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Microsystem Enabled Photovoltaics

Nielson, Gregory N.; Cruz Campa, Jose L.; Okandan, Murat O.; Lentine, Anthony L.; Sweatt, W.C.; Gupta, Vipin P.; Tauke-Pedretti, Anna; Jared, Bradley H.; Resnick, Paul J.; Cederberg, Jeffrey G.; Paap, Scott M.; Sanchez, Carlos A.; Biefeld, Robert M.; Langlois, Eric L.; Yang, Benjamin B.; Koleske, Daniel K.; Wierer, Jonathan J.; Miller, William K.; Elisberg, Brenton E.; Zamora, David J.; Luna, Ian L.; Saavedra, Michael P.; Alford, Charles A.; Ballance, Mark H.; Wiwi, Michael W.; Samora, S.; Chavez, Julie C.; Pipkin, Jennifer R.; Nguyen, Janet N.; Anderson, Ben A.; Gu, Tian G.; Agrawal, Gautum A.; Nelson, Jeffrey S.

Abstract not provided.

Advanced compound semiconductor and silicon fabrication techniques for next-generation solar power systems

ECS Transactions

Nielson, Gregory N.; Okandan, Murat O.; Cruz-Campa, Jose L.; Gupta, Vipin P.; Resnick, Paul J.; Sanchez, Carlos A.; Paap, Scott M.; Kim, B.; Sweatt, W.C.; Lentine, Anthony L.; Cederberg, Jeffrey G.; Tauke-Pedretti, Anna; Jared, B.H.; Anderson, Benjamin J.; Biefeld, Robert M.; Nelson, J.S.

Microsystem technologies have the potential to significantly improve the performance, reduce the cost, and extend the capabilities of solar power systems. These benefits are possible due to a number of significant beneficial scaling effects within solar cells, modules, and systems that are manifested as the size of solar cells decrease to the sub-millimeter range. To exploit these benefits, we are using advanced fabrication techniques to create solar cells from a variety of compound semiconductors and silicon that have lateral dimensions of 250 - 1000 μm and are 1 - 20 μm thick. These fabrication techniques come out of relatively mature microsystem technologies such as integrated circuits (IC) and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) which provide added supply chain and scale-up benefits compared to even incumbent PV technologies. © The Electrochemical Society.

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Quantum coherence in semiconductor nanostructures for improved lasers and detectors

Cederberg, Jeffrey G.; Chow, Weng W.; Modine, N.A.; Lyo, S.K.; Biefeld, Robert M.

The potential for implementing quantum coherence in semiconductor self-assembled quantum dots has been investigated theoretically and experimentally. Theoretical modeling suggests that coherent dynamics should be possible in self-assembled quantum dots. Our experimental efforts have optimized InGaAs and InAs self-assembled quantum dots on GaAs for demonstrating coherent phenomena. Optical investigations have indicated the appropriate geometries for observing quantum coherence and the type of experiments for observing quantum coherence have been outlined. The optical investigation targeted electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in order to demonstrate an all optical delay line.

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Photoluminescence studies on Al and Ga interdiffusion across (Al,Ga)Sb/GaSb quantum well interfaces

Proposed for publication in the Journal of Applied Physics.

Cederberg, Jeffrey G.; Biefeld, Robert M.

The thermal interdiffusion of AlSb/GaSb multiquantum wells was measured and the intrinsic diffusivities of Al and Ga determined over a temperature range of 823-948 K for 30-9000 s. The 77-K photoluminescence (PL) was used to monitor the extent of interdiffusion through the shifts in the superlattice luminescence peaks. The chemical diffusion coefficient was quantitatively determined by fitting the observed PL peak shifts to the solution of the Schroedinger equation, using a potential derived from the solution of the diffusion equation. The value of the interdiffusion coefficient ranged from 5.2 x 10{sup -4} to 0.06 nm{sup 2}/s over the conditions studied and was characterized by an activation energy of 3.0 {+-} 0.1 eV. The intrinsic diffusion coefficients for Al and Ga were also determined with higher values for Al than for Ga, described by activation energies of 2.8 {+-} 0.4 and 1.1 {+-} 0.1 eV, respectively.

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Final report on grand challenge LDRD project : a revolution in lighting : building the science and technology base for ultra-efficient solid-state lighting

Simmons, J.A.; Fischer, Arthur J.; Crawford, Mary H.; Abrams, B.L.; Biefeld, Robert M.; Koleske, Daniel K.; Allerman, A.A.; Figiel, J.J.; Creighton, J.R.; Coltrin, Michael E.; Tsao, Jeffrey Y.; Mitchell, Christine C.; Kerley, Thomas M.; Wang, George T.; Bogart, Katherine B.; Seager, Carleton H.; Campbell, Jonathan C.; Follstaedt, D.M.; Norman, Adam K.; Kurtz, S.R.; Wright, Alan F.; Myers, S.M.; Missert, Nancy A.; Copeland, Robert G.; Provencio, P.N.; Wilcoxon, Jess P.; Hadley, G.R.; Wendt, J.R.; Kaplar, Robert K.; Shul, Randy J.; Rohwer, Lauren E.; Tallant, David T.; Simpson, Regina L.; Moffat, Harry K.; Salinger, Andrew G.; Pawlowski, Roger P.; Emerson, John A.; Thoma, Steven T.; Cole, Phillip J.; Boyack, Kevin W.; Garcia, Marie L.; Allen, Mark S.; Burdick, Brent B.; Rahal, Nabeel R.; Monson, Mary A.; Chow, Weng W.; Waldrip, Karen E.

This SAND report is the final report on Sandia's Grand Challenge LDRD Project 27328, 'A Revolution in Lighting -- Building the Science and Technology Base for Ultra-Efficient Solid-state Lighting.' This project, which for brevity we refer to as the SSL GCLDRD, is considered one of Sandia's most successful GCLDRDs. As a result, this report reviews not only technical highlights, but also the genesis of the idea for Solid-state Lighting (SSL), the initiation of the SSL GCLDRD, and the goals, scope, success metrics, and evolution of the SSL GCLDRD over the course of its life. One way in which the SSL GCLDRD was different from other GCLDRDs was that it coincided with a larger effort by the SSL community - primarily industrial companies investing in SSL, but also universities, trade organizations, and other Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratories - to support a national initiative in SSL R&D. Sandia was a major player in publicizing the tremendous energy savings potential of SSL, and in helping to develop, unify and support community consensus for such an initiative. Hence, our activities in this area, discussed in Chapter 6, were substantial: white papers; SSL technology workshops and roadmaps; support for the Optoelectronics Industry Development Association (OIDA), DOE and Senator Bingaman's office; extensive public relations and media activities; and a worldwide SSL community website. Many science and technology advances and breakthroughs were also enabled under this GCLDRD, resulting in: 55 publications; 124 presentations; 10 book chapters and reports; 5 U.S. patent applications including 1 already issued; and 14 patent disclosures not yet applied for. Twenty-six invited talks were given, at prestigious venues such as the American Physical Society Meeting, the Materials Research Society Meeting, the AVS International Symposium, and the Electrochemical Society Meeting. This report contains a summary of these science and technology advances and breakthroughs, with Chapters 1-5 devoted to the five technical task areas: 1 Fundamental Materials Physics; 2 111-Nitride Growth Chemistry and Substrate Physics; 3 111-Nitride MOCVD Reactor Design and In-Situ Monitoring; 4 Advanced Light-Emitting Devices; and 5 Phosphors and Encapsulants. Chapter 7 (Appendix A) contains a listing of publications, presentations, and patents. Finally, the SSL GCLDRD resulted in numerous actual and pending follow-on programs for Sandia, including multiple grants from DOE and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs) with SSL companies. Many of these follow-on programs arose out of contacts developed through our External Advisory Committee (EAC). In h s and other ways, the EAC played a very important role. Chapter 8 (Appendix B) contains the full (unedited) text of the EAC reviews that were held periodically during the course of the project.

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The impact of growth parameters on the formation of InAs quantum dots on GaAs(1 0 0) by MOCVD

Journal of Crystal Growth

Cederberg, Jeffrey G.; Kaatz, F.H.; Biefeld, Robert M.

We have investigated InAs quantum dots (QD) formed on GaAs(1 0 0) using metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. Through a combination of room temperature photoluminescence and atomic force microscopy we have characterized the quantum dots. We have determined the effect of growth rate, deposited thickness, hydride partial pressure, and temperature on QD energy levels. The window of thickness for QD formation is very small, about 3Å of InAs. By decreasing the growth rate used to deposit InAs, the ground state transition of the QD is shifted to lower energies. The formation of optically active InAs QD is very sensitive to temperature. Temperatures above 500°C do not form optically active QDs. The thickness window for QD formation increases slightly at 480°C. This is attributed to the thermal dependence of diffusion length. The AsH3 partial pressure has a non-linear effect on the QD ground state energy. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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The growth of n-type GaSb by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition : effects of two-band conduction on carrier concentrations and donor activation

Proposed for publication in the Journal of Applied Physics.

Cederberg, Jeffrey G.; Cederberg, Jeffrey G.; Cederberg, Jeffrey G.; Biefeld, Robert M.

n-type GaSb has been prepared by metal-organic chemical vapour deposition with tellurium donors using diethyltelluride as the dopant precursor. The maximum carrier concentration achieved was 1.7 x 10{sup 18} cm{sup -3}, as measured by van der Pauw-Hall effect measurements, for an atomic tellurium concentration of 1.8 x 10{sup 19} cm{sup -3}. The apparent low activation of tellurium donors is explained by a model that considers the effect of electrons occupying both the {Lambda} and L bands in GaSb due to the small energy difference between the {Lambda} and L conduction band minima. The model also accounts for the apparent increase in the carrier concentration determined by van der Pauw-Hall effect measurements at cryogenic temperatures.

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Growth and Characterization of Quantum Dots and Quantum Dots Devices

Cederberg, Jeffrey G.; Cederberg, Jeffrey G.; Biefeld, Robert M.; Chow, Weng W.

Quantum dot nanostructures were investigated experimentally and theoretically for potential applications for optoelectronic devices. We have developed the foundation to produce state-of-the-art compound semiconductor nanostructures in a variety of materials: In(AsSb) on GaAs, GaSb on GaAs, and In(AsSb) on GaSb. These materials cover a range of energies from 1.2 to 0.7 eV. We have observed a surfactant effect in InAsSb nanostructure growth. Our theoretical efforts have developed techniques to look at the optical effects induced by many-body Coulombic interactions of carriers in active regions composed of quantum dot nanostructures. Significant deviations of the optical properties from those predicted by the ''atom-like'' quantum dot picture were discovered. Some of these deviations, in particular, those relating to the real part of the optical susceptibility, have since been observed in experiments.

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23 Results
23 Results