical modeling approaches have been distinctly different. To determine whether a common constitutive framework can be applied to both classes of materials, the nonlinear viscoelastic simplified potential energy clock (SPEC) model, developed originally for glassy thermosets, was calibrated for the Schott 8061 inorganic glass and used to analyze a number of tests. A practical methodology for material characterization and model calibration is discussed, and the structural relaxation mechanism is interpreted in the context of SPEC model constitutive equations. SPEC predictions compared to inorganic glass data collected from thermal strain measurements and creep tests demonstrate the ability to achieve engineering accuracy and make the SPEC model feasible for engineering applications involving a much broader class of glassy materials.

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Cracking in a flame-sprayed epoxy

Materials Performance and Characterization

Ford, K.R.; Stavig, Mark E.; Chambers, Robert S.

The objective of this work was to understand the cracking of aluminum flame spray on an epoxy thermoset. In the experiments presented here, epoxy cylinders were uniformly coated with flame spray. The cylinders were put into a state of tensile stress by taking them to elevated temperatures and similarly put into a state of compression by taking them down to cold temperatures. Surface cracks on the outside of the cylinders were photographed and compared. The cylinders were cross-sectioned at room temperature to study how the aluminum surface cracks propagate into the epoxy. It was shown that thicker aluminum generates observable surface cracks at a lower temperature than a thinner coating does. The surface cracks cannot be seen at room temperature. However, some of the coating cracks propagate into the substrate and can be seen at room temperature when the cylinder is crosssectioned. The substrate cracks tend to be deeper with a larger coating thickness. Similarly, cracks are deeper when the substrate with a given thickness is taken to higher temperature. Supplementary examples that contain the addition of a hard inclusion (copper strip) between the aluminum and epoxy substrate at elevated temperatures were discussed, as well as delamination of the aluminum film at cold temperature.

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Mechanisms of degradation in adhesive joint strength: Glassy polymer thermoset bond in a humid environment

International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives

Kropka, Jamie M.; Adolf, Douglas B.; Spangler, Scott W.; Austin, Kevin N.; Chambers, Robert S.

The degradation in the strength of napkin-ring (NR) joints bonded with an epoxy thermoset is evaluated in a humid environment. While adherend composition (stainless steel and aluminum) and surface preparation (polished, grit blasted, primed, coupling agent coated) do not affect virgin (time=0) joint strength, they can significantly affect the role of moisture on the strength of the joint. Adherend surface abrasion and corrosion processes are found to be key factors in determining the reliability of joint strength in humid environments. In cases where surface specific joint strength degradation processes are not active, decreases in joint strength can be accounted for by the glass transition temperature, Tg, depression of the adhesive associated with water sorption. Under these conditions, joint strength can be rejuvenated to virgin strength by drying. In addition, the decrease in joint strength associated with water sorption can be predicted by the Simplified Potential Energy Clock (SPEC) model by shifting the adhesive reference temperature, Tref, by the same amount as the Tg depression. When surface specific degradation mechanisms are active, they can reduce joint strength below that associated with adhesive Tg depression, and joint strength is not recoverable by drying. A critical relative humidity (or, potentially, critical water sorption concentration), below which the surface specific degradation does not occur, appears to exist for the polished stainless steel joints.

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Materials Analysis and Modeling of Underfill Materials

Wyatt, Nicholas B.; Chambers, Robert S.

The thermal-mechanical properties of three potential underfill candidate materials for PBGA applications are characterized and reported. Two of the materials are a formulations developed at Sandia for underfill applications while the third is a commercial product that utilizes a snap-cure chemistry to drastically reduce cure time. Viscoelastic models were calibrated and fit using the property data collected for one of the Sandia formulated materials. Along with the thermal-mechanical analyses performed, a series of simple bi-material strip tests were conducted to comparatively analyze the relative effects of cure and thermal shrinkage amongst the materials under consideration. Finally, current knowledge gaps as well as questions arising from the present study are identified and a path forward presented.

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Proposed Testing to Assess the Accuracy of Glass-To-Metal Seal Stress Analyses

Chambers, Robert S.; Emery, John M.; Tandon, Rajan T.; Antoun, Bonnie R.; Stavig, Mark E.; Newton, Clay S.; Gibson, Cory S.; Bencoe, Denise N.

The material characterization tests conducted on 304L VAR stainless steel and Schott 8061 glass have provided higher fidelity data for calibration of material models used in Glass - T o - Metal (GTM) seal analyses. Specifically, a Thermo - Multi - Linear Elastic Plastic ( thermo - MLEP) material model has be en defined for S S304L and the Simplified Potential Energy Clock nonlinear visc oelastic model has been calibrated for the S8061 glass. To assess the accuracy of finite element stress analyses of GTM seals, a suite of tests are proposed to provide data for comparison to mo del predictions.

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Characterization & Modeling of Materials in Glass-To-Metal Seals: Part I

Chambers, Robert S.; Emery, John M.; Tandon, Rajan T.; Antoun, Bonnie R.; Stavig, Mark E.; Newton, Clay S.

To support higher fidelity modeling of residual stresses in glass-to-metal (GTM) seals and to demonstrate the accuracy of finite element analysis predictions, characterization and validation data have been collected for Sandia’s commonly used compression seal materials. The temperature dependence of the storage moduli, the shear relaxation modulus master curve and structural relaxation of the Schott 8061 glass were measured and stress-strain curves were generated for SS304L VAR in small strain regimes typical of GTM seal applications spanning temperatures from 20 to 500 C. Material models were calibrated and finite element predictions are being compared to measured data to assess the accuracy of predictions.

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Packaging strategies for printed circuit board components. Volume I, materials & thermal stresses

Spangler, Scott W.; Austin, Kevin N.; Neidigk, Matthew N.; Neilsen, Michael K.; Chambers, Robert S.

Decisions on material selections for electronics packaging can be quite complicated by the need to balance the criteria to withstand severe impacts yet survive deep thermal cycles intact. Many times, material choices are based on historical precedence perhaps ignorant of whether those initial choices were carefully investigated or whether the requirements on the new component match those of previous units. The goal of this program focuses on developing both increased intuition for generic packaging guidelines and computational methodologies for optimizing packaging in specific components. Initial efforts centered on characterization of classes of materials common to packaging strategies and computational analyses of stresses generated during thermal cycling to identify strengths and weaknesses of various material choices. Future studies will analyze the same example problems incorporating the effects of curing stresses as needed and analyzing dynamic loadings to compare trends with the quasi-static conclusions.

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Adhesive joint and composites modeling in SIERRA

Hammerand, Daniel C.; Chambers, Robert S.; Brown, Arthur B.; Foulk, James W.; Adolf, Douglas B.; Ohashi, Yuki O.

Polymers and fiber-reinforced polymer matrix composites play an important role in many Defense Program applications. Recently an advanced nonlinear viscoelastic model for polymers has been developed and incorporated into ADAGIO, Sandia's SIERRA-based quasi-static analysis code. Standard linear elastic shell and continuum models for fiber-reinforced polymer-matrix composites have also been added to ADAGIO. This report details the use of these models for advanced adhesive joint and composites simulations carried out as part of an Advanced Simulation and Computing Advanced Deployment (ASC AD) project. More specifically, the thermo-mechanical response of an adhesive joint when loaded during repeated thermal cycling is simulated, the response of some composite rings under internal pressurization is calculated, and the performance of a composite container subjected to internal pressurization, thermal loading, and distributed mechanical loading is determined. Finally, general comparisons between the continuum and shell element approaches for modeling composites using ADAGIO are given.

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Micromechanical Failure Analyses for Finite Element Polymer Modeling

Chambers, Robert S.; Reedy, Earl D.; Lo, Chi S.; Adolf, Douglas B.; Guess, Tommy R.

Polymer stresses around sharp corners and in constrained geometries of encapsulated components can generate cracks leading to system failures. Often, analysts use maximum stresses as a qualitative indicator for evaluating the strength of encapsulated component designs. Although this approach has been useful for making relative comparisons screening prospective design changes, it has not been tied quantitatively to failure. Accurate failure models are needed for analyses to predict whether encapsulated components meet life cycle requirements. With Sandia's recently developed nonlinear viscoelastic polymer models, it has been possible to examine more accurately the local stress-strain distributions in zones of likely failure initiation looking for physically based failure mechanisms and continuum metrics that correlate with the cohesive failure event. This study has identified significant differences between rubbery and glassy failure mechanisms that suggest reasonable alternatives for cohesive failure criteria and metrics. Rubbery failure seems best characterized by the mechanisms of finite extensibility and appears to correlate with maximum strain predictions. Glassy failure, however, seems driven by cavitation and correlates with the maximum hydrostatic tension. Using these metrics, two three-point bending geometries were tested and analyzed under variable loading rates, different temperatures and comparable mesh resolution (i.e., accuracy) to make quantitative failure predictions. The resulting predictions and observations agreed well suggesting the need for additional research. In a separate, additional study, the asymptotically singular stress state found at the tip of a rigid, square inclusion embedded within a thin, linear elastic disk was determined for uniform cooling. The singular stress field is characterized by a single stress intensity factor K{sub a} and the applicable K{sub a} calibration relationship has been determined for both fully bonded and unbended inclusions. A lack of interfacial bonding has a profound effect on inclusion-tip stress fields. A large radial compressive stress is generated in front of the inclusion-tip when the inclusion is well bonded, whereas a large tensile hoop stress is generated when the inclusion is unbended, and frictionless sliding is allowed. Consequently, an epoxy disk containing an unbended inclusion appears more likely to crack when cooled than a disk containing a fully bonded inclusion. A limited number of tests have been carried out to determine if encapsulant cracking can be induced by cooling a specimen fabricated by molding a square, steel insert within a thin, epoxy disk. Test results are in qualitative agreement with analysis. Cracks developed only in disks with mold-released inserts, and the tendency for cracking increased with inclusion size.

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48 Results
48 Results