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Assessing the Accuracy of a Borehole-Controlled P-Wave Velocity Model of Yucca Flat, Nevada Using Large-N Seismic Data

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

Vieceli, Rhiannon E.; Abbott, Robert A.; Preston, Leiph A.

With geologic data from over 950 boreholes, Yucca Flat basin, residing on the Nevada National Security Site, has excellent borehole control on stratigraphy. These data were used to create a Geologic Framework Model (GFM) of the basin. Of these boreholes, 188 have corresponding downhole seismic survey data, which were used to determine average P-wave velocities of the geologic units and create a GFM seismostratigraphic model (GFM-SS). With the acquisition of six new active-source large-N datasets in Yucca Flat, we can now quantitatively assess the accuracy of the GFM-SS previously controlled only by borehole data. For each of the six datasets, we subset the GFM to the region of interest and create a forward model of P-wave travel times for the GFM-SS given the large-N source-receiver geometries. We first made trial-and-error adjustments to the unit velocities (while keeping the layer geometry intact) to improve the travel-time residuals. We then implemented a simulated annealing approach to find the optimal velocity model for each dataset. Our results indicate that the borehole-controlled model overestimates alluvium velocities across Yucca Flat. This result persists even when we make smaller GFM-SS models that are local to individual large-N experiments. We hypothesize that this result is a combination of shorter ray paths and the resulting lack of interaction with large-scale features (such as faults), as well as less attenuation of high frequencies in the borehole data. Both the current GFM-SS and the updated model based on median velocities that we present here overgeneralize local unit velocities, which can be quite heterogeneous in Yucca Flat.

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Quantitative assessment of Distributed Acoustic Sensing at the Source Physics Experiment (Phase II)

Porritt, Robert W.; Abbott, Robert A.; Poppeliers, Christian P.

In this report, we assess the data recorded by a Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) cable deployed during the Source Physics Experiment, Phase II (DAG) in comparison with the data recorded by nearby 4.5-Hz geophones. DAS is a novel recording method with unprecedented spatial resolution, but there are significant concerns around the data fidelity as the technology is ramped up to more common usage. Here we run a series of tests to quantify the similarity between DAS data and more conventional data and investigate cases where the higher spatial resolution of the DAS can provide new insights into the wavefield. These tests include 1D modeling with seismic refraction and bootstrap uncertainties, assessing the amplitude spectra with distance from the source, measuring the frequency dependent inter-station coherency, estimating time-dependent phase velocity with beamforming and semblance, and measuring the cross-correlation between the geophone and the particle velocity inferred from the DAS. In most cases, we find high similarity between the two datasets, but the higher spatial resolution of the DAS provides increased details and methods of estimating uncertainty.

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Quantitative assessment of Distributed Acoustic Sensing at the Source Physics Experiment, Phase II

Porritt, Robert W.; Abbott, Robert A.; Poppeliers, Christian P.

In this report, we assess the data recorded by a Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) cable deployed during the Source Physics Experiment, Phase II (DAG) in comparison with the data recorded by nearby 4.5-Hz geophones. DAS is a novel recording method with unprecedented spatial resolution, but there are significant concerns around the data fidelity as the technology is ramped up to more common usage. Here we run a series of tests to quantify the similarity between DAS data and more conventional data and investigate cases where the higher spatial resolution of the DAS can provide new insights into the wavefield. These tests include 1D modeling with seismic refraction and bootstrap uncertainties, assessing the amplitude spectra with distance from the source, measuring the frequency dependent inter-station coherency, estimating time-dependent phase velocity with beamforming and semblance, and measuring the cross-correlation between the geophone and the particle velocity inferred from the DAS. In most cases, we find high similarity between the two datasets, but the higher spatial resolution of the DAS provides increased details and methods of estimating uncertainty.

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Dense seismic array study of a legacy underground nuclear test at the nevada national security site

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

Onyango, Evans A.; Abbott, Robert A.; Worthington, Lindsay L.; Preston, Leiph A.

The complex postdetonation geologic structures that form after an underground nuclear explosion are hard to constrain because increased heterogeneity around the damage zone affects seismic waves that propagate through the explosion site. Generally, a vertical rub-ble-filled structure known as a chimney is formed after an underground nuclear explosion that is composed of debris that falls into the subsurface cavity generated by the explosion. Compared with chimneys that collapse fully, leaving a surface crater, partially collapsed chimneys can have remnant subsurface cavities left in place above collapsed rubble. The 1964 nuclear test HADDOCK, conducted at the Nevada test site (now the Nevada National Security Site), formed a partially collapsed chimney with no surface crater. Understanding the subsurface structure of these features has significant national security applications, such as aiding the study of suspected underground nuclear explosions under a treaty verification. In this study, we investigated the subsurface architecture of the HADDOCK legacy nuclear test using hybrid 2D–3D active source seismic reflection and refraction data. The seismic data were acquired using 275 survey shots from the Seismic Hammer (a 13,000 kg weight drop) and 65 survey shots from a smaller accelerated weight drop, both recorded by ∼ 1000 three-component 5 Hz geophones. First-arrival, P-wave tomographic modeling shows a low-velocity anomaly at ∼ 200 m depth, likely an air-filled cavity caused by partial collapse of the rock column into the temporary post-detonation cavity. A high-velocity anomaly between 20 and 60 m depth represents spall-related compaction of the shallow alluvium. Hints of low velocities are also present near the burial depth ( ∼ 364 m). The reflection seismic data show a prominent subhorizontal reflector at ∼ 300 m depth, a short-curved reflector at ∼ 200 m, and a high-amplitude reflector at ∼ 50 m depth. Comparisons of the reflection sections to synthetic data and borehole stratigraphy suggest that these features correspond to the alluvium–tuff contact, the partial collapse cavity, and the spalled layer, respectively.

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Comparison of PolSAR Surface Measurements from Underground Chemical Explosions to Recorded and Predicted Surface Ground Motion

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing

Yocky, David A.; West, Roger D.; Abbott, Robert A.

The Source Physics Experiment (SPE) Phase I conducted six underground chemical explosions at the same experimental pad with the goal of characterizing underground explosions to enhance the United States (U.S.) ability to detect and discriminate underground nuclear explosions (UNEs). A fully polarimetric synthetic aperture RADAR (PolSAR) collected imagery in VideoSAR mode during the fifth and sixth explosions in the series (SPE-5 and SPE-6). Previously, we reported the prompt PolSAR surface changes cause by SPE-5 and SPE-6 explosions within seconds or minutes of the underground chemical explosions, including a drop of spatial coherence and polarimetric scattering changes. Therein it was hypothesized that surface changes occurred when surface particles experienced upward acceleration greater than 1 g. Because the SPE site was instrumented with surface accelerometers, we explore that hypothesis and report our findings in this article. We equate explosion-caused prompt surface expressions measured by PolSAR to the prompt surface movement measured by accelerometers. We tie these findings to UNE detection by comparing the PolSAR and accelerometer results to empirical ground motion predictions derived from accelerometer recordings of UNEs collected prior to cessation of U.S. nuclear testing. We find the single threshold greater than 1 g hypothesis is not correct for it does not explain the PolSAR results. Our findings show PolSAR surface coherence spatial extent is highly correlated with surface velocity, both measured and predicted, and the resulting surface deformation extent is corroborated by accelerometer records and the predicted lateral spall extent. PolSAR scattering changes measured during SPE-6 are created by the prompt surface displacement being larger than the spall gap.

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Comparison of Surface Phenomena Created by Underground Chemical Explosions in Dry Alluvium and Granite Geology from Fully Polarimetric VideoSAR Data

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing

West, Roger D.; Abbott, Robert A.; Yocky, David A.

Phase I of the Source Physics Experiment (SPE) series involved six underground chemical explosions, all of which were conducted at the same experimental pad. Research from the sixth explosion of the series (SPE-6) demonstrated that polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) is a viable technology for monitoring an underground chemical explosion when the geologic structure is Cretaceous granitic intrusive. It was shown that a durable signal is measurable by the H/A/alpha polarimetric decomposition parameters. After the SPE-6 experiment, the SPE program moved to the Phase II location, which is composed of dry alluvium geology (DAG). The loss of wavefront energy is greater through dry alluvium than through granite. In this article, we compare the SPE-6 analysis to the second DAG (DAG-2) experiment. We hypothesize that despite the geology at the DAG site being more challenging than at the Phase I location, combined with the DAG-2 experiment having a 3.37 times deeper scaled depth of burial than the SPE-6, a durable nonprompt signal is still measurable by a PolSAR sensor. We compare the PolSAR time-series measures from videoSAR frames, from the SPE-6 and DAG-2 experiments, with accelerometer data. We show which PolSAR measures are invariant to the two types of geology and which are geology dependent. We compare a coherent change detection (CCD) map from the DAG-2 experiment with the data from a fiber-optic distributed acoustic sensor to show the connection between the spatial extent of coherence loss in CCD maps and spallation caused by the explosion. Finally, we also analyze the spatial extent of the PolSAR measures from both explosions.

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Recovery and calibration of legacy underground nuclear test seismic data from the Leo Brady seismic network

Seismological Research Letters

Young, Brian A.; Abbott, Robert A.

The Leo Brady Seismic Network (LBSN, originally the Sandia Seismic Network) was established in 1960 by Sandia National Laboratories to monitor underground nuclear tests (UGTs) at the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS, formerly named the Nevada Test Site). The LBSN has been in various configurations throughout its existence, but it has generally been comprised of four to six stations at regional distances (∼ 150-400 km) from the NNSS with approximately evenly spaced azimuthal coverage. Between 1962 and the end of nuclear testing in 1992, the LBSN-and a sister network operated by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories-was the most comprehensive United States source of regional seismic data of UGTs. Approximately 75% of all UGTs performed by the United States occurred in the predigital era. At that time, LBSN data were transmitted as frequency-modulated (FM) audio over telephone lines to a central location and recorded as analog waveforms on high-fidelity magnetic audio tapes. These tapes have been in dry temperature-stable storage for decades and contain the sole record of this irreplaceable data; full waveforms of LBSN-recorded UGTs from this era were not routinely digitized or otherwise published. We have developed a process to recover and calibrate data from these tapes. First, we play back and digitize the tapes as audio. Next, we demodulate the FM “audio” into individual waveforms. We then estimate the various instrument constants through careful measurement of “weight-lift” tests performed prior to each UGT on each instrument. Finally, these coefficients allow us to scale and shape the derived instrument response of the seismographs and compute poles and zeros. The result of this process is a digital record of the recorded seismic ground motion in a modern data format, stored in a searchable database. To date, we have digitized tapes from 592 UGTs.

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Near-Field Imaging of Shallow Chemical Detonations in Granite using Change Detection Methods of Borehole Seismic Data

Schwering, Paul C.; Hoots, Charles R.; Knox, Hunter A.; Abbott, Robert A.; Preston, Leiph A.

As part of the Source Physics Experiment (SPE) Phase I shallow chemical detonation series, multiple surface and borehole active-source seismic campaigns were executed to perform high- resolution imaging of seismic velocity changes in the granitic substrate. Cross-correlation data processing methods were implemented to efficiently and robustly perform semi-automated change detection of first-arrival times between campaigns. The change detection algorithm updates the arrival times, and consequently the velocity model, of each campaign. The resulting tomographic imagery reveals the evolution of the subsurface velocity structure as the detonations progressed. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors thank Dan Herold, Bob White, Kale Mc Lin, Ryan Emmit, Maggie Townsend, Curtis Obi, Fred Helsel, Rebekah Lee, Liam Toney, Matt Geuss, and Josh Feldman for their direct and invaluable contributions to this work. Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-mission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525. This paper describes objective technical results and analysis. Any subjective views or opinions that might be expressed in the paper do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Department of Energy or the United States Government. Note that a more detailed manuscript for this work is being prepared for publication in the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (BSSA).

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Test to Extract Soil Properties Using the Seismic HammerTM Active Seismic Source

Lee, Rebekah L.; Abbott, Robert A.

Geologic material properties are necessary parameters for ground motion modeling and are difficult and expensive to obtain via traditional methods. Alternative methods to estimate soil properties require a measurement of the ground's response to a force. A possible method of obtaining these measurements is active-source seismic surveys, but measurements of the ground response at the source must also be available. The potential of seismic sources to obtain soil properties is limited, however, by the repeatability of the source. Explosives, and hammer surveys are not repeatable because of variable ground coupling or swing strength. On the other hand, the Seismic Hammer TM (SH) is consistent in the amount of energy it inputs into the ground. In addition, it leaves large physical depressions as a result of ground compaction. The volume of ground compaction varies by location. Here, we hypothesize that physical depressions left in the earth by the SH correlate to energy recorded by nearby geophones, and therefore are a measurement of soil physical properties. Using measurements of the volume of shot holes, we compare the spatial distribution of the volume of ground compacted between the different shot locations. We then examine energy recorded by the nearest 50 geophones and compare the change in amplitude across hits at the same location. Finally, we use the percent difference between the energy recorded by the first and later hits at a location to test for a correlation to the volume of the shot depressions. We find that: * Ground compaction at the shot-depression does cluster geographically, but does not correlate to known surface features. * Energy recorded by nearby geophones reflects ground refusal after several hits. * There is no correlation to shot volume and changes in energy at particular shot locations. Deeper material properties (i.e. below the depth of surface compaction) may be contributing to the changes in energy propagation. * Without further processing of the data, shot-depression volumes are insufficient to understanding ground response to the SH. Without an accurate understanding of the ground response, we cannot extract material properties in conjunction with the SH survey. Additional processing including picking direct arrivals and static corrections may yield positive results.

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Improved moving window cross-spectral analysis for resolving large temporal seismic velocity changes in permafrost

Geophysical Research Letters

James, S.R.; Knox, Hunter A.; Abbott, Robert A.; Screaton, E.J.

Cross correlations of seismic noise can potentially record large changes in subsurface velocity due to permafrost dynamics and be valuable for long-term Arctic monitoring. We applied seismic interferometry, using moving window cross-spectral analysis (MWCS), to 2 years of ambient noise data recorded in central Alaska to investigate whether seismic noise could be used to quantify relative velocity changes due to seasonal active-layer dynamics. The large velocity changes (>75%) between frozen and thawed soil caused prevalent cycle-skipping which made the method unusable in this setting. We developed an improved MWCS procedure which uses a moving reference to measure daily velocity variations that are then accumulated to recover the full seasonal change. This approach reduced cycle-skipping and recovered a seasonal trend that corresponded well with the timing of active-layer freeze and thaw. This improvement opens the possibility of measuring large velocity changes by using MWCS and permafrost monitoring by using ambient noise.

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Evaluation and correction of timing inconsistencies from the Thor 1 and Thor 2 experiments at the Nevada National Security Site

Phillips-Alonge, Kristin E.; Abbott, Robert A.; O'Rourke, William T.

Active source seismic data was collected at the Nevada National Security Site using the Seismic Hammer(TM) (SH), under contract from HK Exploration. The SH generates a seismic pulse by dropping a 13 metric ton mass from a height of 1.5 m. Post-survey evaluation of collected data revealed inconsistencies in shot trigger time that required additional analysis and correction using cross-correlation and/or time shifts derived from manual picks of trigger times. While the primary analysis for which this data set was collected is independent of the knowledge of shot trigger time, other processing methods require highly precise knowledge of the trigger time. In order to make the Thor data set more usable to the larger community, additional work was undertaken. Results using the preferred method of cross-correlation were found to be satisfactory. An improved timing fiducial approach is required to reduce timing errors.

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Permafrost Active Layer Seismic Interferometry Experiment (PALSIE)

Abbott, Robert A.; Knox, Hunter A.; James, Stephanie J.; Lee, Rebekah L.; Cole, Chris C.

We present findings from a novel field experiment conducted at Poker Flat Research Range in Fairbanks, Alaska that was designed to monitor changes in active layer thickness in real time. Results are derived primarily from seismic data streaming from seven Nanometric Trillium Posthole seismometers directly buried in the upper section of the permafrost. The data were evaluated using two analysis methods: Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) and ambient noise seismic interferometry. Results from the HVSR conclusively illustrated the method's effectiveness at determining the active layer's thickness with a single station. Investigations with the multi-station method (ambient noise seismic interferometry) are continuing at the University of Florida and have not yet conclusively determined active layer thickness changes. Further work continues with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to determine if the ground based measurements can constrain satellite imagery, which provide measurements on a much larger spatial scale.

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80 Results
80 Results