
89 Results
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Failure of a lithium-filled target and some implications for fusion components

Fusion Engineering and Design

Nygren, Richard E.; Youchison, D.L.; Michael, Joseph R.; Puskar, J.D.; Lutz, Thomas J.

In preparation for testing a lithium-helium heat exchanger at Sandia, unexpected rapid failure of the mild steel lithium preheater due to liquid metal embrittlement occurred when lithium at ~400 °C flowed into the preheater then at ~200 °C. This happened before the helium system was pressurized or heating with electron beams began. The paper presents an analysis of the preheater plus a discussion of some implications for fusion.

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Power deposition on a tungsten leading edge in a DIII-D He plasma

Nuclear Materials and Energy

Nygren, Richard E.; Watkins, J.G.; Lasnier, C.J.; Abrams, T.; Rudakov, D.L.; Barton, J.L.

The 2016 DIII-D DiMES tungsten (W) leading edge experiment in support of ITER studied heat loads in helium (He) plasmas with ELMs and compound ELMs (C-ELMs). The regime was close to the threshold for L-mode to H-mode transitions. In shots with ECH, C-ELMs produced in H-L back-transitions dominated the transient particle exhaust. Their duration (10–20 ms) was much longer than regular ELMs, and their heat loads higher by 2–3 times. The C-ELMS reduced the plasma density significantly, and some triggered (automated) gas puffing. This regime, with high particle and heat exhaust, may have relevance for He plasmas in ITER's start-up phase. Regular ELMs occurred during neutral beam (NB) powered shots. This paper describes new analyses on heat loads during and between C-ELMs in ECH-powered shot 166843. The results are generally consistent with a geometric solution for the parallel heat load at the plasma edge striking the leading edge. The power in the C-ELMs is sufficient to cause a temperature rise of ∼

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Advanced manufacturing—A transformative enabling capability for fusion

Fusion Engineering and Design

Nygren, Richard E.; Dehoff, Ryan R.; Youchison, Dennis L.; Katoh, Yutai; Wang, Y.M.; Spadaccini, Charles M.; Henager, Charles H.; Schunk, Randy; Keicher, David M.; Roach, R.A.; Smith, Mark F.; Buchenauer, D.A.

Additive Manufacturing (AM) can create novel and complex engineered material structures. Features such as controlled porosity, micro-fibers and/or nano-particles, transitions in materials and integral robust coatings can be important in developing solutions for fusion subcomponents. A realistic understanding of this capability would be particularly valuable in identifying development paths. Major concerns for using AM processes with lasers or electron beams that melt powder to make refractory parts are the power required and residual stresses arising in fabrication. A related issue is the required combination of lasers or e-beams to continue heating of deposited material (to reduce stresses) and to deposit new material at a reasonable built rate while providing adequate surface finish and resolution for meso-scale features. Some Direct Write processes that can make suitable preforms and be cured to an acceptable density may offer another approach for PFCs.

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Liquid surfaces for fusion plasma facing components—A critical review. Part I: Physics and PSI

Nuclear Materials and Energy

Nygren, Richard E.; Tabarés, F.L.

This review of the potential of robust plasma facing components (PFCs) with liquid surfaces for applications in future D/T fusion device summarizes the critical issues for liquid surfaces and research being done worldwide in confinement facilities, and supporting R&D in plasma surface interactions. In the paper are a set of questions and related criteria by which we will judge the progress and readiness of liquid surface PFCs. Part-II (separate paper) will cover R&D on the technology-oriented aspects of liquid surfaces including the liquid surfaces as integrated first walls in tritium breeding blankets, tritium retention and recovery, and safety.

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A new vision of plasma facing components

Fusion Engineering and Design

Nygren, Richard E.; Youchison, Dennis L.; Wirth, Brian D.; Snead, Lance L.

This paper advances a vision for plasma facing components (PFCs) that includes the following points. The solution for plasma facing materials likely consists of engineered structures in which the layer of plasma facing material (PFM) is integrated with an engineered structure that cools the PFM and may also transition with graded composition. The key to achieving this PFC architecture will likely lie in advanced manufacturing methods, e.g., additive manufacturing, that can produce layers with controlled porosity and features such as micro-fibers and/or nano-particles that can collect He and transmutation products, limit tritium retention, and do all this in a way that maintains adequate robustness for a satisfactory lifetime. This vision has significant implications for how we structure a development program.

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Flow instabilities in refractory metal, porous media, helium-cooled plasma facing components

Proceedings - Symposium on Fusion Engineering

Youchison, Dennis L.; Nygren, Richard E.

Past numerical investigations of the performance of porous media to enhance heat transfer in helium-cooled devices neglected the susceptibility of multi-channel heat sinks to parallel flow instabilities even though experimental evidence suggests it may be a problem for narrow channel devices. In previous work, our simulations have shown that helium micro-jets do not experience changes in flow distribution due to non-uniform heating. However, jets are difficult to fabricate for large area refractory metal components. The same is not true for narrow channel devices filled with porous media. Although these refractory devices are easier to fabricate, the effects of downstream hot gas expansion can influence the incoming flow distribution in multi-channel configurations.

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Sandia non-fusion R&D supported by FES

Nygren, Richard E.

Until 2012, Sandia participated regularly in non-fusion R&D that was supported primarily through our collaborations with companies in the DOE program for Small Business Innovative Research but also in some work-for-others contracts. In this work, funds were recovered from collaborating institutions for the staff time and materials used, but FES had supported the facility itself and in doing so enabled the contributions to the non-fusion R&D below.

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NSTX plasma response to lithium coated divertor

Journal of Nuclear Materials

Kugel, H.W.; Bell, M.G.; Allain, J.P.; Bell, R.E.; Ding, S.; Gerhardt, S.P.; Jaworski, M.A.; Kaita, R.; Kallman, J.; Kaye, S.M.; Leblanc, B.P.; Maingi, R.; Majeski, R.; Maqueda, R.; Mansfield, D.K.; Mueller, D.; Nygren, Richard E.; Paul, S.F.; Raman, R.; Roquemore, A.L.; Sabbagh, S.A.; Schneider, H.; Skinner, C.H.; Soukhanovskii, V.A.; Taylor, C.N.; Timberlake, J.R.; Wampler, W.R.; Zakharov, L.E.; Zweben, S.J.

NSTX experiments have explored lithium evaporated on a graphite divertor and other plasma-facing components in both L- and H- mode confinement regimes heated by high-power neutral beams. Improvements in plasma performance have followed these lithium depositions, including a reduction and eventual elimination of the HeGDC time between discharges, reduced edge neutral density, reduced plasma density, particularly in the edge and the SOL, increased pedestal electron and ion temperature, improved energy confinement and the suppression of ELMs in the H-mode. However, with improvements in confinement and suppression of ELMs, there was a significant secular increase in the effective ion charge Zeff and the radiated power in H-mode plasmas as a result of increases in the carbon and medium-Z metallic impurities. Lithium itself remained at a very low level in the plasma core, <0.1%. Initial results are reported from operation with a Liquid Lithium Divertor (LLD) recently installed. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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High heat flux testing of a helium-cooled tungsten tube with porous foam

Fusion Engineering and Design

Youchison, Dennis L.; Lutz, Thomas J.; Williams, B.; Nygren, Richard E.

Utramet, Inc. fabricated one-piece heat exchanger tubes of chemical vapor deposited (CVD) tungsten (W), each with an internal porous mesh fused along either 51 or 38 mm of the axial length of a tube 15 mm in outer diameter. The open porous mesh has a structure of joined ligaments that combines relatively low resistance to flow and a large area for heat transfer. In tests at the Electron Beam Test Stand (EBTS) at Sandia National Laboratories, the maximum absorbed heat load was 22.4 MW/m2 with helium at 4 MPa, flowing at 27 g/s and with inlet and outlet temperatures of 40 and 91 °C and a pressure drop of ∼0.07 MPa. The preparation and testing of the samples was funded through a Phase I grant by the US Department of Energy's Small Business Innovation Research Program. The paper reports the surface temperature distribution indicated by an infrared camera, test conditions, a post-test examination in a scanning electron microscope and other details. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Features of plasma sprayed beryllium armor for the ITER first wall

Journal of Nuclear Materials

Nygren, Richard E.; Youchison, Dennis L.; Hollis, K.J.

Two water-cooled mockups with CuCrZr heat sinks and plasma sprayed beryllium (PS Be) armor, 5 and 10 mm thick respectively, were fabricated at Los Alamos National Laboratory and thermally cycled at Sandia at 1 and 2 MW/m2. The castellated surface of the CuCrZr mechanically locked the armor. The resulting PS Be morphology controlled cracking during thermal cycling. Post test examinations showed transverse cracks perpendicular to the surface of the armor that would relieve thermal stresses but not degrade heat transfer. The mockups and two others previously produced for the European Fusion Development Agreement had somewhat porous armor, with a thermal conductivity estimated to be about 1/4 that of fully dense beryllium, due to the low (600-650 °C) substrate temperature during deposition specifically requested by EFDA to avoid subsequent heat treating of CuCrZr. Some melting of the armor was expected and observed in the tests. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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ITER first wall Module 18 - The US effort

Fusion Engineering and Design

Nygren, Richard E.; Ulrickson, M.A.; Tanaka, T.J.; Youchison, Dennis L.; Lutz, Thomas J.; Bullock, J.; Hollis, K.J.

The US will supply outboard Module 18 for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor. This module, radially thinner than other modules with a "nose" that curves radially outward to mate with the divertor, has the potential for high electromagnetic (EM) loads from vertical displacement events and high heat loads. The 316LN-IG shield block and first wall (FW) panels must be slotted to mitigate the EM loads and progress in developing the design is summarized. The FW has beryllium (Be) armor joined to a water-cooled CuCrZr heat sink with embedded 316LN-IG cooling channels. The US Team is considering possible fabrication methods as the design develops. Brief results of high heat flux experiments at Sandia on mockups with plasma-sprayed Be armor prepared at Los Alamos National Laboratory are noted. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Design integration of liquid surface divertors

Fusion Engineering and Design

Nygren, Richard E.; Cowgill, D.F.; Ulrickson, M.A.; Nelson, B.E.; Fogarty, P.J.; Rognlien, T.D.; Rensink, M.E.; Hassancin, A.; Smolentsev, S.S.; Kotschenreuther, M.

The US Enabling Technology Program in fusion is investigating the use of free flowing liquid surfaces facing the plasma. We have been studying the issues in integrating a liquid surface divertor into a configuration based upon an advanced tokamak, specifically the ARIES-RS configuration. The simplest form of such a divertor is to extend the flow of the liquid first wall into the divertor and thereby avoid introducing additional fluid streams. In this case, one can modify the flow above the divertor to enhance thermal mixing. For divertors with flowing liquid metals (or other electrically conductive fluids) MHD (magneto-hydrodynamics) effects are a major concern and can produce forces that redirect flow and suppress turbulence. An evaluation of Flibe (a molten salt) as a working fluid was done to assess a case in which the MHD forces could be largely neglected. Initial studies indicate that, for a tokamak with high power density, an integrated Flibe first wall and divertor does not seem workable. We have continued work with molten salts and replaced Flibe with Flinabe, a mixture of lithium, sodium and beryllium fluorides, that has some potential because of its lower melting temperature. Sn and Sn-Li have also been considered, and the initial evaluations on heat removal with minimal plasma contamination show promise, although the complicated 3D MHD flows cannot yet be fully modeled. Particle pumping in these design concepts is accomplished by conventional means (ports and pumps). However, trapping of hydrogen in these flowing liquids seems plausible and novel concepts for entrapping helium are also being studied. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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A fusion reactor design with a liquid first wall and divertor

Fusion Engineering and Design

Nygren, Richard E.; Rognlien, T.D.; Rensink, M.E.; Smolentsev, S.S.; Youssef, M.Z.; Sawan, M.E.; Merrill, B.J.; Eberle, C.; Fogarty, P.J.; Nelson, B.E.; Sze, D.K.; Majeski, R.

Within the magnetic fusion energy program in the US, a program called APEX is investigating the use of free flowing liquid surfaces to form the inner surface of the chamber around the plasma. As part of this work, the APEX Team has investigated several possible design implementations and developed a specific engineering concept for a fusion reactor with liquid walls. Our approach has been to utilize an already established design for a future fusion reactor, the ARIES-RS, for the basic chamber geometry and magnetic configuration, and to replace the chamber technology in this design with liquid wall technology for a first wall and divertor and a blanket with adequate tritium breeding. This paper gives an overview of one design with a molten salt (a mixture of lithium, beryllium and sodium fluorides) forming the liquid surfaces and a ferritic steel for the structural material of the blanket. The design point is a reactor with 3840 MW of fusion power of which 767 MW is in the form of energetic particles (alpha power) and 3073 MW is in the form of neutrons. The alpha plus auxiliary power total 909 MW of which 430 MW is radiated from the core mostly onto the first wall and the balance flows into the edge plasma and is distributed between the first wall and the divertor. In pursuing the application of liquid surfaces in APEX, the team has developed analytical tools that are significant achievements themselves and also pursued experiments on flowing liquids. This work is covered elsewhere, but the paper will also note several such areas to indicate the supporting science behind the design presented. Significant new work in modeling the plasma edge to understand the interaction of the plasma with the liquid walls is one example. Another is the incorporation of magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) effects in fluid modeling and heat transfer. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Liquid metal integrated test system (LIMITS)

Fusion Engineering and Design

Tanaka, T.J.; Bauer, F.J.; Lutz, Thomas J.; McDonald, Jimmie M.; Nygren, Richard E.; Troncosa, K.P.; Ulrickson, M.A.; Youchison, Dennis L.

This paper describes the liquid metal integrated test system (LIMITS) at Sandia National Laboratories1. This system was designed to study the flow of molten metals and salts in a vacuum as a preliminary study for flowing liquid surfaces inside of magnetic fusion reactors. The system consists of a heated furnace with attached centrifugal pump, a vacuum chamber, and a transfer chamber for storage and addition of fresh material. Diagnostics include an electromagnetic flow meter, a high temperature pressure transducer, and an electronic level meter. Many ports in the vacuum chamber allow testing the thermal behavior of the flowing liquids heated with an electron beam or study of the effect of a magnetic field on motion of the liquid. Some preliminary tests have been performed to determine the effect of a static magnetic field on stream flow from a nozzle. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Thermal modeling of W rod armor

Nygren, Richard E.

Sandia has developed and tested mockups armored with W rods over the last decade and pioneered the initial development of W rod armor for International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) in the 1990's. We have also developed 2D and 3D thermal and stress models of W rod-armored plasma facing components (PFCs) and test mockups and are applying the models to both short pulses, i.e. edge localized modes (ELMs), and thermal performance in steady state for applications in C-MOD, DiMES testing and ITER. This paper briefly describes the 2D and 3D models and their applications with emphasis on modeling for an ongoing test program that simulates repeated heat loads from ITER ELMs.

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Thermal modeling of the Sandia Flinabe (LiF-BeF2-NaF) experiment

Nygren, Richard E.

An experiment at Sandia National Laboratories confirmed that a ternary salt (Flinabe, a ternary mixture of LiF, BeF{sub 2} and NaF) had a sufficiently low melting temperature ({approx}305 C) to be useful for first wall and blanket applications using flowing molten salts that were investigated in the Advanced Power Extraction (APEX) Program.[1] In the experiment, the salt pool was contained in a stainless steel crucible under vacuum. One thermocouple was placed in the salt and two others were embedded in the crucible. The results and observations from the experiment are reported in the companion paper.[2] The paper presented here will cover a 3-D finite element thermal analysis of the salt pool and crucible. The analysis was done to evaluate the thermal gradients in the salt pool and crucible and to compare the temperatures of the three thermocouples. One salt mixture appeared to melt and to solidify as a eutectic with a visible plateau in the cooling curve (i. e, time versus temperature for the thermocouple in the salt pool). This behavior was reproduced with the thermal model. Cases were run with several values of the thermal conductivity and latent heat of fusion to see the parametric effects of these changes on the respective cooling curves. The crucible was heated by an electrical heater in an inverted well at the base of the crucible. It lost heat primarily by radiation from the outer surfaces of the crucible and the top surface of the salt. The primary independent factors in the model were the emissivity of the crucible (and of the salt) and the fraction of the heater power coupled into the crucible. The model was 'calibrated' using (thermocouple) data and heating power from runs in which the crucible contained no salt.

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Effects of ion beam assisted deposition, beam sharing and pivoting in EB-PVD processing of graded thermal barrier coatings

Surface and Coatings Technology

Youchison, Dennis L.; Gallis, Michail A.; Nygren, Richard E.; McDonald, Jimmie M.; Lutz, Thomas J.

The development of advanced thermal barrier coatings of yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) that exhibit lower thermal conductivity through better control of electron beam-physical vapor deposition (EB-PVD) processing is of prime interest to both the aerospace and power industries. Recently, processing technology was developed to create graded TBCs by coupling ion beam assisted deposition (IBAD) with substrate pivoting in the alumina-YSZ system. The Electron Beam-1200 kW (EB-1200) PVD system was used to deposit a variety of TBC coatings with micron layered microstructures and reduced thermal conductivity of 1.5 W/mK. The use of IBAD produced fully stoichiometric coatings at a reduced substrate temperature of 600 °C and a reduced oxygen background pressure of 0.1 Pa. In addition to the process technology, the results of Direct Simulation Monte Carlo plume modeling and spectroscopic characterization of the PVD plumes are presented. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Recent High Heat Flux Tests on W-Rod-Armored Mockups

Nygren, Richard E.; Youchison, Dennis L.; McDonald, Jimmie M.; Lutz, Thomas J.; Miszkiel, Mark E.

In the authors initial high heat flux tests on small mockups armored with W rods, done in the small electron beam facility (EBTS) at Sandia National Laboratories, the mockups exhibited excellent thermal performance. However, to reach high heat fluxes, they reduced the heated area to only a portion ({approximately}25%) of the sample. They have now begun tests in their larger electron beam facility, EB 1200, where the available power (1.2 MW) is more than enough to heat the entire surface area of the small mockups. The initial results indicate that, at a given power, the surface temperatures of rods in the EB 1200 tests is somewhat higher than was observed in the EBTS tests. Also, it appears that one mockup (PW-10) has higher surface temperatures than other mockups with similar height (10mm) W rods, and that the previously reported values of absorbed heat flux on this mockup were too high. In the tests in EB 1200 of a second mockup, PW-4, absorbed heat fluxes of {approximately}22MW/m{sup 2} were reached but the corresponding surface temperatures were somewhat higher than in EBTS. A further conclusion is that the simple 1-D model initially used in evaluating some of the results from the EBTS testing was not adequate, and 3-D thermal modeling will be needed to interpret the results.

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Proceedings of 1999 U.S./Japan Workshop (99FT-05) On High Heat Flux Components and Plasma Surface Interactions for Next Fusion Devices

Nygren, Richard E.; Stavros, Diana T.

The 1999 US-Japan Workshop on High Heat Flux Components and Plasma Surface Interactions in Next Step Fusion Devices was held at the St. Francis Hotel in Santa Fe, New Mexico, on November 1-4, 1999. There were 42 presentations as well as discussion on technical issues and planning for future collaborations. The participants included 22 researchers from Japan and the United States as well as seven researchers from Europe and Russia. There have been important changes in the programs in both the US and Japan in the areas of plasma surface interactions and plasma facing components. The US has moved away from a strong focus on the ITER Project and has introduced new programs on use of liquid surfaces for plasma facing components, and operation of NSTX has begun. In Japan, the Large Helical Device began operation. This is the first large world-class confinement device operating in a magnetic configuration different than a tokamak. In selecting the presentations for this workshop, the organizers sought a balance between research in laboratory facilities or confinement devices related to plasma surface interactions and experimental research in the development of plasma facing components. In discussions about the workshop itself, the participants affirmed their preference for a setting where ''work-in-progress'' could be informally presented and discussed.

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89 Results
89 Results